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Waking Her Bear: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy with Witches, Werebears, and Werewolves (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 8)

Page 17

by Vella Day

  That made her smile. Zane had such a gentle way of coaxing any bad mood out of her. “I guess I should finish undressing, huh?”

  His eyes changed to a beautiful amber color. “How about I help?”

  “I’d like that.”

  Just as Zane reached around her back to undo the tie at her waist, she reached up and kissed him. Emotions swamped her. She forced aside the possibility that this could be the last time she made love with him, and instead, embraced the idea that this would be the most amazing night of her life. She’d never been afraid of a shifter’s bite nor of changing into an animal. She’d seen it happen enough to know it was a natural thing.

  Zane dropped her top on the floor and delved his tongue farther into her mouth, acting as if he wanted to connect with her on the deepest level. Her loved poured out as she ran her hands up his back.

  He broke the kiss. “I can’t wait any longer. I’m about to go insane if I don’t have you.”

  She wanted him too. Both reached for the zipper on her shorts at the same time, but Missy blocked his hands. “I can do it faster.”


  She kicked off her shoes and was out of her shorts and panties in seconds. Not wanting to wait, she jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “You’re asking for trouble, my little witch.”

  “You’re right about that.”

  A second later, Zane’s lips were upon hers, and bolts of pleasure encompassed her. Blue sparks flew off her arms as his amulet glowed red. Wanting him to suck on her tits, she leaned back. Zane grunted then pounced, drawing first the right breast and then the left into his mouth. “I need my hands to touch you,” he said between licks.

  He walked them over to the sofa and set her down. “Touch me all you want.”

  “Oh, I plan to.” Zane crawled on top of her and slid down between her thighs. His legs hung over the end of the sofa, but he didn’t seem to mind. Zane cupped both of her breasts and kneaded them. “I love these.”

  “Show me how much.” Missy had never been this bold before, but with Zane she had no problem. Exploring the world with him would be such a high.

  Pressing on the sides of her tits, he returned to sucking her taut nipple. Sparks turned into a blue glow. Just like his necklace, her orb pulsed with pleasure. His swirling tongue and gentle massage heightened her excitement beyond anything she had ever experienced. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled him upward, signaling she was ready.

  Zane took the hint and seated himself into position. He gazed deep into her eyes and then he kissed her hard. She hoped he didn’t have any regrets because she surely didn’t.

  With her arms around his neck, he plunged into her. Heat seared her insides, and bliss consumed her. Missy dropped her head back and willed him to ride her hard, loving every thick inch of him.

  Every time he drove into her, his amulet bounced on her shoulder. Zane must have thought it was distracting because he tossed it behind his back. No one was more considerate or kind than this man. His lips met hers again, and his desperation and grunts had her aura growing larger and larger with each second.

  He dragged his lips down her chin and across the hollow of her throat. Her heart pounded believing the moment was near for them to fully mate. There would be no turning back now, but never in her life was she surer of anything.

  “Now, Zane,” she pleaded.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “Now and forever.”

  A second later, his sharpened teeth dug into her neck, but it wasn’t more than a pinch. What she did feel was an intense swelling of love and overwhelming joy. Her aura surrounded both of them, signaling her acceptance, and with the next thrust, her orgasm swooped in hard and claimed her. She dug her nails into his shoulders and opened her mouth to draw in air. Her vision spun, and for a moment, she thought she might shift right there. It didn’t matter the white moon hadn’t arrived.

  Zane’s hot seed filled her, and her blue orb intensified, their cocoon of love holding much hope. His amulet had dropped back over his shoulder onto his chest and was glowing with the brightest shade of red she had ever seen, proving that the mating had joined their souls together forever and that their love bound their hearts for eternity.

  She wasn’t sure how long he held her. One minute she’d started to doze off, and the next, water was running. Zane came over and cleaned her up.

  He then lifted her up in his arms and sat down with her on his lap, holding her close as he rubbed his hand along the outside of her thigh. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  “No, never.” She tapped his shoulder. “Can you lean forward for a sec?”

  He did. “Did a mark appear?”

  On his upper left shoulder blade sat a circle with a bear paw in the middle. But the most amazing part was the green vine running through it. “Yes! I hope it looks like mine.”

  Missy showed him her back. Zane ran a finger over the marking. “That’s incredible. On Cargonia, we don’t blend our markings.”

  He’d said that. She turned back toward him. “That makes our joining all the more special.”

  “You got that right. That’s the correct way to say it, no?”

  She laughed, loving everything about this man. “Totally.”

  Chapter Twenty


  The white moon was fast approaching, and Vinea didn’t want to stay in this realm any longer than necessary. First, she needed to find this demon, and the best way to learn about any newcomer was at McKinnon’s Pub and Pool. She could only hope that Devon wouldn’t decide to stop in since she wasn’t ready to speak with him.

  To ensure he didn’t recognize her—or anyone else who’d interacted with her—she changed her appearance once more. This time she wore her hair dark and very short. To completely throw people off, she put on a business suit—something she never would have done under normal circumstances—more proof that she was desperate.

  Vinea walked into the bar and scoped out the place. It was still early, which suited her fine. What customers were in there, were in the back playing pool. It was too bad her realm didn’t have a place like this—a bar where she could learn the popular game. If Androf expected his people to blend into this realm and do his dirty work, he should give them skills—like teach them to shoot pool and play golf.

  Whatever. Gods of the dark realm weren’t known for thinking of others. It was their shortsightedness that kept the balance of good versus evil in favor of the gods of the light. Perhaps when she returned from this mission victorious, she’d mention it to him.

  Sliding onto the bar stool, she waved to the bartender.

  “What can I get you?” The name on his tag read Finn.

  “Whatever you have on tap.”

  Finn smiled. “Coming right up.”

  While she waited for her drink, she rehearsed her story, hoping this Finn person would buy it.

  “Here ya go. Do you want to run a tab?” he asked.

  While he was cute, and she wouldn’t mind a hot diversion from being in this town, she didn’t have time. “No, but I do have a question. I hope you can help me.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “I was supposed to meet with a client yesterday, but my plane was delayed by a day. I was hoping he might have stopped in here. I imagine he’d be upset that I didn’t call, but I couldn’t find his number.” Vinea tossed him her sexiest look.

  “What’s his name?”

  She only knew him by Raymolt, but she could toss out any name. “He’s working undercover, but he usually goes by Raymond Jeffers. He’s maybe six feet five, has short dark hair, and is rather thick.” She patted her stomach, hoping she guessed it correctly.

  Finn waved a finger at her. “I did see someone like that. I think he said he was staying at the Silver Lake Motel. You might try asking them there.”

  “Thanks, sweetie.” She tossed back her beer then winked. Vinea then placed a five on the counter. “Keep the change.”

earing she was already too memorable, she slid off the stool and walked out. Next stop? The hotel. She hadn’t thought the demon would be so bold as to stay in one, but if he was like the other demons she’d met, he was arrogant to the point of being stupid. All the better for her.


  Missy insisted she drop Zane off at the fire station the next day. He’d said that the demon wouldn’t attack if a lot of people were around—and the firehouse was never empty.

  “Be careful,” she said.

  Zane leaned over and kissed her. “I promise. But you need to be careful too.”

  While he had a smile on his face, his words cut deep. “Why?”

  “What better way to get to me than through you?”

  A tight band squeezed her chest, but she attempted to act unaffected. She didn’t need Zane taking a day off just to babysit her. “Then I’ll be extra careful.”

  After Zane kissed her again and slipped out, she waited until he was inside before taking off. Back at the Crystal Winds Spa, she parked in front rather than in the back alley.

  Teagan was at the front desk, but the back room was dark. “Hey, Mom’s not in yet?”

  “She came and left for an early appointment.”

  Her mind must have scrambled. “I remember her telling me. Thanks.” Needing to speak with Ophelia, she called her sister hoping she could help. Thank goodness it was final exam week and Izzy didn’t have to be at school today.

  “What’s up?” Izzy said.

  “Mom’s out somewhere, and I need to speak with Ophelia again. Is there any way you can ask her for me?”

  “I can try to contact her. Are you okay?”

  She couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Not really.”

  “Oh, Missy. Why don’t you come over and tell me. I’m sure Mom will understand if you come in a little late. Teagan’s working today, right?”

  “Yes. I’m here now. I’ll ask her if she minds. If she doesn’t, I’ll be right over. You sure I won’t be bothering you on your day off?”

  “No! I’m happy for the company. It’s not like I can go out for a jog or anything.”

  That made her smile. “Thanks.”

  Teagan looked up from the counter. “Everything okay?”

  “Not really. Can you do me a huge favor?”


  “I don’t have anyone scheduled for a massage this morning, and I really need to speak with Ophelia. Izzy said she might be able to arrange it, but I wanted to discuss it with her first. Would it be okay to take off for an hour or so, assuming she can meet with me?”

  “Of course, but what’s wrong?”

  “I promise I’ll give you every detail once I see Ophelia. The short version is that Zane is in trouble, and we believe a demon came here to Silver Lake to kill him.”

  Her hand flew to her chest. “That’s terrible, but what can Ophelia do?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m hoping she can teach me a spell to use on this demon. He’s way more powerful than Zane, and I want to give him a fighting chance.”

  “Why not ask Sam Pompley to help? He can alter a man’s mind.”

  “There’s no telling when the demon will make his move, and I can’t ask him to follow him around for the next few weeks, especially if he’s on assignment. Besides, even if Sam could alter the demon’s mind, we need him gone. I’m hoping some kind of spell will send him back where he came from.” Or kill him.

  “You might be right. Ophelia is your best bet. I know a lot of spells, but they are only for shifters and witches in this realm.”

  Missy leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thanks. I’ll try not to be long.”

  When Missy arrived at her sister’s, she knocked and went in. Izzy was on the sofa looking more uncomfortable by the day. “How’s Logan doing?”

  Izzy placed a hand on her belly. “He’s becoming more anxious to meet us.”

  “I’m sure he is.”

  Izzy patted the seat next to her. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Zane’s in trouble, really big trouble.”

  She sat up straighter and winced. “What kind of trouble?”

  Missy started with the regatta and how Zane jumped up and raced off when his amulet turned black in the middle. “He didn’t see this demon Raymolt, but he’s pretty sure he’s here.”

  “And you think he plans to kill Zane?”

  “Yes.” She explained how demons from Cargonia are very powerful. “Rarely does a shifter survive an encounter.”

  “I guess it’s the same with our shifters and humans.”

  “At least our humans can own guns. Zane doesn’t think anything can stop this guy. That’s why I need to speak with Ophelia. I’m hoping she can teach me some kind of spell to put on him.”

  Izzy nodded. “That’s smart. I contacted her right after I hung up with you; she said to go back to my old house as soon as you can, and she’ll meet you there.”

  Missy hugged Izzy. “I owe you big time.”

  “I just want you to be happy.”

  Wanting to share her one good piece of news, she twisted around and lowered the collar of her shirt. “Can you see it?”

  “Is that a paw print over your vine?” Excitement laced her voice.


  “Oh, Missy. You don’t know how happy this makes me. I didn’t think you’d ever find your mate.”

  Chuckling, she faced her sister again. “If Naliana arranged this, she clearly had to look far and wide.”

  “I have no idea how she knows who belongs with whom, but all that matters is that you’re happy.”

  “I am.”

  “You better get going. You don’t want to keep Ophelia waiting.”

  “No.” Missy gave her sister one last hug before heading out.

  It didn’t take long for her to reach Izzy’s old house. Like before, Missy parked close to the forested area and eased out of her car. She didn’t see Ophelia, but she suspected the old woman liked it that way.

  As Missy walked toward the trees, Ophelia appeared. If she didn’t know better, she’d say this witch had some goddess blood in her. “Thank you for meeting with me.”

  “Nonsense, I can always use the company.”

  Something seemed amiss. Ophelia wasn’t this straightforward or friendly. “Thank you.”

  “It’s about your young time traveler, isn’t it? He’s in trouble.”

  How did she do that? Witch or no witch, it was spooky how she could read a person’s mind. “Yes.”

  Missy went through the scenario once more, and the old lady listened carefully.

  “What do you think I can do?” Ophelia asked. “Surely, I’m too old to fight this demon myself.”

  Missy wouldn’t put anything past Ophelia. “Is there any way you can teach me a spell that would kill him?”

  Ophelia slipped her hand in her pocket, pulled out a small burlap sack, and handed it to Missy. “This might help.”


  Vinea shook her head. The demon wasn’t as smart as he thought he was, unless he had used his real name in the hopes Zane would come looking for him. In that case, Vinea had to admire his resourcefulness.

  Once she learned his room number, she took the elevator to the second floor and knocked on the demon’s door.

  As if he was expecting someone, he opened up right away but then huffed out a breath, implying he had been waiting for Zane. “Yes?”

  His haughty chin lift pissed her off. “May I come in?”

  “Do I know you?” Once more the arrogance galled her.

  “No, but you’ll be glad when you do.”

  He puffed out his chest and rose to his full height. Really? He was trying to intimidate her? Vinea vaporized and moved inside his room before reappearing behind him. She tapped him on the shoulder, forcing the demon to whip around. “How—?”

  “Close the door. I’m here about Zanedar.”

  A flash of something crossed his face, but it was too quick to tell whether it was fear or exc
itement. “You know where he is?”

  “Don’t you? What kind of demon are you?”

  If he had horns, they’d be sprouting right now. “How dare you talk to me like that? Why I could twist you in two and reduce you to rubble.”

  She shook her head. “Sit down and stop making promises you can’t keep. And that’s goddess Vinea to you.”

  The man actually paled. “My apologies, goddess.”

  Like she believed that. “I’ve been sent here to see that Zanedar doesn’t remain in this realm. My superiors feel he might be a threat.”

  “What kind of threat?”

  “Does it matter?” This demon was such a dolt.

  “I guess not, but I have no intention of sending him back. He killed my brother, and I want him dead.”

  That wasn’t the plan, but she wasn’t above improvising. “Fine. You can kill him. As long as he can’t talk, I think my gods will be happy.”

  He huffed out a laugh, acting as if she had no power over him. “How can you help me? I can handle that puny shifter all by myself.”

  “If that were the case, you would have drawn him out and killed him already.”

  Raymolt turned toward the window and peered out. “He’s never alone.”

  “Then we need to make sure he is.”

  Raymolt faced her again. “How?”

  “I have a plan.”

  “I’m listening.”


  Vinea was rather pleased with the way her discussion with Raymolt had turned out. She detested the weasel, but if he could take down Zanedar as quickly as he claimed, that was all that mattered. She left the hotel and headed north to Maple Avenue, needing to do a little more thinking before executing her plan. She figured by tomorrow, she’d be bragging to Androf about how she managed to finish her task in record time. Because she’d saved his butt and the rest of the gods by keeping the two realms apart, she would demand that he return some of her powers. Of course, she’d never tell them her abilities were disappearing at an alarming rate or that her emotions were getting the best of her. That alone would result in expulsion.

  If she thought she’d be successful, Vinea would stay around for the white moon and tell her goody-two-shoes sister she was the bane of Vinea’s existence. If it hadn’t been for Naliana’s cheery attitude all those years ago, Vinea would have been the one in charge of mating. As the older sister, she should have been chosen.


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