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Academy of Vampire Heirs: Dhampirs 101

Page 15

by Ginna Moran

  “We all agree that we can manage. Perhaps it’ll be easier on Ms. King. She seems to enjoy the idea of being with each of us but not the idea of being a personal donor.” Aspen meets my gaze.

  I break out in nervous laughter. “Are you serious?”

  “Incredibly serious,” Torrance says, his sultry voice wrapping around me in a way that makes me squirm.

  “We’d still follow the health guidelines for personal donors as well as continue to drink gen. pop. blood,” Berkeley says.

  Hudson materializes in front of me and brushes my hair from my shoulder, devouring my blushing throat with his gaze. “And this way we can guarantee to fulfill your every need in the way you desire.”

  Whoa, shit. He’s getting to me in a good way, and he knows it. I wet my lips and swallow to try to get my voice to respond but then decide against it. I’m doomed. Completely doomed. There is no possible way this could end in any way except for me dead. The headmistress is right about a vampire’s possessiveness. If the blood sources back home even saw me with one of the others, they’d go psycho. They were never kept together in the bunkers and had their own spaces.

  Headmistress Rasmussen gathers the stacks of papers on her desk and sorts them into a tall pile. She hand writes something illegible across the top and places the paperwork in a bin. “You have convinced me to allow you to split her contract on a trial basis through the rest of the term as a test. If you can manage to fulfill her basic needs, keep her in good health, and also keep your good standing with no internal conflicts, I’ll bring forth the idea in front of the Blood Life Corp board for final approval once your city head training is complete.”

  “Shit,” Rylie and I whisper at the same time.

  I can’t believe this is happening. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to feel.

  “Excuse me, Headmistress,” Berkeley says, closing the space to me while keeping his gaze on her. “Did you say city head training?”

  She remains expressionless. “I did.”

  Torrance growls, tensing. “But that would mean—”

  “I’m sorry, Misters King. Without Culver as your leader, your coven no longer qualifies to obtain control of an entire region. You have shown great skill, intelligence, and authority during your training that the board agreed to transfer your status so that you can remain at the academy.” Headmistress Rasmussen links her fingers together, not letting the sudden heat pouring through the room at the Kings’ anger get to her.

  “This isn’t right. There has to be something we can do,” Berkeley says. “My brothers and I worked hard for this.”

  The headmistress turns to me and Rylie. “Ms. King, Ms. Reynolds, you two may be excused. The rest of the meeting is none of your concern. Per your misters’ request, we have moved your living quarters into their suite, so that’s where you’ll remain for the rest of your time here.”

  Rylie hops to her feet and takes my hand, despite the warning growls rumbling from Aspen and Hudson. No one follows us as we reach the door. I glance back once, the tension in the room so palpable that I can feel it sink into my bones.

  The King brothers’ attention darts to me, and without having to ask them, I know this is bad. Not only was I responsible for killing their brother, now I’ve ruined their chance at running a region.

  With the looks the four of them give me, I’m afraid of what this means for me.

  My life is about to go from weird to awful, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  Nothing short of dying or running away.

  I might end up doing both.

  Chapter 13

  The Resistance

  I PACE AROUND THE TABLE Rylie sits at in the library. The room is unlike any of the libraries I’ve seen in back-world movies. Instead of shelves and shelves of dusty books, giant screens glow from the walls with digitalized books that you tap to send directly to your work device. I’ve never seen such a collection. Blood Life Corp outlawed the creation of books to control the education of the donor population. There were a few salvaged from the uprising in our community, but nothing like this. I can’t believe they even allow us access.

  I stop in front of the wall and swipe my finger across a collection of educational textbooks.

  “You can look at the covers, but you’ll be denied access to all of the Blood Life Corp Politics, Vampire Law, and Donor Division books.” The familiar masculine voice draws my attention from the digital library and to where Ivo stands a few feet away. He brushes his hand through his dark hair and peers around like he’s checking for one of the Kings. “I see you managed to lose the shadows.”

  “Don’t know for how long,” I say, turning to where Rylie sits, staring at us.

  She gawks in our direction in surprise and then hops to her feet. Rushing toward us, she thrusts her arms around Ivo. He chuckles and lifts her off her feet in a hug. I just stand awkwardly, staring at the two of them. Rylie clearly knows this guy, which confirms my earlier thought about his connection to Blood Rebels and the resistance.

  “Ivo, I can’t believe you’re here,” Rylie says. “I thought—I thought you were dead. The elders said you were.”

  He looks around the room again. “Because of the sensitive nature of my task to get a position among one of the leading covens.” Shifting, he glances to me. “And you being here jeopardized everything I’ve worked for, Ms. Flamme. When the elders sent word that you abandoned your duties... What were you thinking? You put yourself in danger without producing an heir.”

  I reach out and slap my hand over his mouth, shutting him up. “Don’t you dare try to chide me. You have no idea.”

  Rylie touches my shoulder. “Relax, Fiona. He’s only thinking about the future.”

  “Not the future. My future. And my future is none of his damn business.” I glare at Ivo. “I don’t know what you expect to do, but I don’t want any part of it.”

  “All I have been tasked with is to get you out of here, so someone can take you home.” Ivo reaches for my hand and grabs it before I have a chance to pull away. “Now might be the only chance we get. Come on.”

  I stiffen, fighting against his pull. “You can help me out of here, but there is no way in hell I’m going home.”

  Rylie takes my other hand. “Fiona, please. We’ll talk about this. He’s right about it being our only chance. Now that the Kings split your contract—”

  “They what?” Ivo asks, his brows scrunching.

  Rylie pouts her lip. “It’s awful.”

  “Oh, be quiet. Don’t be so dramatic. They can’t even bite me. And even if that were the case...” I need to shut up. My rebellious mouth will end up with Ivo murdering me in my sleep because such words would make me look like a traitor. “It’s fine. I can handle myself.”

  Ivo tugs my hand again. “It doesn’t matter if you can. It’s not a risk the elders want to take. Now, if we hurry, we can get outside easy enough.”

  “Do you have a weapon I can use?” Rylie asks Ivo.

  He tightens his jaw. “You don’t need one.”

  She scowls. “The hell I don’t.”

  “You’re not coming. My task was Fiona only. The elders want you to stay.”

  Color drains from Rylie’s face at his words. Without having to ask her, I know this situation is her worst nightmare. She planned to remain in the community, raise children, and enjoy a life outside of vampires. If she is forced to stay here, none of that will be possible.

  “No,” Rylie whispers.

  “She means, hell no,” I snap. “Plus, I’m not leaving her behind. Unless you plan to take us both, you can screw the hell off.”

  “Fiona, no. It’s fine. If this is what the elders have tasked me with—I’ll survive.” Tears pool in Rylie’s hazel eyes. “I’ll be okay. You are the most important. Humanity needs you.”

  “And I made you a promise.”

  “Screw it. We’re out of time.” Ivo hooks his arms around my waist and throws me onto his shoulder. He’s surprisingly strong but
not vampire strong, and I thrash hard enough to throw him off balance. I screech as we topple over. Ivo tries to overpower me, straddling my waist, but I punch him in the nose. His blood splatters across my face, and I shove him off to climb on top of him. He scowls at me, unable to fight against my sudden strength triggered by his attack.

  “Fiona, stop. Stop,” Rylie begs.

  “No! The asshole tried to—”

  A growl reverberates through my bones, cutting my words off. Ivo’s eyes dart above my head at whoever created the giant-ass shadow blocking out the overhead light. I don’t look up or move, afraid of what will happen when I do. I’m nearly certain violence isn’t tolerated, especially violence that causes a donor to bleed.

  “Tried to what?” Hudson asks, his voice deepening with a hidden threat.

  A dozen responses swirl through my mind. If I say the wrong thing, Ivo is dead. As much as his little stunt pissed me off, he doesn’t deserve such a fate.

  “Tried to stop me from smashing the screen with the chair,” I say, tipping my head back to look up at Hudson. “This library sucks. Everything I want to read is restricted.”

  Hudson smirks at me a second before he slides his hands under my arms and lifts me from on top of Ivo. “Easy now, love. Seeing you pinning him down with blood all over his face makes me incredibly jealous.”

  I swipe my finger across my face, smearing the blood. “Don’t be. He’s not my type.” And by type, I mean blood type. Because there is no way I want any of Ivo’s blood on me. “But he might be yours.” I extend my finger out to him and tap it against his mouth.

  Hudson shocks the hell out of me by lacing his hand around my wrist. Ever so slowly, he tugs my hand back to his mouth and sucks on my finger. I remain utterly still under the weight of his stare as he tries to read my reaction. Instead of giving him one, I draw my finger across his lips until I reach his sharp fang peeking out.

  He flares his nostrils, his eyes flashing silver. I tease him just a little, scratching the pad of my finger across the point. I expect him to snap his teeth at any second, but he manages to resist, though his heart thrums in my ears, louder than everything else in the quiet library, the donor section empty of everyone apart from the four of us.

  “You’re testing my restraint, Fiona,” Hudson whispers, his hand sneaking up to rest on my hip.

  “I hope it’s awful.” I take things further by piercing my finger with his fang. A drop of blood splashes his lip, and he draws his tongue from his mouth, closing his eyes as he savors the small taste.

  He groans in his throat. “The worst.”


  A chair squeaks from behind him, and he shifts me with him to glance at Ivo shuffling toward the exit. Rylie remains frozen in place, a dozen emotions flickering across her face. She looks like she’s torn between wanting to cry and yell at me, but her fear keeps her silent.

  I exhale a small breath, pulling myself together. “It’s getting late. We should probably head back to our room.”

  I say the words to Rylie, but it’s Hudson who responds with a nod.

  “To comply completely with your contract, I’ve changed the sleeping arrangements. You’ll now be sleeping in my room on my day with you.” Hudson smirks at me like a cocky bastard, daring me to argue with him.

  “Then where will I go? Do I get to return to the donor dorms?” Rylie asks, speaking up.

  Hudson doesn’t look at her as he says, “And risk you getting hurt? You might not be a blood source, but you’re a highly valued member of our staff. I’m nearly certain my little love here will murder the entire school if something happens to you. So no. You will now just have your own room in our suite.”

  Rylie throws her hand out. “That’s not fair. How am I supposed to have a life?” Or privacy. I know that’s her greatest concern.

  “You’re free to come and go as you please. You’re not a prisoner. While I don’t think the guests you try to invite over will show, with proper permission, you can bring whomever you want over. How else will you pick another member of the donor population to join our staff? Headmistress Rasmussen has generously granted you until the completion of the training program.”

  “Oh.” Rylie shifts on her feet.

  “But be prepared. If word gets out, you’ll probably become the most popular donor at the academy,” Hudson adds.

  I turn my attention toward the exit, expecting to spot Ivo hiding in the shadows, but he took off the second he could. I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t risk seeing how this plays out either, considering he failed his mission to get me out of here.

  I never believed I’d ever think this, but I’m grateful for it. I’m glad Hudson interrupted. I can’t imagine ever leaving Rylie behind. With my sudden contract split between the four King heirs, I can now use it to my advantage. One of them might give in to me. If I charm the hell out of them, I could get them just to let Rylie go—at least after we leave this place. I’d remain a blood source forever as long as it helps her go free.

  She’d do it for me. Her being here made it quite obvious.

  When neither of us responds to Hudson’s comment, he slides his fingers off my hip and touches my hand, testing to see if I’ll let him take it. I do, despite the look Rylie gives me. I just hope she’ll understand what I’m doing or why I gave up the chance Ivo offered to help me leave.

  “Ready, love?” Hudson asks with a gorgeous smile. “I can’t wait to show you my room. It should be fun.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Whatever you say.”

  He flashes his fangs. “Just wait and see.”


  “All done, Fiona,” Berkeley says, pressing his cool finger to the spot on my arm where he extracted my blood. He quickly rubs a cotton ball over it and applies an invisible gel that dissolves to mimic my skin. “Was that okay? I didn’t hurt you too much, did I?”

  His flurry of questions surprises me, and I turn my attention from the tube of blood he hands to Hudson and to him. His tight lips hide beneath the scruff of his facial hair as he waits for my response.

  “It was better than the last time with the phlebotomist,” I say, rolling down my sleeve.

  “Here,” Hudson says, holding out a chocolate cupcake to me. “I asked the kitchen to make you something sweet.”

  I stare at the cupcake like it’ll somehow disappear or that he’ll stretch his arm up and not allow me to take it. Hudson smirks at me and brings it closer to my face until it hovers an inch from my lips.

  “Why won’t she take it?” Hudson whispers, his question to Berkeley not intended for my ears.

  Berkeley gathers his blood draw equipment. “She doesn’t like to be handfed.”

  Just to spite the two of them and their annoying whispering, I lean forward and lick some of the chocolate frosting from the top. Hudson chuckles, amused by the fact that I proved his brother wrong, even if he doesn’t know it was on purpose.

  I hum at the burst of sweetness. “I haven’t had a cupcake like this before. It’s so good.”

  “Want another bite?” Hudson asks, his smile widening as Berkeley stops what he’s doing to watch the two of us.

  I nod. “Can we take it into the room? I’d like you to feed it to me while I finish up my assignment for Human Hygiene.”

  Berkeley clears his throat. “About your classes...”

  I slowly turn my gaze to him. “What about them?”

  “We changed your schedule to better suit our situation. Human Hygiene is the last class you need,” Hudson says.

  I groan and shake my head. “Then what am I taking now? I just got used to them.”

  “Come on. I have everything in our room. Things will change slightly depending on who has you for the night, but I can at least go over tomorrow.”

  Our room? A change in classes regularly? I can barely keep up with things as it is.

  “Don’t worry, Fi. You’ll be fine,” Berkeley says. “We’ll assure it.”

  Berkeley cuts us off, blocking my way fo
r a second before Hudson can drag me into his room. The two brothers look at each other for a moment, and then Hudson nods slightly as if giving Berkeley permission for whatever he plans.

  He steps into my personal space and tilts his head. “Would it be okay if I hugged you?”

  I stand in surprise. “Uh, yeah, I guess.”

  Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me against him, burying his face into my shoulder. “I know things are weird right now, and there might be some tension between all of us, but I just want you to know that we are all attracted to you and figured with the low female-to-male ratio...we agreed that sharing you would make us all happy. I mean, if you’re okay with it. I’m grateful for getting even a piece of your contract. We will show the board that this will work. They’ll see that we are still fit to run a region.”

  It’s like he says the words to convince himself. Because I don’t care whether or not they run a region. I don’t care if he’s grateful that he got his way. I don’t even know what I care about in this moment. Maybe just being alive and here and not either dead or forced into a life I know would feel far worse to me than providing a little blood to a coven that I know will return the favor.

  I pull away. “I’m sure they will, Berkeley.”

  He smiles at me. “Have a good sleep, Fi. If my brother gets on your nerves, you have every right in your contract to call on me.”

  I tip my head to look at Hudson. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  Hudson grins. “Damn straight, you will be.”

  As we pass Rylie’s room to head to Hudson’s, I stop in front of the door and peek in to see her fast asleep with her back facing the door. She didn’t say a word when we got here and went straight to bed. I can’t help the worry that clings to me for my best friend. As soon as I get a moment alone with her, I’ll make sure she knows that I have a plan.

  “She’ll be fine in a few days,” Hudson says, nudging me to close the door.

  Behind the first set of double doors that faces the large living space is his room. The door palm pad turns green under my touch, and the door opens for me. I hover in the doorway with Hudson behind me and stare at the grand room. This is far from being a bedroom. It looks more like a swanky apartment with an open floor plan with a bed and an entertainment area with a couch and projector screen. A small office space rests against the far wall with giant monitors that flicker with videos from the security feeds around the property.


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