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Rescue Bear (P.O.L.A.R. Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Candace Ayers

  Another powerful sway and I wasn’t so sure.

  “Come on. I found a beer. Drink it. It’ll calm you while we ride out the storm on your couch. It’s a lot prettier than Greg’s animal print monstrosity.”

  I rounded the kitchen island and went straight to the liquor cabinet. Usually full for the parties that we didn’t throw, I just stood there for a second, staring. It was empty. “He had time to pack the liquor.”

  Roman took my shoulders and gently turned me and pushed me away from the cabinet. “Take the beer.”



  If I expected myself to feel better seeing that Megan’s husband had left her, I surprised myself. I was furious. How could he have done that to her? What the hell was wrong with the asshole? I wanted to hunt him down and demand that he beg for her forgiveness. She didn’t deserve that type of treatment. I could see the emotion in her eyes, but she was bottling it inside.

  I assumed she was heartbroken. No matter how she looked at me, and I was sure I saw heat in her gaze, to her I was some guy she’d just met. He was her husband. As much as it hurt to admit that, it was true. She’d married the asshole. That meant she loved him. She was hurting, and I didn’t like it.

  I led her to the living room and to the couch, sitting next to her, ready to be a shoulder for her to cry on. Handing her the beer, I bumped her shoulder with mine. “Talk.”

  Instead of crying, she started laughing. She popped right back off the couch and started pacing in front of me. The swaying of the house would throw her off a bit, here or there, but she was focused on wearing a hole through the rug.

  “Sonofabitch. He took the liquor. Who does that? I mean, the TVs? Okay, fine. He loves TV, so I get that, kind of. The liquor, though? He doesn’t even drink the stuff. He likes wine. What the hell is that? Maybe Brandi likes liquor.”

  I just watched as she went on.

  “We’ve been married for over ten years. This December would be twelve years, actually. Twelve years of marriage and he fucks someone named Brandi—in our bed!” She nodded to the sheet around my waist and crinkled her nose. “Not on that sheet. Don’t worry. I gave you my bedding.”

  I knew that. It carried her scent so strongly that I had to mouth breathe to keep from getting aroused. “Thanks for that.”

  She paused. “And that. You say thank you. I can’t remember the last time Dylan thanked me for anything. He just expects me to bend over backward for him, and the only time he acknowledges it is if I don’t do it. Then, he has plenty to say.”

  “The shop? I do everything. It was my money that financed the business and I’m the photographer. I shoot the photos, edit them, do all the matting and framing myself, and I run the floor while he sits in the back office doing the important part. What important part? What else is there to do? I literally do everything, and when I finally get home, I have no time to do anything but eat and sleep. How did he have time to sleep around?”

  “I think you answered that.”

  She stopped and made a face. ‘True. I’m so angry. I want to rip his goddamn head off.”

  “I can arrange something like that.”

  “I caught them sleeping together, you know. I walked in on them. In our bed. He didn’t even apologize. He just basically made me feel like I was at fault for not seeing it coming.” She took off the baseball cap she’d been wearing and twisted her hair up on the top of her head. After securing it with some band she had on her wrist, she pressed her palms against her eye sockets. “He stole all the money from the shop. The shop that’s probably getting torn apart right now because he took no responsibility for securing it against the storm. I tried to do it myself, but I’m only one person.”

  I remained calm on the outside, but her pain had me raging internally. My bear was ripping at me, desperate to get out and kill the stupid shit that would treat Megan so horribly.

  “I can’t believe he took the liquor. I mean, that’s just low.”

  I opened the beer and handed it to her. “I can’t believe he thought he could find someone better than you.”

  She stopped pacing and faced me. Then, she snorted a laugh through her nose as if in disbelief. “You don’t have to say that. I know that I have flaws, too. Plenty of them. Just…not the ones Brandi has, apparently.”

  “I’m not telling you anything that isn’t true. Even a stranger can see that you’re loyal and kind, even to a man who doesn’t deserve it. It’s not hard to imagine how well you’d treat a good man. A better man.” A man like me. I cocked my head and looked at her harder. “And that’s saying nothing of your beauty.”

  “Which I lack.” She shook her head, and the ball of hair on top of it wobbled. “I still deserve better, though.”

  “Worlds better. And your beauty is hardly lacking. Megan, you’re gorgeous. I’m not going to make you uncomfortable by telling you just how attractive I find you, but I’m not exaggerating when I say I think your husband is the biggest fucking idiot on the planet.”

  Her cheeks were rosy, and she looked away before taking a long pull from the beer and then passing it back to me. Our fingers brushed when I took it, and I felt the connection down to my toes. Her slight gasp told me she felt it, too.

  “Do you love him?”

  “No.” She covered her mouth with her hand, shocked that she’d answered so quickly, or maybe it was the answer itself that shocked her. “I mean…well…no. We’ve grown apart. Maybe I should’ve known something like this was coming. I can’t remember the last time I felt a connection to him. More than that, I don’t know if I even like him. But we made vows to each other. We promised…”

  “You wish you could have remained with him?”

  She met and held my gaze, pain and confusion evident in her eyes. She was clearly hurt by everything that was happening to her and felt she had little control. “I…don’t know. No, I guess not. I guess I was living a fantasy. Pretending he was someone else, a different kind of man, and that we were something else. Before I was rudely shaken back to reality. I don’t what to be with someone who could do this.”

  “Someone who could take the liquor?”

  She laughed lightly and rolled her eyes before taking the beer bottle back from me. “Yeah, someone who could take the liquor.”

  I smiled at her and shrugged. “So, you don’t love him and you don’t want to be with him.”

  She shook her head. “I guess not, no. I’m thirty-two, though. I can’t just start over. I don’t want to be like the rest of my family going through marriages the way normal people go through mascara.”


  “Makeup. You’re supposed to throw it away after six months. It’s dangerous to use it… Not the point. The point is, I don’t want to start over.”

  “So, you’d be happy if he returned?”


  “I don’t think you’re making much sense right now.”

  She sank onto the couch next to me and turned her head so she was looking at me. “I want him to magically be someone else entirely.” She let out a long, slow sigh. “I don’t want to be alone.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Let him go. I promise you won’t be alone.”

  Megan’s eyes rolled and she scoffed. “Yeah, okay.”

  I caught her chin in my hand and lifted her face so she was looking at me. She thought so little of herself. I didn’t understand how it was possible. She was beautiful, and sexy. To me she was more beautiful than any woman I’d ever seen before. My heart raced when I looked at her, and I desperately had to be closer to her. I wanted her. As I thought it, I realized that I wanted more than be closer to her. I wanted every part of her. I wanted her to have every part of me.

  Megan blinked and bit her lip. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  There was no more denying it. This woman was my mate. My stomach tightened and my bear roared, confirming my suspicion.

  She was the one—ours. Before I had time to consider the revelation more fully,
Maxim’s voice broke through my thoughts.

  Tornado incoming, brother.



  My entire body was tense. Roman was staring at me like he wanted to kiss me again, and damned if I didn’t want him to. I had no business wanting him the way I did, but I couldn’t stop the feeling.

  “Fuck.” Roman was on his feet in a split second and had me up and in his arms just as fast. “Tornado.”

  I was still in romantic la-la land. “What?”

  He picked me up in a bear hug and literally ran us toward the bathroom. “Tornado.”

  The word clicked into place in my brain just as the house swayed harder and a sickening howl sounded. “Oh, fuck.”

  Roman shoved me into the bathroom and vanished, only to reappear a few seconds later with half the couch cushions in his arms. “In the tub. Get in the tub, Megan!”

  I no sooner did as he said, then he was on top of me, the cushions on top of him. Flattened on the bottom of the tub, the weight of Roman plastered to me, I felt fear for all of two seconds before my body switched back into hormonal-teenager mode. A tangle of limbs and cushions, Roman was twisted to fit over me, but our faces had somehow ended up inches apart.

  I could hear a shutter come loose upstairs. The banging that followed probably should’ve worried me more. The house was being damaged. With Roman on top of me, though, his face was hovering just above mine, his breath mingling with mine, and his bedroom eyes focused on me, I kind of didn’t care about anything else.

  “Am I too heavy?”

  I shook my head the slightest bit. “Nope.”

  His arms were planted on either side of my head and he shifted slightly. “I don’t believe you.”

  “I like it.” I realized what I’d said and stuttered. “I mean, it’s, um, fine—nice. Like a weighted blanket.”

  “You like it?” His breathing shallowed and his eyes flicked down to my lips.

  I told myself to change the subject or to say no. I couldn’t, though. I just watched him. I looked at his mouth, the fuller top lip enticing, then at his eyes. Those thick lashes lowered. “Yes.”

  “Megan?” He looked down at my mouth again, and the gap between us became even smaller.

  “Yes.” I didn’t even know the question, but my answer was still yes. I felt like my blood was on fire. I could feel him pressed against me and I wanted more. My body had woken up for what felt like the first time.

  Roman’s lips were a breath away from mine, and I felt pulled into his magnetic field. His lips rested against mine, and I felt him shudder before pulling back just enough to speak. “I’m going to kiss you.”

  He already had, but I didn’t argue. I nodded, bumping our noses together. “Yes.”

  He kissed me again, and I realized that he meant he was really going to kiss me that time. His mouth was warm and passionate against mine, his beard rough against my skin. His forearm wedged between my head and the tub to provide support and then he licked the seam of my lips, demanding entrance.

  “Yes.” I gripped his sides, the only thing my hands could reach, and held on while he stroked his tongue over my lips. Electric currents had nothing on his kisses.

  Pulling back and then kissing just my bottom lip, his mouth made love to mine. When his tongue slipped into my mouth, it tangled seductively with mine. His fingers pressed into my scalp and I could tell he wanted more. Unable to be still, I tried to maneuver so I could feel more of his body pressed against mine. I got one leg free and twisted my hips just the right way. Roman’s body lined up with mine just right, and I could feel his hard length pressing between my thighs.

  I cursed my yoga pants and wrapped my leg around his hip. Stroking his tongue back and then sucking his top lip, I heard myself moan, but couldn’t care. Roman deserved to know what he was doing to me. His other hand worked down and gripped my ass, pulling into his body.

  Tired of being confined, Roman sat up, knocking the cushions all around. Still kissing me, he pulled me to my feet and then into his arms. Locking my legs around his waist, I moaned into his mouth at the feeling of his body between my legs.

  The sounds of the storm raged on outside of the bathroom, but it didn’t faze us. I felt the counter under my ass and then Roman’s hands under my shirt, stroking the skin of my back. I ran my hands over his skin, finding ridges and dips of muscles. He was smooth and soft, the light dusting of hair rougher. I opened my legs wider and cursed the sheet between us.

  Roman tugged at the hem of my shirt. Up and off, it was lost to the darkness of the bathroom. He slid his hands into my leggings and growled.

  “Too fast?” His voice was like gravel. It shook with an audible need.

  I shook my head and ran my hand down his arm. Catching his hand, I delighted at the size of it before pulling it out of my leggings. I lifted myself and pushed them down. Roman caught them and yanked them the rest of the way.

  I tried to pull him back between my thighs, but he resisted. “Roman?”

  He kissed me. “Let me taste you. Please.”

  I hesitated. “What?”

  His hand stroked up my bare thigh and then cupped my sex. “I need to taste you. Here. I need you in my mouth, Megan.”

  I swallowed. That was…a lot. Dylan didn’t do that. It’d been…years.

  “Say yes.” He kissed me and then went down to his knees. Kissing my inner knee, then my inner thigh, he moaned. “Fuck, Megan, say yes for me.”


  He growled and raked his teeth over my thigh. “You’re stunning. I want to taste and lick every part of you.”

  I gripped the edge of the sink as he pulled me forward. His face was right in front of my sex, and I was torn between wanting him to do it and wanting to cover myself and run out of the room to avoid having him see me. What the hell was wrong with me? Dylan had really made me that insecure about my sexuality?

  His tongue stroked my inner thigh and then he nipped me there. When I jerked, he growled and pulled my thighs onto his shoulders.

  I tried to hold myself off him, knowing I was heavy.

  He just pulled me farther so I had no choice. Resting my weight on his shoulders, I gripped the countertop and let my head fall back. Roman made a delighted moan and nipped closer to my sex. “That’s it. I want all of you.”

  I squirmed at the first flick of his tongue across my folds. The second went deeper and I gasped. When he stroked his tongue deeper, I clamped my teeth down over my lip to keep the sounds from escaping.

  “Let me hear you. I want to know what I do to you, Megan. I want to hear you.” When Roman stroked his tongue over my most sensitive spot, I squeaked. That made him growl against it and flick his tongue harder.

  Helpless to his assault, I panted, I moaned, I cried out. He rewarded me with harder and faster flicks of his tongue and then by sucking me into his mouth. Where had he read the book on exactly what my body liked? Within seconds, I was on the edge, fighting to keep an orgasm at bay. Roman would have none of it, though. He licked and sucked me right over that edge and kept going.



  My mate. I knew for sure now. I didn’t want our first intimate encounter to have any negative feelings attached for her, so I didn’t go past tasting her. When I finally finished and she’d come on my tongue a few more times, I pulled her shirt back over her head and helped her get her pants back on. She was quiet as I dressed her and then settled us back in the tub with her curled between my legs, the sheet back in place.

  I was rock hard and desperate to take her and mark her as mine, but I knew that she had unfinished business to attend to first. But she was going to be mine and that was that. I wasn’t going to share her with anyone once I marked her. Already, the possessiveness I felt over her was overwhelming.

  “I can do that for you, too…” Her voice was quiet, shy.

  I tilted her head up to look at me and found that she wouldn’t meet my eyes. Growling lightly, I nipped at her shoulder through her
shirt. “Don’t clam up on me.”

  Meeting my heated gaze, she lifted her chin and licked her lips. “I can return the favor. I’m not… I’m not greedy. I don’t want to be greedy, I mean.”

  My dick throbbed, but I ignored it. “I’d love that, but another time. That was about you. About me showing you what I think of you. How attractive and sexy and magnetic I find you.”

  She didn’t breathe. “Later?”

  I leaned forward and caught her mouth in a kiss. “Later.”

  Heat burned in her eyes, but she just nodded and settled against my chest again. “Later.”

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and sighed, content with where I was. For the first time since landing in Florida, I wasn’t focused on the stifling heat, or the fact that I missed the steady action of our missions in Siberia. I felt like I’d just come home and it was time to relax.

  “I don’t know anything about you.” Her fingers stroked over my arms. “And, god, what does that say about me?”

  I held her tighter. “It doesn’t say anything about you, but that you want me and I want you.”

  “What about you, though?”

  “What about me?”

  “Tell me something about yourself. You’ve heard all about my recent melodrama. I wanna know about you.”

  I wrapped my legs around her as the storm raged on outside. Cradling her, ready to save her with my life, I pressed my lips against her hair. “My team and I moved here just a little while back. A month ago. We were in Siberia. Now, we’re here.”


  “Yeah. We all grew up there.”

  “What? That’s so unexpected. You sound like you could’ve grown up down the street.” She rested her head on my shoulder and smiled. “What kind of lifeguarding does one do in Siberia?”


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