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Khann: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #5 (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

Page 6

by Sue Mercury

  “I find it very difficult to believe that an Irrcon would adopt a human baby. Irrcons are vicious and unfeeling. I would more easily believe that an Irrcon ate a human baby he found in the rubble of a destroyed vessel.”

  Belle sat taller and glared at him. “It’s a true story. The girl showed me pictures of her adoptive Irrcon father. Why would she be making it up?”

  “You saw the pictures with your own eyes?”

  “Yes, that’s what I just said.” How dare he question her like this? If only she could tell him the full truth, but she still wasn’t certain how he’d react to the knowledge that his future mate had been raised by the enemy. She didn’t want to jeopardize Amie’s future.

  “Very well, I believe you,” Khann said, “though it sounds as though this Irrcon was an anomaly. Every Irrcon I’ve ever met has tried to kill me, and I’m sure you’ve heard that the Irrcons destroyed Vaxxlia, killing millions of our females and offspring in one horrible, dishonorable attack. My parents, aunts and uncles, and many of my fellow warriors’ families all perished that day.”

  “I am sorry for what the Irrcons did to your people,” she said. “Truly, I am. But I’ve always found the story this human girl told me quite troubling. That is why I asked you what happens to Vaxxlian warriors who kill innocents.”

  “Very few Vaxxlian warriors have been banished for harming innocents, though I will ask my unit commander if he knows what happened on the Dreusha Outpost. Despite my hatred for the Irrcons, I do believe in justice. If an innocent Irrcon merchant or trader was slain during an attack on an outpost, that is a wrong which must be set right.”

  His expression grew gentle and he shifted closer to her, reaching for her hands. His eyes beamed with warmth and he no longer appeared tense. His promise to look into what happened on the Dreusha Outpost brought her hope. Perhaps the Vaxxlian who killed Mikkal would finally get what he deserved. Never in a thousand years did she imagine she might be able to honor Mikkal’s memory by bringing his murderer to justice, but now the prospect didn’t seem so far out of reach.

  “Thank you for looking into the matter, Khann. I am certain the girl who lost her Irrcon father would appreciate it.”

  “Perhaps one day you can locate her.”


  Khann laced his fingers through hers and stared at her with an intensity that served to transition their conversation about dishonorable Vaxxlian warriors and innocent Irrcons to something else entirely—the fact that they still hadn’t mated. Though he didn’t speak a word of his desire to mate with her, she could sense it and see it in the dark glow of his gaze.

  “You are so beautiful, little human,” he said. “Every time I look at you, it feels like the first time. Though I’m anticipating getting to know you better, I confess I enjoy this newness between us, this wonderful tension. I want to kiss you and make you squirm with desire again—yes, I smelled your arousal in the air when I kissed you earlier—and I want to make you nervous. I shouldn’t like making you nervous, but Star God help me, sometimes I do.”

  He lifted her and placed her on his lap, then pressed his lips to hers.

  Chapter 13

  The little human moaned as he deepened the kiss. She also squirmed on his lap, driving him wild with the nearness of her. Her bottom pressed down on his swollen cock, drawing a deep growl from him. He was rock hard and eager to mate with her, eager to claim her as his for all time.

  “I want to taste you,” he said. “I want to taste the sweetness between your thighs. I want to feel you writhing in ecstasy as I hold you down and lap at your clit.”

  Her mouth fell open and she gasped. “Khann, I thought we talked about waiting until…” Her voice trailed off.

  “I know, but when we finally mate, I intend to take my time with you. I intend to savor our mating and bring you to pleasure with my mouth before I even sink my cock inside you.”

  She flushed and gave a whimper, looking conflicted. Good. That’s exactly how he wanted her to feel. Conflicted and tempted. He wanted her as eager to mate with him as he was with her. He wouldn’t force her, and he would wait until she announced she was ready, but fluxx he intended to enjoy this part of their courting.

  “And when I do finally drive my cock into your tightness, little human, I hope you don’t expect me to be gentle, because I intend to give you a long, hard pounding. The kind of pounding that’ll leave you sore between your thighs for days to come.”

  She reared back. “You! You’re playing dirty!”

  “Playing dirty?”

  “Yes! You’re trying to tempt me into bed with all this dirty talk. Well, let me tell you something—it’s not going to work. We should be talking to one another and getting to know each other better instead of all this kissing and dirty talk. Just because you can smell my arousal doesn’t mean I’m going to give in to my desires. I happen to have a lot of self-control.” She narrowed her eyes at him, though she didn’t appear as angry as she sounded.

  He couldn’t hold back a smile. “Very well, little human. Let’s do this your way. What would you like to talk about? You start.”

  “I, um…” She paused and appeared thoughtful for a while. “Tell me about your life on Vaxxlia. You know, before the war. Where you grew up, about your parents, other friends and family members.”

  “All right.” He reached for her, stroking a hand through her hair before he answered her question. “I was born and raised on Tisbbi Island on Vaxxlia, a beautiful tropical island. My mother stayed home with me and my brothers, though she sometimes helped in her sister’s bakery.”

  “You have brothers? Are they still alive?”

  “Yes, I have two brothers—Axall, who is older than me, and Myadd, who is younger. They survived the war. In fact, we decided to build a house together in Starzzia, the main settlement on New Vaxx, a huge structure that has three separate wings, one for each of our families.”

  “You must be close with your brothers,” she said, a wistful look falling over her. “I’ve always wondered what it might be like to have a sibling.”

  “There are days when I am tempted to aim a blaster at my brothers’ heads, but I suppose you could say we are close. We trained together as young warriors and though we were in separate units during the war, we always tried our best to keep in touch.”

  “And your father?” she asked.

  “He was a prominent leader among our people. He traveled frequently, and during his absences his older brother would make sure my brothers and I were behaving ourselves. My father and mother both had numerous siblings, so we had lots of aunts and uncles, as well as cousins, who were always around. Our houses were in the same neighborhood on Tisbbi Island.”

  He smiled, recalling many happy memories on the island.

  “The Star God blessed me with good parents and a large extended family, though I’m saddened to say my brothers and I are the only remaining members of our family. All our uncles and aunts and cousins perished during the war, along with our parents.”

  “I never understood what started the war with the Irrcons,” she said. “So much loss. It’s so tragic.”

  “They started attacking our outposts and vessels without provocation. We fought back, defended ourselves. This went on for some time until they eventually destroyed our planet. It was a shock to every warrior left alive. After that, we drove them from the surrounding sectors of space and killed any who resisted.”

  “Do you ever worry they’ll try to come back?”

  “No. We constantly patrol for any signs of Irrcon vessels, and we have also erected a protective shield around New Vaxx. If they were to somehow deploy a weapon at our planet, it would disintegrate when it hit the shield.” He cupped her face and reveled in the softness of her skin. “Do not worry about the Irrcons, little human. I promise you’ll be safe on New Vaxx.”

  “I-I’m not worried about the Irrcons. I just hope there isn’t another war. Too many innocent people are harmed during wartime. I look around a
t all the countries on Earth and I’m shocked by the violence I’m seeing. Do you promise New Vaxx is as peaceful as everyone says it is? As peaceful as Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides has promised?”

  “Yes, sweet Belle, I do. You and Amie will be safe on New Vaxx. Safe with me.”

  Chapter 14

  Belle got ready for bed while Khann ventured to his ship to retrieve a few personal items. As she went about her business, she couldn’t help but marvel at her energy levels. Today was the first day in ages that she hadn’t had to take a nap. How strange it was, she mused, to suddenly go from death’s door to perfect health. Her heart warmed at the thought of Khann. She had him to thank for her complete recovery.

  She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and dressed in a pair of warm pajamas. When she finally emerged from the bathroom, she gazed around the master suite, expecting to see Khann. Though he’d promised to give her time to get to know him better before they mated, she had half expected him to attempt sleeping next to her. She pushed away the unexpected disappointment when she found her bedroom empty.

  Maybe he’d decided to spend the night on his ship. He would probably be more comfortable there. She glanced at the bed. Even if she felt comfortable inviting him to sleep next to her, he likely wouldn’t fit. He was at least a foot taller than the mattress.

  Belle checked on Amie one last time, gave the sleeping child a kiss on the cheek, and returned to her bedroom. Her heart skipped a beat when she spotted Khann kneeling beside the bed, spreading out a blanket and some pillows he must’ve gotten from the living room.

  “Um, Khann? What are you doing?”

  “Preparing my bed for the night,” he replied, giving her an affectionate look. “Next to you, where I belong.”

  Her heart contracted at his sweet words. “Oh.” She couldn’t think of a better response and suddenly felt awkward standing before him in her pajamas. Should they kiss goodnight?

  She started walking to her bed, but he rose to his feet and swept her up in his arms, holding her as if she weighed nothing. She marveled at his strength, though she was a bit confused. Why had he picked her up? She peered at him, her mouth going dry and her pulse accelerating. His gaze locked with hers and the world seemed to stop spinning.

  “Khann? What-what are you doing?” she finally asked.

  “Holding you, little human,” he replied. “Holding you.” He appeared as if he might say more but eventually pressed his lips together and simply stared at her. Bombs could’ve exploded right outside the window and she wouldn’t have been able to look away. The warmth and the possessiveness in his sexy green gaze held her captive.

  She placed her hands upon his chest and a shuddering breath left him.

  “Fluxx, I want to take you right now,” he said. “But I’m a male of my word and I will honor my agreement with you. And agreement or none, I would never force myself upon you, Belle. I hope you know that. I realize you might’ve heard stories about Vaxxlians kidnapping human females in other parts of the galaxy, and while there is some truth to those stories, I don’t wish for you to fear me.”

  “I don’t fear you,” she said, and she meant it. Though she hadn’t known him for long—not even a full day had passed since his arrival—she couldn’t imagine him harming her. Thus far, he had treated both her and Amie with kindness. She privately mused that he was her very own gentle giant.

  Still holding her in his arms, he sank down on the bed and cradled her closer to his chest. She leaned her head against him and listened to the sound of his beating heart. A sense of peace settled over her and she started to feel wonderfully relaxed. Her eyes grew heavy and she eventually closed them, enveloped in the warmth of Khann’s gentle embrace.

  “You smell like flowers, little human.” He pressed his face into her hair and inhaled deeply.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. In the next moment, she found herself pressing her face to his chest and inhaling his masculine scent. She suspected he’d just showered, for she also detected a hint of soap, and when she reached up to stroke his hair it was damp.

  “I would like to hold you until you fall asleep, Belle, if that is acceptable. I promise to tuck you into bed once you’re sound asleep, and if you need anything at all, I will be right here beside you.”

  “All right,” she agreed. “That sounds very nice.” She snuggled closer and continued inhaling his manly scent, lulled by the quiet of the hotel suite and the steady beating of his heart.

  Sleep tugged at her and she soon drifted off, feeling safer than she had in ages.

  For the next few nights, Khann insisted on holding Belle as she fell asleep. It became a ritual he looked forward to. As soon as she emerged from the bathroom after her shower, she would curl up in his lap and nestle against him. Sometimes she would fall asleep quickly, while other times she would stay up for a while and they would talk.

  He told her about New Vaxx, about the main settlement there known as Starrzia, and described the house he’d built with his brothers. He also told her more about his parents and other relatives, describing his childhood on the island he had once called home. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

  Belle seemed hesitant to talk about her childhood, but she spoke of her late husband with fondness. Though it was strange to hear her talking about another male she’d once had a relationship with, he reminded himself that Dalton had been an important part of her life and he was Amie’s father. It was only natural that she would mention him from time to time.

  The days were spent entertaining Amie, playing games as a family, and occasionally watching movies. Khann rarely liked to stay idle, he was used to working hard every day and training as a warrior, but he found joy, and even a sense of purpose, in his interactions with Belle and Amie.

  He only hoped Belle asked him to mate with her soon.

  What if ten days pass and still she has not asked?

  He couldn’t help but worry. If he returned to New Vaxx with a female he hadn’t physically claimed yet, he would have to keep her well-protected, lest another male catch scent of her and realize she was an unmated female. Of course, he hadn’t warned her of this possibility yet, as he didn’t wish to frighten her. But if he didn’t claim her and get his scent on her, she would be at risk when they arrived on New Vaxx. He would have to confine her to his home and forbid her from leaving, a circumstance to which he had a feeling she would not be agreeable.

  On his fifth evening at the hotel, he again held her as she fell asleep, hoping and praying she soon opened her heart to him. Before the war, most mating matches had been arranged, and he found the human custom of dating, or courting, to be strange. From his view, it was logical for families to arrange advantageous matches for their sons and daughters.

  Earth was a strange place.

  He hoped they could leave soon.

  Chapter 15

  Seven days had passed since Khann’s arrival on Earth and still Belle hadn’t asked him to mate with her, though he kissed her at every opportunity and often whispered deliciously dirty phrases into her ear. She couldn’t deny that she was tempted. Slowly, she was getting used to him, and she dared to believe that maybe, one day, she would no longer view him as the enemy.

  She wished she could forget what happened on the Dreusha Outpost. She wished she could erase the image of the huge Vaxxlian warrior dragging her bloodied adoptive father across the floor. But the memory was seared into her mind. She would never forget.

  How would Khann react if he learned she had Irrcon citizenship? She was a legal resident of both Earth and the Irrcon Empire, though she knew she would never live amongst Irrcons again. All the kind Irrcons she’d once known were now dead. They’d been gone for years.

  It disturbed her that she might not be able to share all of herself with Khann. She still hadn’t decided whether or not she would tell him that the girl from the story was her. Mikkal might be gone now, but he was still a huge part of her life. Not a day passed that she didn’t think of him and say a prayer for
him. Fitting, since he’d been the one to teach her how to pray in the first place. He’d told her that there was one universal God and that she could talk to him whenever she wanted, even without actually speaking. If only Mikkal could hear her thoughts, wherever his soul might be. I miss you. I wish you were here, Father.

  She sighed and stared into the closet, trying to decide what to wear today. She perused the beautiful garments she owned, all of them purchased by Dalton. He had always enjoyed showering her with expensive clothing, jewelry, and other gifts. She had no doubt he would’ve been a wonderful father, had he lived. Despite his tendency to work long hours, when she considered what might have been, she liked to think he would’ve changed his ways and eventually started spending more time at home with Belle and their daughter. I miss you too.

  Laughter carried down the hallway. She heard Khann and Amie talking to one another and every now and then the little girl gave a full belly laugh. Well, whatever Khann was saying must be funny. She hurried to get dressed, suddenly eager to join them. Amie’s joy was contagious, and Belle was lucky to have such a happy daughter who could adapt to almost any situation without complaint.

  She found them coloring a picture together on the coffee table. Khann was holding a blue marker and filling in the sky of a mountainous landscape, while Amie was working on the trees.

  “What was all the laughing about?” she asked as she entered the room.

  Amie looked up with a big smile overtaking her face. “Daddy Khann was being silly! He kept trying to make the trees purple with orange polka dots!”

  “That is silly,” Belle agreed with a chuckle.

  “Come help us, Momma!” Amie handed Belle a black marker. “You can make the birds.”

  Belle accepted the marker and sat next to Khann. As the three of them commenced coloring the landscape, she felt as though her heart would burst with happiness. Khann might be a Vaxxlian warrior, but he wasn’t like the warriors who’d descended upon the Dreusha Outpost. He’d already told her he’d never been there and she believed him. She also believed that he was going to look into the incident on the outpost. He’d promised and she thought him a man of his word.


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