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Khann: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #5 (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

Page 10

by Sue Mercury

  He found Belle in the bedroom. “I think I know how we can prove you aren’t a spy, little human, but I need your help. Come with me,” he said, holding out a hand to her. “We’ll have better access to the resources we’ll need to use on my ship.”

  A long while later, Khann had gathered substantial proof that showed Belle hadn’t been in contact with the Irrcons for many years. He’d called his friend Mayssa, a skilled hacker, to help gather information from all the computer systems on the outposts Belle had lived on, as well as every vessel she’d ever traveled on. It was a tedious process, but he was confident it would work.

  Once he was finished gathering all the evidence, he would transmit it to Haxxa as well as the Vaxxlian leaders in Starrzia. Then he would return to New Vaxx with his sweet mate who was no spy.

  “This all looks correct,” Belle said, staring at her travel history he’d projected onto the wall of his ship. They’d left Amie in Molly’s care so they might work faster. The sooner he proved Belle’s innocence, the sooner he could bring them all to the safety of New Vaxx.

  “These records show you rarely used a video comm on any vessel you traveled on. You also rarely used a video comm or transmitted a message while you were living at an outpost or visiting a planet.”

  “Yes, that’s all correct.” She gave him a sad look. “I-I never had many friends. Acquaintances I met when I ventured to a new place, but I wasn’t great at making friends. A lot of aliens don’t like humans, and there were few humans in the sectors I once called home.”

  He reached for her and squeezed her hand. “All will be well, sweet human, and soon I will take you to my planet, where I am certain you will make many friends, both human and Vaxxlian.”

  “What if not everyone believes in my innocence?” She looked worried. “What if people shun me due to my Irrcon father and citizenship? I mean, I don’t even care about my Irrcon citizenship. I would be happy to renounce it. I have no desire to take Amie to live amongst the Irrcons. The vast majority of them are not like Mikkal. He was more human than Irrcon. We always joked about it.”

  Khann hesitated before answering. He reached for Belle’s hands and laced his fingers through hers. “I know how much Mikkal meant to you, but I’m afraid renouncing your Irrcon citizenship will be unavoidable if we ever wish to set foot on New Vaxx.”

  “I’ll do it. If Mikkal is looking down on me from some higher place, I know he will understand. Besides, he lived apart from most of his people, anyway. The Irrcon merchants and traders on the Dreusha Outpost shunned the traditional Irrcon way of life. I-I remember how upset Mikkal was on the day the fleet of Irrcon war vessels arrived, but the people who called the outpost home had no choice but to welcome their arrival, lest they wish to risk arrest and imprisonment by the empire.” She paused and glanced at the travel log. “How-how do I go about renouncing my Irrcon citizenship?”

  On a small area of the screen, he projected a form that must be completed. She reached for the console and set about filling it out, wearing a look of determination. He admired her even more in this moment. Whether or not she still wished to retain her Irrcon citizenship, she was doing this for their mating union, and for Amie too.

  He squeezed her hand once she submitted the form, which transmitted copies directly to the Universal Alliance, several Earth governments, and New Vaxx as well. The form also declared her allegiance to the Vaxxlian way of life, which would help her cause when he submitted all the gathered evidence to the elected leaders of his world.

  “Do not fret, little human,” he said, taking her in his arms. “I know this will work.”

  “If it doesn’t…” Her words trailed off and she appeared stricken.

  He smoothed a hand through her silken curls. “If it doesn’t work, we will find a peaceful settlement—on a beautiful lush planet, not at an outpost—and make a home for ourselves.”

  “But your brothers and your job as a builder, it’s not right that I might take you away from your life on New Vaxx, a life you’ve worked so hard to create in the aftermath of the war.” She gave him a sad smile. “I-I wouldn’t think badly of you if you returned to New Vaxx without us. I would miss you, of course, but I have enough money to get by for a while. We might be stuck on Earth—chartering a ship off this planet is more difficult than it used to be—but we won’t starve. We could move to a more rural location than this city and carve out a life for ourselves. I’ve heard the Midwest isn’t experiencing as much violence and unrest as the rest of this country.”

  As he listened to her little speech, he had the sudden urge to shake her, but he held back. “Belle,” he said, his voice coming out pained, “do not suggest we go our separate ways again. The very idea of leaving you, of losing you, fills me with a sadness unlike any other, not to mention a deep rage. You are my female and my place is always at your side. We are mated, now and forever.”

  Chapter 24

  “Our leaders have reviewed the evidence I sent them,” Khann said as he entered the living room, a huge smile upon his handsome face. They’d returned to the hotel suite a few hours ago, after finally submitting all the evidence they’d gathered to the proper channels. As he moved closer, his eyes sparkled with joy and Belle’s heart lifted to see him looking so happy.

  Today had been a rough day, but perhaps things were about to turn around. She held her breath, staring at him as she waited for him to continue, praying he had good news to share.

  “You have been invited to New Vaxx and Haxxa’s investigation against you has been dropped. We can leave right now, if you wish.”

  Amie, who’d been taking an afternoon nap on the sofa, stirred in her sleep. Belle’s heart brimmed with relief, and she stroked a hand through her daughter’s dark curls and said a silent prayer of thanks. She had never realized how much she wanted to live on New Vaxx, and how badly she wished to remain Khann’s mate, until their future together had been threatened.

  She rose to her feet and walked into her mate’s open arms. “This is wonderful news,” she said, hugging him back. “Thank you, Khann. Thank you for believing me and fighting for our future. And you must thank your friend who helped you compile all the evidence. I hope I get to meet him and thank him in person one day.”

  “You will, little human. He lives in Starrzia and recently mated with a human female of his own. I promise to introduce you to him, and his mate too, soon after our arrival on New Vaxx.”

  He withdrew slightly from the embrace, but only so he could cup her face and kiss her forehead. She melted under his sweet attentions and smiled up at him as all the uncertain, mismanaged pieces of her life finally fell into place.

  “Take me home, Khann,” she whispered. “Take me home to your planet.”

  He kissed her again and then they set about rallying Amie and Molly, announcing their intention to leave within the hour. Amie jumped up and down, eager to finally set foot on Khann’s ship. Molly arrived at their suite, appearing nervous yet resolved.

  “It’s going to be all right,” Belle said, patting her on the arm. “If I can find happiness with a Vaxxlian male, I think any human woman could. And you get to decide who you mate with.”

  “You make a good point.” Molly nodded. “I’m just feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. I’ve been dreaming of leaving Earth ever since I was a little girl and now it’s finally happening. It’s so surreal. I’m tempted to pinch myself.”

  “It is time for us to depart,” Khann announced. Belle turned to see him holding the last of their luggage, tucked under one arm. He’d already taken several of their suitcases to his ship. He was also holding Amie’s hand and the child was nearly bouncing off the walls in her enthusiasm to leave.

  “Let’s go, Momma and Molly! We’re off to the spaceship!” Still holding his hand, she skipped beside him as they emerged into the hallway and headed for the stairwell. “Don’t forget, Daddy Khann, you promised I could drive.”

  Belle and Molly followed Khann and Amie up the stairs to the rooftop. Molly w
as right. This did feel surreal. Surely, she wasn’t really mated to a kind, handsome Vaxxlian and on her way to planet New Vaxx. A few weeks ago, she would’ve been appalled by the very idea, but now it felt entirely right, as if it was meant to be.

  It wasn’t long before they were leaving Earth’s atmosphere and traveling toward the Eshunna Passage. Though Belle had traveled through wormholes before, the wonder of it never ceased to amaze her. The swirling colors and flashing lights mesmerized her. Amie sat in Khann’s lap, happily pressing at the controls in front of her—which she suspected Khann had temporarily disabled—as she oohed and aahed at the view.

  “Whoa.” Molly glanced at Belle. “This is pretty incredible.”

  “Zoom zoom zoom! Go spaceship, go!” Amie giggled and continued pressing on the buttons. Well, they weren’t crashing, so Khann must’ve put the ship on autopilot or something.

  They all remained on the bridge until they cleared the wormhole, which took about two hours. After they emerged into open space, Amie kept yawning and grew still in Khann’s lap.

  “Wow, this is her second nap today. All this excitement must have tired her out,” Belle said. “Do you want me to take her?” She opened her arms, prepared to lift her daughter from her mate’s lap, but he shook his head and gazed down at Amie, his eyes gleaming with affection.

  “I have her.” He looked up at Belle. “If you would like to rest a bit, you’re welcome to use my quarters. It’s the large room at the end of the corridor. There are also several guest quarters you are welcome to use, Molly,” he said with a glance at the young blonde female.

  “Thanks,” Molly replied. “I think I’ll take you up on that.” She moved toward the exit of the bridge and peered over her shoulder. “Are you coming, Belle?”

  “No,” she said with a glance at Khann and Amie. “I think I’ll stay here for a while.”

  Once Molly departed the bridge, Belle sank down in the copilot’s seat at Khann’s beckoning. She reached across the console and held his hand, an immense array of emotions running through her. Gratitude, joy, and hopefulness, to name only a few.

  About an hour later, Amie awoke, all her energy from earlier restored. She blinked up at Khann and Belle with a brilliant smile as the sleep cleared from her eyes. She yawned and stretched and smiled again.

  “Daddy Khann?”

  “Yes, Muffin?” he said.

  “Hey! That’s what Momma calls me!” She grinned.

  “Well, your mother and I are life mates now,” he said. “That means you’re officially my daughter and I think it is acceptable if I call you a muffin.”

  Her expression turned serious as she appeared to consider his explanation. Eventually, she replied, “All right, Daddy Khann. You can call me Muffin. Just don’t ever call me Amie Raya. That’s what Momma calls me when I’m in trouble.”

  “Very well,” he said, mimicking her serious tone. “Only Amie or Muffin, or perhaps sometimes darling.”

  “Can we explore the ship now?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He rose up and set Amie on her feet. “As long as you promise not to touch anything.”

  “It’s a deal, Daddy Khann.”

  After the three of them exited the bridge, Amie skipped ahead down the corridor. Occasionally, she paused to look at something, though she kept her word and didn’t touch anything. Khann wrapped an arm around Belle and pulled her close to his side as they followed.

  “I’ve never seen her as happy as she’s been these last few days.” Tears burned in Belle’s eyes as she peered up at Khann, the sweet alien who had not only saved her life, but breathed life into her soul. “Thank you.”

  He placed a kiss atop her head. Before he could reply, voices at the end of the corridor caught their attention. Molly had emerged from one of the guest quarters and was talking to Amie. Well, more like listening. Amie was talking so rapidly that Molly could barely get a word in.

  “Hey, you lovebirds!” Molly called out. “Amie and I are going to hang out for a while. You know, in case the two of you want some, er, alone time.” She uttered the last two words in a scandalized whisper and grinned as she reached for Amie’s hand. “Come on, kid, let’s go look for that space dragon you told me about the other day.”

  “Thanks, Molly,” Belle said as she exchanged a heated glance with Khann. His eyes were already glowing bright green and his posture had changed, his muscles tensed as he stood taller, towering over her with an air of feral intent. A shiver raced through her, anticipation curling in her core.

  Once Amie and Molly were out of sight, Khann growled and swept Belle into his arms.

  “Come, little human. I am longing to mate with you again.”

  He carried her into his quarters and called out a verbal command. A large viewscreen appeared along the wall, showing an expansive view of star-encrusted space.

  “This time,” he said, “we are going to mate amongst the stars.”

  He pressed his lips to hers and she basked in the perfection of this moment.

  She belonged to him, and he belonged to her. Forever.


  One year later…

  Belle sat on the balcony, watching as the two moons of New Vaxx rose high in the sky. It was a cloudless night, clear and beautiful and majestic. The view never ceased to take her breath away.

  She sat in a plush chair, her newborn son, Mikkal, sound asleep in her arms. He’d been born a week ago and she couldn’t be happier. To her surprise, Khann had suggested the name. In honor of the father who loved you and raised you, little human. His words returned to her and she smiled.

  Footsteps sounded behind her and she looked over her shoulder to see Khann had decided to join her. He leaned down to kiss her forehead, then he took a seat next to her, his gaze on their new son.

  “He’s such a content baby,” she said. “Never fusses. He eats and sleeps and never complains.”

  Khann grinned. “Just wait until he’s old enough to talk.”

  “You know what I mean.” She stroked Mikkal’s cheek and her heart brimmed with happiness and gratitude.

  The past year on New Vaxx had been the most joyous of her life. Amie loved the settlement of Starrzia and was thriving, and just before Mikkal’s birth, Belle had established a Vaxxlian-human trading post. She managed a team of employees and business was booming, though she had decided to take several weeks off to spend at home with her sweet newborn.

  “I take it Amie finally fell asleep?” Belle asked.

  “Finally. I had to tell her five stories.” He grinned. “It is sometimes difficult to say no to her, especially when I enjoy her company so much.”

  Tears suddenly burned in Belle’s eyes. She met Khann’s gaze. “Thank you,” she said. “For all you do. You’re a wonderful father. Our children are lucky to have you. I’m lucky to have you, too.”

  Khann reached for Mikkal and gently took him from Belle. He cradled the small baby in one arm, staring down at him with a look of wonder. “I think I am the lucky one.” He looked up at her, his eyes glowing in the dim light, his features as handsome as ever. “I love you, little human.”

  “And I love you.”

  “Come, let us put Mikkal in his crib,” Khann said, rising to his feet, still cradling his son in one arm. With his free hand, he reached for Belle and helped her up. “I want to make sure you get enough sleep tonight.”

  As if on cue, Belle found herself covering a big yawn. “Good idea.”

  She followed him inside and watched as he placed Mikkal into the crib that was pushed against their bed. She made to get under the covers, but he grabbed her arm and shook his head.

  “Do you remember when we were still on Earth, how I would hold you until you drifted to sleep each night?”

  She smiled at the memory. “Yes, you were quite the romantic in those days.”

  He lifted her in his arms and sank down on the bed. “I would like to hold you tonight until you fall asleep, just as I did back then.”

  She snuggled
into him, reveling in this intimate moment. Khann never failed to surprise her with his sweet gestures.

  “Do you hear my heart beating?” he asked after a few minutes had passed.

  With her ear pressed to his chest, she nodded. “Of course.”

  He stroked her hair and waited until she peered up at him.

  “Know that it beats for you, little human, always for you.”


  Thank you for reading Khann!

  Want to read Axall’s story? Click here

  Want to read Myadd’s story? Click here

  Haven’t read Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides Books 1 - 3 yet? You can grab the whole box set here (contains Rozar, Slate, and Thade)

  Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides is a spin-off of Sue Mercury’s popular Vaxxlian Mates series.

  Want to read about how it all started?

  Vaxxlian Mates: The Complete Series is now available everywhere! Click here (includes Alien Protector, Alien Healer, Alien Giant, Alien Brute, and Alien Hunter)

  Want more hot sci-fi romance? Try the Savage Martians series. Start with Royal Alien Mate.

  Keep scrolling to learn more about Sue Mercury (aka Sue Lyndon) and her books —>

  Also in the Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides series

  ROZAR: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #1

  The otherworldly stranger is the biggest, fiercest looking alien warrior she's ever seen...and she's already agreed to become his mate.


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