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When Light Leads to You (Forget Me Knot Series Book 2)

Page 28

by C. R. Ellis

  “You’re right. It’s not nice of me to make your life so difficult. So I won’t tell you that there’s nothing between me and this dress, or that I have a lot of plans for the naked after party,” she whispered into my ear before slipping out of my arms and making her way over to Charlie and Alexa.

  I stood there dumbly, shocked and way too turned-on to move yet.

  Nate walked over and threw his arm around my shoulder, pulling me out of my Jasmine-induced trance. “I know I gave you a lot of shit about coming back to Texas, but it’s where you belong—with your family. And definitely with her.”

  My eyes followed the direction of his nod, and I smiled involuntarily. “Yeah, it’s almost perfect here.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Almost?”

  I nodded. “Nate, we all love you. Once my parents convert a spare room into your bedroom, you’re in. You’re family to all of us. I know I’ve been kind of a dick lately, but I want you to know you’re always going to have a home here.”

  He shrugged. “Thanks, Dean. And who knows, maybe some day I will end up here. Austin’s not so bad.”


  “Are you ready to go?” Dean asked, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I had been gathering all the decorations and trying to lessen the mess we’d be leaving behind. The party turned out to be amazing, and I could tell Dean had a great time, but the situation beneath his belt told me he was ready to get the naked after party started.

  “Yep, I’m ready.” He took the bags from my arms without asking, and I didn’t even try to protest. “I have one more surprise, but it would mean you have to leave your car here and ride with me. Blindfolded.”

  “A blindfolded birthday surprise?” he asked, licking his lips. His eyes smoldered with anticipation. Clearly we did not share the same anxiety about surprises. He looked like a kid in a candy shop. “Baby, I’m always up for a surprise if blindfolds are involved,” he teased, a twinkle in his eye that I’d missed beyond measure in the weeks we’d spent apart.

  Twenty minutes later I pulled into the driveway of my childhood home and had him wait a few minutes while I lit candles previously laid out around the balcony of the tree house. When everything was perfect, I led him to the tree house he had poured his heart and soul into repairing. I knew he’d figure out where we were if I led him up the ladder with the blindfold on, so I pulled it off and revealed his surprise.

  I’d created a makeshift bed and lit enough candles to cause a forest fire.

  “When did you do all of this?” he asked incredulously, unable to peel his eyes from my handiwork. It made me think of our last time in the tree house, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “This afternoon, before I set up for the party. Come on,” I implored, tugging his hand.

  He followed me up the ladder and stood in awe when we got to the top. I’d found the best angle to see all the stars, and laid the bedding down accordingly. I had a cooler filled with wine, strawberries, and chocolate. Candles littered the space around the bedding and I had to admit, it looked sickeningly romantic.

  He turned and looked at me with absolute love and longing in his eyes. “Jas, it’s perfect. I love it, and I love you for everything you’ve done today. It’s going to be pretty hard to top this birthday.”

  “It’s not over yet,” I whispered, slipping out of his arms and pulling the melted chocolate out of the bag, leaving the strawberries and wine behind.

  His jaw dropped and he quickly closed the gap I’d created. We fell comfortably onto the pallet on the floor. “I meant it when I said I’m never letting you go, Jasmine. You’re mine forever,” he declared with a sincerity that left no room to doubt the validity of his words.

  I gripped his shirt and pulled him closer to me, lifting it over his head while I hooked my feet around his waist. “I’m counting on it,” I said, right before his lips came crashing down on mine.



  Three Months Later

  “I still can’t believe it’s your wedding day!” I squealed.

  “I know! I feel like I’m going to wake up and this will all be a dream,” Jade replied, pulling out of my embrace.

  I laughed. “I hope not; I’m not planning a whole new wedding.”

  She smiled at me and sat down, ready to have her hair and makeup done. I understood how she felt; we spent so long dreaming about our weddings as kids, thinking the day would never come. Now it was here, and all her dreams were coming true. My heart felt as if it would burst with happiness for my best friend. She deserved this more than anybody, and I knew Emmett would make her happy for the rest of their lives.

  Two hours later Jade looked more gorgeous than ever, with the perfect twisted knot up-do and flawless makeup that complimented her soft green eyes. Her dress seemed as if it had been made for her body—a lace, mermaid gown with half-sleeves and an opening in the back that formed a heart. The sight brought tears to Mary’s eyes, and I felt my own eyes grow misty.

  Living in central Texas meant we had routinely mild fall weather, so the fact that it was November only meant the temperatures mostly hovered somewhere below eighty degrees. Today it was a brisk sixty-three degrees, which was pretty close to perfect because the wedding was taking place atop one of the hills on Mary and Victor’s property that overlooked the splendor of the hill country. Jade always wanted an elegant, but simple fall wedding, and this was exactly that. She didn’t need elaborate decorations or a fancy venue to make her dream wedding a reality. She had everything she wanted right here, with Emmett at the altar and their closest friends and family looking on.

  It was perfect.

  My favorite part, hands down, of any wedding was watching the groom’s reaction to seeing the bride for the first time. Their faces showed it all—awe, love, admiration, complete happiness—and Emmett’s face did not disappoint. As Jade’s maid of honor, I stood only a few feet from him with a good shot of his profile, as well as a perfect view of Jade as she glided down the aisle. Emmett struggled to keep his tears in check, and seeing his emotions so plainly written across his handsome face made me lose control of my own; I wiped furiously at my leaky eyes. Damn it, now I owe Dean twenty bucks for taking his bet that I wouldn’t make it through the ceremony without crying. I tore my eyes from Jade and Emmett to glance in his direction.

  A dimpled smile appeared when Dean caught me looking his way, and there was a familiar tug in my heart that happened each time I felt his unparalleled love for me. Over the last few months, our relationship and my love for him grew stronger each day. We’d recently started renovations on my house, and had plans to move into it together sometime in January. All the questions, all the unease I’d felt in the beginning about being with Dean, was gone, replaced by joy in my heart and tranquility in my soul that I’d never felt before.

  “Jade looks so blissfully happy,” I said to Dean. We stood on the opposite side of the dance floor from Jade and Emmett, dancing under the bright, star-filled Texas sky to the soothing melody of a Josh Groban song.

  He followed my gaze and smiled.

  “What about you? Are you happy?” he asked in a whisper, his mouth grazing my ear and his faint beard stubble tickling my cheek.

  “Unbelievably so.”

  “Good, I’m glad we’re on the same page.” He released his hold on my waist and grabbed my hand to lead me off the dance floor.

  “Where are you going?” I asked when he breezed past our table and walked away from the reception area.

  “So inquisitive, Goldie. Just come with me.”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes at his smooth evasion.

  “Dean, I can’t just leave the party. What if Jade needs something?” I asked, darting my eyes back to the party and searching for the bride, but she’d disappeared. I shivered when the cool air chilled my bare shoulders. Now that the evening had faded into night, it was borderline cold.

  Dean tugged his suit jacket off and draped it over my shoulders. “Yo
u’ll be back in five minutes. I just want to show you something,” he pleaded, dipping his head down to capture my lips with his.

  I sighed when our kiss broke, and he grinned, knowing I was now putty in his hands. “You don’t play fair; you know I can’t resist those lips.”

  “It’s a gift, what can I say?” He laughed and kept walking until we came to a stop in front of a 4-wheeler. I arched a brow in question, but he cut me off before I could ask. “I have a feeling you’re not going to last long walking out here in those,” he explained, eyeing my cranberry red heels.

  “What, you’re not strong enough to give me a piggy back to this mysterious destination? You should probably hit the gym more often,” I taunted, squeezing his bicep and pretending its width didn’t rival that of a tire.

  His face fell into a shocked expression before he quickly recovered and plucked me up and onto the four-wheeler with minimal effort. “You were saying…?”

  “Oh, uh…I guess you’re spending a sufficient amount of time working out after all,” I amended, hoping my voice didn’t betray how turned on his actions made me.

  He just laughed. It wasn’t more than a couple minutes before we were at our destination; I could still see lights glowing around the reception off behind us. I recognized immediately where we were. Only, this time the view was even better because we could make out the faint lights of the city in the distance on one side.

  I dropped Dean’s hand after he helped me off the ATV, moving a few feet in front of him to take in the view. “This is your spot,” I whispered. The full moon cast a faint light around us. Looking out, I could see the silhouettes of the hills and trees in the distance.

  He nodded, hands in his pockets, propped against the ATV. I took a few more steps away from him, unable to peel my eyes off the gorgeous view. After a moment, I felt him approach me and turned to face him.

  “For months, I’ve hated that the last time I brought you out here was to bring up painful memories of our past. I know we’ve moved on from then, and that chapter of our lives is firmly behind us, which is why I think we need a new memory for this spot to be about.”

  “Babe, I love this spot, and—”

  “Let me finish,” he said, shaking his head and smiling at my interruption. “Six years ago, you captured my heart. Six months ago, you captured my soul. I’m not me without you. I want to experience everything with you—I want to see the world with you, I want to have children with you, and I want to fall asleep with you next to me every night.” He knelt down and took my left hand in both of his. “I once told you the words ‘I love you’ would never be enough to express how I feel about you. I still don’t know if I’ll ever find the right words to express my feelings for you. Marry me, Jasmine, because I can’t imagine a life without you, and because I want to spend the rest of my days searching for the words and ways to show you how much I love you,” he finished, pulling a box out of his pocket.

  It was a request, not a question. But it was so Dean, and it was perfect.

  I nodded my head yes, but couldn’t speak because I was shaking and sobbing and pulling Dean up to his feet so I could wrap myself around his body.

  Cheers broke out behind us, and I angled my head over to see a small crowd of smiling people—Jade and Emmett, Mary and Victor, Nate, Elliot, and Carleigh, along with Jade’s wedding photographer, who was snapping away.

  “What? How?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at Jade and then at Dean.

  “Whose idea do you think it was to do it tonight, with everyone here?” Dean asked, completely amused at my bewildered expression.

  I shook my head and smiled, in awe of their ability to keep this plan a secret from me. I looked back at Dean when he gently gripped my hand and slid the beautiful, emerald-cut solitaire diamond onto my left ring finger. I gasped when I realized it was the ring that had adorned my mom’s left hand for the first thirteen years of my life.

  “Your dad told me your mom gave him some pretty strict instructions in a letter of his own.”

  “It’s perfect. This is perfect. I love you,” I sobbed, cupping his face between my hands.

  He beamed that gorgeous, panty-melting smile of his. “I love you too, Goldie. Always.”


  First and foremost, to anyone reading these words—thank you. I wish I could give every one of you a hug (or, like, a fist bump if you’re not a hugger). I loved writing this book so much (even when I wanted to smack both of them), and I really hope you enjoyed Jas and Dean’s story.

  Cullen, I’ll forever be amazed at how much patience you have with me. Amazed, and oh so grateful. I am also beyond grateful to have a family who has been nothing but supportive since finding out about my writing. Y’all are the best. And to my friends - thank you for handling my five thousand texts asking countless questions about these books. Sorry (not sorry) in advance for the next five thousand.

  Lastly, but absolutely not least, I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some really incredible people through this indie publishing & bookstagram world, and I’m so grateful to every single one of you. Y’all motivate and inspire me daily.

  Want a sneak peek at what’s next in the Forget Me Knot world? Keep reading for a preview of What it Takes to Fall, Elliot and Bryce’s story…

  What it Takes to Fall


  Do certain people come into our lives at specific times for a reason?

  To some, I suppose the answer might depend on their faith. But if you take faith out of the equation, it’s a philosophical conundrum without a simple answer.

  Three years ago, I would’ve scoffed at anyone who tried to tell me ‘everything happens for a reason.’ Which would lead you to believe my answer to the previous question is a resounding no.

  But three years ago might as well have been a lifetime ago.

  Because three years ago she wasn’t a part of my life.

  When I look back on my life in fifty years, it’ll be divided into two categories—before her and after her.

  Before her, I thrived on the chaos of my own design. After her, I’ll move mountains to contain the chaos.

  Before her, my only concern was making a name for myself. After her, my only concern is a life I can be proud of.

  Before her, home was nothing more than a bittersweet memory. After her, home is the only place I want to be.

  Before her, making plans was how I took control of my life. After her, I realize sometimes even the best laid plans can change.

  She’s given me the ability to see beyond the past. To embrace the present. To envision a new future.

  So, that question? By now my answer is apparent. Make no mistake; it’s not as simple as yes. There’s no such thing when it comes to a question of that magnitude.

  You’ll see.

  Be the first to know about my upcoming releases, giveaways, and sales by signing up for my newsletter!

  Also by C.R. Ellis

  Why Stars Chase the Sun (FMK #1)


  Twenty-four hours.

  A no-strings-attached adventure with the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen—this was my alcohol-slash-lust-fueled proposal, and given before I could consider the potential ramifications. While his looks alone are enough to make a girl swoon, it’s the rest of him—a perfect balance of mysterious, sweet, and effortlessly charming—that draws me in. Through his cryptic comments and half-answers, he’s quickly become an enigma I’m determined to solve.

  One way or another, this adventure promises to snap the stagnant, lackluster pattern my love life has been locked in lately.

  Is it naïve and a little reckless to think this won’t blow up in my face? Probably.

  But the bigger question is the only one I need to answer…

  Is the chance to soar among the stars worth the risk of being burned when the sun eventually rises?


  Love is a mistake I won’t make again.

  My rul
es are simple. Keep things surface-deep. Don’t make plans. And never, ever get attached.

  One look at her is all it takes for me to break my first rule. One conversation with her is all it takes for me to question everything. Which means accepting her proposal is bound to be a mistake.

  She has no idea who I am or what kind of demons I live with, so I tell myself there’s no harm in spending one day with her. But the more I lose myself in her, the more she brings me out of the darkness and into her light, the harder it’ll be to let her go.

  When reality comes crashing down on us in the worst way possible, I have to decide between walking away…or risking everything for the woman who breaks all of my rules.

  Want more of Jade and Emmett? Find Why Stars Chase the Sun (Forget Me Knot Book One) here!

  About the Author

  C.R. Ellis is a Texas native who writes contemporary romance novels with plenty of drama and humor, and just enough heat to ignite e-readers and paperbacks everywhere. She can almost always be found attached to her laptop with coffee nearby and her two trusty canine sidekicks by her side. When she’s not writing or plotting, she enjoys going to concerts with her sweet husband, dragging him along to see rom-coms at any theater that serves booze, checking off the next destination on her ever-growing travel bucket list, and trying new recipes.


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