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Shifter Love [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 13] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Jane Jamison


  And the but was huge.

  But she couldn’t shake the need, the ultimate thirst she had for them. Logic had little chance of standing firm against the lustful feeling sweeping over her, making her hotter with each moment. She wanted them, and she wanted them now.

  Screw the photos. It’s time to make my dreams come true.

  She was about to stand up and call out to them—

  And say what? “Hey, guys, how about a quickie in the pasture?”

  —when they mounted their horses.

  Instead of calling to them, she ducked lower.

  They were headed toward the house that sat in the distance. The barn—the one in her dream?—was nearby.

  Whirling around, she ran for the gate leading onto the drive toward their home.

  * * * *

  Doug shot a look at Richard Harris. Although he had a good idea why his friend and neighbor was ducking behind a tree and spying on the pretty woman, he acted as though he didn’t. She had to be the woman people had told them about. The one who was trailing after folks and taking photos of them whenever they shifted. Jackson Carr and a few others had mentioned her and what she was up to, but they hadn’t given it much thought. How could they, when their mate might be close by? Finding their mate came before anything else.

  But shit. What’s she doing here at the ranch?

  He stared at her, enjoying her curves.

  What’d they say that woman’s name is? It’s an unusual name. That much I remember. Shenna something or other?

  Instead, he directed a question toward Richard. “What are you doing here?” he mouthed.

  Richard pointed at Shenna and mouthed his response. “Watching her.” He pretended to hold a camera and take photos. “The one taking the pictures.”

  Shenna looked back over her shoulder. Fortunately, he managed to jump behind another tree before she saw him. He waited a few moments then peeked out from around the huge oak tree.

  After going for a run, he’d been on his way back to the house when he’d noticed the car on the side of the road. Not that he could help a stranded motorist while naked, but he couldn’t help but check it out. Then, when he’d seen the curvy woman, her blonde hair dancing around her shoulders, scurry across the road toward where his cousins were in the pasture, his interest had taken another leap higher. Naturally, he’d been immediately curious—what normal man wouldn’t be, after seeing a beautiful female lurking around his home?—but he’d soon become more than merely curious. A sensation had whipped through him, causing him to almost stumble. He’d had no choice but to follow her.

  “Get out of here,” he whispered.

  “I’m supposed to stick with her,” mouthed Richard.

  “Go on. I’ll handle her.” Unless Shenna had a shifter’s sensitive hearing, she couldn’t hear him.

  He didn’t know Richard well, but he had a feeling that the man didn’t like skulking around watching Shenna. Not when he had a ranch to run. It wouldn’t take much to get him to leave.

  Sure enough, Richard gave him a quick nod. He shifted, whirled, and ran off as silent as the wind.

  Having the town watch Shenna wasn’t unreasonable, yet now it bothered him. If the sensation growing inside him was the connection—and he was damn certain it was—then the woman they were tailing was their mate. They should be the ones making sure she didn’t get into any trouble with either taking the photos or by any disgruntled shifters who might decide to take matters into their own hands.

  A grin spread over his face.

  Holy shit. We found her. We really found her.

  She was hot as hell, curvy in all the right places with silky hair that swayed with her graceful movements. He wasn’t thrilled about what she was doing, but they’d soon get past that. Once they made her their mate, she’d forget all about the damn photos.

  At least now he had time to wonder. What’s she doing here? Is she tracking them now?

  A low growl escaped him, his inner wolf unhappy with its mate’s activities.

  Damn, if only she’d come to town for a different reason. Still, she wouldn’t be the first human to try and out the shifters to the world. But he and his cousins had to be the ones to keep her from hurting the town. Now that he was certain she was their mate, she was their responsibility. In fact, they should’ve talked about helping the town watch the woman before now, but they hadn’t. And he knew why.

  She was all he’d been able to think about. He couldn’t get her luscious body, her generous breasts, and her mesmerizing movements out of his head. She danced in his dreams and brought him awake with his hand around his cock, the pillow clutched to his side.

  What were photos compared to all her charms? What were her plans compared to finally finding their mate?

  Others had come to town to take photos, to expose them and threaten the town’s seclusion. He’d heard the stories. Besides, it was the same for every other shifter town he’d ever known. Those other people had been dealt with, making them see the “sense” of not publishing the photos, of never telling another living soul about what they’d learned. Even with the threats of exposure that had come and gone for so many years, the folks of Forever had managed to keep their town and their secret safe. A few of those others, photographers, thrill seekers, and more had ended up mating someone in Forever and staying on.

  Now there’s a thought. That’s why we don’t have to worry about what she’s doing. She’ll be one of us soon enough.

  Thankfully, none of the photos she’d taken of his cousins were a problem. They hadn’t shifted. In fact, he’d be surprised if his cousins hadn’t sensed her presence. He sure had. As soon as he’d laid eyes on her, the connection had come roaring back with such intensity that he’d been rocked on his feet.

  As though hearing his thoughts, his cousins straightened up abruptly, their gazes searching for something. For someone.

  That’s right, boys, she’s here.

  They searched a little longer then relaxed and began talking, their voices carrying on the wind to his sensitive hearing.

  She’s the one, all right. If she gets any closer to them, they’ll sense her for sure.

  There was no mistaking the sensation. And his cousins had felt it, too. At least, enough to look around. All that was left was to find out if Shenna felt it. Judging from her actions at the bar, he was willing to bet she had. And now, here she was, coming to their ranch.

  Joy filled him. It was about time they took their mate.

  * * * *

  Shenna almost shouted in happiness when the gate leading in to the ranch swung open. If it had been locked, she would’ve had to call out, letting the men know she was there. She ran back to her car then drove over the cattle guard and past the gate. Another quick dash and she had the gate closed behind her.

  Would they hear her car as she drove closer to the house? If they did, then it wasn’t ideal, but it would be all right. If they didn’t, then what? Sneak around and take more pics? Or announce her presence?

  She decided to take more photos. If they found her, she’d tell them she’d gotten caught up in the beauty of the ranch and had instinctively reached for her camera.

  Instinct. That was the right word to describe the electrifying sensation they gave her. The surge of lust was more than simply need. It was all encompassing, surpassing any craving she’d had for anyone else by tenfold and more. Her body came alive, her senses heightened, her sexuality more pronounced, ready to take over any and all thoughts. She could feel it now, buzzing through her like a thousand sexually starved bees.

  She parked down the gravel road from the house then sat behind the wheel and waited. Where were they? They’d saddled back up and headed into the pasture and out of sight. But had they come home? Were they in the house? The barn? From that distance, she couldn’t be certain, but more than likely they were in the barn since they would have to cool their horses down and get them ready to go back into their stalls.

  How w
ould she get close to them without getting seen? Would their work with the horses distract them so they wouldn’t notice her arrival? Getting a few more candid shots would be great. Once she had those, she’d get back to her car and drive up to the house as though she hadn’t already arrived.

  Did the barn have a rear door? Leaving her purse on the passenger seat and her keys in the ignition, she took her camera and skirted around the side of the barn toward the back. She felt extra lucky when she saw that not only did the barn have a rear door but that it was ajar. Moving as quietly as she could, she eased out of the sunlight and into the dimly lit interior.

  None of the men were inside. She paused, allowing the horses closest to her to get used to her presence. Once they’d quieted, she eased forward, taking her time, camera at the ready.

  She darted from one shadow to the other, doing her best to remain low and out of sight should any of the men suddenly appear at the barn opening. The stomping of horse’s hooves and the quick click-click of her camera were the only sounds. When she was halfway to the front, she stopped, deciding to stay where she was for a few minutes. If no one showed up soon, she’d go to the front door and knock, finally alerting them to her presence.

  Am I ready?

  It was a strange question, but one she couldn’t shake. The unusual sensation was whipping through her body, growing stronger by the minute. What was she ready for? To see them again? Yes. To get as close as she could to them? Hell yes. She was being drawn to them. If she could’ve fought the urge, she doubted she would’ve wanted to try.

  Yeah. It’s going to happen. Today’s the day.

  If she knocked on their door, she had no doubt she’d wind up in their bed. Was she ready for sex? Most definitely.

  What she wasn’t ready for was the feeling of a hand clamping down on her shoulder. She let out a squeal that had the horse closest to her dancing in its stall.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Chapter Five

  Shenna jerked away from the huge man. A second later, the intensity of the wild emotions running through her had her taking a step toward him. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  His dark eyes twinkled with humor. “Then maybe you shouldn’t be sneaking around my barn.”

  A rush of heat swept into her cheeks. “Maybe.”

  His strong eyebrows dipped low. “So what are you doing skulking around my barn?” His frown was less than actually stern. “Looking for mice?”

  “I wouldn’t call it skulking.”

  He crossed his arms, a bemused expression filling his face. “What would you call it?”

  She had to confess. At least to part of the truth. “I wanted to get some candid shots, that’s all.”

  “Candid shots, huh? What for? And of what?” His bemused smirk threatened to go straight into a full-out grin.

  She darted her gaze away from his intense one, but then had to look back at those compelling dark eyes. “Of the horses. The ranch. You know. For my book.”

  “Photos of the horses?” His smile was more of a smirk. “Are you sure you don’t mean photos of something else? Or of someone else?”

  Damn it. I’m stuck.

  “Both. I wanted some photos of the horses and, if possible, some of you guys working the ranch. You know, the kind of picture where the subject doesn’t know that they’re being photographed. Candid shots. Those are the best kind.”

  “Uh-huh. You mean like the photos you were taking of my cousins a few minutes earlier? While they were out in the pasture?”

  Her mouth parted before she realized what she was doing. So much for her stealth abilities. “So you were skulking after me?” Maybe going on the defensive would work.

  He blinked, catching her not-so-subtle innuendo. “If you weren’t skulking, then I sure wasn’t. I just got lucky and saw you.”

  “Then why didn’t you say something?”

  He stepped closer, cupping her chin with his knuckle. “And interrupt the master photographer at work? Not a chance.”

  All at once, the barn’s temperature seemed to shoot skyward. The sizzle inside her buzzed even stronger. She doubted taking hold of a loose power line would give her more of a shock than the touch of his skin against hers. An insistent, powerful force enveloped her, pushing her closer until, at last, her breasts pressed against his chest. When he wrapped his arm around her waist, she wondered how her suddenly weak knees could hold her up.

  He eased her backward until her butt bumped against the wooden rails of the stall. The horse’s nicker had her jumping again.

  “You don’t need to sneak around, you know. Anytime you want to come here, you can just come. You belong here.”

  You belong here.

  She couldn’t have told him why, but the words made sense. As though something down deep within her had been waiting to hear those exact words since the moment she was born. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”

  “You don’t have to.” He pointed to his temple. “At least not here. You already understand in here.”

  She jumped again when he flattened his palm against her chest only inches from her cleavage. “No I don’t.”

  “Yeah. You do.”

  She would’ve argued with him, but whatever she would’ve said would’ve been a lie. Instead, she swallowed the lie.

  “I know what you’re doing.”

  She sucked in a hard breath. Had she been found out? “You do?”

  “I sure do.”

  She swallowed again, this time to keep from pleading for forgiveness.

  “I know you want us.” He put his mouth against her ear. “You came to make us yours.”


  “I don’t understand,” she whispered. His breath caressed her cheek as he straightened up.

  “Stop saying you don’t understand. You know you do.”

  “Why didn’t anyone invite us to the party, Doug?”

  She broke her attention from Doug to see his cousins striding into the barn. The horses they’d been riding no longer had their saddles or bridles on but followed like obedient dogs. Where had they cooled the animals down?

  Yet with every step they took toward her, the less she cared about anything except them. All she wanted to know was what they might do to her. For her. With her.

  “Shenna, these two are my cousins, Marty and Jordan. I caught her taking some photos,” He loosened his hold on her, but not much.

  “Photos of what?”

  Embarrassment flamed in her cheeks again. She took Doug’s pause to answer as a sign that she should speak first. “Of you two while you were out in the pasture.”

  Dark eyes met hers. “Really? What for?” He motioned at the other man to lead his horse to a stall on the other side of the two rows of stalls. “Put yours in number four, Marty.”

  The blond god nodded and opened that stall. “Obviously, she wanted pics of a sexy man at work.”

  “Thanks, cuz.” Jordan gave her a wink and a grin.

  “I was talking about me, you jerk.” Marty’s wide shoulders seemed to stretch forever as he swaggered over to her. “Do you want to take some more photos? I’d be happy to strip to the buff for you.”

  Hell yeah.

  Instead, she shook her head. “That’s okay. I got what I wanted.”

  “Did you?” Jordan eased closer, too.

  The three hulks surrounded her, making it impossible for her to get away. As if she really wanted to. Although she knew she should light out while she could, she stayed where she was. The wonderful, strange sensation swirled in her abdomen, firing need throughout her body.

  “Answer the question, sugar,” said Doug. The heat from his body struck hers as though she were standing too close to a fire. “Did you get what you came for?”

  She started to say she had then spoke the truth. “No.”

  “No? Then what did you come for?” Marty rubbed a strand of her hand between two fingers.

  How could men who had barely touched her make h
er feel more satisfied than other men had after having sex? Nothing made any sense, but she didn’t care.

  Doug tilted his head at her. “What’s your last name?”

  “Cox.” She swallowed hard. “And you guys?”

  Jordan laughed. “You know who we are. We’re the Becketts.” He thrust his thumb at the other two as he said their names then at himself. “Marty. Jordan. And I’m Doug.” His gaze darkened and glinted with a powerful spark that spiraled down into her soul. “But you just heard our names. What matters is why we’re important to you.”

  “You are?” Yes. Oh, yes.

  “You know we are. We’re the ones for you.”

  The ones for her? How could she believe him? He’d probably said the same thing to dozens of other women. Yet, his words sounded more like the truth than any she’d ever heard before.

  He looked to his cousins again. “No doubt about it. She’s the one.” He chuckled. “Not that I need to tell you two. You can feel it.” His gaze jumped from one man to the next again, his appraisal stark and unrelenting. “I can see it in you. Hell, I can feel it in you.”

  “You feel it, too, don’t you, darlin’?” Marty let the hair slide through his fingers then trailed his fingertips along her neck.

  She trembled, the need to have him touch her everywhere almost palpable. “Feel what?”

  “Still wanting to play games, hon?” asked Jordan. “Do you really want to waste time doing that?”

  Again, the truth. “No.”

  “Good.” Jordan cupped her behind the neck. “What you’re feeling is real, and you can’t ignore it. You can’t run from it, either.”

  “Well, you can run from it, but you’ll only end up being miserable,” added Doug. “So why do that to yourself?”

  Their hands were on her, skimming over the slender places of her body as well as the full ones. She moaned, her feelings overwhelming her. “I—”

  “No more talking,” ordered Doug. Instead, he brought his mouth to hers, his kiss at first easy and light then becoming needy and hard.


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