Just Listen

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Just Listen Page 7

by Clare James

  “Finny,” Ava said when I picked up.

  “Hi, Ava,” I said casually. “What’s up?”

  “I have some bad news,” she said in a rather cheerful voice.


  “My favorite kind,” I joked.

  “That piece of trash, Finny,” she continued. “I warned you about her.”

  “Are you talking about Casey?”

  “Precisely, the person I’m talking about. Thanks to her antics, I have to hold a press conference today down at the X. I think you need to get down here, you’ll want to hear this.”

  “What’s it about?”

  “Just get to the X, Finn.”

  Then she hung up.

  I didn’t waste a second before I called Casey.

  She picked up on the first ring.

  “We need to get to the X,” I told her.

  “I’m on my way there right now,” she said. “Why do you need to go?”

  “I just got a call from Ava,” I said. “She told me that there was a press conference that I need to be at.”

  “Funny,” she said. “My producer told me the same thing.”

  “This isn’t good.”

  “Wait, why does Ava know about this anyway?”

  “Her family owns the TV station, Case.”

  “What?” she screamed.

  “You didn’t know that?”

  “No,” she said. “Do you think I would’ve gone all Million Dollar Baby on her if I knew she owned my ass?”

  “That doesn’t matter now,” I said. “We just need to worry about what the hell she’s up to.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing bad, Finn,” Casey said.

  Famous last words.

  Chapter 23


  Anchor/Kiki Stuart: So you’re saying you were set up?

  Casey: That’s correct.

  Anchor/Kiki Stuart: KXAA doesn’t corroborate your side of the story.

  Casey: Yes, I’m aware.

  “What do you think this is all about?” Jonathan asked as we parked the car near the X.

  “I have no idea and that’s what worries me,” I said.

  “Should I bring the camera?” he asked.


  We got settled into our chairs. Unsure what to do about Finn, I just gave him a nod. His face was pale. He looked almost panicked.

  Jonathan filed in with the other cameramen, setting up to shoot the table at the front. The table where Ava stood with my boss, Phil, the owner of the Wild, Josh Hutchingson, and Wild coach, Tim Miller.

  “Thanks for coming today,” Mr. Hutchingson said. “We have some great news in the world of hockey.”

  “We are thrilled,” Coach Miller added. “Absolutely thrilled.” He smiled and pointed to Finn.

  What the hell was going on?

  “First of all,” Mr. Hutchingson went on, “We need to recognize the woman of the hour, Casey Scott.”

  All eyes turned on me and I felt like I was going to throw up. Then, Finn looked at me in question. I shrugged.

  This wasn’t good.

  “Casey here has brought an important story to our attention,” Ava said. “Unfortunately, one of our newspaper team members completely botched this story. I’d like you all to know that she’s been reprimanded for her fabricated stories about a true legend of Minnesota hockey, Finn Daley.”

  Why were they throwing Tattle Tale Tina under the bus?

  “Casey discovered the reason Finn Daley left the Wild last spring.” Ava painted on a concerned face. “It’s a discovery that may have just saved his professional career.”

  I looked over at Finn and he was riveted – obviously hearing the story for the first time. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something very bad was about to happen.

  “Yes,” Coach Miller continued. “Finn Daley, Casey Scott has confirmed, has bipolar disorder – formally referred to as manic depression. It’s a disorder that forced him to retire last year after he received his diagnosis. But today, we are happy to report that he’s managing his illness, has never been healthier, and well, I’ll let Mr. Hutchingson take it from here.”

  “Thank you, Coach,” the Wild owner said. “And thank you, Casey Scott, for bringing this story to our state’s attention. We know mental illness hasn’t been fully accepted in many sports. In fact, many players with mental illness do not get the support they need. Quite the contrary. But today is a new day. We don’t want to be lumped in with those other organizations caught back in time. Today, we are happy to welcome Finn Daley back to the team. We’ve been working with Finn and his agent for some time. We’ve also created new resources for our players with mental illness, and Finn, we’d like you to be on a special taskforce to help us do right by our players.”

  I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t even blink. What was going on?

  The small group in attendance went crazy and the photojournalists looked like the paparazzi swarming around Finn. Neither one of us could say a word. And before I knew it, we were swept away.


  Finn wouldn’t take my calls after the press conference.

  He really believed I was responsible for this. Even at the event, he couldn’t bring himself to look me in the eyes.

  The days that followed morphed into a huge blur. There were people calling for interviews and job offers and book offers.

  I should’ve been ecstatic. The old me would’ve been over the moon. The new me went into hiding.

  Zack answered all the calls that came in and went into protective mode. A week into the chaos, he made me take a meeting with a talent agent.

  She was helpful and had a plan to get all this to stop, so I signed with her. She soon became a beautiful go between Finn and me.

  It wasn’t long after I signed with her that she booked our appearance on Good Morning U.S.A.

  Chapter 24


  “So,” Kiki said, addressing us now that our story had been regurgitated for the American public. “What’s next for both of you?”

  “It’s all about hockey now,” I said briefly.

  “And work for me,” Casey added.

  Then we exchanged pleasantries and joined our agents.

  It was over.

  In reality, what was next for me was to repair my broken heart, as pussy-ass as it sounded. Casey shattered it.

  I’m not sure what happened that day at the press conference. But Casey was definitely a part of it.

  She denied everything, but I couldn’t let myself fall for another one of her lies.

  In the corner of the studio, Stan stood grinning ear-to-ear. He had no idea I was going to fire him before the new season started. That asshole also knew about the gotcha press conference, and didn’t tell me. Thought we’d get a better reaction for the cameras if it was a surprise, he said.


  “You two were so good together,” Stan said. “Finn, we are going to have sponsors pounding on our doors. And mental illness is hot right now.”

  What. The. Fuck.

  “Hot, really?” I said. “Dude, can you think just a little before you spew this shit?”

  He nudged my elbow, like I was joking around. Little did he know I was seconds from smashing his face into one of the cameras.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it,” Stan said. “But I really think you could be the face for bipolar disorder. It could be a very rewarding thing, Finn. We need to think about it.”

  “Jesus,” I spit. “Okay, Stan. We’ll talk, but right now can I have a minute with Casey?”

  She turned to me, wide-eyed, when I said her name. And shit, my dick twitched.

  We walked into the greenroom and I closed the door.

  “You need to get rid of that guy,” Casey said with her smart mouth.

  She shut up when I locked the door.

  All the bantering and anxiety of the interview had me reeling. And it wasn’t about the meds or an episode. I was fucking horny as hell and I needed Casey.
br />   One last time.

  We smashed into each other at the same moment. My lips devoured her mouth, tangling with her tongue, trying to control and possess. Something I was unable to do in the studio, but I knew she’d let me here while we were alone.

  I prodded and pulled at her smart suit she wore for TV. I needed more of her skin. When I got to her bra, I ripped it in my effort to get her bare. Then I feasted on her breasts.

  She moaned in that delicious, impatient way of hers as she pawed at my clothes.

  We ripped away at the fabric, until we were both naked.

  Then I pulled her to me, lifting her up against the wall, before I fucked her senseless.



  I couldn’t get enough of him and apparently I wanted the world to know. Finn had to put a hand over my mouth to keep everyone at the studio from knowing what we were up to in the greenroom.

  Our movements were fast and frantic. I wanted to make it last forever, but once he pushed that glorious cock into me, I was done.

  Convulsing almost immediately, I cried out into Finn’s hand, tightening my thighs around his waist and digging my heels into his ass.

  The feeling of release was overwhelming. Finn didn’t last much longer than I did. And as he thrust into me that final time, he bit down on my neck.

  When he stilled, I knew it was the end.

  We settled our breathing, and Finn set me down gently. I tried to keep the tears from falling. This is what he wanted from me. Nothing more.

  We were silent as we put our clothes back on, but I watched him. I wanted to record every last second.

  “Guess this is goodbye then,” Finn said, and my wishful heart told me it was a question.

  My head told me it was a blow off. It was the end.

  We stared at each other for a long moment and then, just like that, it passed.

  “Goodbye,” I said, before I walked out the door.


  The overtime period in a tie game. The first team to score wins.


  After the interview, and the greenroom experience with Casey, I locked myself back on my property, much like I did after Dr. Hart told me I was bipolar.

  I worked out non-stop, with only the occasional visit with Nate. But soon enough I was working out with the team and then even played in my first game.

  It was fine. Okay. I would make it. Even without Casey. But hell if I didn’t miss her.

  “Found out some interesting news today from one of the Sports Girls,” Nate said during our weekly pizza night.

  “Not interested, Nate.”

  “You should be,” he taunted.


  “Because it was about Casey.”

  Fuck him.

  He knew he wasn’t allowed to say her name in my presence.

  “It’s over, man,” I said. “Can’t you just let it be?”

  “No,” Nate said. “I can’t, and I’m getting damn sick of you moping about it.”

  “You don’t have a clue how hard I’m trying,” I admitted. “Personally, I think it’s a damn miracle that I haven’t been sent back to Regions considering all that’s happened. Every day it’s work to get up and out of bed. To practice and the games.”

  “I know it is.” Nate’s voice softened. “I know you’ve had to deal with more than your fair share of shit. But you need to hear this.”

  “Okay.” He was good at wearing me down. “Fine. Speak.”

  “Casey didn’t’ have anything to do with that press conference.”

  “So she says. This is nothing new.”

  “I guess she tried to retract everything, but the execs at KXAA strong-armed her. That little shit even threatened them with a lawsuit.”

  “So where did they get the news, then?”

  I wanted to believe it, but there was no way this was true.

  “Ava,” Nate said.

  I stopped breathing.

  “She wouldn’t.”

  “Of course she would. This was a typical Ava move.”

  “But she could’ve done this at any time, why then? Why not when she found out I was cheating on her?”

  “Because Casey wasn’t in the picture then.”

  He was right.

  “There’s more,” Nate said.

  “Spit it the fuck out then. I’m losing it here.”

  “I guess Casey’s been in rough shape. She quit the job or was forced out – depends on who’s telling the story. But she got offered a reporter position in Phoenix.”

  “Phoenix?” My chest was caving in on itself.

  “It’s a good gig for her.”

  “The fuck it is,” I yelled.

  “I knew you’d react this way,” Nate said. “But one thing, man. It is a good gig for her. So don’t go barreling over there and making her stay if you don’t mean it.”

  “I wouldn’t do that,” I said.

  “Really?” Nate rolled his eyes.

  “Really,” I snapped.

  “I just think you need to think long and hard about this,” he said.


  “I can’t believe you’re leaving me for freaking Arizona,” Zack said while I was packing.

  “Think about it this way,” I said in between folds, “you have a free place to stay in February.”

  “It won’t be the same, Case. But okay, that part doesn’t sound half bad.”

  I could tell my brother was getting a little emotional because he excused himself a few seconds later. I understood. I’d been bawling ever since I accepted the position, but I really had no choice.

  My phone buzzed and I felt that familiar wave of hope. Always hoping it would be him on the other line.

  But hope was for suckers.

  “Hey, Mack,” I said when I read her name on the screen.

  “We’re still on for one last hurrah tomorrow night, right?”

  I didn’t want to go, but I couldn’t let her down. She’d done so much for me and I did want a proper goodbye.

  “Of course,” I told her.

  “I’m thinking drinks and then maybe we can egg The Mole’s car or something.”

  “Perfect,” I told her, before I felt the room go about 20 degrees warmer.

  I turned around to my door and there he was. The source of the heat.

  Finn wore gym shorts and a tight T-shirt. I literally couldn’t speak at the sight of him.

  He walked in, took the phone from my hand, glanced at the I.D. and said, “Mack, it’s Finn, Case will call you back in a little bit.”

  As he moved the phone from his ear, I could hear Mack screaming, “Go get her, you sexy idiot!”

  Then he threw it on the bed.

  “She’s right. I am an idiot. I was scared and I wanted to believe the worst – I did believe the worst – in you. But I’m sorry.”

  He paused, waiting.

  “Oh, ah, my turn?”

  Finn nodded.

  “I’m sorry too. You had every right to believe the worst. I didn’t give you a reason not to.”

  “You did, Case. You did so many times.” He swallowed and his eyes were glossy. “I hear you’re leaving town.”

  For once I was unable to hold the tears back. They came flowing down my cheeks.

  Finn moved closer and wiped them away with his thumb.

  “I am. But before I go, I want you to understand that I had nothing to do with that press conference.”

  “I know. I know it was Ava.”

  “Snake,” I said, followed by a few other choice words.

  “I could serve you her head on a platter if you like.”

  “The old me would’ve loved that, but not the new me,” I said

  “The new you?” he asked with a grin.

  “Yes, I’m turning over a new leaf. Trying to control my temper, be more professional, that kind of thing.”

  “Hmm, I kind of liked the old you. The smart-mouthed spitfire who lives in Stillwater.”

bsp; “Yeah, well, people don’t really change, do they? I’m sure I’ll be the same in Arizona.”

  “I don’t want you in Arizona.”

  “You don’t want me at all, Finn,” I choked on my words. “You’ve made that perfectly clear.”

  “Oh, I want,” he said, pulling me into him. “I’ve always wanted.”

  “Don’t tease me, Finn.”

  “I’m not teasing, Case. But I need to know more about the new you.”

  “Like what?” I asked with a laugh through my tears.

  Could this really be happening?

  “Does the new Casey Scott still like it when I kiss her like this?”

  Finn captured my mouth, completely invading it. Not rough like we were used to, but not all that soft, either.

  He broke the kiss and I whimpered. But he waited for his answer.

  “She does,” I said.

  “And does the new Casey still like when I taste her like this?” he asked, tearing open my blouse, and pulling down the cups of my bra to pull a taut nipple into his mouth.

  “Hmm?” he asked, vibrating against my breast, which did naughty things to me down below.

  “Yes,” I said, in a breathy porn star voice.

  He rewarded me with the same treatment to my other nipple.

  “Does the new Casey still like it when I touch her like this?” Finn asked before pulling up my skirt and sliding his hand underneath.

  He stroked me over my wet panties and groaned.

  This was really happening.

  Toying with the tips of his fingers along the edge of my thong, he pulled back and met my eyes.

  “Now this is an important one,” he said. “I want you to be sure before you answer.”


  “Is the new Casey Scott okay having a possessive boyfriend who loves her and refuses to share?”


  “Holy shit,” I said, what I thought was in my head.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You need to answer the question.”

  “She is more than okay,” I said. “And I love you too, Finn. I have for so long.”


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