Saira - TI5
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Although aware of the Child's ambitions, Saira had no interest in them. Instead, she wanted to know more about the past, and so she continued their conversation as if she had never left and listened to the demoness' thoughts closely.
Humans. Believers. Dreamers. Hypocrites, the Child thought. If only they knew what I know. My plan has been more successful than even I had imagined, but I'm jumping ahead of myself. I was telling of my involvement with humanity. She continued telling her story.
"The Twin was furious at Adam and Eve's betrayal. He had forbidden them to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and they had ignored his orders. Now they knew too much to be happy in Paradise. They would no longer be satisfied with their simple existence. The experiment had gone wrong, and he blamed himself for not monitoring the situation more closely.
"The presence of the small serpent should have raised his suspicions, but he had no reason to believe it anything more than one of the many insignificant by-products of his vast collection of creations. When he realized it was actually his own twin's child, he felt a profound sadness and perhaps a sense of failure. Already, too many lives had been lost in the Great Battle over my mother. Now Eve was displaying the same independent qualities as she, something he knew would happen eventually, just not so soon. I remember watching Adam and Eve from the Netherworld. I actually felt sorry for them as they knelt before their 'God,' fearing his wrath."
Saira listened to Caelene's narration as she searched for the thread that would give her the pathway to the answer she was seeking. Once she located the right one, she followed it to its beginning, unbeknownst to the Child, and watched as the past released its long-held secrets about the demoness' role in the evolution of mankind.
* * *"You have betrayed me," the Voice said with great sadness.
"Forgive us, Father," Adam replied, trembling in fear.
"Was it so wrong to want what you already have?" Eve asked, glancing upward at the dark cloud hanging over their head.
The Twin thought about her question for a few minutes. It was a fair question and deserved an answer.
"No. I knew there would come a day when you would question your existence. I had hoped it wouldn't be this soon."
"Then why are you angry?" she said.
Only his brother, Dis, had the audacity to challenge him. The habit was irritating, but on some level, he enjoyed the stimulating debates.
"I am not angry with you, my children, only saddened," he said. "I cannot allow you to remain in Paradise now that you know the things you do. You will no longer be happy here."
"Where will we go?" Adam looked up for the first time.
"I have prepared a place. Your lives will be hard, but you now have all you need to survive."
Before they could ask anything else, they found themselves standing on barren soil in a land devoid of animal or plant life as far as the eye could see. On the horizon were the dark shadows of objects unfamiliar to them. A small white bird suddenly appeared above the stunned couple. When Eve glanced up, it swooped down toward her and then flew away, only to return when they didn't follow. After a few unproductive attempts, it seemed to give up and moved toward the horizon.
"We have no choice but to follow," Eve said.
A slight nod of his head was the only indication Adam gave. Neither knew how long they had walked, but for the first time, they experienced thirst, hunger, and pain. Their feet became swollen and blistered. Had they not stumbled into a small oasis, they would have perished.
For several nights and days, they stayed by the small pool of water, waiting for their injuries to heal and discussing their situation. Unfamiliar with catching and cleaning fish, they subsisted on the fruits and berries growing on the small trees around them. Both knew, however, the limited sustenance wouldn't maintain them for long. By the fourth day, early in the evening, they left the small sanctuary. Shortly afterward, the oasis vanished, and nothing remained to show it ever existed.
* * *
"I needed to insure their survival if I was to succeed with my own plans," Caelene continued. "I guided them slowly to an imperfect paradise but one to which they could adapt. Over the years, they flourished and grew confident and competent in their ability to survive the hardships. In time, they bore many children. The first two were sons, Cain and Abel. Human theology says that Cain slew his brother out of hatred for having been rejected by his God... an absurdity. Even I knew the Twin loved his creations, although he refused to interfere in their lives.
"Once Adam and Eve were banished from Paradise, he gave them free will to do as they wished. In those times, he was not as patient as he is today. After several unsuccessful attempts to control and guide mankind to a specific conclusion, he realized his mistakes and decided to let humanity choose its own destiny.
"I, however, am not so inclined. I manipulated them in subtle ways to insure both their survival and their evolution.
"Cain was a farmer who took great joy in tilling the soil and growing food for his parents and siblings. Abel, on the other hand, enjoyed caring for animals, providing the meat necessary to sustain his family,” Caelene explained.
"In order to keep harmony between the two, Adam and Eve divided the land, giving half to Cain for cultivation and half to Abel for his livestock. One day, several animals wandered into Cain's field and devoured and destroyed much of what he had grown. In a fit of anger, he killed a bull and several cows. When Abel heard of his brother's actions, he confronted him, his own temper flaring.
"A battle ensued, and Cain gave Abel a mighty shove. Abel tripped over the loose soil and fell, striking his head on a stone, which instantly killed him. When Cain realized what he had done, he fell to his knees sobbing.
"Hours later, Adam and Eve found Cain bent over the still figure of his brother. When he tried to explain what happened, they didn't understand. Anger was not an emotion familiar to them. It was one I knew well. The Twin was furious at Cain but chose not to punish him.” Caelene paused for a moment, remembering the look on Adam and Eve’s faces — confusion and sadness.
"Realizing their children needed mates in order for the species to survive, Adam and Eve sent several of the oldest into the new world to see if there were others like them. Eventually, a few returned with wives or husbands chosen from a primitive race they had discovered near a huge body of water several days' journey away. No one could predict the effect their unions would have on humanity.
"For thousands of years they devolved, the dominant trait of the primitive gene proving too powerful for the Twin's creations. Tens of thousands of years passed before natural selection reversed the trend and allowed the recessive genes of Adam and Eve to regain their place in the evolution of humans."
"So you were responsible for their survival?" Saira asked. She had listened to the Child's words and seen her thoughts. Although she knew the answer, she still wanted to hear the demoness' response.
"I did as much as I could. They needed help. The Twin had given up on them, and since I was the cause of their banishment, I decided to intervene."
"Very altruistic."
The Child laughed. "I never said that, and I doubt you believe it. Of course I had motives. At the time it was also a way to get even with the Twin. If his little experiment continued successfully without his interference, he'd see that some things do just fine without him. It would be quite a blow to his ego, and so far, that's exactly what happened."
"You think he's done nothing to help the humans evolve?"
"He tinkers with them, but nothing major. Once in a while, he takes an interest and stirs things up. Eons back, he seemed more interested in them, but I think now he lets most of them do what they want. After all, he did give them free will. Perhaps he's decided to let them exercise it and hold them responsible for their own actions."
"Perhaps. And what about you?"
"Me? At the moment I'm more interested in my world. Is that one of the questions you needed answered?"
"No, but there
will come a time when I'll seek that too."
"And when will that be?"
"When the tug is stronger. Now I must go. Another calls to me."
Saira disappeared, leaving a brooding Caelene alone with her thoughts. Her uninvited visitor had been an interesting distraction, but now the Child needed to move forward with her plans. She rose and left her abode to rendezvous with several lesser demons and minions of the Underworld. If her plans were to succeed, she would need their help, not that they had much choice. She knew too much about them for any to refuse her offer.
MARI'S SLEEP WAS interrupted by a loud clanging and a low rumbling coming from outside of the apartment window. Exhausted from her escapades with Maopa, she wasn't in the mood to have her much-needed sleep interfered with.
The night had started with a mad dash to catch another late XXX movie, Invasion of the Alien Chicks, and ended with several hotdogs from Willie's Wiener Stand. The two spirits retired to their bedroom and tried to duplicate the alien chicks' odd renditions of lovemaking. Most positions proved to be too awkward or painful to be enjoyable. They suspected the women actors were either contortionists or faking their reactions. Eventually, after several failed attempts at the popular sixty-nine, they collapsed in a fit of laughter and decided to call it quits.
"I tell yah, this just don't seem doable ta me. I mean, ain't no way I can conseentrate on doin' yah when you're doin' me at the same time. I keep fergettin' what I was doin'."
"So I noticed." Mari laughed. "I guess this is what humans refer to as multi-tasking."
"We ain't that for shore, and I ain't believin them gals was doin' any better. I'm a-thinkin' there's a might bit of fakin' goin on in these here movies."
"I think you're right. No wonder Yemaya and Dakota are so tired. Trying to do this every night is exhausting."
"Sure is. Either them two be a whole lot fitter than us or they knowed somethang we don't."
Mari pulled Maopa close against her body and snuggled under the sheets. "At least this is pleasant, and I think I'm finally beginning to understand why humans enjoy sex so much."
"About darn time too. I was beginnin' ta thank yah didn't have it in ya." Maopa smirked.
"Oh, it was in me alright. Although I have to admit I think I like your tongue much better than your fingers. Those nails are a little too sharp."
Maopa looked down at her fingertips. "Dang. I thought I had bit them off enuff. They can't get no shorter than they be now."
"Well, either Dakota doesn't use them like the women in the movies or she wears gloves," Mari said.
Both women thought about it for a few moments.
"Naahh!" they said simultaneously and then giggled as they snuggled under the sheets.
Closing their eyes, they fell instantly asleep.
* * *
Mari realized the noise wasn't going away. She threw off the top sheet, walked over to the window, and peered between the blinds. The early morning light caught her by surprise, and she blinked painfully as she searched for the cause of the noise. Below her window, two men were working. Each one picked up several large plastic bags from the sidewalk and threw them in the back of a huge truck. Then one pulled a large lever, and the contents disappeared behind a moving door. A crushing sound was quickly followed by the door reopening. The exposed compartment was now empty. Mari raised the blinds and window, leaned out, and called to the workers.
Apparently they couldn't hear her because of the noisy machinery.
"Damn," she muttered and tried again.
"Hellooo! Hey! You two!"
One man glanced up.
"You want something lady?" he yelled back, his right hand cupped around his mouth.
"Yes, I do!"
When he motioned he couldn't hear, she sighed in frustration. The worker reached over and flipped a switch. Immediately the noise lowered to a mild rumble.
"What are you doing?" Mari asked, having never seen garbage collectors before.
"Picking up the trash, lady. What did you think we was doing?"
"Oh. You take away everything people throw out, right?"
Looking at his partner, the man made a circular motion next to his ear with his hand. The other man grinned and nodded.
"Well, yeah. That's what we do."
"That's wonderful. Can you wait a minute? I have some trash for you."
"We're on a schedule, lady. Once we finish loading the rest of these bags, we have to move on."
"That's okay. I've got it right here," Mari said.
She ran to the large pile of sheets and dirty clothes and quickly sorted the blouses and jeans from the rest of the items. She scooped up the sheets and used underwear and hurried back to the open window. Realizing there was too much stuff to push through, she dropped everything on the floor and then grabbed several items and began tossing them out the window.
The worker Mari was talking to was suddenly assaulted by several pairs of women's panties, some bras, and a couple of sheets. Scrambling frantically to remove the items, he looked at the black lacy bra that had caught on the bill of his ball cap.
"Hey!" He dropped the item and jumped back as if he had just grabbed a snake. "Are you fucking nuts?"
Leaning out of the window, Mari gave him a sultry smile and winked.
"Sorry," she called back in her most seductive voice.
"Oh, uhh... that's okay." Before he could say anything else, more sheets and clothes tumbled down next to his feet, barely missing him.
"We ain't a laundry service, ma'am," he yelled.
"That's okay. If you'll just put them in that thing, it'll be fine," Mari said. "We need to get new ones. Those are dirty."
The trash collector motioned for another worker to help him pick up everything and started tossing the items in the dump truck. Mari noticed that he stuffed the black lacy bra and a pair of deep purple panties down the front of his shirt.
"Wonder what that's about," she murmured to herself. "Thanks a lot," she called to them. "I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, but you've solved a huge problem for us."
"Oh, well... that's okay, ma'am. It's our pleasure. Right, Randy?" he said to the other man.
"Sure is. Our pleasure. Really. No problem, miss." Randy pulled off his hat to scratch his head.
"Great. So how often do you come here?"
"Twice a week. Mondays and Thursdays."
"Good, we'll probably have more by then. Should I just throw them down there for you to pick up?"
"Uhhh... I don't think that would be a good idea, miss. Someone might take them. The city don't like people going through the trash, you know. They leave a big mess behind. You just wait till you hear us and do what you did... that is, if you're awake."
"Okay, I'll listen for you. That thing would awaken the dead," Mari said pointing to the truck.
"Sorry about that. We'll try to be a little quieter from now on. Look, we have to finish up here. We're running a little behind schedule now. You got anything else you want to get rid of?"
Mari thought for a minute and then realized she had a small trashcan with some used sanitary napkins and tampons. Her first impulse was to toss them down also but decided it would be too much trouble for the young men to pick them up off the street and sidewalk. Maybe she'd put them in a bag later and toss them out the next time he came by.
"No. That's it for now. Thanks again." Mari closed the window and returned to bed, satisfied she had resolved a huge problem. She wondered how Maopa could sleep through all the racket.
Seems like a waste to throw those things out. I bet they must recycle that stuff somehow. I'll have to remember to ask Yemaya what they do with their sheets when they get dirty.
Wrapping her arms around Maopa, she quickly fell asleep.
* * *
Waking up was always a long process, or so it seemed to Maopa. Eyes closed, she would lie still, trying to make sense of her surroundings and the noises around her. I
t felt as though her brain were struggling to climb out of some deep, dark hole in its efforts to regain the consciousness it had so easily abandoned the night before. In her earlier life, she had always been up before sunrise. Now she could barely drag herself out of bed until well after the birds were up. The worst way to wake up was hearing the irritating ringing of the telephone. Today was one of those days. Grumbling, she groped around the small table by the bed and finally found the offending object.
"What in tarna... dang... Devereaux," she said, trying to collect her thoughts.
"Hello? Ms. Devereaux? This is Sandra at Dr. Winslow's office. I was calling to remind you of your appointment today."