Saira - TI5
Page 15
Kneeling beside her, Intunecat picked up Saira's hands and turned the palms up. Running his thumbs gently across the skin, he was amazed at how soft and warm they felt, considering she didn't have a physical body.
"Listen to me, Traveler. Each of us is unique. Mari is the Earth Mother. Her world is one of light and beauty and color. It's filled with life and death, and it's constantly changing. And then there's the Twin. He stays locked away in a realm very few are allowed to enter. What he feels or thinks only he knows. Some mortals believe him to be loving, while others fear his wrath, and he does little to resolve the debate. He's a mystery to everyone, except perhaps Dis.
"The Underlord probably knows his Twin better than anyone. I think that's why they're always at odds. When you know someone too well, you know their strengths and their weaknesses and those two have plenty of each. Dis loves life, but he loves it selfishly. He thinks mostly about his personal pleasures, although he seems to have a weak spot for Lilith. She was perhaps the closest he ever came to knowing true love. Unfortunately for him, he squandered that a long time ago. Still, I'm not so sure he's that much different from his Twin or the rest of us. Sentient life may differ, but emotions don't."
"And you?" Saira asked softly, looking down at the hands gently holding hers.
"Me? I'm the master of darkness. It's a realm in which none can exist except for short periods. My world is one of darkness, void of color, void of light, and yet I'm uniquely able to see the beauty within. I feel its soft textures as no one else can. It's warm like velvet... no, softer than the softest velvet anyone can ever imagine. I hear music where there is none, notes drifting randomly through the darkness and joining in a moment of harmony that never repeats itself.
"Every second is filled with a richness that makes my very essence vibrate with unimaginable power. This place and I are one. It makes me happy in ways nothing else can, and yet, it instills mixed emotions in almost every sentient being who thinks about it. They fear the darkness for what they can't see and seek its comfort for sleeping and dreaming. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
"I'm not sure."
He pulled Saira to her feet, turned her toward the darkness, and waved his hand. For a moment, Saira experienced everything Intunecat had just described. It was both overwhelming and magnificent. From behind her, she felt his warm breath as he whispered near her ear.
"We're the guardians of our own worlds, Saira. I, the darkness; Mari, the light; Dis, the Underworld; and the Twin, the Overworld. Without us, each realm would be chaos, and without each realm, none of the others would exist. We're the balance to all that ever was and ever will be."
"Yes. I can see that, but what does all of this have to do with me?"
"Everything, my dear, and maybe nothing. What's the one thing all of us have in common, the one thing even First Born can't control?"
"You mean time?"
Intunecat nodded. "Time. First Born have never mastered time. Only you can do that."
"I don't master time. I'm only a Traveler."
"If you say so. Still, I find it interesting that only you can travel the web. For all our powers, we're incapable of such journeys. We didn't even know it was possible until recently. Don't you find that a little strange?"
"I've never really thought about it."
"Then perhaps you should. There's a purpose behind all things. For some unknown reason, you have this unique ability to go back and forth along these threads. Have you ever thought about what happens to these strands as time moves forward?"
"Not really. The future is beyond me."
"Exactly, but it does exist even if it isn't attainable. You were the one who described time as a giant web, constantly growing larger and more complicated. If you're right, then logic dictates that the bigger it grows, the more stress it puts on each strand before it. If that's true, what happens if one of those threads weakens and breaks?"
"I don't know. Probably nothing, or maybe the web would unravel and time would cease to exist. Who's to say it hasn't already happened?"
"True. There are many possibilities, but what if, and I'm merely posing a theory, what if someone could journey into the past to make sure each strand remained intact? If a thread is created when one life intersects another, wouldn't it be reasonable to believe that a new one is created or an old one strengthened every time you make your journey?"
Saira had never given much thought to there being a purpose for her trips into the past. For her, it was simply a matter of looking for answers. If Intunecat's theory was accurate, it put a tremendous responsibility on her shoulders and a burden she wasn't sure she had the courage to carry.
"If what you say is possible, then I'm more afraid than ever. Were I to get lost, I could never find the weakened threads."
"And if you never take the journey, you'll never strengthen them. Of course, all of this is just speculation. There's no way to prove or disprove any of this."
"True." Saira hoped in a way he was wrong. But what if?
"But what if?" Intunecat asked, as if reading her thoughts. "Isn't it better to take the chance and possibly fail than to not take it, knowing you will fail?"
"If it were only that simple."
Realizing that in telling her his theory, he had placed an unimaginable burden on Saira, Intunecat almost regretted speaking so freely. Now wasn't the right time for her to seek the meaning of her own existence.
"Saira. It's that simple. You once told me you had free will to choose whether you follow a thread, even though you felt compelled to do so. Nothing has changed. I know you're afraid, but fear can be a good thing. It will make you more cautious now. Personally, I think you have nothing more to be afraid of. This is all nothing more than speculation. Talk to others, and I'm sure you'll get a half dozen more theories that are equally plausible."
Saira stared blindly into the darkness. "You may be right, Intunecat. Perhaps I'm just over-thinking things."
"My thoughts exactly. Besides, you have one thing going for you that you've never had before."
"And that would be?"
"Me." The Dark One grinned. "If I'm to get any peace and quiet here, it looks like I'm going to have to keep an eye on you."
Saira laughed. She was really starting to like the First Born. Intunecat had a way of putting everything in perspective.
"And just what could you do? You're the first to admit you can't come and get me."
"Ah. Well, that's a question that only needs an answer if it happens. Until then, let's not think about it."
"Agreed. Thank you, Intunecat. It was kind of you to listen."
"My pleasure. Now, if you don't mind, could you please give me a little warning before you barge in again? I find it quite disconcerting having you females coming and going at your leisure."
"You have my word, although I can't say how much notice I can give. Perhaps you should install a doorbell. Now I must go. Someone's calling me."
"Doorbell?" Intunecat asked. "This from a ghost." He rolled his eyes dramatically. Before he could say anything else, Saira leaned over, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and disappeared. Stunned, Intunecat stood still for several seconds and then raised his hand to the spot her lips had touched. The area was pleasantly warm.
"What is it about females that makes them so..."
A good, descriptive word escaped him.
BINKY CARLLETON WAS in his glory. The snapshot of the Illusionist making out in the park had made him a thousand bucks and given him instant notoriety. Several magazines had contacted him, offering more money if he could furnish more pictures. To make things even better, he had received an anonymous tip that Ms. Lysanne was going to be at the park around 6 p.m. with her mysterious girlfriend.
At 5:45, Binky positioned himself behind some shrubbery and waited. Nervously, he checked the settings on his camera, knowing he would only have a few seconds to snap pictures before being discovered. Minutes later, his subject strolled down the sidew
alk with her arm wrapped around a shorter blonde.
"This is great," he muttered, already thinking about how he would spend the money he was going to get.
When they sat down on the same bench as in the original photo and started kissing, Binky adjusted the focus and quickly snapped two shots. Several people strolled by, glanced at the two women, and smiled before continuing on their way. One woman noticed the cameraman and frowned.
"Paparazzi," she said, disgustedly. She walked over to where he was hiding, stood between him and his subjects, and pointed her finger accusingly. "You should be ashamed of yourself, young man. Spying on people like that. What would your mother think?"
Realizing he was busted, Binky decided it was time to leave. Scurrying off, he kept his head down in case anyone else was looking. Had he looked back he would have seen a pair of green eyes and a pair of icy blue eyes following his furtive movements as he disappeared into a small crowd.
"I figger he done got what he needs."
"Looks like it. Now he'll get what he deserves. Let's go home. Yemaya and Dakota will take it from here."
Anxious to develop the two photos, Binky rushed back to his apartment. At the entrance, several people were milling around, some looking at photos they were holding. As he approached, a woman dressed in a green jacket and khaki slacks looked up and pointed at him.
"There he is!" she yelled.
Surprised, Binky stopped and stared at the group. Cameras appeared and the familiar click of the shutters chattered ominously. Unsure of himself, he pushed past them and disappeared into the building.
"That's weird," he said aloud to himself.
A small photo lab had been set up in his spare bedroom. He unloaded the camera and began the slow process of developing the film. Fifteen minutes later, he stared in satisfaction at the prints hanging on the clothesline.
"The papers are going to love this."
Later, after sliding the dry photos into a brown folder, he put on a light jacket and left his apartment. At the front door, he was again met with the sound of several cameras clicking and a few flashes.
"Aren't you the one who took the pictures of the Illusionist?" asked a man holding a microphone.
"Yeah, that's me. Why?"
"You're famous now," another cameraman said.
Feeling suddenly important, Binky grinned and posed for a few more pictures before finally trying to call it quits. When new photographers appeared, he frowned and hurried away.
This is crazy, he thought.
Twenty minutes later, he was walking toward the entrance of the National Exposure when he noticed another group of photographers by the main entrance. Ducking his head, he tried to sneak past them but found it impossible. The familiar clicking was getting annoying.
When he finally managed to get inside, the secretary of the editor-in-chief motioned for him to follow her. Leading him to Larry Dunbar's office, she knocked once on the door and then opened it.
"He's here, Mr. Dunbar."
"Show him in," a deep voice said.
She signaled for him to enter and quietly shut the door behind him.
Larry Dunbar was a short, balding man in his sixties. As editor-in-chief of the National Exposure for fifteen years, he enjoyed the power of his position. Few people dared to challenge him, and those who did were usually subjected to a form of harassment that proved effective but wasn't illegal. Dunbar would send the paparazzi to hound them, their family, and friends. No place was safe or sacred. Soon, the constant attention became unbearable, and his enemies would give up and call a truce. Dunbar gloried in his victories, knowing he had the power of the press behind him. Today, he wasn't very happy.
"You see those assholes outside?" he asked angrily.
"Yeah. I guess I'm famous, huh?" Binky said, smiling smugly.
"Famous my ass. They aren't interested in you. They're after me."
"Well, they certainly were interested in me at my apartment and when I arrived here."
"Those assholes have been following me around for two days. Everywhere I go, there are people taking pictures. I can't even take a piss in the bathroom here without checking the stalls."
"I didn't realize one photo would create such interest," Binky said. "This is really great."
"Great? Listen, you jerk. You may like the thought of being hounded by these creeps, but I don't. I like my privacy."
Before Binky could reply, they were interrupted by a soft knock on the door.
"What?" Dunbar yelled.
His secretary opened the door and stuck her head in the room. "Sorry, Mr. Dunbar, but there's a Ms. Lysanne and a Ms. Devereaux waiting to see you."
"Shit. Show them in, Denise. We might as well make a party out of this."
The door opened, and two women stepped past Denise and walked confidently toward the two men. The look Yemaya gave Binky sent chills down his back. She removed the envelope from his hands and pulled out the photos. After giving them a cursory glance, she handed them to Dakota.
"It looks like he's trying to pawn off some more fakes."
Dakota glanced at the pictures and smirked. "This doesn't even look like you. I can't believe Dunbar was taken in by the first ones." She sneered and tossed the photos on the editor's desk.
"Hey, those are real," Binky said.
"Yeah, right," said Dakota. "And just when were these taken?"
"Today. A few hours ago."
"Interesting. Well, not to burst your bubble, but Ms. Lysanne and I were in meetings with several newspaper editors all day... well-known and respected editors. I'd be happy to have them confirm this if you want." The glance she gave Dunbar spoke volumes. "So you see, if these were taken today, it couldn't be us."
"These are you two. You're just trying to pull something." Binky looked at Dunbar for support.
"Not at all," Yemaya said. "I can assure you that the photos you took today and the ones this newspaper published are not of us. Neither Ms. Devereaux nor I have ever been in that park. In fact, we weren't even in town the day you snapped the other picture."
Turning toward Dunbar, who had been sitting quietly through the discussion, she placed her hands, palm down, on the desk and leaned toward him. Icy, pale blue eyes burned angrily at him.
"Mr. Dunbar, I have no idea what you paid this man for that picture, but one thing I do know and can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that those women in the photo are not us. That means you and your paper are liable for defamation. You have two choices. You can print a front-page retraction, or my attorney will be in contact with your attorney tomorrow morning."
Dunbar snorted. "I'm not afraid of you. I've taken on bigger fish —"
"Then you're a fool," Dakota said.
"I'd be a fool to let two bitches try to threaten me. This comes under freedom of the press, and I know how to use it to my advantage."
Binky opened his mouth, and Yemaya turned her gaze on him. Flinching, he snapped his jaw shut, looked away, and swallowed loudly.
Dakota noticed the change in Yemaya's expression and knew Dunbar was in trouble if she didn't do something fast.
"Mr. Dunbar. Perhaps, before you put any more of your foot in your mouth, you should give your boss a call."
"I don't need to talk to him. I have full autonomy in my job."
"Had," Yemaya growled, struggling to control the beast raging inside of her.
"Had, Mr. Dunbar. I had a very interesting conversation with Larry Smilax about an hour ago. It seems that he likes his privacy more than you do, and he isn't so anxious to go to court over this, especially after he confirmed what I've just told you."
"Hey," Binky said, "something stinks here. How'd you know about the photos if it wasn't you?"
"I guess we have the same anonymous source." Yemaya gave him an almost evil smile.
"You set me up."
Yemaya's smile widened, and then she turned back to Dunbar. "I suggest you call your boss and talk to him. Afterward, you can call
my attorney and go over exactly what you will be saying in your retraction. And just in case you believe you can intimidate me the way you have others in the past, I suggest you reconsider. You would be wise to remember I specialize in making things disappear, and I doubt if too many hearts would be broken if you were one of those things."
Dunbar sputtered noisily. Yemaya straightened up and turned to look at Binky.
"As for you, I believe you need to find another occupation. Once Mr. Dunbar prints the retraction and the details of you pawning those fake photos, I seriously doubt anyone is going to want your services."