Fighting for a Second Chance (Fighting #1)

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Fighting for a Second Chance (Fighting #1) Page 18

by Nikki Ash

  “Sure,” I say and take the keys. We get in and I inhale the new car scent.

  “Do you like it?” He asks and he sounds almost nervous like whether or not I like it is important to him. I look around. It has pretty grey leather seats and touch screen everything. It has a built in DVD player and TV in the back seat. It’s a dream car. What’s not to like?

  “Yeah, it’s a beautiful car. Are you getting rid of the Rover?”

  He bites his bottom lip and then pulls it out of his teeth slowly. I am kind of worried he is going to draw blood.

  “No… this car is for you.”

  “WHAAATT? For me? Cooper. No, you didn’t.”

  Damn, this thoughtful man.

  “Yes, I did but hear me out. I have to go away and I get you are ok with your car but I’m not. I let it go because I have been around and if I’m not, one of the other guys usually are. So, if your piece-of-shit car breaks down we can handle it. However, we are all leaving and I need to know my girls are safe. It even has roadside assistance so you can get a tow truck or with one press of a button call someone to come fix your flat tire for you. You can even call to get gas delivered in case you run out.”

  I want to be upset but when he looks at me with those cute puppy dog eyes begging him to understand I don’t have the heart to hurt him. I know his heart is in the right place. He genuinely cares about our safety.

  I take his left hand in mine and kiss his knuckles. “Thank you, Coop. This was very sweet of you. I love the car and I love you.”

  I think I just put him in shock. He was obviously gearing up for a fight. He doesn’t even know how to respond.

  “Well, good. I am glad you like it. I love you, too.”

  He gives me directions to where we are going and we end up at the Venetian hotel on the strip. We pull up and valet park. Is it weird that I totally don’t want to hand over my new baby to this stranger? Cooper sees my reluctance and whispers, “It’s insured.” Whatever.

  We enjoy a great Mexican dinner at the restaurant and then we stroll over to one of the bakeries and share my favorite desserts, Crème brûlée. When we are both stuffed we make our way to the counter where Cooper checks us in to a room.

  “You didn’t have to do this. We could have gone home. Bella is at Kayla’s you know.”

  “Please don’t argue about this, baby girl. I am leaving for four days and I want to give my woman a romantic night away from the house.” How can I argue with that?

  Once we are in the room the door barely shuts before he is on me. He pushes me against the wall and begins to kiss me. God, I will never get tired of how remarkable this man can kiss. His hands are on my jaw, and he tilts my chin up and then his mouth is on me. My eyes close and I let all my emotions come through from his lips to mine. He sucks lightly on my bottom lip and then on my top asking for access. I open up for him and his tongue swirls in my mouth and I feel like his kisses are the most potent drug. I honestly think it is possible to get high off of Cooper’s touch.

  He moves his body closer if that’s even possible and within seconds I am shamelessly writhing against him, begging for me. He grinds his erection into me and I moan loudly into his mouth. The need gets stronger, and suddenly we are all lips and teeth and hands, and it’s just too much.

  I pull up his shirt and he throws it off. He yanks down my dress and I kick it off. His hands grip my panties and I feel him rip them off of me. I grab his belt to unbuckle it and his jeans fall to his feet exposing his incredible erection.

  The growing need for each other exceeds our ability to make it to the bed. I wrap my leg around his waist and he lifts me up wrapping my legs around either side of him, and thrusts his hard cock up into me. There is no foreplay. There’s no need. I am wet, he is hard, and I need this man more than air.

  My back hits the wall hard and he continues to pump into me. I lower my head to kiss and suck on the side of his neck and he tastes delectable, better than any dessert.

  He hits deep inside me over and over again, and I can feel the pleasure inside of me increasing with every thrust. “Fucking hell, Coop. Right there. Don’t stop.” I scream. I can feel my pussy clenching tight and I know I am getting close.

  A few more thrusts later and I am flying high. My body unravels around his cock and I am on cloud nine. Cooper picks up the pace and with a grunt he is coming inside of me. He looks at me beaming and I melt inside. This man is my entire world.

  We shower together and then get into bed with him spooning me from behind. He plays with my hair for a few minutes combing it with his fingers and then stops. I think he’s asleep but then he says with a heavy sigh. “I hate leaving you guys tomorrow. ”

  “Cooper, it’s going to be fine.”

  “I hope so, baby girl. I hope so.”

  I go to turn around to ask what he means by that but I hear the soft snores telling me he is asleep. I just don’t understand why he is so worried about leaving us. I have a feeling this all stems back to his parents, with his dad being away often and his mom cheating. At some point he is going to have to have believe in us, that we are not his parents and we aren’t going to go down the road they did. I guess all I can do until he does, is believe in us enough for the both of us.

  * * *


  I wake up in the middle of the night and feel Liz’s body rubbing up against mine as she moves a bit in her sleep. I don’t know why it is but I have this incessant need to show her she’s mine and ruin her for any other man. No, that’s a lie; I know why it is. I have it in my head that if I ruin her for other men she will never leave me. My goal is to leave her with her feeling me between her legs for the next four days so she won’t forget about me and seek comfort elsewhere.

  I gently move the sheets off her body and move my hand to her mound sliding a finger in and then another one. She’s still half asleep but she’s starting to move. I spread open her pussy lips just enough to wrap my lips around her clit and pull it. She begins to writhe against my fingers and mouth wanting more.

  “Fuck, baby you taste so good.” I whisper as I go back for more. With my fingers still pumping slowly deep inside her warmth, I start to suck hard on her clit and then soothe it with my tongue. Her legs tense and I know it’s going to be a quick but strong orgasm. She begins to shake and her legs convulse around me as she softly moans my name.

  “Well, that’s one way to wake up” She says and although it’s dark I can hear the laughter in her words. I give the top of her pussy one last kiss and then I drag my body up hers until I am face-to-face with her. I give her a soft kiss and then it deepens as my tongue finds its way into her mouth and after a few seconds I pull back.

  She licks her lips and I know my dirty girl tastes herself from my lips. “Does that taste good?”

  She nods her head shyly and I laugh at that. Even with her own pussy juices on her mouth she is still adorably shy.

  We wake up around nine and order room service. I feel like the clock is counting down and it’s making me sick. I want to beg her to come with me but I know it would be for the wrong reasons. Of course I am going to miss her and Bella but the real issue is I am scared shitless she is going to stray away from me. I know it’s crazy because she loves me, and I know she wouldn’t cheat, but if you saw what I saw growing up you would understand. Fuck, maybe I need to see a therapist.

  After breakfast we pack up and head home to meet Kayla and Bella. As soon as she is through the door she is in my arms. “Daddy, I missed you so much. I had so much fun with Auntie Kay and Uncle Bentley.”

  She started to call Bentley, Uncle Bentley, a few days ago and I swear the man almost gave over his life savings to her when he heard her say it for the first time.

  “I am happy to hear that, princess. Why don’t you go get dressed and we will go out for the day before I leave tonight?”

  Bella smiles wide at going out but as soon as she hears me leaving tonight her sadness mutes her smile; however, she says ok and runs upstairs to ge
t ready.

  The three of us spend the day at the park. Bella insists I push her on the swings even though she can do it herself, we make castles in the sand area, and we watch her play tag with other kids. I am mentally soaking it all in before I leave.

  Eight o’clock comes around and we are all gathered in my house ready to go. Liz and Bella wanted to say goodbye at the airport but with so many people going we decided to take one vehicle to the airport. Plus, there’s no reason for her to drive all the way there and have to drive back late at night with Bella.

  “I love you so much. I will call and text you. Please send me pictures of Bella on Halloween.”

  “I love you, too, and I promise I will. Have a safe flight.”

  I give Liz a chaste kiss because anything more and I just might not leave her, and then we are gone.

  We are taking a chartered jet over to Boulder because it’s easier than dealing with a public flight. Bentley, Kaden, Caleb, and I are sitting in the chairs bullshitting while Hayley and Kayla are sleeping in the one bedroom the plane has.

  I know my phone doesn’t have service up here but it doesn’t stop me from checking it every five minutes.

  “Bro, you are seriously pussy whipped. Chill out.” Bentley laughs nodding at my phone burning a hole in my hand.

  “Yeah, whatever. I will gladly accept that name if it means I can be inside my woman’s pussy for the rest of our lives.”

  Kaden jumps in. “Oh, shit, Cooper. Those are some big words. Are we talking marriage here?”

  “Well for starters I told her I want another baby and she said ok. So, I would say marriage is definitely coming soon.”

  All the guys look at me like I’ve grown a third head and I chuckle and change the subject. “So Bent, what’s going on with you and Kayla? Bella said she had a great time with both of you last night. I am pretty sure we only asked Kayla to watch our daughter.”

  Caleb, who barely ever speaks cuts in, “He is just as pussy whipped as you are except he isn’t getting any of Kayla’s pussy.”

  “Shut the hell up, man.” Bentley retorts. “She wants me but she wants it to just be all fucking and I’m not having it. She’s either all in or not at all. She’ll come around; it’s just a matter of time. I told her the next time we fuck she’s mine.”

  Kaden throws his head back and cracks up laughing. “So now you guys aren’t fucking at all. How’s that working out for you?”

  Caleb adds, “It sounds like Bentley’s got the pussy in this relationship.”

  We all start laughing and the girls come out. Kayla looks around and asks, “What’s so funny?” We all go quiet and both girls are glaring at us. Hayley says, “Hmm… Sounds like the guys were just caught gossiping like a bunch of chicks.”

  She definitely isn’t off base with that observation.

  Chapter Twenty


  It’s Thursday night and it’s been two days without my girls. I have been busy with interviews, press conferences, and photo advertisements. Between my title fight coming up in February, Caleb fighting that night as well, and Bentley fighting in two days it has been crazy. People don’t realize how much more goes into being a part of the UFC aside from the fight they see on the television. And now with me being the owner of several of the training facilities I have even more responsibility.

  It’s nine o’clock here in Boulder so it’s eight o’clock where we live so I decide to break away from the craziness and call my girls to say goodnight. Liz’s phone rings but goes to voicemail. I try again and it does it again, so I send her a text asking her to please call me as soon as she can.

  I spoke with Liz and Bella a couple times yesterday and was able to say goodnight to Bella. I would like to say goodnight to her tonight as well, so I can keep my promise to her. I hate that I will be missing Halloween with her tomorrow night so I take a look at the schedule to see if I can find a way to fly home tomorrow to be there for the trick-or-treating and be back by Saturday morning. It would mean a lot of flying but getting to see my princess in her Elsa costume trick-or-treating would be worth it. I find a large enough gap in my schedule, only having to reschedule one meeting, so I pull up the flights and decide to book one.

  A few hours later, there’s still no call back from Liz, and we are finishing up at the training center. Everybody decides to grab dinner at a local pub on the way back to the hotel. I’m nursing my second beer when I see Caleb and Bentley looking down at one of their phones looking nervous; I don’t know why but I get a bad feeling.

  “What the hell are you guys looking at? Don’t be rude. Share.”

  This gets Kayla’s attention. “It’s probably one of the whores Bentley brought home. Did she let you take pictures?”

  His eyes turn murderous and he growls out, “That was one time! One time, woman! You said you didn’t want me and I was trying to prove a point. I didn’t even sleep with her! I haven’t brought anyone else home since then and I said I was sorry a million damn times. I don’t know why you even care because you sure as hell don’t want me. And for your information, the picture we are looking at is of a woman, of your best friend actually, who appears to be cheating on my best friend. So before you talk shit get your facts straight.”

  He turns to look at me realizing he just threw up at the mouth much more than he planned to say. “I’m sorry, man. It’s probably nothing. Alex, from the gym is at Surrender, and he sent me a pic of Liz and some other guy together.”

  Kayla and Hayley both yell “Bullshit” and stalk over to Bentley yanking his phone out of his hand. It must not be good because instantly both women are trying to make excuses. “It’s got to be a mistake because Liz would never cheat. For God sakes you are the only guy she has ever been with.”

  Hayley chimes in her opinion. “Yeah, plus she went five years without getting any. There’s no way she would cheat now so there has to be a reason for this.”

  I get up and slowly take the phone from Kayla. Staring at me is my woman and she is absolutely stunning in a dark purple strapless dress with black fuck-me heels on. Her hair is down and curly, and I just want to touch her through the screen. The issue isn’t her though. The issue is that with her is a guy, probably in his late twenties, with his arms around my woman, his front to her back, while she throws her head back against him. It looks like they are fucking through their clothes.

  I throw the phone down on the table and walk out. I can hear everybody around me shouting my name but I just need to be alone. This is what I get for thinking for even a second I could have a career and a family. My dad warned me over and over again. He said I couldn’t have both but I thought he was wrong. I thought if I just tried harder, gave more, loved them enough, I would be able to prove him wrong. The man might have been a complete asshole but according to that picture it seems he knew what he was talking about. I guess the joke is on me.

  * * *


  Four hours ago…

  “Bella, go help Tristan clean up the toys and games you guys took out and played with, please; we need to go soon.”

  I am sitting in Ashley’s kitchen having a glass of wine while gossiping over my sex life and her nonexistent one. We spent the afternoon shopping with the kids, and then took them to a cute trunk-or-treat event at the local church. They got a bunch of candy and are currently running around completely hopped up on sugar. I have no idea how I am going to get Bella to sleep but I am glad her mind is off her daddy being gone. It was a rough night last night; after she spoke to Cooper she threw another one of her tantrums and I ended up just letting her sleep with me. I know, shitty parenting move, but I was just exhausted and to be honest I hated the thought of sleeping in my bed alone.

  “You know, my parents are coming over to watch Tristan tonight so a few friends of mine and I can go to Club Surrender. They wouldn’t mind watching Bella as well. They would actually love it because Bella would keep Tristan busy.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I know Bella would be fine
here but going out to a club without Cooper feels wrong.”

  “Sweetie, you are going out for some drinks and maybe some dancing. That’s it.”

  I remember the first and last time I was at a club. It was the night I met Cooper; I fell in love with the music and ambiance that night. It would be fun to have a drink and let loose a little.

  “Ok, I’m in. Drinking and dancing.”

  “Yay! Ok, let’s find us something to wear.”

  Four hours later and I am at the club, on my sixth, maybe seventh shot of tequila… I’m not exactly sure, but what I do know is Ashley’s friends are drinkers. It is a good thing we cabbed it here because I am definitely not fit to drive anywhere on my own.

  I down another shot and it goes down my throat like water. I know I am definitely drunk when I no longer feel the burn of the alcohol in my throat. I hear Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo come on; Ashley shouts this is her jam, so we make our way to the dance floor. We are having a blast grinding up against each other and laughing at some of our drunken moves when the room begins to spin and I know after this song I am done for the night. 2 Chainz pops on the surround sound. I can’t help but lower my ass and pop it out to his solo. Dancing can be so freeing. I should ask Cooper to come out with me to the club, again.

  Suddenly I feel a strong pair of hands wrap around my waist and it’s like Déjà vu to the night in the club with Cooper. In my drunken state I tilt my head back but when I see the horrific look in Ashley’s eyes I jump forward realizing it can’t be Cooper because Cooper is in Boulder. Shit.

  I make my way back to Ashley a bit shaken up at the thought of another man’s hands on my body. I know it isn’t his fault, and he didn’t do anything inappropriate. I know I stopped it immediately but I still feel guilty.

  “I am going to head back to your place.” I tell Ashley when I get over to her.

  “No way, I am ready to go as well. What happened with that guy over there?”

  “He came up behind me the same way Cooper did all those years ago at the club when I first met him, and for a second I thought it was Cooper. It wasn’t until I saw your face that I remembered Cooper is out of the damn state.”


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