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The Devil's Eyes

Page 8

by Jennifer Loren

  “I’m fine. Bored, I guess. Maybe if I had a job I wouldn’t be. And don’t tell me no one wants to book me. I’m not stupid, Nick.”

  “I know you’re not. But I also know that you’re also too good for that kind of work- for those kinds of men. You want another job?” I turn to see if he is making a serious offer. “Help me run the club. I have so much going on these days, I don’t have time to deal with it and I need someone checking on Kyler before he does something stupid.” Nick sits down in front of me, “I’ll show you everything about it and all you have to do is keep the reputation up, keep the girls in order, and keep the drugs out. I don’t need the cops having any reason to get nosy about my business. Can you handle that?”

  In shock, but wildly excited, I nod quickly, “Yes, I can do that.”

  “I will buy you a car so you don’t have to borrow mine anymore. Anything in particular you prefer?” Smiling all over myself, all I can do is shake my head. Nick chuckles at me, “Alright, I will surprise you then. I have to go for now, but I will come back here to get you and we will go to the club together. Also, Kayla, you know from time to time I have special clients come in...”

  I move to the edge of my seat, “I will make sure they are well-taken care of and I won’t ask any questions- or get involved in any way other than what you ask me to do.”

  “Alright, then be ready when I get home, Princess.”

  “Nick?” I say waiting for him to look at me. “Can you not call me Princess when we are at the club? If I am going to be running your business …”

  “I got it.” He smiled.

  Nick keeps his promise and returns to take me to the club. I am shocked at how much detail he gives me. It is only a small portion of what he owns but Pigalle is one of his more legitimate businesses, except for one small area which I’m not allowed to know, but I have a good idea. My job is to keep the club respectable so he can concentrate on keeping his other ventures running smoothly. My first week on the job I can barely think of anything else than work. I stay up late making notes: jotting down new ideas and figuring out how I’m going to look for new girls. Excited, I approach Nick one night with one of my ideas: to have open tryouts, a special contest on our slowest night. A contest will bring in the amateurs to strut their stuff for a spot in our lineup and a cash prize. It will also bring in the crowds to watch the spectacle. Surprisingly, Nick lets me run with it and promises to make an appearance which should bring the girls running to impress him. On the night of, I know it is going to be a good night. The list of girls wanting their chance is a mile long. The lines outside waiting to get in are beyond our capacity and Kyler is having his third drink before the doors even open. I hire Exie to assist with keeping everything running smoothly and she is more than helpful, especially with the new raise I was able to get for her. When Nick arrives, everything is in perfect order and he and his crew walk in amazed. Exie sits them at the table closest to the stage so the girls can see him. Once they are settled, I make my way to sit across from Nick and don’t say a word as I enjoy his smile in my direction.

  “Nick!” The blond that had once tried to molest Nick in his car, runs up to him and sits herself right in his lap. “Oh, baby, I have missed you. Where have you been?”

  “Working.” Nick says catching sight of my obvious displeasure with her. “I have been busy.”

  “Well maybe tonight, after I dance for you on stage, I can dance for you privately?” She says with her best sexy smile.

  “I might like that.” He said, laughing at me rolling my eyes as she touches him aggressively.

  “You know, ummm …” I said.

  “Amanda.” She said continuing to play with Nick.

  “Yea, right. Amanda. Uh ... Nick is not the only judge here.” I said making sure she understands that securing his vote doesn’t secure her the win.

  “That’s right, Amanda. Bring your hot ass over here and work it for my vote.” Luke yells out. Getting the point, Amanda walks her hot ass back to where she belongs.

  Once the show starts, the crowd eats it up. The DJ, Mickey, is on fire tonight and enjoying himself immensely watching the auditions. The girls are trying so hard, some are successful, but most are terrible and I can't help wonder why they would embarrass themselves. However, the bad ones give the crowd more to cheer for. When it’s Amanda’s turn, I begin to cringe. From the moment she steps on stage, she eyes Nick and stays focused on him as she struts out in her absurd outfit. If the pink pleather isn’t comical enough, her excessive use of licking her lips is. Holding on to the pole for dear life, she struggles to stay standing in her disastrous heels and nearly falls numerous times. Her skinny arms begin to give early, but she insists on ending with an aerial split that lands her on her face. Kyler rushes and helps the hysterically crying girl off the stage, while I cover my mouth to try to hold my jaw off the floor. I glance in Nick’s direction, but he looks away from everyone.

  “Damn, Nick, I am surprised your dick is still attached if that chick swung on it like that.” Dwayne said, causing everyone to laugh.

  “Laugh it up, Assholes.” Nick said, shaking his head.

  “Hey, Nick, what’s it like to fuck a Pepto bottle?” Luke laughs with everyone else.

  “I never fucked her alright. I was going to but …”

  “But she slipped off and broke her face?” Luke yelled, laughing. Nick hid his face, trying to hold back his own laughter. I watch him having fun and don’t even realize my own enjoyment until he sees it.

  Nick leans across the table towards me, “I admit I enjoy making you angry, but I enjoy your smile more, Kayla.” I watch him lean back with his devil eyes piercing right through me and I feel thankful that we are surrounded by people- to keep me from jumping across this table for him.

  The night ends with a considerable profit, happy customers, and an extremely pleased owner. Nick greets me as soon as I get home with a glass of wine, waiting for me with a small wrapped box in hand. “What’s this?” I asked.

  “A toast to you and an appreciation gift. I’m impressed with your work, very impressed.” I drink with him and welcome his kiss on the cheek, as I unwrap the key to my new car. “Keep it up, Princess, and enjoy the car. You earned it.” He said respectfully, leaving the bottle of wine for me, and walking upstairs towards his room.

  “What? You’re not going to try to seduce me again tonight.” I asked.

  “Do you want me to?” Nick asked with an intoxicating gaze in my direction.


  “Then what would be the point.” He said, walking quietly to bed.



  My first few weeks at the club, I barely have time to do much else but work. Once I clearly understand the business and select people I can trust to help me, I am able to take a little more time for myself. I step out for a little while and meet Daniel once I open the club and make sure everyone is too busy handling their jobs to notice me being gone.

  Daniel meets me at the door with open arms. “Oh, baby, I have missed you so much.”

  “Well, now that I am working at the club and have my own car, I have a little more freedom to come see you without Nick’s watchdogs keeping track of my every move.”

  “What exactly are you doing at the club?” Daniel asked.

  “Running the whole club, making sure everything runs smoothly.”

  “You?” He laughs.

  “Yes. Me. Why does that shock you?” I ask feeling insulted.

  “Don’t get me wrong, Kayla, you are capable at some things, but running a business doesn’t seem like a job for such a pretty girl. You don’t have to pretend for me, Sweetheart. I’m sure you look real good behind that desk, but I doubt Nicholas gave you that kind of responsibility. It’s too much for you to handle.”

  “Nick did give me the responsibility and I can handle it fine.” I reply as the anger rises.

  “Baby, you’re way too pretty to be working. You should be shopping and pampering yourself.
If you would let me take care of you, that’s exactly what you would be doing.”

  “Daniel, sometimes you say the dumbest things.”

  “What? I am worried about you. I don’t think you understand how dangerous Jayzon is!”

  “I know damn well what Nick is into and I know he wouldn’t hurt me.” I said, shocking myself.

  “Really? Why do say that?” Daniel approaches me in a way that makes me feel suddenly uneasy. “What’s wrong? Why do look scared? Come here.” As Daniel takes me in his arms, I stand stiffly and quickly realize that he is reaching into his pocket.

  “What are you doing?” I yell, pushing away from him.

  Daniel laughs as he pulls out a necklace with a dangling ruby heart. “I was only going to surprise you with a gift. You sure are jumpy today, Baby. I think this job is causing a little more stress than you realize.” Daniel walks around me, draping the necklace around my neck, and lays a tender kiss below my ear.

  “I love it but I don’t think I can take this while I live with Nick. If he finds it …”

  “No buts. If he can give you gifts, then I want to give you something, too. Besides, you seem so positive of his intentions, I am sure he would never think to question you on where the necklace came from.” I accept the necklace and tread lightly so that I can leave Daniel with no more arguments. After I get a couple of miles down the road, I take off the necklace and hide it in my bag. I can’t help wonder if my past is causing me to push away from Daniel or if everything I have learned still holds true- even with Daniel. Returning to the club, I go about my night in a daze. There doesn’t seem to be any real reason for my concern about Daniel other than fear. Exie, noticing my distance, volunteers to finish closing for the night so I can go home and get some rest. I put up a respectable fight before giving in and heading home. Before I reach my car, I get a text from Daniel asking to meet me at a nearby parking garage. It seems like an unusual place to meet, but I go anyway and find Daniel sitting in his car alone. He gets out immediately and greets me while holding his body awkwardly.

  “Are you okay?” I ask him as he stumbles towards me. “Daniel, what happened?”

  “He knows, Baby. I don’t know how he found out about us but Nick knows about us.” Daniel said, looking at me with pain filled eyes. I begin shaking, not knowing what to do or say. “You need to come with me. You can’t go back there now that he knows. He beat me, Kayla. Beat me and threatened me. I can only imagine what he will do to you.”

  “I can’t believe Nick would do this to you. I don’t understand why he would threaten you over me?”

  “He’s psycho, Kayla! He thinks he owns you, and if he can’t have you then no one can.” Daniel tries to open my car door, “Kayla, you have to come with me for your own safety.”

  “I can’t. If he did this to you, I can only imagine what he will do if I don’t go back.”

  “I can protect myself, Kayla, and you.” Daniel pleads.

  “I can’t, Daniel. I have to talk to him and find out why he did this. I will pack and leave if I have to, but I am not going to run from him.” I have spent too much time trying to get to him. “Go home and I will call you later after I handle this my way.” I said as he becomes more frantic and tries to push his arm through the crack in my window.

  "Kayla! Get out of that car! Are you insane?" Daniel yells at me as I jerk the car forward to keep him from sliding his arm through.

  Daniel stands staring at me mystified by my actions. I drive away, watching Daniel in my mirror screaming at me. Pulling up to the house, I hesitate with trembling hands before getting out of my car. I don’t know why I don’t fear Nick more, I know what he is capable of. I have seen it in his eyes even. Nick sits back in his chair waiting for me when I enter. I walk towards him slowly, making sure to check every dark corner for Luke standing by to shoot me. “Nick …” Before I can finish, Nick jumps up, setting me back on my heels instantly.

  “No! Don’t even treat me like I’m stupid, Kayla. I have been watching you, hoping you were only trying to earn money behind my back, but it’s even worse. You are damn lucky that it was me that figured it out and not Luke. I don’t know what you think is going on between you and him, but it stops now.”

  “You can’t tell me who I can see and who I can’t!” I yell back at him.

  “I can’t? Then get out!” Stunned, I’m not sure what to say next. “He’s using you, Kayla.” He finishes.

  Huffing at him in disbelief, “How could you attack him like that? You have no right to beat someone because you’re jealous. You really hurt him!”

  Nick laughs, “Is that what he told you? I beat him up? Wow. The story just gets better and better.”

  He stands stiff in front of me, shaking his head at me as if I am supposed to believe his silent denial. “Am I not allowed to be with anyone other than you? You own me? Is that it?”

  Nick leans down into my face, “Kayla, I have given you plenty of chances to go. Plenty of chances to get away from me and yet you are still here. You made a point to be in my face, to be noticed. I gave you a chance and you have exceeded my expectations, but I will not have you jeopardize my business because you want to get laid.”

  “How am I jeopardizing anything? I don’t talk about business with him.”

  “No, but you talk enough for him to stay interested. I am not arguing with you about this, Kayla. If you continue to see him, you will not be welcome in any place I own.”

  “Is it because I won’t sleep with you? Are you that jealous?” I yell at him, fisting his shirt to keep him from leaving.

  Nick throws up his hands, “This has nothing to do with us! I know you don’t believe this, Kayla, but I am trying to protect you. If you want to leave, then leave. I’m not going to force you to be anywhere you don’t want to be.” Nick leaves me without another word. His jealousy is unbelievable but I can’t take a step back now. I will simply lay low for a little while longer until he trusts me again.


  The next day is quiet and Nick never leaves the house. He stays around watching and waiting for me to say something to him. I am not sure what he is expecting, but after awhile he gives up waiting and invites me out to dinner. I accept, not feeling I have much of a choice. “How is the club?” He asked.

  “Good. The new girl is working out well and Kyler is getting used to the new ideas.”

  “Good, I’m glad. And how are you?”

  “Fine.”I said, smiling forcefully at him.

  “I fully expected you to be gone when I got up this morning.” He said.

  “He was just … he doesn’t mean that much to me.” Nick’s expression is obvious and purposeful. He doesn’t believe me at all. Luckily, he is willing to talk about other matters. Everything seems normal until Daniel walks into the restaurant. At first I become excited that he is alright, but then I see her. He walks her in as a gentleman would. I would have thought her to be a girlfriend if not for the giant diamond on her left hand. Feeling my hands begin to shake, I take a second before looking back at Nick’s knowing expression. “Is that why you brought me here?”

  “I thought he didn’t mean that much to you.” He states simply, sitting back in his chair with a superior attitude. “You didn’t even know he was married?” Nick laughs harshly.

  “Are you enjoying this, Nick?”

  “No!”He said suddenly leaning across the table at me. “I find it ridiculous that I have to go to this length to get you to see what a mistake you’re making.”

  “So what? He’s married. That doesn’t make him a bad person, just an unhappy one.”

  “Let’s go.” Nick said helping me out of my chair and escorting me right past Daniel, the two eyeing each other with evil intents. I manage to pull it together to work at the club later in the night but I am shocked to find Daniel waiting for me when I get out.

  “Daniel? What are you doing here?” I rush over to him, trying to push him out of sight.

  “I had to see you. You have to
let me explain.” Daniel said holding on to me desperately.

  “Explain what? That you lied about your wife being dead?”

  “Baby, please understand. My marriage has long since been over. She might as well be dead. You’re all I have that keeps me going.”

  “Then leave her, Daniel.”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  “It sounds easy to me.” I said, folding my arms in front of me so he can’t get near me.

  “Kayla, I love you.”

  “I have to go. If Nick sees me talking to you …”

  Daniel grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him, “I will leave her if you leave Nick. Let me take care of you.” His sincere eyes give me pause. “We can get married if you leave with me right now, Kayla.”

  I stare into his determined eyes and feel strangely weak to him, “I can’t leave. I …”

  Daniel takes hold of my arm and begins to pull me towards his car, “You’re mine! Not his, Kayla! I’m not letting him have you.” I look up at him as he signals two men to approach us. I pull away from him which makes him angrier. He grabs me by the back of the neck and he pushes me forward, knocking me to the ground.“I’m not telling you again. Now-” Before he can get out another word, Nick’s car pulls up in front of us. However, Nick approaches from the opposite direction of the car, causing Daniel to back away from me. “Nicholas? I should have known you would be watching her.”

  “Nick-”I try to stop him from pulling out his gun but gasp when I see the men Daniel directed pulling out their guns at Nick.

  “Let go of me, Kayla.” Nick said focusing on Daniel. Luke suddenly approaches with his gun held out from another direction. At that moment, Dwayne pulls up in a car from another and Dawson comes out of nowhere with five other men approaching from several more directions.

  “He was just leaving.” I said, continuing to try to hold Nick back, but he is too strong.


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