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Country Kisses

Page 15

by Addison Moore


  I’ve been torn over very few things in my life—usually something small like the difference between pitching for a medium or a large drink, or how well done I’d like my steak. Never have I been torn over the right time to tell a girl I love her—not that I’ve ever tossed those words out liberally. I’ve said them to Sammy, but only because she said them first, and it felt right to parrot them back. At the time, I believed them, but Cassidy has hacked down that fallacy, shown me what true love is, and now I’m torn over when and how to share this information. I could do it sooner than later. Maybe take her to the overlook. But then, we have Piper’s party this weekend, and is it a good idea to profess my love right before I expose her to my barbed wire of a sister? Maybe we should ease into it. We go to the party, and then I lay it all out there afterward. That should soften any blows my sister might lay out. And knowing Piper, there will be many, many blows I’ll have to soften.

  Buddy comes over and wraps himself around my legs with the leash in his mouth, and just the sight of that long brown tether brings a goofy grin to my face.

  An aggressive knock bursts over the door, and my heart thuds, because it’s a little earlier than Cassidy usually arrives, but I’ll take it. I whip the door open just enough with my foot, holding back Bud in the event he wants to reprise his role as the galloping kisser. He could have knocked her out cold, or worse. I still feel like shit over the incident, but it’s not Cassidy I’m staring at. It’s my sister.

  “What’s up?” I look past her to the overgrown oak where Cassidy’s been known to park.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you, too. Now, get out of my way so I can give my dog a hug.”

  I pull back, and Buddy races out, running circles around Piper, glad to see her. She puts the leash on him, and before I know it, we’re taking a walk around the block. Usually, I would eat this up. Usually, I’d rave about how we have to do it again, but I can’t stop looking over my shoulder at the house, making sure Cassidy hasn’t pulled up and sashayed her cute self to the door.

  “Have you heard a thing I’ve said?” She waves a hand over my eyes.

  “Yes”—I turn back around—“sorry, no. My head’s all over the place.”

  “You’re just like my roommate. Lately, it feels as if I’m talking to a wall. I was apologizing by the way. I said I would be nice to what’s-her-face if I saw her around on campus.”

  “Good. Thank you. And will you be nice to her if—I don’t know, you see her off-campus?” I came this close to ruining her surprise birthday party. I’m sure that would have gone over well with Owen. I do like all the care he’s taking to make this special for her.

  “You mean like at your house?” Piper’s lips purse as if she’s physically going to be ill.

  “Yeah”—I cringe because I know this might leave her with the wrong impression—“like at the house.”

  “Crap.” Piper stops in her tracks and pinches her eyes close a moment. “I knew you were seeing her.” She yanks Buddy back and hands me the leash. “Is that why you’ve been so coy about this new girl? Because there is no new girl?”

  “No, I just want you to drop the attitude around her. I’ve forgiven her, and so should you.”

  “That’s funny because she never asked for my forgiveness. When she hurt you, she hurt me, too, Cade. I don’t know why you’d let anyone shit all over your heart, and then give them the chance to do it again. But this time, you’re going to be the only one getting hurt because I’m not playing her stupid game.” She stalks off into the night.

  “Piper, wait. Come back. I’ll take you to dinner.”

  “I already ate!” she screams so loud her voice echoes through the treetops. “Why don’t you take your nasty little girlfriend to dinner? Maybe she could feed you a little more bullshit.”

  And just like that, she disappears into the murky darkness.

  “Crap.” I pull Buddy over and give him a quick scratch. “Piper would really love Cassidy if given half the chance.” But Sammy broke Piper’s heart. I’m not sure if Piper will ever be open to accepting, to loving someone I bring into my life again.

  Buddy barks and tangles himself around my ankles.

  “All right, boy. Let’s do this.” Buddy and I get a little run in for the night.

  Cassidy never makes it over.

  The big trio and I miss the crap out of her.

  The next day, try as I might, I can’t catch a glimpse of Cassidy on campus. Just before I left, I made two revolutions around Prescott Hall, brazen enough to make any stalker proud. By the time I get home, I think about shooting her a text, inviting her to dinner, for coffee—hell, I’d go basket weaving in a shit field if she wanted me to.

  I’m sitting on the porch, tossing a tennis ball to Buddy, when a familiar pair of faces walks over—Owen and his friend, Rex.

  “Dude.” Rex slaps me five. “Is this your place? I’m just a few doors down.”

  “No shit? Come on in.”

  I lead us inside, and Buddy happily follows as both Owen and Rex give him a greeting.

  “Can I get you something cold?”

  “I’m good.” Rex tosses the ball to the other end of the room, and Buddy slips and slides until he’s retrieved it.

  “I’m good, too.” Owen gets up and takes a seat on the couch. “So we’re all set for this Saturday around five. Marley asked if she could invite a few people to liven it up a bit, and I told her I wouldn’t mind. It’s her place, and your brother is pitching for it. I’m just picking up the cake.”

  “Make sure it’s double chocolate, or she’ll have your ass in a sling.” I can’t believe I’m giving the guy that’s sleeping with my sister advice on how to stay on her good side. I guess as much as I want Piper to accept Cassidy, she wants me to accept Owen—and I finally get it. If he ever hurt Piper by way of cheating on her, my heart would be broken, too. And if he even thought of getting back together with her, he’d be a dead man. I would most definitely try to talk some sense into her.

  “I’m having Roxy bake it. It’s going to be perfect.”

  “Awesome.” Roxy is Cole’s girlfriend from down at the Black Bear. Apparently, the bakery she runs from her apartment is a sugared-up force to be reckoned with. “And what’s for dinner?”

  “Wyatt’s having the Black Bear cater. You don’t have to bring anything.”

  “If all goes well, I’ll be bringing a few girls.” I offer up my shit-eating grin. Before I can explain, there’s a knock at the door, and my stomach bottoms out. I jump up and see that familiar blonde head of hair peeking up from the peephole. This is the perfect time to start introducing her to my friends.

  “Dude.” I nod over to Rex. “Would you mind putting Buddy in the first bedroom on your left? My girlfriend doesn’t really get along too well with him.”

  “Not a problem.” Rex is quick to comply.

  “Girlfriend, huh?” Owen stands to greet her. “I’ve heard all about this chick from Piper.”

  “Don’t believe what you hear.” I swing the door open wide, and Cassidy beams back at me.

  “Hey, baby!” She kicks out her hip, looking hotter than a forest fire in a tight red dress, a pair of earrings sparkling as bright as her eyes. “You want to take a little drive tonight over to that sauna in the woods? I’ve got a teeny-weeny, tiny polka dot bikini I’m just itching to take off.”


  “Yes,” I whisper a little too enthusiastically. “But I actually wanted to introduce you to a couple of friends first.” I step outside next to her, sheepishly hoping Owen and Rex will take the hint and split as the two of them come over.

  Owen starts off with a smile, then freezes as his eyes grow ten times their size. Can’t blame him. Cassidy is a stunner.

  Rex steps out and cocks his head a moment.

  Cassidy takes in a sharp breath. “Hello, boys that I have never met before.” She swallows hard as both Owen and Rex stare blankly at her. Cassidy tips her head to the left, and for the first
time I see the shit way people treat her. But I hope to God that’s not what this is about. What the hell is wrong with these knuckleheads?

  “Say hello and leave,” I gruff at the two of them.

  “Hello and leave,” Owen says to her, amused. “Cade here says you’re his new girlfriend. Funny, I haven’t seen the two of you around much.” He presses out a forced grin.

  “We’re keeping it low-key,” she growls it out like a threat, and my stomach detonates. It’s becoming pretty clear the two of them are having their own private conversation. Even Rex looks silenced into submission.

  “Have a nice night.” Owen tweaks his brows at me.

  Rex nods at the two of us. “Have fun.”

  They take off, dragging their momentary confusion with them.

  What if she is seeing someone else? What if it’s some frat boy, and I’ve been the other guy in some unsuspecting love triangle?

  Cassidy melts into my arms, and her chest gives a few wild bucks as if she’s upset.

  Crap. I pull back and lift her chin gently with my finger. “You still up for taking that swim?”

  Her gaze softens into mine as she leans in and relaxes for the first time tonight. “Oh, hon, you already have me soaked in all the right places.”

  We share a quiet laugh as I land my lips over hers, soft like brushing air. There’s a sweetness in this moment that counterbalances all of those dark thoughts I had just a moment ago. If there is some boneheaded frat boy waiting in the wings—too bad for him, because I’m screwing the hell out of his girlfriend tonight. A dull laugh huffs from me. In that respect, that would put me on the same plane as Sammy all those years ago. Nope. There is no other guy as far as I know. Tonight, I’m simply making love to a girl I call my very own.

  Here’s to hoping that title lasts indefinitely.

  Cassidy and I drive up the switchbacks in contented silence. We watch in wonder as the evergreens flank the road like a fortress barricading the two of us from the rest of the world, from all the dark secrets that it may harbor.

  The spring comes up with its steam rising into the sky like a forest full of ghosts.

  We get out, and I pull her close to me.

  “Come here.” A sad smile comes and goes on my lips. Something tells me if I invite her to Piper’s party this early in the week she’ll get cold feet by Saturday. I’d better leave it as a last-minute invite, vague at that. “Do you know that I miss you a little too much when we’re apart?”

  “Oh, come on, stud.” She gives my ear a light pinch. “You know what they say—absence makes the heart beat faster.”

  “That’s close enough—and true in my case.” I chuckle into her lips as she blesses me with a kiss. “You kick-start my heart every time you’re around, and when you’re gone, it simply stops beating. It waits for you.” My lips meander over her right cheek. “I’m only alive when I’m with you.”

  A breath escapes her as her gaze rides up and down my body before meeting up with mine once again.

  “Sometimes, the only time I can truly breathe is when we’re together.” The words come from her so sweet and tender they can only be true.

  “Tell me one thing”—my voice wavers for a moment—“do you want this with me?”

  “Yes,” she belts it out so fast, so loud it comes back to us as an echo. “Come here, you.” She pulls me in, and we evict our clothes achingly slow until I’m in my birthday suit, and she’s wearing that teeny tiny bikini she happily threatened me with.

  “Wear this always.” I run my finger under her strap, touching down over her soft flesh, and she shivers. “Except for now.” I reach back and untie her top, freeing the girls into the wind. I bow down and kiss each one in turn before hitching my thumbs into her bottoms and letting them sail to the ground.

  “Wear this. Take this off”—she purrs into me, warming her soft flesh over mine—“you are just a walking contradiction, Cade James.”

  “Not me. I know what I want.” I swoop her up and carry her to the spring as she gives a little shriek of excitement. I sit us down at the edge and lower us into the heated bath.

  We both give a little howl at the same time.

  “You okay?” My lips find hers before I pull back and inspect the situation.

  “As long as those tree trunks you call arms are wrapped around me.” She runs her cool, slender fingers down my cheek. “Of course, my previous statement puts me at risk of sounding like a damsel in distress—which I promise you I am not. I may sound sweet and look like a cream puff, but I can kick ass with the best of them.” Her cheeks darken with color, and I stifle the laugh begging to tremble from me. I love her. I love everything about her cute, feisty ways. I love the fact she needs to make it clear she’s not a damsel in distress, and yet, appreciates being tucked in my arms. “Anyway—” she bites down on her lip with that mischievous look in her eye that both my dick and I have grown to appreciate—“you make me feel safe, Cade.”

  There they are. The exact words I think I needed to hear. It’s been such an unsafe world for Cassidy, with her father leaving, the brutal attack she survived leaving its indelible mark for the entire world to see.

  “I want to be that safe haven for you.” I land my lips to hers. “I’m always here for you, Cassidy—always.”

  Cassidy and I indulge in a long, heated kiss, her tongue mingling with mine, hungry and greedy, as if they had just been introduced. I reach over and pull a condom from my pants, and she takes it from me, opening it with her teeth while those beautiful eyes laugh with approval. It’s a rare moment not to catch Cassidy with extreme joy in her heart. That’s one of the things I like about her best. Her happiness is buoyant, unstoppable, and best of all, it’s contagious.

  Cassidy wraps her legs around my waist and slips down slowly over me with her eyelids partially closed, her mouth opened as she struggles to catch her next breath.

  “Shit.” My head tips back as she falls hard onto my body.

  Cassidy and I heat that water up a hundred times hotter than it has ever been before.

  Together, we’re building something that can last, something buoyant and unstoppable, something I’m hoping is highly contagious just between the two of us. I think we’re getting close to bringing this home, making it official, sharing that magical word that is about to change everything. There’s no way I’m bringing her to Piper’s party to give my little firecracker of a sister a chance to ruin things between us with her hot-headed emotions. Nope. The longer I can keep Cassidy to myself the better. Besides, she turned a little green when meeting just two of my friends. Meeting a cast of thousands will be far too overwhelming.

  I want to protect Cassidy from everything.

  I love this girl right here.

  Yes, I do.

  Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Mr. Right


  Bright and early Saturday morning, the day of Princess Piper’s birthday, I get a text from Marley about that interview I’ve been trying to schedule for the last two weeks. It’s for an assignment, but really I just want to pick the ever-loving heck out of her business-minded brain. I love that Hollow Brook is brimming with independent strong women, and that they’re successful in their very own business, makes them that much more of a role model.

  Sorry, but if you can swing by this evening about five, it would be perfect. I know Piper mentioned she was meeting up with Owen and her friends at the Black Bear. I swear this will only take 15 minutes. Plus, this way Wyatt can wish her a happy birthday. He’s a bit under the weather, so it works out great.

  “Check this out.” I flash my phone to Piper, and she openly frowns.

  “That’s fine. At least I’ll get a hug from my big bro on my big day. And then, we can get to the Black Bear, and you can finally meet Cade.”

  My girl parts clench, because Lord Almighty, my parts and I are well-acquainted with every last thing that boy is packing.

  “Sounds like it’s going to be a lot of f-u-n!” And I am suddenly feeling s
-i-c-k. I’m pretty sure her birthday isn’t the right time to let her know I’ve been yanking both her chain and her brother’s—literally—for the last few months. I might just have a quick “dizzy spell” and take off to see Caila instead. I could sure use her no-nonsense advice right about now. Caila would never have gotten herself into such a twisted pickle. I can’t believe I’ve let it get this far. I feel like such an ass. They’ll both hate me once they realize what I’ve done. I’m a pariah, a witch, a real life predator that saw what I was after and chomped down on it with my greedy little teeth. I’m a man-eater, and the man I’ve eaten alive—tasty as his hot buns have been—is my best friend’s brother. How exactly did I think this was going to end other than in disaster? Certainly, there is no good way around this. If I had any balls at all, I’d show up at the Black Bear tonight. Thankfully, I’m a lady, through and through, and I’ve decided to opt for a more reasonable solution—run.

  “It’s not going to be f-u-n.” Piper does a mediocre imitation of me, and I twist my hand in the air, letting her know it’s so-so. Every now and again, when she gets good and irritated, she gives it a go. She’s done it so much so that I’ve actually started rating her. She’s not bad, but she hasn’t shown improvement in a good long while. I think once she discovers the truth about who I’m bedding, her irritation will propel her imitation of me to an Oscar-worthy caliber. “Owen says Cade is dating some girl, but he wouldn’t tell me who. I bet anything it’s that two-timing ex of his.”

  A nervous giggle scratches at my throat. Good God, Piper is ready to bust me a new one, well, not me per se, the so-called ex. Who knows? Maybe Piper would be relieved to find it’s me playing with her brother’s plumbing and not some old girlfriend who once jerked him around.

  “She’s been after him for months. It’s like she’s stalking him.”

  My antenna goes up. “Stalking?”

  “Yeah, she showed up in town, and she’s been begging him to take her back.”


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