Book Read Free

Big Stick

Page 17

by R. C. Stephens

  Sloane frowns. “Did you tell him that you feel this way?”

  “Yes. He said exactly what I wanted to hear. He said I was a priority. He wants to give us time to get to know one another again.”

  “That sounds good,” she says skeptically.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’m overthinking because of everything that happened in the past. I’m really happy right now. You know? It scares me a little.” She groans, and I say, “I sound negative, and I hate it. You don’t have to tell me what I already know.”

  “I think it’s good you’re talking about it. For the record, I hate to bring up the jerk, but you never had these fears or reservations with Matt.”

  “That’s what scares me. I can see myself completely falling for Myles, and I don’t know if we have a chance at a future. We can’t do a long-distance relationship if he gets traded.”

  “I say you take things one day at a time. You’re the happiest I’ve ever seen you. Have some faith that things will work out.”

  “Yeah.” I nod. “Enough about me. What’s going on with you?”

  “You don’t want to know who has me up at night fantasizing…” She cocks a brow.

  I grimace. “My brother, Sloane? Really?” A cold chill runs through my body. “Oli isn’t the relationship kind of guy, and if things go south with you guys, it could totally ruin our friendship,” I remind her.

  “I’ve already argued that case in my head. Besides my vagina is still in hostile territory,” she says with all seriousness.

  I burst into laughter. “You spoke to dear old Mom again, I assume.”

  “Yes, told her about the Oli thing. She thinks I’m looking for a diversion, something that I want that’s unattainable. She doesn’t think it has anything to do with my vagina. She thinks I’m unhappy with my career choice.” Sloane rolls her eyes. “She doesn’t understand that I want to be a journalist. It takes time to climb the ladder in journalism. BTW, I think she’s wrong about my vagina.” She winks.

  The waitress places our food in front of us.

  We smile and thank her and begin to eat.

  “She’s definitely wrong,” I confirm. “The right guy will come along. It’s all about fate. I truly believe that. Weren’t you the person who said the very same thing to me when I caught Matt cheating?”

  “I guess.” She sounds resigned as she twirls a piece of her hair. “I still can’t believe you told Myles my mom is a sex guru. You know I keep that on the down low.”

  “Don’t worry. He won’t say anything. Besides, my plan worked out. I coerced him into sleeping with me.” I take a bite of the California roll.

  “You are aware of how strange that sounds.” Her brows dip together. “Try the tiger sushi.”

  “Nah. I don’t like that one,” I say, then get back on topic. “I know, but it isn’t strange. Trust me. We have a sordid past. He was holding back. He needed a little nudge. That’s all.”

  “Please make sure he doesn’t tell your brother. I’d die of embarrassment if Oli knew,” she says, pressing her palms to either side of her cheeks.

  My eyes widen, “You do realize you can’t mention my brother’s name without flushing. What on earth are you going to do Christmas Eve?”

  “It’ll be fine. I’ve been brainwashing my hostile vagina not to get too excited.” She says that with a straight face somehow.

  I guffaw. “Jesus. That would actually be funny if we weren’t talking about my brother here.”

  “You are dating his best friend, who is deep-cocking you every night. It would only be fair.” She bats her eyelashes and juts out her lower lip.

  I swallow and my sake goes down the wrong pipe. “What am I going to do with you and your strange terminology?” I shake my head but can’t help the smile curving my lips.

  “Nothing.” She shrugs as if she didn’t use the term “deep-cocking.” She pops a piece of sushi roll in her mouth. The waitress brings more sake, and I have a light buzz happening.

  “Do you think my brother knows you want him?” I ask.

  “No.” Her eyes widen. “He’s just a flirt. I’m sure he does that with everyone.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I mean, I don’t know. He doesn’t bring any women to the apartment. I think I’m cramping his style.”

  “Maybe. He’s a big hockey whore, isn’t he?”

  I cringe. “He keeps that part of his life private.”

  She shrugs. “Knowing Oli, he’s happy to have you around. I wouldn’t overthink it.” Her green eyes brighten like a light just went off in her head. She lifts a finger. “Do you see a theme here? You seem to be overthinking everything.” She laughs.

  “How many of those have you had?” I ask, tilting my chin to her bottle of sake.

  “This is my third.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “Maybe. I’m a light weight.” Her face scrunches up. “I’m not so drunk that I don’t see a pattern here. Seriously, don’t start overanalyzing Myles. Enjoy yourself and let things happen naturally.”

  “You’re right.” I sigh. I hate that I feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just need to get over it and focus on what I have in front of me—an honest, caring man who is crazy about me.

  I tilt my bottle of sake to Sloane’s. “Cheers. To new beginnings.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “That meal was delicious.” Oli leans back in his chair and uses a napkin to wipe his mouth.

  “Thanks.” I smile. If I thought things would be awkward between the three of us now, my worries have been laid to rest. Myles was able to keep his hands to himself, which I appreciate in front of my brother.

  “Yeah, Tink, you can seriously cook,” Myles confirms with a loving smile.

  Good food, beer, and flowing conversation fills our night. It feels good to be back with my boys.

  Oli stands up and begins gathering the dishes. “I’m cleaning, since you cooked. After I finish, I’m heading out to the Palm Lounge with some of the guys. Do you two want to join?”

  Myles cocks a brow, silently asking me for an answer. Truth is I’m extremely tired after the crazy day and wild night I had with Myles yesterday. The only thing I can think of is getting some work done and going to sleep, hopefully with him.

  I shake my head. Myles takes the lead and answers. “We’re staying in tonight.” He begins to gather the empty beer bottles from the table, and I swoon slightly that he referred to us as a “we.”

  “Yeah, sure. I figured. You’re in the couple zone now.” Oli snickers with a playful tone.

  Myles lets out a hearty laugh.

  I escape to do some work in my room.

  As I turn to close the door, I hear Myles and my brother speaking in hushed tones. My curiosity gets the best of me. I strain to listen. I missed the first part of what Oli said, but then I hear my name. I slant my head against the door. He’s asking Myles if I’ll be staying over at his place because he wants to know if the coast is clear. Probably so he can bring some chick home.

  I hear both of them laughing, followed by whispers. “I’m working on it man.” It’s Oli’s voice. What is he working on? Does he want me gone? Knowing my brother, that doesn’t add up.

  “Fine, but soon,” Myles says, and it almost sounds like a warning. It makes my stomach sink. Is Oli in some kind of trouble?

  Now I know my suspicions about cramping my famous brother’s lifestyle by staying here were spot on. They go on to joke about how weird of a conversation they’re having. When it sounds like they’re finishing up, I run to my bathroom.

  I freshen up and brush my teeth. I also take the opportunity to change my bra and panties from the simple tighty-whities I’m wearing to a teal lace bra and thong. Just thinking of Myles’s reaction to seeing me in the matching set makes me hot.

  By the time I leave my room, they are both out of sight. I hear Oli moving around in his room, and when my phone buzzes, I look down to see a text from Myles.

  Myles: Co
me on over. The door is open.

  I shout, “Have a good night” to my brother and head next door.

  “Hey, you.” Myles isn’t wearing a shirt, so I’m blessed with a walking, talking man baring an eight pack, coming straight toward me. My thighs clench when my eyes pause at the delicious V at the end of his torso and the enticing light smattering of hair leading to what I know is a very happy trail.

  “Hey, yourself.” I smile, and Myles leans down to give me a chaste kiss.

  “Did you want to watch a movie?” His smile reveals the dimple. I should be doing work, but everything with Myles is so new and addictive, I figure that I will head into the office an hour early in the morning.


  “Go ahead and choose something on Netflix. I’ll make popcorn,” he says, wandering barefoot into his kitchen.

  My conversation with Sloane bounces through my brain. I just have to relax and see where life leads us. I flick through all the options, thinking of something we would both like. I stop on the movie Batman Begins. We used to watch all the super hero movies together as kids. He stops, and I catch him staring at me.

  “What do you think of Batman Begins?”

  He squints one eye. “Depends who you think is hotter, Christian Bale or me.”

  “Isn’t it obvious? Christian Bale.” I snicker.

  He throws a piece of popcorn at me. I pick it up and eat it.

  “Of course, you.” I run my finger down his torso.

  He tilts his head and watches me intently. “Oh yeah?”

  “Definitely! I guarantee Christian Bale doesn’t have this effect on me.”

  He’s sitting here shirtless, which makes me feel like a kid who has candy dangling in front of her, only now the candy is mine to take.

  I start the movie. He takes a few bites of popcorn, and I dig in and take a handful.

  As the movie begins, he leans in to murmur in my ear, “I used to fantasize making out with you when we watched movies.” His admission gets me hotter and more bothered than I already am.

  I give him a knowing look. “Trust me, I had the same thoughts.” A familiar flush crosses my cheeks.

  He gravitates toward me, brushing soft kisses along the seam of my lips. “Like this?” he whispers. Just the softness of his kisses gets me so worked up.

  “I was thinking more of a French kiss,” I say with a low and raspy voice, reminding myself I’m not the insecure teen I once was.

  “Of course, ma chérie,” he says with a French accent.

  I laugh. “Can we watch the movie now?” Myles and I need to be able to do normal things like watch a movie without wanting to rip each other’s clothes off. We’ve had tons of sex already. Not that I don’t want more. It’s just that I need to see that we can do normal things, too.

  “Sure.” He places a chaste kiss behind my ear, and I settle next to him. For almost two hours we watch a movie, and as much as it feels like old times, there is a new element to our relationship, and I realize this is Myles and me behaving like a couple.

  The movie ends, and I stand up and stretch my arms and legs out as a loud yawn escapes me. Myles yawns, too.

  “You’re sleeping here, right?” he asks. I assumed I would after overhearing his conversation with my brother earlier.

  I hesitate. I slept here last night. This will be two nights in a row.


  He knows me so well.

  “That will be two nights.”

  “Ah! You’re good at math, too,” he jokes.

  I give him a solemn look. “Do you ever think we’re moving too fast? I mean, we’re like a train going full speed. What happened to slow?”

  “I don’t see it that way. I stayed away seven long years. Why fight this now, when it feels so right?”

  Is that what I’m doing? I just feel like everything is out of my control. It’s scaring me.

  “Come. We’re both exhausted.” He takes my hand and guides me to the bedroom. As we get into bed, I settle into his arms. He turns to brush his lips against mine.

  His hands lower to between my thighs, and he gently caresses my clit, slowly working me over. I close my eyes and savor his touch, even though my mind still feels uneasy. My breath speeds up as I lean in and kiss him passionately, lovingly. He wraps his hand around the back of my head to deepen the kiss. “Ride me. Take control,” he says, and for some reason his words resonate. This man gets me. His words ease my tension and fears.

  I climb on top of him, lowering myself over his thick cock, and begin to move. With each thrust, I breathe easier, feel freer. My mind settles, and warmth fills my chest.

  As I rock my hips, I lean forward, allowing my clit to rub along his shaft. My pulse quickens as my thrusts grow rougher, harder, faster. My moans intensify as my climax nears, cleansing my fears because he can give me what I need. He stiffens and comes inside me. It spurs my orgasm on, making it longer, stronger. Pulsing around him, my pussy squeezes his length, and I don’t want the moment to end. Thrusting some more, I keep up pace until I’m so out of breath I collapse on his chest. I lie on top of him while my breathing evens out.

  “This time with you has been better than my wildest dreams.” He places a soft kiss on my forehead. “Let me grab a towel and clean you up… although, I like the idea of my come staying inside you.” He grins.

  He comes back with a warm towel and takes care of cleaning us both.

  “Come here. I want to hold you,” he says, and I place my head on his chest. His fingers run through my hair. “You good?” he asks, and it’s eerie that he senses something. I don’t know how to answer that without telling him I was eavesdropping on him and Oli earlier.

  “Yeah,” I answer and I know he wants me to be open with him, but my gut tells me not to.

  He continues to run his fingers through my hair. “We are going to make this work. There is no other option for us,” he says, and I smile at the conviction behind his words. Still, something nags at me, and my twin intuition tells me it has to do with my brother.

  “Is everything okay with Oli? Is something going on with him?” He tenses at my question, and there is his tell. But he relaxes almost immediately.

  “Why would you ask that?” his voice is a little high, maybe nervous.

  “I don’t know. Just a sinking feeling that something’s going on.”

  “Maybe you should call him on it, then,” he suggests.

  “I should.” I yawn.

  “Try to get some sleep.”

  “Okay. Good night.”

  “’Night, Tink.” I close my eyes. My sinking feeling turns into a sense of certainty. Knowing my brother, he wants to protect me. I can only imagine from what.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  It’s been a full week since I’ve seen Myles in person. True to his word, he calls me almost every day. We tried phone sex, which was hot, and FaceTime sex, which was hotter, but now I’m craving the real thing. Before he left, he gave me the key for his apartment and told me I could stay there, but it’s too soon to move in. That’s why I’ve been sleeping in my bedroom in Oli’s apartment—although, I did go into Myles apartment and steal one of his old and worn-out Leafs sweatshirts so I could have his scent close to me while he’s been gone.

  I know, I’m obsessed.

  It also means I wasn’t able to have a one-on-one with my brother to find out what is going on with him, even though he sent me messages this week. Whatever my intuition is telling me, it isn’t something that can be addressed by texting.

  Luckily, I’ve been working around the clock, or else I would have gone crazy without him, which in itself is a new feeling for me. The guys are scheduled to be back in town around six tonight, and Myles mentioned going out for Jamie’s birthday—he’s one of the defensemen on the team.

  Apparently that Swedish guy, Nils, is throwing the party at his house. Truthfully, the thought of a house party with a bunch of drunken hockey players and puck bunnies kind of makes
me queasy. But Myles and I are together now. I want to show him I’m supportive of him and his friends.

  I wrap things up at the office early and head out for a nail appointment before the guys get home. After the hours I’ve put in this week, I deserve a little break. While sitting in a massage chair with my feet immersed in the warm bubble bath, I call Sloane. She picks up after two rings.

  “Hey, bitch,” she says with a playful tone.

  “Hey.” I haven’t been into Starbucks to get coffee since Monday morning, and I notice a little attitude in her tone. I’ve practically spent every waking hour at the firm. “I need to go to a house party tonight. You remember that Swedish player, Nils?”

  She huffs into the phone. “The one we almost had a threesome with?” she asks, but I can hear her usual snark through the phone.

  “We did not almost have a threesome with him.” I snicker because she cracks me up.

  “We so did,” she sneers sarcastically. “All that bumping and grinding was hot.” Her voice drifts off.

  “I honestly don’t know how you’ve held out this long for sex. I get that you’re waiting for Mr. Right, but I would be one hot mess.” I pull my feet out of the water as the esthetician gets to work on my nails.

  “Well, I am very well acquainted with Vibie, that’s for sure.” She sighs. “That little sucker can drag out the Big O’s like no man. Besides, you know I’ve had guys give me orgasms before.” She laughs. “I want the person I give my V to, to really understand that I’ve gifted him with something special. Is it so much to ask, Flynn?” she whines, and I feel bad for making fun of her.

  “Babe, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to poke fun at Vibie or at your V. I get it. Trust me.”

  “I know,” she sighs. “I’m happy you and Myles are getting along well.”

  “Back to the house party tonight. I swear you always get me off track.” I laugh. “I was hoping you could come with me tonight. Nils—the threesome dude—is throwing a birthday party for one of the players on the team.” The phone goes quiet, and I wonder if she’s still there. I was sure she would jump on the chance to party.


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