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Their Mating Triad [Paranormal Protection Unit 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 22

by Honor James

  Of course I will, he said on their link with a grin to his voice. But we will have to do it around Slade so that he can ensure that the satellites and such don’t pick me up. Don’t need one of those government sorts getting a bright idea to shoot off a torpedo.

  “This is very true. I don’t want anything or anyone hurting you.” Her hand stroked down his nose and then she pulled back. “All right, I want to go and look all around you, love, so please don’t flick your tail?”

  Snorting out a small stream of fire he gave her a toothy Dragon smile. Like I’d ever hurt you, darling, he said.

  Leaning against the railing Slade watched her moving around Rayne slowly and, with a small murmur, gave her some light to see her path. Smiling at her look he shrugged. “It’s icy out there, be careful, Parker.”

  “Thank you for the path,” she said and continued to move around Rayne. She touched him here and there, taking care around the sharp edges of his scales. “Amazing,” she whispered. “I think, however, you should change back now so that you can hug me, give me some of your heat, and kiss me?”

  Moving slightly Rayne shifted back and shook his head slightly before he turned to look at her with a grin. “Well?” he asked, scooping her up to kiss and hug her close. “Am I not the most gorgeous Dragon you’ve ever seen in your entire life?”

  Snorting Slade leaned his elbows on the railing. “Considering she’s just gotten her sight back you’re pretty much the only Dragon she’s seen that hasn’t been out to do her harm, buddy. Not a lot to go by really. I’d say we should have Talon and the twins shift, too, so she has something to actually compare your scrawny ass to.”

  “Don’t make me charbroil you, boy.” Rayne growled before pressing a kiss to her lips.

  Grinning Parker whispered against Rayne’s lips. “Don’t worry, darling. No matter what you will always be the most gorgeous Dragon that I’ve ever seen in my life.” She hesitated and then with a grin said, “And soon this little one will be the second most gorgeous Dragon that I’ve ever seen in life.”

  Smiling he kissed her again softly before lifting her up and carrying her to the deck. Setting her on her feet he hauled himself up and urged her inside. “In, darling. We have guests to look after and food to feed them,” he said quietly.

  “Ah yes, we do, don’t we?” she asked with a smile. “Then let’s get inside and have our party. Give the little ones their gifts and enjoy time with our family.” She wrapped her other arm around Slade and hugged her men close to her. “I love you both. I’m so very happy that we are a part of the family that we are a part of.” The Paranormal Protection Unit was far more than the final line between the things that went bump in the night and humanity. They were a family.

  Wrapping his arm around her waist on the other side Slade grinned at her. “We’re all dysfunctional, more than a little crazed but we are our own weird sort of family, darling. Aren’t you glad that you fit in so well?” he teased, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

  “Yeah, I’m happy that I’m a part of this wonderful and most amazing world,” Parker admitted.

  * * * *


  “I told you that bringing them all together as I did would be the key,” Gaia murmured as she watched unrepentantly the couples she had a hand in bringing together. “Family. That was what had been missing from the Paranormal Protection Unit for so very long. The men were at their rope’s end and the few women they had, well they had given up but now”—she smiled brightly—“now they have a reason to fight. A reason to continue. Love. Family. It’s with that they will raise the next generation and they will give them that reason as well. Never again will we let Darkness and Chaos stand between the Men and their other halves. Even if I have to go toe-to-toe with Chaos I will. Never again will he have so much sway over them. Yes, he will still cause them trouble. Yes, he will still try to defeat them but in the end the light will always win over darkness because we have what he’s forgotten, love.”

  For each that is born, there will be another half. This is my promise to you. Some will be pairs only, others trios and quads but from this point forward, Gaia, they will have love in their lives. You were right. It is what was missing, a voice whispered from her left.

  Gaia simply smiled and leaned back against the large muscular form of a man that appeared just behind her. “Exactly. We all deserve love.” Looking over her shoulder she smiled. “Even us. Don’t send me away again?”

  Only when you want to leave. Now, I think that there was a bet that I need to pay up on? the man said with a smile, his lips not moving as the words flowed around them. Come, my darling, let’s see if we can’t give our daughter a sibling.

  “Oh that would be wonderful. I think I would love that a great deal,” Gaia said with a grin. “Especially the whole trying thing,” she teased as darkness faded around them and clothes disappeared. Gaia’s laughter could be heard all around for that split moment in time, if you knew what you were listening to.




  Born in the mid-seventies, this thirty-something woman has only been writing for the last six years of her life, faithfully that is. Honor has always been scribbling a phrase, a curious word, or the oddest of thoughts down on anything she could find lying about. Now she piles them up before her and, if one catches her fancy, she further explores it to whatever its end might be.

  A lover of books, her reading material spans from Shakespeare to mysteries and all the way to the erotic. Anything and everything she can lay her hands on she’ll read. Though, these days, she leans more toward the paranormal than anything else.

  Poetry was her first love, lasting about three solid years. Don’t ask. She won’t show many of them to anyone. Then short stories became the focus and finally she began to write for more than just writing what came to mind. She started to write for pleasure and to tell the story that begged to be told.

  Life and family came next. Working full-time as a customer service representative and raising two children got in the way and the writing that she so loved as a teenager seemed to be pushed off to the back burner of everything.

  So several years passed and her children turned into more than the babies that demanded her attention and into young children and then teenagers with different demands, ones that allowed her to once more spread her imagination to the wind and ask for more, want more.

  As with all great things the door to her notebook-written world might have been closed and placed on hold, but where a door closes another one opens and in this case it was with the advent of buying a computer.

  Honor spends many a sleepless night pounding at the keyboards. She is a consummate professional in her daytime career. However, at night her visions swing to the fantastical and in those long hours after the children and husband are in bed, she weaves together words and blends up stories that not only bring a whole new meaning to romance, but sizzle the pages with a heat that will have the readers begging for more.

  For all titles by Honor James, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  About the Author




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