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ROMANCE: Unexpected Love Series (Military Bad Boy Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (Young Adult Alpha Taboo BBW Contemporary)

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by Wanda Edmond

  He held out his hand for a shake and Monica laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. The moment she felt his warm skin on her palm her body shook with desire, feeling a white hot jolt of need rush through her skin and down between her legs. She wanted him like none before him and it was going to take all her willpower not to give in to his charms. She knew, after all, that he used those charms to bed any woman foolish enough to fall for it. Alex waited patiently for a reply, eyeing her luscious breasts held just barely below the scraps of material that formed her bikini top. His body was on fire with lust for her.

  “I suppose it would be nice to get away from this,” Monica reluctantly agreed as another drunken college boy ran past her shouting, “Pick me up at like ten?”

  Alex didn’t let go of her hand for a moment, holding it in midair with a smile. He yanked her closer and she could smell his cologne, mixed with an intoxicating scent of his body. Her heart beat wildly, feeling her body cry out for a kiss. He lingered there and gave her a smile.

  “You didn’t say I was forgiven.” He whispered.

  Monica knew he wanted her, the desire so thick between them that she could feel it in the small amount of space between their bodies. She tried to resist, pretending not to see the desire clear in his beautiful eyes. Smiling politely she nodded.

  “Yes your forgiven,” She could hardly breathe, “Now I have to check in with my friends. I will see you tomorrow then?”

  Alex frowned slightly at her subtle rejection, but smiled a wide grin knowing that she would be a challenge. He would bring his best game the following day and by sunset this beautiful and cocky girl would be in his arms for sure. They parted ways, Alex heading back to his friends at the bonfire and Monica upstairs to see if Carrie and Elsa had made it back safely. But the desire remained with them both, and Monica knew she would have to keep her guard up. His offer to tour her around may have seemed like a nice gesture but she knew deep down what he wanted. She wanted it too, but she had to resist him. The room was empty as she stepped inside. They are most likely going to be out all night. She sighed and flopped down on her twin sized bed. She gazed out at the moon, shimmering over the waters below and gave a long sigh.

  Chapter 3

  Carrie and Elsa had arrived back in the room sometime in early morning and Monica was careful not to wake them. After leaving a note she slipped from the room quietly and headed for the lobby to wait for Alex. She was dressed in her favorite tank top with glitter hearts dotting the black material and another pair of cut of blue jeans. As she passed a group of college boys they whistled but she continued on with a frown. Alex was already waiting outside, perched atop his rumbling motorcycle near the front doors of the hotel. He looked so sexy straddling the monstrous machine, sunglasses perched on his nose and a bit of stubble outline his thick jaw. She swallowed fearfully as he handed her a helmet, having never thought she would be riding on the back of one of these death machines. She lifted her leg over and planted herself on the tiny back seat, wrapping her hands around his solid waste and feeling the ripples of his washboard stomach. Her body flew into a rage of desire once again at the sensation of his body pressed up against hers.

  “Hang on tight,” he called out over the engines, “I will take it easy don’t worry.”

  As they sped off down the long stretch of road ahead, there was something sensual about the experience that made Monica’s body cry out for more. The wind dancing across her shoulders and flittering her hair gently in the breeze was almost soothing, while the heat of this sexy man’s body and the feel of his muscles was turning up the heat in her senses. She could feel herself growing wet from the sensations as they turned and headed West down the quiet streets. He stopped at the entrance to an ocean park and found a space near the door. The engines stopped, as well as the rumbling vibration driving her thighs wild and he motioned for her to jump off. Her legs tingled and he gave her a polite smile.

  “How was your first ride?” He laughed, sensing her discomfort. There was something sexy about watching her squirm. “You get used to it after a while.”

  “It was interesting,” She smiled, “Where are we?”

  “One of my favorite places,” He laughed and took her hand, guiding her to the door, “I think as an ecologist you will appreciate this a little more.”

  Inside the open area was filled with a large pool and swimming around happily Monica could see several killer whales. They splashed and played together, making her grin widely. It was an ocean animal reserve, where injured or displaced creatures were brought for recovery. Her grin grew wider as they walked among the different glass holding tanks, marveling at the variety of ocean life right up close enough to touch. Soon the two found themselves along in an underground tunnel that lead beside the largest tank. She inched closer to the glass and watched the whales from under the water. Her body tingled as Alex slid up closely behind her and leaned down, his hot breath on her neck. Her heart fluttered and the desire returned quickly between her legs like electricity.

  “Beautiful aren’t they?” He whispered in her ear, his body grazing her backside just slightly. “I come here often to admire them.”

  His hands slid around her waist and she felt as if she would melt into the cement floor below her feet. She wanted more, her body calling out for a kiss and to taste him. She froze, unsure of what to do to break free from his teasing grasp. A tourist group came chatting down the hall and Alex released her, Monica taking a deep breath and feeling her head spinning from his touch. This bad boy had her right where he wanted her, teeming with sexual need. They continued to walk along, as Monica pointed out specific animals and gave interesting information on each of them. Alex watched how her eyes lit up at each new tank and smiled. Something else was growing inside of him, more than just the uncontrollable lust he had for her body. He was beginning to want more, caring about this mysterious and shy female, something he was definitely not accustomed to feeling. After a few more exhibits, the two exited and headed back for the bike, her hands wrapped tightly around his waist once more. He felt his heart leap at her touch, now more so from the desire growing in his heart rather than his jeans.

  “I have a few more places to show you. You up for it?” He called back as they drove away.

  “Yeah I have all the time the world remember?” She teased.

  As the day wore on Alex showed her the sights, his moves overpowering her body and the tension grew deeper. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before desire overpowered her and she would willingly fall into his arms. But the more she got to know this wild man, the more she wanted it to happen. As the sun began to set below the ocean horizon, the bike pulled into their final destination, an out of the way bar nestled on the white sandy beaches. It was packed for a Monday night and after a quick drink Alex was dragging her out of the crowd and out into the fresh ocean air.

  “Let’s take a walk shall we?” He playfully held out his arm and she wrapped hers around the leather of his jacket with a giggle.

  The sun disappeared below the rolling waves and the cusp of evening fell over the quiet waters. They walked along, sharing stories of their youth and experiences growing up. Monica laughed at his stories of the open road and some of the trouble he and his friends had found themselves in on their adventures. They came to a deserted cove and sat down in the white sand, gazing out at the twinkling stars now littering the darkened sky. Hidden away from prying eyes, Monica felt the desire welling up, as well as the fear of being alone for the first time with this irresistible man. She eyed him nervously with a smile. Alex could no longer resist, rejected or not he had to have her. He leaned in and gently kissed her lips, savoring the sweetness of her skin. She wanted to resist, but the tension had been pounding away at her body the entire day. It had become more than she could bare. She allowed him to continue, kissing her deeper and exploring her mouth with his tongue. She let a sigh of desire escape her muffled lips. Alex slid his strong hand up her thighs, kneading at her already wet body fro
m beneath her shorts. The sensation was overwhelming, filling her to the brim with lust. He could feel his need throbbing in his erection.

  “Alex wait,” Monica whispered between kisses, her voice lost to the winds, “I can’t do this.”

  “It’s ok we’re alone here,” He continued his assault on her body, slipping his hands under her tank top and caressing her breasts.

  Though her body wanted him, she had never know the feel of a man and knew the last she wanted was to lose her virginity to a one night stand.From what she had been informed, Alex was nothing more than that no matter how sincere he appeared to be. She fought the urge, pushing him gently away and gazing up in his blue eyes, now full of confusion. The waves crashed on the wet sand as the two sat silently a moment, calming their breathing from the lust-filled moment. Alex turned, a saddened look in his eyes and caressed her cheek.

  “I don’t understand,” He sighed, “I thought you wanted me as much as I want you.”

  “I do,” Monica stood up and brushed the sand from her jeans, “But I don’t want my first time to be with someone who has a reputation like yours.”

  The words stung Alex’s heart. For the first time in his life he was hurt, rather than proud, of his bad boy reputation. This beautiful woman was quickly captivating him, drawing him into her, and yet his history of womanizing was stopping him from tasting her love. He ran his hands through his long black hair, smoothing it down into place and gazed out at the waters. Monica gave him a sad smile and turned, headed back to the bike.

  “Look I had a nice time today. Thank you,” she frowned, “but I think you should take me back to the hotel now.”

  He nodded reluctantly and soon the two were speeding back down the roads through the living crowds of rowdy college vacationers now back in full swing for the night. At the door she stopped and turned, gazing into his beautiful eyes and then made her exit without another word. Rejecting him had been the hardest thing she had ever done, as her heart too was growing in need for him. But she knew nothing could ever come of their relationship, more than heartbreak.

  Chapter 4

  The beach was packed for the second day of the show as the three girls headed back down for a day of sun, drinks and music. On their fourth day of spring break Carrie had elected an all-out summer bash by the beach for their adventure, complete with more D.Js, guest stars and a few popular radio stations giving away prizes. But her mind was lost, still thinking about Alex and she made her way behind her friends through the crowds. As they reached the middle of the dancing crowd, Carrie turned with a frown.

  “Come on Monica,” She called out over the music, “You spent all of yesterday moping around. What’s going on?”

  Reluctantly she hashed out the situation, leaving out some of the more juicy details from her encounter on the beach though it was clear Carrie understood what had happened. She listened quietly a moment, swaying her hips to the beat as Monica chattered on.

  “I can’t see him again.” Monica sighed when the story was complete. “I know what he wants.”

  “How can you be so sure that’s all he wants,” Carrie giggled, “Men can change if the right girl comes along? I would go for it. At worst case you have a great adventure from spring break to remember and at best he really is being sincere. Either way win, or win.”

  Carrie giggled and Monica shook her head with a sigh. She and her best friend had their differences in what it meant to be in a relationship. She pushed her way through the crowd and headed for the open bar set up near the side of the stage. Ordering another fruity drink she stood sipping quietly, watching the wild crowds as they danced and tossed beach balls high in the air. The announcer, a famous name in radio, called out for free tickets to an upcoming concert and the crowd of tanned college kids rushed the stage. She laughed, watching them frantically dive for the prize.

  “Hey there,” A familiar voice called out from beside her, “I thought I might find you here.”

  She turned to find Alex, sticking out like a sore thumb from the crowd in his leather jacket and chaps. He grinned and chugged a beer.

  “What are you doing here?” She teased, “I thought this wasn’t your scene.”

  “It’s not,” Alex inched in closer as the beats begin once again, rumbling over the beach, “I was looking for you.”

  “Why?” Monica stared at him in shock.

  “I wanted to apologize for the other night,” He scowled as a college boy ran into his backside in an attempt to catch a football, “Can we go somewhere quieter to talk? Please?”

  Monica eyed her friends, who were now watching the conversation with amusement. Carrie motioned to her to go with him, encouraging her as if she was a cheerleader. Monica rolled her eyes and reluctantly agreed, soon finding herself walking down the beach away from the wild crowds. She could finally breathe in the stillness and gazed out over the ocean waters, sparkling a deep blue in the afternoon sun. Alex stuffed his hands in his pocket and kicked the rocks as they began to pile up on the deserted area of the beach. As they reached a quiet cove he turned to her, sincerity in his eyes.

  “I thought about what you said to me the other night,” He looked down unable to look her in eye, “And your right. Everything you heard about me is true. I take advantage of young woman that come here for break. But there is something more to you, I feel different. I have never taken anyone out for a day like that and the more time I spend with you, the more my feelings are growing.”

  Monica suddenly felt a pang of sympathy run through her. He was being sincere it was clear in his eyes and she could hear it in his voice as it cracked. The desire welled up once more, like a pounding wave on the shore and she wanted him in her arms. She took a step towards him, his eyes now fixed sadly on the ground below his boots.

  “How can I be sure?” Her voice was soft and soothing.

  Alex looked up, tears in his eyes and grasped her waist, pulling her suddenly into his arms. She gasped in surprise from the sudden movement and let her eyes gaze deeply into his. For a moment he lingered, taking in the beauty of her sun-kiss skin and the delicate features of her face. Then slowly he leaned down and kissed her lips, deeply and full of passion. The two stood locked into one another’s touch, savoring the closeness and romantic scene of the ocean around them. He leaned back once again and smiled.

  “You can feel it in my kiss, my desire for you.” He whispered, “When I was younger all I wanted to give people as hard of a time as I could, especially authority. I hated my mother for letting my father walk out on us, and I took it out by treating woman poorly. But now, all I want is to find that one and settle down, live out my days in happiness. And you, Monica, it’s you.”

  His words pushed her over the edge of self-control and she finally gave in to him. He kissed her again, deeply and passionately, his tongue finding its way into her mouth and savoring the salty taste of her. He leaned down slowly, lowering her into the sands below and gazed down, admiring the way her long hair flowed into the white sands below. Monica’s heart was racing in fear, but she knew she wanted him. He removed his leather jacket and tossed it aside, then peeled the sticky tank top from his muscular chest. Monica licked her lips hungrily, watching the way the sweat seemed to glisten from his pecs and perfectly chiseled washboard stomach. With a swift motion he unclasped his belt buckle and jeans, allowing them to fall to his ankles. Her eyes widened at the sight of his erection. He’s huge. She gazed fearfully, unable to take her eyes off the thickness of his cock. Yes, she had seen a man before, but nothing like this and wondered if she would even be able to handle his girth inside her. Alex climbed down into the sand beside her, gently removing her shirt and allowing her curvy breasts to fall free in the ocean air.

  “Your body is perfect,” He whispered to her sweetly and leaned in to kiss each of her nipples, watching happily as they hardened in response.

  Soon she lay naked beside him, as his hands peeled the remainder of her clothing away to savoring her in whole. His hand slid down b
etween her thighs, the wetness already growing, and he began to tease her once again with his fingers. She watched, excited and fearful as his kisses trailed down her stomach, stopping to run his tongue along the inside of her quivering thigh. She gasped and closed her eyes as he tasted her, her cheeks flushing red from the new pleasure and embarrassment of a man so close to her body. He entered her with one finger, allowing her a moment to adjust to the sensation and then back to press in and out of her pussy, gliding smoothly in the wetness of her need. She could feel the pressure building, as if at any moment she would explode, until finally the sensation of an orgasm overtook her and she cried out from the release. Alex rose and smiled up at her flushed face. Her breathing was rapid and the rising and falling of her perfect breasts drove him wild with lust. He mounted her, his erection looming just above her body. Suddenly he frowned and leaned back onto his knees a moment, lost in thought.

  “What is it,” Monica looked up in shock and anger from the pause.

  “I can’t be your first,” He looked as if he was going to cry, “I don’t deserve such a gift.”

  Monica growled, the heat of the moment giving her a newfound confidence. She sat up and grasped his shoulder, pulling him in for a long passionate kiss.

  “Take me,” She whispered desperately, “I want you.”

  Her words were too much and Alex lunged forward, mounting her once more. He pressed his cock deep inside of her, watching as her eyes widened from the strange sensation. He paused, hovering above her and waiting for a sign she was ready.

  “Are you ok?” he whispered.

  Soon the feeling of a foreign sensation subsided and desire spread through her once again. She licked her lips hungrily and nodded, their eyes meeting in a blaze of passion.

  “Yes,” She whispered in return, “More.”


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