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ROMANCE: Unexpected Love Series (Military Bad Boy Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (Young Adult Alpha Taboo BBW Contemporary)

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by Wanda Edmond

  He held her closely and kissed her lips, the tears flowing from his eyes. They gazed deeply into one another’s eyes, knowing that this wasn’t goodbye, only a temporary parting. He kissed her once more.

  “I love you Monica,” He whispered as the girls called out to her, “Remember my promise.”

  “We will be back together soon enough,” She promised, though her heart still held a fear that her promise may not come true.

  Finally the three slumped down into their seats, prepared to head back for another semester of school and life back on their hectic campus. Monica glanced out the airplane window and the mid-day sun, smiling to herself that she had a great adventure on her spring break. She had found love in the most unexpected of places. As the plane reached high into the air she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She took it out and beamed.

  “I love you.” The message from Alex read, “See you soon.”

  She gave another long sigh, glancing at her two sleeping friends beside her. Though the future was unclear, she knew in her heart that Alex was her love and secretly hoped that he would keep his promise to change his bad boy ways before they met again. I Love you too. She thought to herself and closed her eyes for a much needed rest.

  ~~~ THE END of BOOK 1 ~~~

  …Synopsis (Book 2)…

  As school winds to a close for the end of her junior, Monica Yale finds herself returning to sunny Florida on vacation with her father and new step-mother. After her experiences with Spring Break, she is less than thrilled to find herself traveling back to Panama Beach, but soon finds that when the crowds of college students have exited, the area is beautiful and serene. She spends the days wandering the quiet beaches, letting her long brown hair flow on the sunshine. Her hazel eyes and curvaceous figure attract more local attention, but her mind and heart are still distracted by her first love Alex.

  Though he hasn’t done much towards change, the handsome Alex Yale finds the confliction growing as the months pass since Spring Break. Falling in love with Monica has changed his perspective on life and woman, and though he stops his womanizing ways he still runs with one the toughest biker gang in the area and finds himself in constant trouble. When he discovers that his parents have made a last minute trip to the area, and Monica is with them, he makes a desperate attempt to change his life and impress the only woman to ever capture his heart. His long black hair and deep blue eyes, draw her in once again, but can he change in time to keep her?

  Much has happened since Spring Break and through a series of transitions, the shy Monica is all but a memory. This new, thick-skinned woman has success on her mind though she still secretly carries the hopes of innocent young love in her heart. Alex’s surprise appearance at the hotel, dress in khaki pants and a polo shirt, don’t have her convinced he has changed, but she is still draw to him in irresistible ways. Can Alex live up to his appearances and win over her heart forever, or will the truth that he hasn’t changed tear them apart forever?

  Chapter 1

  Monica Yale stepped off the commercial flight with a long sigh. She glanced around the airport, a lot calmer than it had been when she first arrived in Florida during her spring break, but still the terminal was filled with rushing men and woman hectic to find their flights. After losing touch with her first love and step-brother Alex several months prior, she had vowed never to set foot in Panama Beach again. Yet there she stood, luggage in hand and searching the area for any signs of her father. It had taken some convincing, and bribery to get her to agree to return and she hoped that this trip would not involve any more conflict with a love that was never meant to be. After several moments of searching she finally locked in on her father, waving happily near the doors to the airport, his new wife Carrie by his side. She was considerably younger than he was, with long black hair and shimmering emerald eyes, and Monica often wondered if his new marriage would last through the age difference. She gave a laugh as she approached through the pushy crowd, her father sporting a typical Hawaiian shirt, which seemed to be the selected fashion of a man in his late fifties on vacation. She was greeted with a warm, tight hug that nearly made her drop her carry on.

  “Hi kitten,” Her dad beamed with excitement, “I am so glad you changed your mind and headed down for the big news.”

  “Well you know what they say dad,” She laughed, eyeing the bright pink flowers on his shirt, “curiosity killed the cat. Besides you made it sound like it was a matter of life and death.”

  “Well maybe not that big,” He chuckled and relieved her of the heavier bags, “But still pretty important. You remember Carrie?”

  Monica exchanged a polite nodded with her new step-mother. Though it had been years since her parents’ divorce it was difficult connecting with his new wife, especially when she was only ten years older than she was. She had Alex young and married before graduating high school and as most young loves did, the father left several years later. Which explained many of Alex’s issues with relationships. She gave a sigh, wondering where he was at that moment and more importantly which woman he was with. Spring Break had ended a few months prior with a heart-felt promise from him that he would change his bad boy ways and become the man he felt she deserved. But the communication dwindled as the semester got back into full swing and then ended abruptly with no explanation. I have to assume that he changed his mind. She shrugged and piled her items into the back of her father’s rental jeep. But her heart was heavy with the loss of a man that she had come to love despite their two separate worlds. While she was studying hard in the field of ecology, he was a biker and a womanizer, constantly in trouble with the law as well as the woman he lied to. She had a very specific idea of what it meant to have a happy relationship and though he was incredibly handsome, his lifestyle didn’t fit into that picture at all.

  “So what’s this big news?” Monica leaned forward to the front seat.

  “Oh no,” Her father chuckled, “I can’t let the cat out of the bag until your brother gets there. It effects the whole family.”

  “Step-brother,” Monica snapped, a pang churning in her stomach, “And how do you know he will even come? He might be busy.”

  “I spoke with him this morning,” Carrie chimed in pleasantly, “He is of course up to his neck with work, starting your own company is no easy task after all, but he was excited to here you were arriving and promised to break away.”

  Monica was speechless at the news so politely given to her by her step-mother, feeling a wave of guilt wash through her. The jeep pulled into a space near the hotel and the three clambered out, her father assisting her with the three weeks of luggage she had packed. Was it possible that the reason she hadn’t heard from Alex all this time was that he was busy starting some type of business on his own, perhaps as part of his promise to build a better life for himself. For a moment she felt terribly guilty then shook off the feeling, reminding herself that success in money didn’t mean much when it came to his ways with woman. She found her hotel room, gazing down at the unpacked things with another long sigh. Rather than spend her night unfolding and folding laundry, she headed back out into the steamy afternoon sun and towards the white sandy beaches across the way from the hotel. She needed to take a walk and clear her mind. School had kept her preoccupied, but now that it was done for the year, and she was back in the place her love had first found her, the memories were flooding back. She recalled the night she stumbled into his bonfire and the way she felt when he first appeared around the fire. And of course, of the many romantic encounters on the beach where her body betrayed her and allowed him to take her in the sand. She shivered, a tingle of desire running through her as she reflected on the way his body shone in the Florida sun.

  But the happy memories weren’t all that came flooding back to her, as she recalled the night at the bar and that woman Melissa. It had been so easy to drag him away from her and into her arms. The feeling of rejection came back like a sudden wave crashing on the shoreline and she sniffed back a tear. Melis
sa was his ex-girlfriend and a stunning tall blonde. She knew that if that was the sort of woman he attracted there would be no fighting them back. Yes, she was beautiful, in a girl-next-door fashion, with long brown hair that fell into tight curls at the tips and sparkling hazel eyes. But to compete with these wild, over-the-top gorgeous woman that flocked to his side was more exhausting that she wanted her relationship to be. As she walked along, the sun began to set below the ocean horizon, splashing deep red and yellow sparkles in the waves below. Her first experiences with this beach had been that of one gigantic party, but now as the season wound to a close it was rather beautiful and almost peaceful. After the sun disappeared entirely, she turned and headed back for the hotel, fearful of getting lost again or worst, running into some more drunken local boys.

  “Hey there you are.” Her father called out as she reached her room. He jogged towards her and took her arm, dragging her back towards his room. “Your brothers already here so I can spill the good news.”

  Monica’s stomach dipped, knowing that in a matter of seconds she would have to face him for the first time in months. This was going to be an awkward family reunion at best, as her parents were unaware of the love affair between them. She stepped into the dimly lit room and took her seat on the loveseat beside him. Her stomach flutter at the sight. He was dressed in his usual leather clad ensemble, his leather jacket looking hot in the summer heat and his chaps that meant he had ridden his bike to the hotel. His long black hair was pulled back neatly into a tight pony tail and smoothed down so that each hair fell into its place. As she approached, he glanced up with a smile and his baby blue eyes sparkled in the light, sending a wave of desire through her once again. She sat uncomfortably, aware of his fixed gaze on her body. I hope they don’t notice him gawking. She sighed and smiled at Carrie from across the room.

  “So now that I have you all here,” Her father clasped his hands together with a smack, “I can finally spill the news. As you may not know, my company has decided to expand to Florida and will be opening a new operation right here in Panama Beach over the upcoming fall and winter. And guess who has been chose to head up the new project?”

  “Wait,” Monica froze, her eyes widening, “Does that mean you’re moving here?”

  Her father gave an excited nod and squeezed Carrie tightly. Monica could feel the heat on her cheeks as they flushed. Her plan had been to move back in with her father for the first year after graduation while she established herself in the science community. Now it seemed that if she wished to continue, she would have to move half way across the country, and right near Alex, or attempt to secure herself an apartment back home. The decision didn’t seem to be concerned for her whatsoever.

  “Dad what about my plans after graduation?” She squeaked, “I was supposed to come back home for a year remember?”

  “Oh we thought of that dear,” Carrie chimed in before her father could answer, “That’s why we took this trip. We are going to find a home large enough to accommodate you’re staying with us after school.”

  Monica eyed Alex, who was now beaming with delight. Her father cleared his throat and continued.

  “The company is providing me a hefty relocation bonus,” He laughed with a twinkle in his eye, “Enough, combined with the sale of the old house, to buy us something really nice here. We are spending a few days house hunting over the next couple of weeks and we would like you both to be a part of it.”

  “That’s great news,” The happiness was clear in Alex’s voice, “If you’d like I know a few great neighborhoods to start your search. I would be happy to take you around.”

  “Oh honey are you sure?” Carrie smiled at her only son affectionately, “The new business must have you running amuck.”

  “It’s no trouble mom,” He eyed Monica out of the corner of his eye hungrily, “It would be my pleasure.”

  The conversation ended with plans of touring some houses bright and early the following day and Monica listened silently in horror. She couldn’t help but feel as if she had been somehow tricked into a trip that quickly went from a vacation to a living nightmare. She flopped down on her hotel bed with a growl and gazed up at the ceiling, the curiosity welling up about this alleged new company her love had started. All things will be revealed. She sighed and drifted into a fitful sleep, unpacking would have to wait.

  Chapter 2

  The following day Monica rose early and finally unpacked her things, setting them neatly into each of the empty drawers. After a long shower she quickly dressed and headed down to the hotel restaurant to meet her parents for breakfast. As she approached she heard the familiar deep tone of Alex’s voice and sighed, seeing him already at the table laughing away with her father at some joke. This is simply torture. She growled and took a seat beside him once again.

  “Good morning sunshine.” Her father teased as the scowl was clear on her face, “Eat up. Alex is taking us to check out a few houses today.”

  “Great,” The sarcasm was clear in her voice, “Looking forward to it.”

  She eyed him as she spoke, noticing a slight hint of hurt in his eyes as she spat the words. Another pang of guilt flooded through her. The whole thing had been a lot to take in all at once and she wasn’t in the best of moods from it. First she had to return to Florida after swearing never again, then she not only found herself stuck with her former love Alex but unable to say anything to him with her parents always nearby. And to make matters even worse, she was being forced to move to Panama Beach permanently after graduation. I have every right to be short. She nodded and dove into her eggs quietly. After the group finished their meal, they headed out to her father’s rental jeep. Carrie climbed in the back with Monica so that Alex could give her father directions and they headed out onto the quiet streets. Soon they turned into a quaint looking neighborhood only a few blocks from the hotel.

  “Dad don’t you think this is a little close to the hotel for comfort?” She chimed in right away, thinking back to what the beaches looked like her first visit, “You haven’t seen this place during spring break.”

  Alex frowned, “She has a point, take a left here and head back out I know a better spot.”

  The day wore on as she trailed along behind her father, watching each potential home come and go as they went. They eyed a few two story ranches that looked promising, nestled away in quiet neighborhoods not unlike the one back home. Finally they came to one last stop and Monica looked up in surprise.

  “Wow,” her father exclaimed as they pulled into the driveway, “Are you sure this is in my price range?”

  “Yes,” Alex nodded excitedly, “The previous owners were renting it out to vacationers but it wasn’t making much since it’s so far from the activities. So they are just selling it off to retire.”

  Monica couldn’t help but awe at the beautiful home. It sat just a few feet from the entrance to a private beach, with a small patch of green grass for the backyard and the rest nothing but white sands up to the ocean. The bottom portion of the home was a deep red brick while the top looked as if it had just recently been painted over a deep green. Though she was still spiteful over the sudden move, this was definitely a home she could get used to. She watched as her father spoke adamantly with the real-estate agent, shaking hands happily towards the end. He jogged over to the group waiting by the jeep with a huge grin, the excitement once again bubbling in his eyes.

  “Looks like this is the one.” He chimed happily as Carrie squealed with joy.

  Alex eyed Monica with a frown, watching how happy her father had made his mother with the amazing new house. He sighed and looked down at his leather boots, his heart heavy. Although the changes had been slow, he had managed to start himself a tattoo parlor in town with the help of some talented friends. But it had taken several loans and would be some time before he was making enough profit to give Monica such a gift. He wanted so badly to prove his love to her, and keep his promise, but the look on her face told him how she felt. He admired t
he way the afternoon sun glimmered in her long hair and reflected in her eyes, wanting nothing more than to hold her after being apart for months. He followed reluctantly as the group climbed back in the jeep, headed for a late lunch. The restaurant was packed with locals as they found a booth and took their seats. The waitress took their orders and the two secret lovers sat silently listening as their parents chatted excitedly about the new home. Monica felt another wave of guilt, happening so often since she arrived. She could see how happy this move was making her father. It was selfish of her to be angry.

  “Is that John Yale I see?” A man’s voice echoed through the crowded restaurant.

  Monica looked up to see a familiar face. One of her father’s oldest friends was standing above the table, hands on his hips. Beside him stood his wife that Monica also knew well from her childhood. The couple had spent many a weekend barbequing with her family, before the divorce, but came around less often once her mother had elected to leave. She smiled politely, laughing to herself that he wore the same Hawaiian style shirt as her father.

  “Well I’ll be damned,” Her father laughed and shook his hand feverishly, “What are the chances. Are you on vacation too?”

  “Nope,” The man tossed his head back proudly, “The wife and I just moved down here.”

  The group chatted excitedly, sharing stories of what had been happening since the last time they had seen one another, while Alex and Monica sat silently. Finally her father looked over at the two sitting across with a cheeky grin.


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