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The Race to Save the Romanovs

Page 39

by Helen Rappaport

  63  Ibid., 253.

  64  FOT, 275.

  65  See FOT, 275.

  66  Wallscourt Waters’s will, dated 28 May 1942; probate 1 August 1945, p. 4;

  67  ‘300 Jahre Romanow & Hohenzollern’, Ausstellungsfuhrer, Burg Hohenzollern 22 Okt 2016–29 January 2017, no page numbers. I am grateful to Mark Andersen for passing on this information to me.

  68  FOT, 275.

  69  Wilhelm II, ‘Questions and Reflections Concerning the Rescue of the Tsar’, points 1–3, Burg Hohenzollern Archive, résumé in Waters, Potsdam and Doorn, 259–60.

  70  Ibid., notes 5–9, fo. 2.

  71  Ibid., note 8, fo. 2.

  72  Wilhelm II, ‘Questions and Reflections’, note 10, fo. 2.

  73  Ibid. fo. 11.

  74  Wilhelm notes to Gutman letter, ‘Wilhelm Written Records’, ff. 11–12.

  75  Ibid., fo. 12.

  76  Ibid.

  77  Ibid.

  Postscript: ‘Nobody’s Fault?’

    1  Jonathan Petropoulos, Royals and the Reich: The Princes von Hessen in Nazi Germany, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, 199.

    2   See official site of the Royal Norwegian House at I am grateful to royalty historian David Horbury for a detailed discussion of this issue and for his helpful notes.

    3  Ana de Sagrera, Ena y Bee: En defensa de una amistad, Madrid: Velecío Editores, 2006, 362. María Teresa Puga, La vida y la época de Alfonso XIII, Barcelona: Editorial Planeta, 1997, 176.

    4  For an excellent study of George and Mary’s reinvention of the British monarchy, see Frank Prochaska, Royal Bounty: the Making of a Welfare Monarchy, London: Yale University Press, 1995.

    5  Letter to Earl Lloyd George, 26 October 1983, quoted in Suttie, Rewriting the First World War, 193.

    6   Wallscourt Waters in 1935, Potsdam and Doorn, 257–8.

    7  Yeltsin speech in New York Times;

    8  See, for example,

    9  Daily Telegraph, 7 September 1921.

  10  Gilliard notes to de Basily, 29 April 1934, p. 2, Nikolai de Bazili Archive, Hoover Institution.

  11  Ibid.

  12  Pipes, Russian Revolution, 769.



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