The Race to Save the Romanovs

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The Race to Save the Romanovs Page 41

by Helen Rappaport

  Elizabeth II, Queen

  ‘Ella’ see Elizabeth, Grand Duchess of Russia

  Elliott, Sir Charles

  Engelgardt, Boris

  entente cordiale

  Esher, Lord

  Eykyn, Patricia

  Fellowes, Julian

  Fellowes, Peregrine

  Ferdinand I, King of Bulgaria

  File on the Tsar (book and documentary)


  First World War: breaks out; fear of Russian withdrawal from; Russia in; submarine blockade of Great Britain see also Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of

  Fort Wayne Sentinel (newspaper)

  France: refusal to help the Romanovs; relations with Russia

  Francis, David R.

  Frederick VIII, King of Denmark

  Friedberg Castle, Hesse

  Garfield, Brian

  Gaselee, Stephen

  George, Grand Duchess

  George I, King of Greece

  George Mikhailovich, Grand Duke

  George Mikhailovich (son of Mikhail Alexandrovich)

  George V, King: relations with Kaiser Wilhelm; friendship with Tsar Nicholas; at Edward VII’s funeral; photographed with Tsar Nicholas; concern over security of Russian monarchy; on outbreak of Russian Revolution; hesitation in response to abdication; sends personal message of support to Nicholas; doubts over offering Nicholas asylum; fear of republican movement in Britain; anxiety over Romanov’s fate; inability to help the Romanovs; informed of Tsar’s death; proclaims Court mourning for the Tsar; attends memorial service for Tsar; supports Alfonso XIII in attempts to rescue Alexandra and children; informed of death of whole Romanov family; blamed for failure to save the Romanovs; blames Kaiser Wilhelm for not helping the Tsar; grief over death of the Romanovs; evacuates Dowager Empress and other Romanovs; dilemma over the Romanovs; adapts style of monarchy in Britain; biographies of

  George VI, King

  Germany: and attempts to save the Romanovs; blames Britain for not rescuing the Tsar; and the First World War; relations with Russia; and Treaty of Brest-Litovsk; undertakes not to prevent evacuation of the Romanovs

  Gibbes, Sydney

  Gilliard, Pierre

  Giné, Commandant

  Globe, The (London newspaper)

  Golitsyn, Major General Vladimir

  Goloshchekin, Filipp

  Gonzale, Infante of Spain

  Gordon-Smith, Stephen Berthold

  Gorev, Major


  Gosse, Edmund

  Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna see Coburg, Marie, Duchess of

  Groten, Colonel

  Guchkov, Alexander

  Guiche, Marquis de la

  Gustav V, King of Sweden

  Gutman, Anatoly

  Haakon VII, King of Norway


  Hagen, L. H.

  Hall, Sir Reginald

  Hamilton, Keith

  Hanbury-Williams, Major-General Sir John

  Hankey, Maurice

  Hansen, Bernadette Preben

  Hardinge, Charlesst Baron of Penshurst

  Hardinge, Sir Arthur

  Hartong, Baroness

  Hauschild, Herbert

  Heath, Charles

  Helena, Princess

  Helena of Serbia, Princess

  Helfferich, Karl

  Hendrikova, Anastasia

  Henry of Prussia, Prince

  Henry of Prussia, Princess see Irene, Princess Henry of Prussia (formerly Princess Irene of Hesse and by Rhine)

  Hermogen, Archbishop

  Hesse and by Rhine, Ernst, Grand Duke of

  Hewins, Ralph

  Hill, George Edward

  Hintze, Admiral von

  Hitching, John

  Hoare, Lieutenant Colonel Samuel

  Howard, Sir Esmé

  Hudson’s Bay Company

  Hyndman, Henry

  Ievreinov, Alexander

  Igor Konstantinovich, Prince

  Ioann Konstantinovich, Prince

  Ipatiev House, Ekaterinburg; Romanovs murdered in; demolished (1977)

  Irene, Princess Henry of Prussia (formerly Princess Irene of Hesse and by Rhine)

  Irtysh River

  Isle of Wight

  Iswolsky, Alexander

  Ivanovsky convent, Tobolsk

  Izvestiya (newspaper)

  Jackson, Margaret

  Jagow, Kurt

  Jaime, Prince

  Janin, Maurice

  Japan: possibility of Romanovs evacuation to; war with Russia (1904–05)

  Joffe, Adolph

  Jogiches, Leo

  Johnson, Brian

  Kara Sea

  Karakhan, Lev

  Kent, Prince Michael of

  Kerensky, Alexander: intention of sending Tsar abroad; protection of the Tsar’s family; vists Tsar at Alexander Palace; good relationship with the Tsar; inability to move the Romanovs from Alexander Palace; on Russian attitude to Romanovs; on British withdrawal of asylum offer for the Tsar; succeeds as Prime Minister of Provisional Government; decision to send Romanovs to Siberia; plans to evacuate Romanovs via Trans-Siberian Railway; on monarchist plots to save the Romanovs; on Vasily Yakovlev; on rumours of Romanovs survival; blames Britain for Tsar’s death; and German offer to save the Romanovs

  Kharitonov, Ivan

  Khitrovo, Rita

  Kienlin, Albert von

  Kirill, Grand Duchess (formerly Princess Victoria Melita)

  Kirill Vladimirovich, Grand Duke

  Kobylinsky, Colonel Evgeniy

  Kochubey, Prince

  Kokovtsov, Vladimir

  Komarova, Finland

  Konstanin, Grand Duchess

  Konstantin Konstantinovich, Prince

  Konstantinovich, Grand Duke Gavriil

  Koptyaki Forest

  Kornilov, General

  Krivoshein, Alexander


  Kühlmann, Richard von

  Kuli-Mirza, Prince Riza

  Lansbury, George

  Le Queux, William

  League for the Restoration of the Russian Empire

  Lenin, Vladimir; decision to ‘liquidate’ the Romanovs; receives confirmation of Tsar’s death

  Leontiev, General Maxim

  Leuchtenberg, Alexander, Duke of

  Leuchtenberg, George, Duke of

  Levine, Isaac Don

  Liebknecht, Karl

  Lied, Jonas Marius

  Lindley, Francis


  Lloyd George, David: congratulates Russian people on the revolution; and offer of asylum to the Tsar; on George V’s attendance at Tsar’s memorial service; memoirs concerning the Romanov crisis; defended against failing to rescue the Romanovs

  Locker-Lampson, Oliver

  Lockhart, Robert Bruce

  Lopukhin, Captain Mikhail

  Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine

  Louis of Battenberg, Prince

  Louise, Queen of Denmark

  Lowenstein, Princess

  Ludendorff, General

  Lukomsky, Georgiy

  Lvov, Prince

  Lykova, Lyudmila

  MacDonald, Ramsay

  MacLaren, Malcolm

  Malinovsky, Captain Dmitri

  Mangold, Tom

  Manuel II, King of Portugal

  Margaret, Princess

  Maria Feodorovna, Dowager Empress (formerly Princess Dagmar of Denmark): Danish background; hatred of Germans; presence in Russian court; hostility to Alexandra; frustration with Tsar’s apathy; with Nicholas in Stavka after abdication; Queen Alexandra’s concern for; held in Crimea; Danish concern for; refusal to accept German aid; refusal to believe in Tsar’s death; offered refuge by the Pope; leaves Russia for England

  Maria Nikolaevna Romanova; remains of

  Marie, Princess of Battenberg

  Marie, Queen of Romania

  Marie Louise, Princess

  Marie-Louise, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein

  Markov, Co
unt Sergey (Little Markov)

  Markov, Nikolay Evgenevich (Markov II)

  Mary, Queen (formerly Princess May of Teck)

  Maslovsky, Sergey

  Maud, Queen of Norway (formerly Princess Maud of Wales)

  McNeal, Shay

  Meinertzhagen, Colonel Richard

  Melgunov, Sergey

  Merry Del Val, Alfonso

  Michael of Kent, Prince

  Michelson, Ernest

  Mikhail Alexandrovich, Grand Duke

  Mikhail Mikhailovich, Grand Duke

  Milner, Lord

  Milyukov, Pavel: intention of sending Tsar abroad; and George V’s telegram to Nicholas; attempts to secure British asylum for the Tsar; forced to resign

  Mirbach, Count Wilhelm von

  Mitchell-Thompson, William

  monarchists, Russian: appeal to Kaiser Wilhelm; and plans to rescue the Romanovs see also Pravyi Tsentr (Right Centre)

  Montefiore, Simon Sebag

  Mordvinov, Anatoly

  Moscow Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies

  Mosolov, Count Alexander

  Mumm, Count von


  Myachin, Konstantin see Yakovlev, Vasily (aka Konstantin Myachin)

  Nabokov, Konstantin

  Nakhodka, Russia

  Nansen, Fridtjof

  Naryshkina, Elizaveta

  National Archives (British)

  Neame, Miss

  Neidgart, Dmitri

  Neklyudov, Anatoly

  New York Times

  Nicholas II, Tsar: marriage to Alix; dislike of Kaiser Wilhelm; friendship with George V; political naivety; visits Britain (1909); threats to life; absence at Edward VII’s funeral; visits Queen Victoria at Balmoral (1896); visits Germany (1910); attends wedding of Kaiser’s daughter (1913); decision to enter First World War; takes command of the army; refusal to introduce reforms; conspiracies against; and Rasputin’s death; weakness; abdicates; unwillingness to leave Russia; demands about his future; plans for evacuation; calls for retribution against; demeanour after abdication; placed under arrest; imprisoned in Alexander Palace; departs Alexander Palace for Tobolsk; distress on hearing of October Revolution; forced to remove epaulettes; imprisoned in Tobolsk; reaction to Treaty of Brest-Litovsk; removed to Ekaterinburg; last diary entry; murdered in Ipatiev House; memorial service in London; criticism of; Russian response to death of; remains excavated

  Nicholas Mikhailovich, Grand Duke

  Nicholas of Greece, Prince

  Nicholson, Harold

  Nikolaevsky Military Academy

  Nikolay Mikhailovich, Grand Duke

  Nikolay Nikolaevich, Grand Duke

  Nikolsky, Alexander


  Noulens, Joseph

  Novogeorgievsk, Russia

  Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent

  Ob River

  Obolensky, Count Dmitri

  Occleshaw, Michael

  ‘Officer Letters’ episode

  O’Grady, James

  Olga Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess

  Olga Nikolaevna Romanova; visit to Britain (1909); nursing work during the war; poor health of; on Tobolsk

  Olsufieva, Countess


  O’Reilly, Mary Boyle

  Orlando, Vittorio

  Oudendijk, Willem

  Pacelli, Eugenio

  Paget, Sir Ralph

  Paléologue, Maurice

  Paley, Prince Vladimir Pavlovich

  Paley, Princess

  Pankratov, Vasily

  Pavel Alexandrovich, Grand Duke

  Peter and Paul Fortress



  Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies

  Pichon, Stephen

  Plotnikov, Professor Ivan

  Poincaré, Raymond


  Poole, Major General

  Pravda (newspaper)

  Pravyi Tsentr (Right Centre)

  Preston, Thomas

  Protopopov, Alexander

  Provisional Government: wish to send the Tsar abroad; put Romanovs under arrest; Britain’s relations with; under pressure from the Petrograd Soviet; loses power to the Bolsheviks

  Quarenghi, Giacomo

  Radek, Karl

  Raevsky brothers

  Ransome, Arthur

  Rasputin, Grigory

  Rasputin, Maria

  Ratibor, Maximilan von, Prince

  Rayner, Oswald

  Red Guards

  Reilly, Sidney

  Ribot, Alexandre

  Riezler, Dr Kurt

  Right Centre monarchists see Pravyi Tsentr (Right Centre)

  Robertson, Colonel D. S.

  Rodzianko, Colonel Paul

  Rodzianko, Mikhail

  Rodzinsky, Isay

  Romanov (town)

  Romanov family: visits to Germany before the war; visits to Denmark; visit to Britain (1909); retreat to Alexander Palace; at the Romanov Tercentenary celebrations (1913); imprisoned at the Alexander Palace; leave Alexander Palace for Tobolsk; imprisoned in Tobolsk; removed to Ekaterinburg; murdered in Ipatiev House; uncertainty over fate of Alexandra and the children; confirmation of death of the whole family; remains discovered in Koptyaki forest

  Romanov Tercentenary celebrations (1913)

  Romanova, Anna

  Rose, Kenneth

  Royal Archives (British)

  Royal Danish Archives

  Royle, Sir Anthony

  Rusplycom (British Supply Mission to Russia)

  Russia: Civil War; in the First World War; Revolution (1905); Revolution (1917); war with Japan (1904–05)

  Rustam-Bek, Colonel (aka Boris Tageev)

  Ruzdky, General

  Ryckel, Louis de

  Sale, Charles

  ‘Sandro’ see Alexander Mikhailovich, Grand Duke (‘Sandro’)

  Scapa Flow, Orkneys

  Scavenius, Harald

  Schleswig-Holstein crisis

  Schloss Wolfsgarten, Germany

  Schneider, Ekaterina

  Schou-Kjeldsen, Harald

  Sedov, Captain Nikolay

  Sergey Alexandrovich, Grand Duke

  Sergey Mikhailovich, Grand Duke

  Seymour, Dorothy

  Shtein, Vladimir

  Shulgin, Vasily

  Siberian Trading Company

  Sidorov, Ivan

  Sokolov, Captain Viktor

  Sokolov, Nikolay; investigation into Romanov murders

  Solovev, Boris

  Soviet Union

  Spain see also Alfonso XIII, King of Spain


  St Petersburg see Petrograd

  Stamfordham, Arthur Biggest Baron: and George V’s telegram to Nicholas; and offer of asylum to the Tsar; warns George V of republican sentiments in Britain; on protocol surrounding mourning for the Tsar; expresses outrage at Tsar’s murder; reaction to news of Romanov family deaths; and repression of information over Tsar’s death; defence of George V

  State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF)

  Stavka (Russian Army HQ)

  Steinberg, Isaac

  Steinheil, Baron

  Stoeckl, Baroness de

  Storozhev, Father Ivan

  Struve, Peter

  Sukhanov, Nikolay

  Sumarokov, Captain

  Sumarokov-Elston, Count

  Summers, Anthony

  Sumsky Hussars

  Sverdlov, Yakov


  Sylvester, A. J.

  Tarasov-Rodionov, Alexey

  Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova; visit to Britain (1909); nursing work during the war

  Tatishchev, Count Ilya

  Tereshchenko, Mikhail

  Thompson, Donald

  Thorne, Will

  Times, The

  Tobol River

  Tobolsk, Siberia; Romanov family held in

  Tolstaya, Zinaida

  Tomaselli, Phil

  Tornio, Finland

  Torres de Mendoza, Marquis de

  Trans-Siberian Railway

  Trenchard, Lord

  Trepov, Alexander

  Triple Alliance, of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy

  ‘Triple Entente,’ of Britain, France and Russia

  Trotsky, Leon

  Trubetskoy, Prince Alexander

  Trubetskoy, Prince Sergey

  Trubetskoy, Prince Vladimir

  Trupp, Alexey

  Tsarskoe Selo: Alexandra sets up hospital at see also Alexander Palace, Tsarskoe Selo

  Tugan-Baranovsky, Mikhail


  Tyumen, Russia

  Union of the Russian People

  Ural Regional Soviet (URS)

  Urquhart, Leslie

  Utkina, Anna

  Valdemar, Prince

  Vansittart, Sir Robert

  Varvara, Sister

  Vasiliev, Father Alexey

  Verney, Harry

  Vickers (engineering company)

  Victoria, Empress of Prussia (formerly Crown Princess)

  Victoria, Marchioness of Milford Haven (formerly Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine); intervenes to rescue Romanov children

  Victoria Melita see Kirill, Grand Duchess

  Victoria, Queen

  Victoria Eugenie, Queen of Spain (formerly Princess Victoria of Battenberg, ‘Ena’)

  Victoria of Baden, Queen of Sweden

  Vidal, Gore

  Viktoria Luise, Princess of Prussia

  Vladimir, Grand Duchess (Maria Pavlovna)

  Voeikov, Vladimir

  Voikov, Petr

  Volkonsky, Prince


  Vorovsky, Vatslav

  Vyrubova, Anna

  Waters, Brigadier General Wallscourt H.-H.

  Wells, H. G.

  Whittle, Tyler

  Wigram, Sir Clive

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser: influence in marriage of Nicholas and Alexandra; character; ambition; belief in absolute monarchy; godfather to Tsarevich Alexey; relationship with Tsar Nicholas; expansion of German fleet (1908); at Edward VII’s funeral; wedding of his daughter Viktoria Luise (1913); on outbreak of Russian Revolution; appeal to save the Romanovs; concern for the ‘German princesses’ in Russia; on the Bolsheviks; lack of mention of Romanovs in memoirs; failure to save the Romanovs; Alfonso XIII requests support from; blamed for failure to save the Romanovs; defended against failure to save the Romanovs; self-justification for failure to save the Romanovs

  Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands

  Wilkens, Wilhelm

  Wilton, Robert

  Woodhouse, Arthur

  Wulfert, Natalia

  Xenia Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess

  Yakovlev, Vasily (aka Konstantin Myachin)

  Yaroshinsky, Karol

  Yeltsin, Boris

  Yenisey River

  Yurovsky, Yakov

  Yusupov, Prince Felix

  Zborovskaya, Katya

  Also by Helen Rappaport


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