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The Alien's Mate (A SciFi Alien Warrior Romance) (Warriors of Luxiria Book 2)

Page 11

by Zoey Draven

  The baby kicked just as she closed her eyes and she felt Vaxa stroke her stomach in response to his growing child.


  The Lunar Celebration was unlike anything that Kate had ever expected.

  Once the suns sank into the horizon the next day, she heard those damn drums begin again and for a brief moment, a thrill of fear went through her, thinking that Vaxa had somehow tricked her and that he would be fighting once more.

  Once he calmed her fears, she realized that the beat was different than the deep, ominous pounding from the day before. It was livelier. It was animated, full of bright energy.

  True to his word, Vaxa was back on his feet by the morning. While the dagger wound hadn’t healed completely, the skin around it was closed and he denied that it caused him any serious pain when she’d questioned him. He had recovered from many injuries before, he’d assure her, and he knew the limits of his own body.

  She let it slide, squashing the urge to fuss over him, which Kate highly suspected he enjoyed to some extent. Frustrating male.

  Keriva had finished her midnight blue dress at the end of the previous week and had dropped it off a couple days before the Trials. The last time she’d looked at it, Kate hadn’t known if she’d get a chance to wear it. Vaxa’s fate—and hers—had still seemed so unknown at that moment. So that evening, after they had both bathed and Kate had successfully fended off her handsy mate, still not convinced he was fully healed, she laid the dress out on their bed and touched the soft material, incredibly thankful that she would get the chance to wear it.

  Vaxa helped her put it on, since she still had trouble with the clasps, and her rounded belly prevented her from being too flexible. It flowed over her, although the waist was a little tight. Keriva had made accommodations for the baby’s growth, but it seemed they had underestimated just a tad.

  “You make me a proud male,” Vaxa announced once she turned to face him for his inspection.

  Her mate was bare-chested and he’d cleaned the golden bands that wrapped around his biceps, polishing off the blood and grime from the Trials. She approached him, her eyes scanning down his body, briefly distracted by the piercings through his nipples. She reached out to touch one, pressing her hand against his warm, hard pectoral.

  His chest rumbled and she almost smiled. Her mate was most predictable in situations like this and she withdrew her hand.

  “You are aroused, mate,” he murmured, leaning down to nuzzle behind her ear, inhaling her scent. “I can lick your—”

  “We’ll be late,” she said quickly, knowing that if he started down that path, they would never leave their bedroom. She wasn’t completely opposed to the idea but she knew that her mate’s presence, especially after the Trials, would be a comfort to his people. He needed to be there. They needed to be there.

  The Lunar Celebration was held on one of the largest terraces in the city in order to accommodate the most people. It was the level just below the archives where a few homes and shops were situated. And the moment their hovercraft zoomed over the terrace, Kate gasped.

  It was lovely. The terrace had been decorated with long tables, a banquet already set out on each one. The smells of cooked meat and herbed spices floated up to her, making her mouth water. Similar to the blue floating lights in the arena yesterday, the terrace was illuminated by golden balls that gave a soft, almost ethereal glow.

  Many Luxirians were already present. Dressed in bright colors like turquoise and ruby red and emerald green, men and women milled around below, socializing, laughing, drinking. Like her mate, the men were bare-chested, showing off bronzed muscles and light scars, much to the delight of the small population of females in attendance.

  Cheers rang up into the night sky when they saw Vaxa and her mate landed the hovercraft with some of the others on the terrace just below. He helped her walk up the steep flight of stairs to join the celebration.

  It seemed like a joyful night, a much needed one after the brutality of yesterday. Off to the side were a group of six Luxirians beating their drums, but what she hadn’t been able to hear from their house was that the drums were accompanied by other instruments. A woman dressed in a fuchsia gown played some sort of harp-like instrument, plucking the silver strings to create a beautiful tune, that blended surprisingly well with the harsh drums. Another Luxirian male blew into a silver tube, producing a sound that was a cross between a trumpet and a saxophone. The music was primal and raw and a small group of Luxirians had gathered to dance, grinding their bodies in a way that almost made her blush.

  Vaxa led Kate to one of the head tables, where she saw Vaxa’s ambassadors sitting. There were smaller, just as lively gatherings on all the terraces throughout the Golden City, judging by the sounds of merriment echoing around the mountain, and it seemed that many had even journeyed in from some of the other outposts, none of which she had seen yet. As usual, Luxirians greeted them and brushed her stomach, murmuring prayers to the Fates as they scanned their eyes over her. It had been unsettling at first, but by the time Vaxa held out a chair for her next to him, she was at ease and excited for the night.

  Lihvan was seated next to her mate on his other side and Rixavox was next to her. She leaned forward to smile and nod hello down at Kirov, Cruxan, and Vikan, all of whom were in attendance, on the other side of Rixavox. On the table in front of her was a heaping plate of trixava, glazed and crusted in a sticky, blackened sauce. Next to it was what looked like a smooth rope, coiled around a conical black rock, with a tapered end. Next to that were richly colored Luxirian plums, or at least that was what she referred to them as since they tasted just as juicy as the ones on Earth. She also spied something that looked strangely like tapioca pudding, but it was lime green in color and the ‘tapioca’ was a shiny black.

  There were no opening words or introductions. Once Vaxa took his seat, those that had claimed places at the long banquet tables began dishing up their plates. Her mate snagged her own plate and began piling on more food than she could probably eat in a week before replacing it in front of her. She grinned at him, knowing better than to protest. The baby did make her pretty ravenous, so she might try to meet her mate’s challenge that night.

  Luxirian men with gold cuffs on their wrists came to their table and poured something into each of the goblets. When she caught a whiff of it, it made her eyes water and her mate’s lips curled when he saw her reaction.

  The terrace was loud and lively with an infectious jubilance, but she still heard him clearly when he leaned over to say in her ear, “Brew. It’s known to make even the strongest of warriors fumbling drunkards.”

  “Seeing as how I’m pregnant with your son,” she said back, eyes twinkling, “I think I’ll pass.”

  His eyes flashed with heat before he leaned back, snagging his goblet and lifting it to his lips. He took a long swallow, his hand landing on her thigh under the banquet table, before he returned to his meal, being drawn into conversation by Lihvan on his left side. His hand remained. All around her, the voices and language of Luxirians drifted to her ears, blending together. As she ate her meal, she observed the scene in front of her, her eyes flickering to Luxirian after Luxirian, to the dancers, to the musicians, to the couples and lovers that were eating and drinking in high spirits, to the amazing view of the darkened plains, its inky blackness slightly illuminated by the full moon overhead. What made the night even better was the warm breeze that swept through the revelry, rustling her hair and tightening her nipples. It felt like a calm, summer night on Earth, something she missed the most about her home planet.

  This is my home now, she thought, with a slight smile and the truth rang through her. It was unfathomable to her that she had almost decided to leave it, had almost decided to leave Vaxa. The thought of leaving him now physically pained her, as though her body wouldn’t even allow her mind to think such a thing.

  Their baby gave a kick in response, as if further punishing her for her thoughts, and she smiled, smoothing a han
d over the bump in comfort.

  Kate chatted with Rixavox next to her, asking him about what his outpost was like. Apparently, it was one of the furthest outposts in Luxiria, far enough away that whenever Rixavox needed to be present in the Golden City at her mate’s request—which was often—he stayed for the duration before returning to his true home. And he said his outpost was bitterly cold, towards the southern tip of the planet, which was perhaps why it wasn’t as populated as some of the others. Luxirians liked their heat, but much to Kate’s embarrassment and surprise, he’d told her that he had many willing mating partners that kept him warm at night. For a moment, Kate thought he’d just been teasing her judging by a sudden mischievous glint, no doubt fueled by the brew he was drinking, but Vaxa had cut in and told her that Rixavox had always had his share of female attentions.

  “But, I thought Luxirians were monogamous,” she said, a burst of laughter threatening to rise out of her.

  “For mates and breeding pairs, yes,” Vaxa said, settling back in his chair, taking another slow swallow of his brew.

  “Mating partners are generally known to be more lax about such things,” Rixavox said, his mouth quirking. “And thank the Fates for it too. I do not believe I could be with just one female.”

  “I agree,” Cruxan chimed in, raising his goblet.

  Vaxa smirked. “I await the day you find both of your mates. Then, I will have a good laugh at your expense.”

  Her mate’s hand was still on her thigh and throughout the meal, it had steadily been creeping upwards. And whether it was the frivolity of the evening or because she wanted to see what her kind-of-tipsy mate would do, since it intrigued her greatly to see him let loose a little, she let him take more and more liberties.

  And eventually, as those around her careened more and more into drunkenness and Rixavox had left his seat to pursue a Luxirian female who had been making eyes at him all night, Kate found herself in Vaxa’s lap. Unlike the others, her mate had stopped drinking after his third goblet of brew. His nose traced a line down her throat, nipping at the skin, and he murmured in her ear, “Let us go find a quiet place.”

  “Vaxa,” she said, huffing out a laugh, but it came out a little more breathless than she intended. “You are still recovering.”

  “Hardly, mate. Would you like to inspect my wound to convince you?”

  Kate bit her lip when his fingers bunched up her dress, drawing his hand under the material and gliding it up her thigh. No one would be able to see and with Rixavox gone and Lihvan drawn in conversation to his other side by one of the elders, Kate allowed it. Her abdomen clenched when his fingers found her wet center and she gasped a little when he nudged her clit.

  “This should be your punishment for denying me,” he teased, his breath hot and raspy in her ear. “I should make you cum right here and make you squirm in my lap.”

  “Vaxa,” she whispered, eye widening, grasping his wrist when he inserted a long, callused finger into her warmth.

  A part of her wanted to let him do it, but she was still worried that someone might see. She’d be mortified if Lihvan figured out what was happening, given how much she saw him. At the same time, she was aroused and aching, turned on from her mate’s liberties and from watching the primal dancing that seemed only to grow larger in number by the second. There were not that many females present, and even less that were unmated. It didn’t stop the males from sniffing around and all those available were quickly being snapped up. Rixavox had already claimed his, with Cruxan hot on his heels.

  “Okay, let’s go somewhere,” she whispered. Vaxa had told her that there was still a performance coming so they couldn’t leave for home quite yet. Instead, he helped her up. He leaned down to say something to Lihvan and the ambassador’s expression turned to one of knowing when he cast a look over her, much to her embarrassment, before nodding.

  And then Vaxa led her away from the main terrace, leading her towards the mountain, crisscrossing stone alleys with a familiarity that had her pursuing her lips and saying, “And just how many times have you led someone back here?”

  Her slightly drunk mate finally picked a spot and gently pressed her against the wall of a darkened little alcove. She could only vaguely hear the sounds of the celebration but it was mostly quiet. Vaxa craned his neck and brought his lips down, whispering, “I remember none before you, luxiva.”

  “Look at you and your honeyed words,” she whispered back.

  “I do not know what ‘honeyed’ means,” he grumbled and she laughed. She’d known that Vaxa hadn’t exactly been a nun before he met her so she had no right to be jealous.

  Still, she couldn’t resist tugging on the tiger’s tail, saying, “My ex-boyfriend never wanted to have sex in public. So this is a first.”

  Vaxa flipped her so that she faced the wall, pressing his chest to her back. He nipped her throat. “Careful, mate,” he murmured, his voice low. “I may not understand what ‘ex-boyfriend’ means either, but I understand your meaning. And if you keep speaking of him, I may be forced to use my family’s crystal so I can travel to your Earth and rip his throat out for daring to know my female in that way.”

  With anyone else, his possessiveness might frighten her. Vaxa’s? It only served to thrill her. And was it so bad that she liked it when he was jealous? It gave him an intensity that lit her blood on fire. Case in point, he immediately pushed the skirts of her dress up, pulling her hips towards him in a way that had her arching her back in anticipation. With her hands braced against the wall, she gave a small cry when he forcefully thrust himself inside her from behind.

  Her words had sparked something in him. He was hell bent on domination, hell bent on forcing her submission and she mewed her pleasure as he pounded away inside her, making her breasts sway with every thrust.

  Kate looked at the stone wall in front of her, feeling the texture beneath her palms, and her fingers curled when Vaxa reached around to stroke her clit.

  Through the haze of her pleasure, she let out a quiet gasp when she heard someone approach. Vaxa slowed inside her but didn’t pull away and he didn’t let up on her clit, the bastard. Frozen, her heart pounding in her throat, she listened as a couple stumbled straight past their little alcove, laughing all the while, oblivious that her mate, their Prime Leader, was giving her a thorough fucking just feet away. Her mate hardly waited a moment after they passed before he picked up his pace once more, his hips slapping into the backs of her thighs. She couldn’t help the moan that tumbled from her lips and for a brief moment, she didn’t even care if the couple had heard, which they must’ve.

  She heard Vaxa give a quiet laugh—her wicked, wicked mate had wanted them to hear—before it ended in a grunt as she squeezed around his cock in pleasurable punishment.

  Vaxa played with her, hitting all the right spots he knew she loved with that thick, hot, ridged cock and he held her on the edge of her orgasm for seemingly ages. By the end of his play, she was a panting, begging mess, pleading with him to let her cum. Finally, he let her.

  Kate couldn’t contain her guttural cry as her body shuddered in pleasure and her back arched, her eyes squeezing shut. Through the mind-numbing daze, she felt Vaxa pick up his speed, prolonging her own orgasm, before he reached his own. He groaned and she felt the hot flood of his seed fill her before spilling over and dripping down her inner thighs.

  As they both recovered, Kate tilted her head back and huffed out a tired laugh. Vaxa nibbled on her neck, still lightly thrusting inside her, giving her love bites.

  “Mmmmm,” she murmured when he moved her, shifting out so he could turn her around to face him. Thankfully, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her up, because her legs felt like jell-o.

  Between them, Vaxa still had her dress bunched around her waist and he reached down, coating his fingers in his seed before rubbing it into her pussy and lathering it into her sensitive clit. He was marking her. Her lips parted and she felt her body respond, even on the heels of that orgasm.

  God, he was just so sexy…

  It was such a masculine, possessive, naughty thing to do and it made her ready for a second round as her nipples puckered in preparation. He reached down for more, but this time his eyes flashed to hers before he held his fingers before her lips. Kate’s pussy clenched as she leaned forward and sucked his fingers clean, tasting the muskiness of their combined scents. Vaxa purred, his breathing going labored once more, as he watched her. Her tongue twisted, making sure to get every last drop.

  He wrenched her to him for a kiss once he withdrew from her mouth and she gasped, her hands threading through his hair, tugging him against her, demanding his closeness.

  Suddenly, there was a cheer and the rhythm of the drums changed once more.

  After a few more moments, Vaxa pulled back, dropping his forehead to hers. He smoothed her dress down, but left his seed coated between her thighs, before fastening his own pants.

  “The procession begins. We must return,” he told her. They left shortly after, Vaxa guiding her back to the brightly lit terrace, whose population had seemed to double in size since they’d left. They returned to their seats to get ready for the procession, a parade-like performance of mostly nude male dancers wielding torches of blue fire. Kate tried to focus, but her mate kept distracting her with his returned hand on her thigh. As much as she’d enjoyed the evening, she was looking forward to the rest of the night with her mate, in the privacy of their own bedroom.

  And eventually, the time came where the celebration began to die down and Vaxa gestured that they could leave. But right before he left, he took Lihvan to the side and bent his head low, speaking with him for a few moments. She didn’t know why but something about their body language made Kate take notice. Even though she couldn’t hear most of the conversation, she caught a few stray words, one which made her frown.

  Vaxa had said, “Frillirax.”


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