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Irish Seduction

Page 2

by Ann B. Harrison

  “If you could pass on my message to those that couldn’t make it today I would be grateful. Is there anyone that I need to make potions for?”

  He stood among the chatter, listening to the ailments that needed his attention. Jasper worked out the most urgent cases, then went to make what was necessary. The next couple of hours were spent running between the garden and his workroom. By the time he had seen the last of his tenants it was late afternoon.

  Jasper walked briskly up the wide stone staircase to his room. He needed to bathe and dress in preparation for his journey at dusk. The smell of his green-eyed angel still hung in the room and his body reacted when he stripped off his day clothes. Stroking his throbbing erection, he imagined her lying back against the pillows, cupping her naked breasts in offering to him. Cursing himself for his lack of restraint, Jasper poured water into the wash bowl. He splashed his face, letting it run down his chin, drip onto his chest, then trickle down to his groin. His cock twitched and he cupped his balls. Rolling them between his fingers, he stretched his body tight, clasping his butt cheeks together. It would take no more than a few short strokes for him to reach his peak, but he held back.

  Would he be dishonest if he pleasured himself? Before last night he would have said no, but knowing what he saw when he awoke, he wasn’t so sure that it was a dream anymore.

  Jasper ignored his body’s obvious display of need and dried himself before dressing. He wore dark breeches and a soft white shirt that had been laid out on his bed. With deft movements he pulled a leather strip out of his pocket and tied his hair back. With a sigh, he sat and pulled on long soft calfskin boots.

  He looked over at his bed. In his mind’s eye he could still see her there, lying deep in the soft pillows, her golden hair splayed out over the white lace pillows. His nostrils flared, remembering the way her smell stayed in his bed after he had woken. Sensual and warm, it made his heart ache for what he could not hold onto in the real world.


  He kissed his mother on the cheek and begged her not to worry before taking his leave. Jasper made his way to the headland to the portal of the gods and then waited for the golden bright light that would take him to Upper Therrus. The wind toyed with his hair, setting free strands to blow over his eyes and high cheek bones. He brushed them away, impatient now to meet those that ruled his world. This was a journey that he had made before when he was first initiated into the Wiccan world. The gods had lain down the laws that governed those like him and their powers. It was the same trip that his father had made before him when he had reached manhood and his powers had come into their own.

  The light was blinding when his body lost its solid form to travel to the world of the gods. The warm sun bathed him in a golden light and he found himself in the same bright airy courtyard that he remembered from his last visit. A messenger was there to greet him and guide him to those that wished to speak with him. He followed the young man through a central courtyard where an enormous fountain spouted water over marble nymphs in different poses. Children dressed in white ran and danced around the water’s edge, laughing. Young maidens watched close by to keep them safe.

  Perfect, everything about the place was perfect, the gardens and the buildings. There was no sound of a child crying in pain or frustration. No one went hungry here or felt the bite of the cold that lashed Jasper’s land. Never would any of the gods be torn from their beds to fight a battle for the home that they desperately tried to keep to hand down to their sons. This was their world and would always be so. It was a far cry from the life he lived by the edge of the sea where everyday could be a battle to hold onto your life.

  The hairs on the back of his neck prickled and started to rise. A chill went down his spine and a cold sweat broke out on his brow. Something was wrong and Jasper quickly cast a protective spell around himself before looking for the source of his unease.

  Two young women huddled against one of the large marble pillars that supported the roof of the building he was walking through. They had their arms wrapped around each other and their heads together. They were both strikingly different, one blonde haired and the other had wild deep-red tresses that fell down her back. Jasper couldn’t hear what they were saying, but from the glances they sent his way, they were obviously talking about him. He chided himself for his mistrust. There was nothing here that would hurt him. Unless he upset them, the gods would treat him kindly. Relaxing, he laughed at his scattered thoughts. The last few weeks had made him far too tense and this visit was doing nothing to calm his frazzled nerves.

  Following the guide into the Great Hall, he glanced around. Small groups of well-dressed men and women were seated on chaise lounges, talking and drinking wine. Servants circled the room, filling cups and carrying platters of food on quiet feet.

  Jasper was led to the end of the sun-filled room. On a large dais were two ornately carved golden thrones. Seated before him were the reigning gods, Elena and Helan. They ruled Upper Therrus and he could not remember anyone else being in their place before them.

  Jasper bent his head low and dropped to one knee before them. A hand on his shoulder made him glance up. Looking into the compassionate eyes of Elena he almost faltered. She beckoned him to rise.

  “Jasper, we are so sorry about your father’s death.” She took his hands in hers. “Please tell your mother we are thinking of her.”

  “Thank you, Elena. She is missing him terribly. I fear that she will wilt away now that she no longer has him by her side.”

  “I will give you a potion for her when you leave. She must be allowed to grieve and will do so until she has grandchildren around her skirts. But she will need help so that she does not fall so far that she cannot pull herself back up.” Elena turned back to her throne with her hand still on Jasper’s arm. “Come, sit with us.”

  She guided him up onto the dais to sit on a low, heavily carved stool at the foot of her throne.

  Jasper inclined his head to Helan, giving the god the respect that he deserved.

  “You are well, Jasper?” Helan asked. “Life is treating you kindly?”

  “Yes, I am well. Apart from the death of my father and the constant battles over the land to the east of our estate, things are running as one would expect.” Jasper summoned the nerve to ask what was foremost in his mind. “Is this what you asked me here for, Helan?”

  “No, it is not. I’m sure you know, our eldest daughter Mari has almost completed her studies and is doing well.” He smiled and glanced at his wife before continuing. “She has just returned from discovering the way of the worlds that she will rule when her time comes. You must have known that we would call upon you one day to help teach one of our children your skills, Jasper. It is Leona that we wish you to work with. She is of the age that her powers are coming through and we wish for you to train her in the elements. We could think of no one that has a better knowledge of them than you.”

  “Why would you want me to train her?” Jasper asked, stunned that he had been given such an honor. “Why not the elements master that trained Mari?”

  “You know the laws of the gods and the human race. Each must remain true to their own kind,” Helan said with thunder showing in his eyes. “The last teacher we brought here stepped over the boundaries of trust. We can no longer allow him in our court.”

  “I understand.” Jasper’s gut twisted at the words, a feeling of foreboding rising from his stomach. “Anything that I can do for you, you need only to ask.”

  “Elena, call Leona,” the god commanded. Elena turned to a young servant girl behind her, whispered in her ear and sent her scurrying for her youngest daughter.

  “If you could see your way clear to come once a week, Jasper, and teach our child the elements, we would be forever in your debt.” Elena smiled at him warmly. “She is willful but a handsome young man like you will no doubt be able to hold her interest. You do good work, Jasper. We have seen for ourselves the forces that you can control and would be pleased if Leona ha
d half the skills that you do.”

  “Here she is now.” Helan beamed, watching his youngest come into the hall. “Come closer, child. Meet your new instructor.” He held his hand to her. “Jasper, this is our youngest child, Leona.”

  Jasper turned to meet the young woman walking toward him. The air was sucked from his lungs and his head swam.

  It could not be. This was a cruel trick of the gods. He gazed into the green eyes of the young woman that taunted him nightly in his sleep.

  She stood in front of him, her hand held tight in her father’s. Her gaze dropped to the ground while he stood speechless in front of her. He was doomed before he started. His hands were clammy and he could not think of what to say to her. How could he have dreamt of this young woman? Did she know? What did it mean?

  He struggled to clear his throat several times before he was able to form the words. “It is a pleasure to meet you,” he said bowing his head slightly.

  “It is kind of you to visit and agree to train me.” She looked at him quickly from under her lashes and dropped her eyes again when they met his intense gaze. A blush rose up on her delicate cheeks.

  “Perhaps you could show Jasper the gardens and discuss a plan for your studies, Leona,” her mother suggested, pushing the two of them together.

  “Yes, Mother.” She beckoned Jasper to follow her and led him out of the room and outside into the warm sunlight. Leona glanced behind her to see that he was still following and made her way over the neatly clipped grass. Jasper followed her down a winding pathway that led to a quiet lake. With a smile, she gestured to the stone seat that was almost hidden from view by shrubs. He waited for her to sit before he joined her.

  He sat on the end of the bench, distancing himself from her. Jasper was unwilling to touch her for fear that he would lose control, and tried not to look at the white dress clinging to her curves or the way her arms were bare to the sun. His gaze strayed to the neckline of her gown. It was cut low over her lush breasts. He wanted nothing more than to run his tongue around the back of her neck and follow the curve of her jaw to take her mouth. His body was already reacting to being so close to her and he struggled to find the words to start the conversation. In the end it was Leona that spoke.

  “You do not look comfortable being here.” She looked at him, her gaze boring into his. “Did you not wish to teach me?”

  “It would be an honor to teach you, my lady,” he replied looking out at the water. “I am sure that your father could have found one with more skills than me, though.”

  “I don’t think so. He is always careful to find the right teachers for us,” Leona replied. “This world is so perfect, is it not? It is hard for me to imagine what it would be like to live in a world where nature wreaks havoc on the land like she does on yours. Here it is so serene and peaceful. I would like to visit your home, Jasper. I want to see nature at her worst.” She turned to him and smiled beguilingly. “Please say you’ll take me.”

  Jasper swallowed and his body trembled. This couldn’t be right. He knew the consequences of overstepping the boundaries with the gods. If he took her home, he would not be able to deny what he wanted to do with her. Jasper’s body would betray him, of that he was certain. Would she accept him if he showed his hand? This was the only woman that he had met that he would give up everything for. She was untouchable to his kind. The gods would never allow it.

  “I do not think that was what your parents had in mind, my lady,” he said, his voice strained. He flinched when she put her hand on his arm, the electric shock kicking his heart into overdrive.

  “If you ask them, I’m sure that a visit would be approved.” She leaned closer to him, her faint perfume drifting around his face.

  “Let us plan your studies first and see how you progress.” Jasper tried to ignore the sweet smell that tantalized his senses and made his cock throb. “We may schedule a visit if your parents deem it necessary for your skills to be enhanced with Mother Earth under your feet.”

  “Thank you, Jasper.” She turned back to face the lake and lifted her face to the sun. Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply and raised her hands to the sky.

  She looks like a sleek white cat. Jasper watched her arch her back and stretch. She threw back her head and laughed, pointing her delicate feet out in front of her. He ached to reach out and touch his fingers to her face, her throat, and her breasts, but he dared not. It was his dream after all, and until he knew differently it would remain so. She had no part in it.

  He coughed and stood, walking away from her so he wouldn’t be tempted. She followed him and slipped her hand through his arm before he could stop her.

  “Let us walk. You can tell me about your home. Paint me a picture with words until I can see it for myself.”

  Slowly, while she chattered away, he began to relax with her. Leona teased him and encouraged him to talk. She laughed at him and in the next breath consoled him over the death of his father. She railed to him about the desperate measures his father had taken to have him marry before the next solstice. Then she wept with sadness for the loss his mother still felt. Leona took his hand and soothed him when he expressed sadness over his mother’s broken heart.

  By the time they made it around the extensive gardens and back to the palace, they had discussed everything except her lessons. He felt at ease with her and at the same time, frustrated. She was blissfully unaware of the turmoil that was raging through his body and his mind.

  It was with a great amount of sadness that he bid her farewell and traveled home. He stood on the headland looking out to sea, his body screaming for release. Raising his arms, Jasper called the wind, ready for battle. The breeze came to him, flitting through his fingers and blowing around his head, lifting his hair and whipping it around his face. Degree by degree, he raised it higher until it threatened to throw him from the very cliffs he stood on. He looked down at the white-tipped waves that crashed on the rocks below. The ocean roared his frustration and he pulled the elements harder to do his bidding.

  The black clouds rolled and boiled, stealthily creeping over the dark ocean toward him. Lightning bolted down and thunder crashed. Still he pulled it closer, his mood darkening with the storm. The rain started to fall and turned to sleet. He lifted his head to the sky and screamed his pain to the heavens.

  Collapsing on the ground, he buried his head in his hands and wept for what he could not have. The pain and frustration of the last few months during his father’s illness and death, his tormented dreams night after night, and now to be confronted by the one thing that tortured him the most. The beautiful green-eyed goddess who enticed him and made his body come alive in his sleep would now torture him in his waking hours even more. Gods. Would there be no rest for him.

  Chapter Two

  There was no visitor for him that night. His body tossed and turned, frustrated beyond belief. When he woke the next morning with his sheets twisted around his legs, he told himself that he was relieved she had not come this night. Even though his needs were not met and he awakened with his cock throbbing and ready for sex, he was glad. Jasper didn’t know if he could face her again without wanting her.

  To find that his dream lover was the youngest daughter of the gods that ruled them, how much worse could it get? Helan had commented on the fact that the last elements teacher they had brought up to give instruction to Mari had overstepped the boundaries. Surely his encounter with Leona would be far more treacherous than that. It would be treason to dare to defile the youngest child of the most powerful gods. What would they do to him if they found out? It didn’t bear thinking about.

  Jasper dressed and grudgingly made his way downstairs. Today he had to ride to the outlying district and deal with the neighboring tenants and their fractious behavior. They had been crossing over the river into his lands again. According to the reports from his lieutenant and best friend, they were stealing from his farmers and killing stock.

  This had been going on for far too long. He knew it
was another push for him to sell and increase the O’Reilly’s landholdings, but his father had never given in and neither would he. Nothing had changed with his father’s death. The estate would remain intact with him now the head of the family, and the answer would still be no.

  His mother was still in bed and would not rise until later in the morning, so he took his breakfast in the kitchen, which was his habit. Jasper thanked the cook before heading out to the compound to speak with Richard, his lieutenant of the guards.

  “I don’t know how much more your tenants can take of this behavior, Jasper,” Richard said when they discussed it. “They can’t afford to lose any more cattle or crops. They struggle enough every day.”

  “Aye, Richard, I know. We will ride out now and have a wee word in their ear. If they continue to attack we will put a stop to them once and for all.”

  Saddling his horse, Jasper listened to the soldiers milling around, getting ready for their ride out. When Jasper had his mount ready, he joined his men in the courtyard and encouraged Richard to tell the men what they had already discussed earlier.

  Jasper led his men out of the castle and headed east to the river, the border they shared with the O’Reillys. His great-great-grandfather had built this castle and it was going to stay in his family for generations to come. There were too many families that depended upon him that would not get the consideration from the O’Reillys that he gave them if they managed to force Jasper out. It was rumored that they were cruel landlords and their tenants lived in fear everyday that they would be evicted without any warning. More than once, Jasper’s father had taken a lost soul and their family in because they could not come up with the extra taxes that they were forced to pay.


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