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His Winter Heart: Gay Romance

Page 14

by Trina Solet

  "Tim is stressing me out," Colin told him as he nuzzled his neck. "Just so you know, a blowjob will not do. Fuck me or else. And don't even think of saying no. Do you know how much sex you owe me after rejecting me all this time? You're in debt to me to your eyeballs." Colin straightened so he could glare at Wes.

  "Am I even in this conversation, or is this a monologue?" Wes asked.

  "I don't need you for conversation. Strip!"

  "Let me finish this, and I'll start repaying my debt to you," Wes told him.

  Hearing his words, Colin felt a little deflated. "I'm not used to you being so willing and cooperative. I have a lot of fight left in me. I don't know what to do with that now."

  "You should save your energy. You'll need it," Wes told him in a deep, sexy voice that made Colin's cock press against his zipper even harder.

  Wes was right. Their last fuck had been exhausting, and that was with Wes taking it easy on him. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if Wes let himself go all out.

  Since Wes was being good, Colin left him alone so he could work and went to wait for him in bed. Their bed. Mmm, that was a nice thought. Colin turned up the heat, stripped and got under the cold covers. He loved the feel of being there naked, warming the bed while waiting for Wes to fuck him.

  Wes didn't keep him waiting long. Standing in the doorway, he gazed at Colin with a faint smile and a lustful gleam in his eyes. Colin liked the idea that he hurried so he could come to him. Getting out of bed and showing Wes he was naked and already hard, Colin came over to him and kissed him.

  Wes's hands went to his hips to hold him close. The feel of Wes's hardening cock made his insides tighten in anticipation. Colin's breath caught in his throat and he pulled away. Freed from his arms, Wes was about to take off his clothes, but Colin wanted to be the one to strip him.

  Pulling open Wes's fly and pushing down the front of his boxers, Colin freed his already hard cock. That was like something from his dirtiest dreams. Colin was taking shuddering breaths thinking of it inside him.

  "Oh, fuck," he said, helpless at the sight of it.

  He hurriedly got Wes all the way naked and pushed him to sit on the bed. Lube and condoms were already there. Seeing them, Wes gave him a look.

  "I was ready," Colin said.

  As Colin climbed over him to straddle his lap, Wes embraced him and felt him up. Colin did the same to him. He loved the feel of Wes's firm, big muscled body. While Colin groped him, Wes pushed lubed fingers inside him. Colin fell forward, kissed his neck and moaned. He had to endure and enjoy the fingering until Wes decided it was enough. Trying to hurry him, Colin kissed Wes hungrily and pinched his nipples. Once Colin started grinding their cocks together and riding Wes's fingers at the same time, Wes finally stopped.

  He leaned back, lying on the bed. Colin put his hands over Wes's and entwined their fingers together. Hovering over him, Colin looked into his eyes. He kissed Wes but not for long. Wes rolled them over to get on top. Then Wes folded him up and entered him with inhuman patience and restraint – the merciless bastard.

  Colin felt like his whole being was stretching to allow Wes inside him. It wasn't easy, but it was easier than last time. This time there wasn't even a trace of fear. Colin knew what to expect – Wes loving him and making him feel amazing.

  When Wes was all the way in, Colin's head rolled back, his eyes too. Wes stopped, letting him feel the cock deep inside him and nothing else. His cock was thick and rock-hard so far up inside him, he could taste it.

  Wes pressed into him with the weight of his whole body like he wanted to go deeper when there was no deeper. The rocking of his hips was in tune with Colin's harsh, rapid breathing. Wes moved inside him with effort and care, and Colin loved him for it even as he urged him to pound his ass.

  He was gliding his fingers over every inch of Wes's body he could reach. His fingertips tingled from the feel of Wes's skin stretched tight over big muscles. Colin loved feeling the power of his body, his muscles working under his hands. His hands were in constant motion, touching Wes everywhere. It wasn't only Wes's cock he wanted. He wanted all of him, to possess every inch.

  Feeling Wes move under his hands as he pumped in and out of him was intoxicating. It was too much. Colin was already out of his mind. He couldn't take any more good feelings coming at him, tearing him apart, blowing his mind.

  Colin sobbed with need then laughed. He was grappling for a handhold on Wes's sweat slick body. Clutching at him desperately, Colin wanted more of him than he could grasp. His whole body rose off the bed to meet his thrusts. With Wes's next thrust, an orgasm crashed through him. It had him arching his back, his muscles pulled tight. Then it slammed him down into quivering, moaning bliss.

  Slowing down his thrusts, Wes said, "I love you."

  Grabbing Wes's hips, Colin kept him moving. He pushed Wes harder and faster into him so he could come too and share his high. This time it was Colin's turn to say "I love you" as Wes came. It was wonderful to hear those words, to know the meaning of what they did. Colin knew that's why it felt so good with Wes and that no one else could do this to him.

  Wes lowered his head and took Colin's mouth with his. It was a deep, all consuming kiss. Colin already felt like he was burning up inside. Wes's mouth only made him hotter. Having Wes's body on top of him felt so good, but it wasn't helping him cool down. Feeling him start to get hard again, Wes rolled off to the side then out of bed.

  "I'm just turning down the heat," Wes told him and came right back.

  Colin assured both himself and Wes that he wasn't clingy. Sighing, he burrowed into Wes like he could dig his way into his body. But he wasn't clingy. He just couldn't get enough of Wes.


  Wes woke up with Colin's crotch pressed into his hip and Colin's legs entwined with his. When he tried to move, Colin wrapped himself around him possessively but continued to sleep. That felt nice, but Wes was incapable of staying in bed after 6:00AM. He used just a little bit of his strength to extricate himself from Colin. Colin growled at him. His eyes snapped opened and glared hard at Wes.

  "Are you trying to escape?"

  Wes laughed helplessly and let Colin pull him back into bed and into his embrace. He was so completely his prisoner, body, mind and most of all his heart. He blew Colin slowly until he had him cursing and begging to come. Wes could feel the orgasm melt through Colin and pour out of him, his to swallow.

  Making Colin come was an incredible experience. Because of Colin, Wes had a new awareness of his body and how much pleasure it could give and take. He had only known sex without love. Being with Colin was like nothing he had ever experienced. He never knew sex could reach your soul, obliterate you, and make you whole.

  Until now, Wes couldn't have imagined how much he didn't know about love. And to think that Colin was his teacher. Colin carried love inside him, brought it to him, and hit him with it. In Colin's hands, love was a sledgehammer. It smashed everything in its way. Wes could almost believe that it could overcome any obstacle.

  Chapter 20

  That morning Colin gave up precious time he could have used to grind against Wes, and instead went to go see Tim. He hoped Tim appreciated it. James' place wasn't within walking distance so Colin borrowed Wes's car and drove the poor, neglected Explorer for the first time in God knows how long.

  James' place was practically in the woods. It was more like a shack than a house. The gray paneled box was tucked away on the edge of a narrow forest that edged the highway on the other side. There were a few other houses scattered around, out of sight. The peaceful, sheltered spot was kind of nice if you didn't mind so much nature and no people. For someone like Tim, it was probably perfect. It was just his luck that James got dumped by his girlfriend. She moved out and Tim was in.

  Colin parked next to Tim's wreck of a car where a space had been shoveled clear of snow. That meant James had gone to work and Tim was still there. Colin braced himself for the cold and got out.

  Snow was thick on t
he evergreens, clumped on the branches. The white of snow was too pure here, not the dirty snow of busy streets. Snowdrifts were high, changing the shape of the landscape, rewriting it but only until the weather got warmer and put the world back the way it was supposed to be, green, not white.

  The noise from the highway was an indistinct hum. In the quiet, Colin was startled when a branch, heavy with snow, gave under its weight and the snow crashed down. The branch swayed while Colin watched it. Once it stopped, the place returned to its unnatural stillness.

  This place seemed right for Tim and his buddy, James. James was an OK guy, closemouthed like Tim. They probably wouldn't say two words to each other for days. Well, Colin was there to make up for it. Going up to the door, he knocked and waited for someone to open up. If Tim had gone into town with James, and Colin drove there for nothing, he was going to be very pissed.

  He could have called before coming over, but that's not how it was between them. Colin planned to spend the rest of his life dropping in on Tim whenever the hell he felt like it. And he expected the same from Tim. Colin was going to be in Tim's life up to his eyeballs. When Tim got married, Colin was going to make an embarrassing toast. When Tim had kids, Colin was going to teach them how to drive Tim up the wall. And when he and Wes had kids, Colin was going to teach them how to drive Tim up the wall too. Colin planned to make himself a permanent nuisance in Tim's life. The first step in his plan was to fight through whatever was standing between them now.

  Though he was sure that Tim would get past it, Colin still hated that Tim disapproved and even more that he might think less of him. He just had to show him that his relationship with Wes was based on love, that no one was using anyone or being used. If only he knew how to convince Tim that this was a good thing.

  Tim opened the door and gave a weary sigh on seeing him.

  "Nice to see you too," Colin told him and walked in out of the cold and into the cold. "It's freezing in here."

  "It's plenty warm from cooking breakfast," Tim claimed.

  Like hell it was, but it did smell good – fried eggs and kielbasa, James' specialty. Aside from the stove, Colin knew the place had two portable heaters. One was in the living room, and it was off. The couch in there had a pillow and a pile of blankets on it. That's where Tim slept. There was a bedroom and a bathroom, both tiny. He and Tim had stayed at James' for a little while before the girlfriend moved in. Tim slept on the floor then.

  "I'm fine on the floor. You'll spend all day bitching about it," Tim had told him when he let him have the couch. That's the kind of brother he was. And that's why Colin wasn't going to let anything get between them.

  Colin went over to turn on the heater and stood with his back to it. With his arms folded, he faced Tim and asked, "So how much of this is about me being gay and how much is about my boyfriend being a few years older than me?"

  "A few years?" Tim said.

  "How old is the guy you're living with?" Colin asked since James was only a little younger than Wes.

  "I'm not sleeping with James."

  "I don't know that," Colin told him flatly. "But never mind about that now. If you have a problem with me being gay, I want to address that first. And I'll be doing that by telling you where you can shove it. I'll draw you a map and everything."

  Tim waited patiently for Colin to shut up then he told him, "You've been gay for as long as I've known you. I don't give a fuck about that."

  Colin was a little taken aback. "I only figured it out a few years ago. How long have you known?"

  "Since you were little and you kissed and hugged every boy you could get your hands on."

  Colin kind of remembered that. "I was just friendly! And why didn't you say something?"

  "You expected me to tell you that you were gay?"

  "You could have mentioned it. I was ready to marry Suzie Polder."

  "When you were five?"

  When Colin was five, Suzie Polder lived in the apartment across the hall from them. The only reason they didn't tie the knot was because she moved.

  "We were this close to taking our vows. When they asked if anyone knew of any reason why these two should not be married, were you just going to stand by while I made the biggest mistake of my life?"

  Tim rubbed his head in frustration. "Is it possible to have a normal, adult, human conversation with you?"

  "What are you talking about? You know me. No!"

  "You're giving me a fucking headache," Tim said, pressing the palms of his hands into his temples.

  "I've been giving you a fucking headache all my life. You should be used to it by now." Colin let Tim gnash his teeth for a few seconds then moved on to the other thorny issue. "I want you to stop thinking of Wes as the bad guy."

  "You need to move out of there," Tim said like he thought there was an ice cube's chance in hell of that happening.

  "And do what?" Colin said.

  "We can stay here for a while."

  Colin looked around the drab space that was barely fit for one person. "Sounds cozy. But I'd rather get cozy with Wes."

  "You don't know what the hell you're doing," Tim said, shaking his head.

  "Thanks for the vote of confidence. I know I haven't done great taking care of myself..." Colin started to say.

  "Is that why you're with him?"

  "No! Wes is my boyfriend not my sugardaddy."

  "You don't need him. You have family."

  That last part was good to hear, but it wasn't enough for Colin any more. He wasn't going to give up Wes for anything or anyone.

  "I want to have a brother and a boyfriend," he told Tim.

  "He's not your boyfriend. He's using you."

  "For what? What exactly am I good for?"

  "You want me to spell it out?" Tim asked.

  "Would you?" Colin challenged him.

  Tim said nothing.

  "You mean he's after my hot, young ass," Colin said since Tim wasn't willing to. "Ha! You and him might not know it, but Wes can have any man he wants. I'm just lucky he's a hermit, or I would never be able to get him without fighting off an army of man skanks. Wes is my man. You can like it or love it. Those are your choices."

  "Me not punching his face through the back of his skull. Is that one of the choices?" Tim asked though he hadn't even come close to doing that when he met him.

  "I'm calling that one 'In your dreams, little bro.' Maybe you didn't notice when you were eye to chin with him, but I didn't pick a weakling. If he can kick Uncle Hal's ass, then he can, at the very least, hold his own with you."

  "Uncle Hal?"

  "Fuck," Colin said. He didn't mean to tell Tim about that.

  "More stuff you're keeping from me," Tim said. His face was twice as grim now.

  "Keep a lid on your temper and I won't have to."

  "How did he find you?" Tim wondered. "I assume you didn't tell him where you were working or living."

  Colin sighed. "He must have heard something. People come into the diner all the time," Colin said. He didn't want to mention Brad though he was pretty sure he was the one who tattled on him to Uncle Hal.

  "If he comes near you again, you need to call me," Tim told him in a gruff voice.

  "So you can drive down here from Canada?"

  "I won't be in Canada," Tim said, surprising him.

  "Aren't you going back? I thought after the holidays..."

  "Like hell."

  "You're staying here to babysit me!" Colin accused him, but then he smiled. "OK. Good. You're a pain in the ass, but I like having you around."

  Colin just kept grinning at him and Tim shook his head.

  After grudgingly making him some coffee, Tim talked to him about Canada and his plans to find work. They didn't discuss Wes any more, but the subject hung between them. When it was time for Colin to go to work, Tim walked him to Wes's car. He looked it over like he didn't need a test-drive to tell him there was something wrong with it. The only thing wrong with it was that it belonged to Wes.

sp; Tim just couldn't believe that Colin and Wes were meant to be. Well, Wes was pretty hard to convince too. They weren't as different as Tim thought. Both Tim and Wes had protective, caring instincts. They were tough on the outside, soft and mushy inside. Colin grinned at the thought. That was a good way to be in his book. No wonder he fell for Wes so hard.

  Next day Colin wasn't going to work so he woke up feeling extra cheerful that morning. His day off was his chance to get his full dose of Wes. This late, he didn't find Wes next to him in bed though.

  Colin made himself clean and minty fresh then went in search of his prey. There he was in the exercise room, Colin's former bedroom. Wes was putting on quite a show. Sitting on the exercise bench, he was doing biceps curls. Slowly, Wes moved the weight in toward his body. His biceps flexed so enticingly. Colin had to go over and put his hands on him.

  "Mmm," Colin said closing his eyes.

  "Can I exercise without you groping me?" Wes asked.

  "No," Colin answered. Why would he even ask that?

  Colin kept his hand on Wes's arm feeling the skin tighten, the muscle grow and harden. He ran his other hand over his chest. There was good stuff happening there too.

  Wes stood up and alternated two weights, one in each hand. Colin stood close to his chest, out of the way. He groped Wes all over while Wes gave him a look that would have sent any other man running. The look was pure intimidation, and it was a total bluff. Wes was so hot.

  "That look tells me I've been bad. Do you want to punish me?"


  "Pushover. You should be punished. You are supposed to be saving all your energy for me. I'm owed some strenuous sexual activity."

  "You're not exercise."

  "Then I'm doing it wrong."

  Wes set down the weights and went to lie on the exercise mat.

  "Now we're talking," Colin said, ready to climb on top of him but mesmerized by his body bending as he did crunches. "Are you doing this so you'll look extra hot for me?" Colin teased him, standing over him and smirking.


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