Book Read Free

Summer Heat

Page 30

by Carly Phillips

  Not wanting the doors to open again, Nicola hit the RB button. Rooftop balcony. She had no idea where to meet her blind date, but thought she might as well start where the view was the best. Classical music played overhead and—lucky her—the elevator didn’t stop on her ride up. The doors opened into the sunset light, and she stepped out into a warm summer evening, surrounded by impressive buildings. Yes, this is a magnificent view.

  A few people looked over the rail at Pennsylvania Avenue, taking in the downtown DC vibe. A man leaned on the railing. He was as large as Roman and Cash, but he looked meaner. His aura growled, and he hadn’t even said a word. Oh, fun.

  She walked up to him, offered her hand and waited. They stared each other down. Who would break first? Him or her? Him or her? Well, sure as the sun was setting over this swamp town, she wasn’t dropping her extended hand if he remained standing there. He could be the asshole who moved away.

  “Nicola.” He spoke as if perhaps expecting a round of applause. Men and their egos. This man in particular looked impressed with his I-can-kill-you-with-a-paperclip attitude. He shook her hand, and though she expected him to wrench it off, he didn’t. Just a firm shake. A little anti-climactic.

  “And you are?” she asked.

  “Jared Westin.” Oh, JW. He must’ve seen the connection in her eyes. “Yeah, I like fuckin’ with you CIA types. You play your games, and I poke fun at them.”

  All righty then, a jackass with a sense of humor. If he only knew how little she liked the Farm’s games. “Right. I’m exhausted. Rough couple of days. You mind telling me what this all about so I can go?”

  “You got somewhere more important to be at than—”

  “Your secret game of mess-with-the-CIA? Yeah, I do. It’s called home, where I have a nice bottle of wine waiting for me.”

  “You want to order a glass of wine?”

  “No, I don’t. You’re missing my point. I’m exhausted and bitchy, and I want to know—”

  “I might as well be talking to Roman right now. Jesus H. Christ.” The man ran his hand over his close-cropped hair, looking none too pleased that his big tough guy attitude hadn’t fazed her. But dropping the likes of her big brother into the conversation would get her attention.


  “Yeah, Roman. The jackass who runs his mouth like he’s an alpha dog on ’roids. Though you seem to be a classier version.”

  “And who are you again?” Her eyes swept the DC cityscape.

  “Jared Westin.”

  “We’ve established that, Einstein. You work together?”

  “In a manner of speaking.”

  “Oh, cut the shit, Jared Westin, Jackass to the Spies.”

  His laugh sounded like a grumble bouncing off the walls of a cave. She got the idea he tossed barbells for fun and spent too much time at the gun range. “I like you.”

  “Spectacular. At least one of us is feeling the other.” She gave him a smile that moved the dial from sarcastic to snarky.

  “Want to do a job with us?”

  Then again, if he wanted to talk about a job, she’d listen. “You’re with Titan Group?”

  “In a manner of speaking, yes. I’m with Titan.”

  “Well, in a manner of speaking, explain a little more, or I’m gone.”

  “Roman works for me. As does Cash. As does everyone at Titan.”

  For him? Crap. This was the big boss, and she wasn’t on her best behavior. “You could’ve just said that.”

  “And miss all this fun? Not on your life, princess.”

  What? Princess? “I’m not a princess. Why am I here?”

  “I want the butler, and the candlestick too, if you think you’ve got it in you.” For the first time, Nicola was willing to let him play his game. He tilted his head. “Got your attention, didn’t I?”

  “The CIA sent me to you because of the butler?”

  “The CIA doesn’t trust him either. You’ve been partnered with him, and you and I are going to smoke his ass out.”

  “And why aren’t the Farm boys doing that?”

  Jared smirked, maybe as impressed with some of her co-workers as she was. “It was better to outsource this one. They already had us working on Antilla Smooth anyway.”

  “Yeah, found that out.”

  His smile was half-cocked and fully-loaded with a snarly comment. “You’re just like Roman. Bet you’re a pain in the ass too. Aren’t you, princess?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ll partner with you if you don’t call me princess.”

  “Why are you negotiating when we both know you can’t wait to gut the fucker?”

  He wasn’t at all stupid. “Fine.”

  “Fine. I’ll be in touch.” He turned toward the elevator. “Have a good evening.”

  Of all the people this blind date could have been, Titan’s head honcho wasn’t someone who’d crossed her mind. Nicola’s phone buzzed in her purse. Unknown caller ID.


  “Hey, Nic.” Cash. A deluge of questions flooded her mind. The only one that bore noting was why the deep timbre of his voice caused a shiver to cascade down her shoulders. “What ya up to?”

  Where to begin?

  “Not much. You?”

  “About the same.” This had the makings of a boring conversation if neither of them were going to tell the truth. Cash cleared his throat. “Actually, not true. But nothing I can burn up a phone line about.”

  Maybe they were on the same page. “Cash, I, um—”

  “I want to see you.”

  Her breath caught, and her heart picked that moment to have a palpitation. Oh, behavioral analysts would have a field day with that reaction. She nodded instead of speaking, but it didn’t do any good. Why couldn’t she string two syllables together? Okay. No prob. Me too.

  “Nic? You there?”

  “Yeah. Sorry. I’m… tired.”

  “Tomorrow night, bunch of us are getting together for a cookout. You down to go? You know, catch up with us for old time’s sake?”

  She nodded again, and this time managed two syllables, one word. “Okay.”

  “Good. Pick you up tomorrow night. See ya.” He hung up before she said she’d drive herself. Damn it, being stuck in a confined area with Cash spelled trouble.


  Nicola swirled the plastic soda cup, not stifling a giggle. She’d been tired and toeing the edge of a swan dive into a drama abyss, but Beth had called, promising a girls’ night. Nic needed one, badly, because the last thing she wanted to do was go to her apartment and have a conversation with her roommate about things she couldn’t discuss.

  Nicola met Beth at an apartment she kept in the city above a convenience store, which was, indeed, convenient in that it sold all kinds of mixers and had a supply of plastic cups at the self-serve drink station.

  “Tell me again why you have this place.” Nicola hiccupped and giggled, putting her hand over her mouth. Another one escaped.

  “Came in handy tonight, didn’t it, Nic?”

  Hiccup. “I need a refill.”

  “Me too.” Beth snorted and poured way more Ketel One than she needed into her plastic cup. “Pink or red?” she asked, topping off her own.

  Nicola studied the cranberry and pink lemonade mixer options. Tough decision. “Um, red this time.”

  Whoopsie. Splish, splash. They were making a mess.

  “Alrighty.” Nicola may have slurred that word. “Tell me again how this happened. How were there two teams on the same project?”

  “Okay, the hot one—”

  “What?” Nic recoiled, laughing. “Hot? Who?”

  Beth grinned. “Well, they were all kinda hot.”

  Nic shook her head, whipping her hair back and forth. “Um, no. No how, no way. One of them was my brother.”

  “Nic, you’re a show-stopper. You don’t think your brother can be hot? Cause, girl, he is. But anyway.”

  “Well, Jared’s not hot.”

  “He is until he opens hi
s mouth.”

  “Maybe.” Yup, words definitely slurring. Hiccup and a laugh. Did Jared look hot on the rooftop? Eh, maybe… “But Cash’s hot-hot.”

  Beth nodded, eyes wide open. “Hm-huh. Cash’s hot.” She took a long sip of her drink. “So you and him, huh?”

  “Past tense.” Nic worked hard to enunciate her words. Her lips tingled.

  “I’m totally cool with sloppy sec—”

  “Beth, you—” She threw a balled-up paper bag at her. “Off limits. You can’t have him.”

  “Then I’ll take Roman.”

  “Ew.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Jared’s too mean.”

  Nicola agreed. “Amen to that. Who does he think he is?”

  “You should talk to Cash. Tell him what you’re thinking, feeling.” Beth ditched her straw and swallowed the rest of her drink. “What will it hurt?”

  Don’t say anything. Nicola repeated the thought two more times. It didn’t work. In wine—or at least vodka—there was truth. “He doesn’t know me anymore.”

  “Get to know him again.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “You never want to. What’s the deal, anyway? That tech guy was flirting with you a few weeks ago. But he was a no-go. I know for a fact that analyst Bill or Bob or whatever asked you out. And don’t forget your FBI bomb tech. He was—probably still is—completely obsessed with you. He’s inhaled too many fumes if you ask me.” She giggled. “I get paid to know these things.”

  “All those men are boring. But Cash… that’s complicated.”

  “Nope. It’s really easy. If it gets serious, I have a form you can fill out. Same form you filled out when dating your—”

  Her phone buzzed. It was her roommate—talk about timing—and she sent the call to voicemail. “We were never serious, and I didn’t fill out paperwork.”

  “It’s simple. It says I’m sleeping with what’s-his-name and promise not to divulge national secrets during pillow talk. Oh, and I give my handler permission to pillage through his personal life without him knowing.”

  “I’ve worked so-o-o hard to get here.” Yup, too many Os in that so. Very professional. Oh well. “I want them to respect me.” Respect sounded funny. She mouthed the word a couple of times.


  “All the men we work with.” She tried to mouth respect again. It still felt off.

  Beth pulled her hair back into a ponytail. “They do respect you.”

  “No, they don’t. They all think women at the Agency want to be saved by a man, whether we know it or not. That they’re supposed to be our superhero saviors, and I’m just waiting to see who gets to save me. Everything’s a game.” She shook her head, slurring her words together. “This is probably a game. You aren’t my best friend, but some analyst doing a psychological, behavioral workup on me right now. Shit, this will end up in my file.”

  “Nope. Promise.”

  She laughed, shaking a finger at her handler. “I don’t believe you, Miss Beth-the-Handler.”

  “Pinky-swear. Nothing leaves these walls.” Nicola shot her a look. “Nothing’s transmitting from these walls. How about that?”

  “Hmm, maybe a little better.”

  “How about this? In January, I totally had a thing with Michael.”

  “Oh my God. He’s our boss. He’s your boss. He’s like super-duper, everyone’s boss. And, have mercy, he is so hot.”


  Nicola nodded like her head was on marionette strings. “I can’t believe you never told me!”

  “And I didn’t report it.”

  Nicola finished the last sips in her plastic cup. “We should have found bigger cups. These little drinks go too fast.”

  “Or we’re drinking too much.”

  “I don’t know. I think we’re drinking the right amount, given my day. Pink this time, please.”

  Beth topped off her vodka. At least Nic’s hiccups were gone. That was a bonus.

  Nicola took a sip. “Okay, my confession. I don’t want to leave my job. I love it. Yeah, you can note that part in my file, please. But Cash doesn’t see it. He doesn’t know that me. And if I fall in love with him all over again, and he hates this me, I won’t be able to take it.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Nic.”

  It might be, but it was her fear. She took a huge suck on her straw. Pink might be a little better. Sweeter. “He loved college me. I liked me then too, but now I’m run-around-the-world-with-a-gun me.” A quick gasp of a hiccup made her squeak. “Damn it!”

  Beth laughed then snorted.

  Nicola pointed. “I heard that!”

  They both laughed. Another snort. Another hiccup. More laughing.

  Nicola’s phone rang. Beth wagged her eyebrows. “Maybe it’s Cash.”

  She focused on the numbers on the screen. “Nope. Jared.”

  “He’s hot too. Let me answer.” Beth reached for the phone. “Everyone’s hot. Is that the only word we know? Hot.” She made a face, twisting her lips. “That sounds funky. Hot. Hawt. Hottt.”

  “No.” Nic batted Beth away, hiccupped, and answered, serious face on. “Yes, hello?”

  Beth fell on the floor, laughing. Her drink spilled. Nicola hiccupped, covering her mouth with her palm to hide her own giggle.

  Jared grumbled. “Nicola?”

  Beth snorted. Nicola tried, but couldn’t stop laughing. “Hold on one minute.” She put the phone in her lap, two fingers to her mouth to shush Beth, and tried again. Serious face back on. “Yes, hello?”

  Was that a British accent? Beth ran toward the bathroom, shouting something about peeing on herself.

  “Nicola, what the hell is going on?”

  “Nothing.” Yes, her I’m-very-sober voice featured a British woman with a nasal problem. “Can I help you, Jared?”

  “Have you been drinking?”

  “Have you been drinking, Jared?” Oh no. Why had that come out?

  “Good Christ.”

  “Did you need something? I have something on the stove.” What? The stove? “And must go.” The last part came out with a definite accent. Beth came out of the bathroom just in time to hear her. She doubled over, wiping at the tears running down her cheeks.

  “Titan’s having a cookout tomorrow night, which you’re invited to. But I’m changing it to a retreat. We’ve got shit to work out. Be there. Bring a bag. You’ll have a room. I’ll text you details.”

  Oh, that was sobering. “What?”

  “Be a good little princess, finish your cocktail, and get a good night’s sleep. We start work tomorrow.”

  Nicola hung up. Beth wiped the last of her tears. “What’s Mister Hot-and-Grumpy want?”

  “I have to spend the night with Cash.”

  “What? He said what?”

  “Um, well.” Nicola’s thoughts waffled. Beth erupted into a laughing, snorting mess. Nicola smirked and poured another drink. “This is an emergency. Stop laughing. He said I have to stay with Titan this weekend. Under the same roof as Cash.”

  “You two should totally hook up.”

  “No way! I have to be professional. I have to prove to him that I can do my job.” Prove sounded more like proof, maybe poof, but Beth didn’t seem to notice.

  “He’s so hot.”

  “Beth, you aren’t listening.”

  “And you’re whining. Hot guy may or may not have feelings for you. Same hot guy was in love with you once upon a time.”

  “He loved someone else. Not me.”

  “Blah.” Beth tossed her hand like it was no big deal.

  Nicola smiled. Maybe she was making too much out of it. Maybe she needed more girls’ nights. “We need to get out more.”

  “We need to do this more.”

  “Deal.” She took another swig. “I have no idea what I’m going to wear.”

  “Bring something lacy. You never know.”

  Hiccup. This retreat had the potential for serious mistakes.

br />   Nicola had sleepover anxiety. Spending another night under the same roof as Cash would be hazardous to the uninterested, uber-professional charade she was trying to pull off. But here she was, next to a chilled-out Cash in the too-tight confines of his heavy duty pickup truck, on the way to the cookout-turned-retreat.

  “We’re here,” Cash mumbled to himself, barely audible.

  They rumbled off the paved driveway, veering away from a large, up-lit white house, and rolled onto a beaten path in the grass. In the distance, a raging bonfire danced in the night. Several trucks and SUVs were backed toward the fire on one side. Nic assumed the black abyss was the lakeshore that Cash mentioned. Laughter and good times drifted through his pickup’s cracked windows.

  Her overnight bag shifted as the truck bounced down the road, reminding her again that she’d be caged with him around her new co-workers. Please don’t let them see me as just another girl he’s bagged.

  Cash’s cowboy hat was pulled low over his shaggy blonde hair, hiding his eyes from her. Nicola glanced in his direction any time he looked off the road, but mostly, she sat in silence, not trusting her voice to not give away the spark that flared each time he gave a not-so-innocent smile or whoops-I-meant-to-do-that touch. He made her dizzy, and without thinking, she placed a hand on the oh-shit bar.

  “I’m not driving that bad, Nic.”

  If he wanted to believe holding herself in place had to do with his off-road driving, fine by her. Whatever kept him from knowing too much.

  She tried for another deep breath. Every time Cash looked at her, it sucked the wind out of her lungs, and whoosh, the words out of her brain. How was this going to go down in front of the Titan boys? Um, bad. Very bad. She needed a beer, pronto, to take the edge off.

  Cash turned down the radio, shushing George Strait and his song du jour about lost love. “You’ve been awfully quiet. You lost in that pretty head of yours, daydreaming about something?”

  Um, yeah. You. Maybe I need two beers. “Just thinking.”

  “Right.” He eased up on the gas, and they crawled toward the massive bonfire. “Yeah, me too. Just a thinkin’.”



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