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Whispers in the Mind

Page 19

by Tanya Allan

  “How can we know that?”

  “Their race is dying. Oh, it will take a long time, but their birth rate exceeds by their death rate by three to one, so it’s set to decline further in time. They have everything they need, so want solely to co-exist in peace. They need nothing from us and are willing to pay us rent.”


  “Rent. They will pay for their colonies, and the payment will be in medical technology and other peaceful science related technology. They will not be involved in the supply of anything which can be adapted or utilised as a weapon or an instrument of control.”

  “Just like that?”

  “No. They request to be left alone, and to be allowed just to exist without interference. But this has to be a UN sponsored deal, will ALL nation states included.”

  The President frowned. He was a politician, so his first reaction was naturally parochial - how to keep this in-house, so to speak. However, he realised that this might prove difficult, but not impossible.

  Michelle was ahead of him.

  “Mr President, please believe me when I tell you that the last part is non-negotiable. It’s either the whole world, or none. They have the resources to up-sticks and leave, and believe me, they will make a mess doing that,” she said.

  “Is that a threat, Major?”

  “No, Mr President, it’s a promise.”

  The pair of them stared at each other, while the President was unaware that she was gently removing the overpowering feelings of nationalism that were preventing him from seeing the bigger picture.

  “Sir, this country is strong. We can gain more by brokering this deal, than we can lose by attempting to railroad it. There are elements of the world that see the United States as the Great Satan. If we can be seen as an instrument for peace and co-operation, then our enemies would be placed in a difficult position and find themselves without backing or refuge,” she said.

  George turned and looked out of the window.

  “Mr President. The man whom historians credit with such an act will be destined for greatness,” Jim added.

  George was without his customary advisers, so had no way of telling whether what these people were saying was true.

  <> came a voice inside his head.

  He spun round, and Michelle realised that for the first time an Alien was communicating with the President directly.

  She looked at the device in her hand. It was a small grey cube, and seemed to serve no purpose. She smiled, realising that their technology was far beyond her understanding.


  George Bush stared from one to the other, frightened and totally confused.

  “Who of you is doing this?” he asked.

  Michelle opened his mind, and suddenly the truth was revealed. The man paled and trembled, as he realised that humans really were not alone.

  Phollz spent several minutes in private conversation with the President. Michelle could have eves-dropped, but didn’t, as she knew exactly how the conversation would go.

  Finally, she sensed that Phollz had gone, as the President looked tired and drawn, sprawled in his chair.

  The NSA agents seemed to be recovering some of their wits, as they began to look confused as Michelle released them from her control.

  The President looked at Michelle, and then at Jim.

  “Okay, so what do we do?” he asked.

  “You’re the President. But I suggest that you call some heads of state, and arrange a summit,” Jim said.

  He nodded, but seemed out of his depth.

  “Sir, it would be advisable to form a close committee to deal with this issue. One that reports directly to you,” Michelle said.

  He nodded again.

  “But who?” he asked.

  Two hours and twenty minutes later, the Trillium Committee was formed. Professor Richard Standen from Yale University; Rachel Cumming, a lawyer working for minorities rights; Stewart FitzPatrick, an ex-military surgeon-General, now attached to an agency with special responsibility for overseas aid; three members of the foreign affairs select committee, one NSA representative, and four generals were all assembled in a committee room at the White House.

  Major Michelle Carter, Colonel Robertson and Major Bennett were also members with a special executive role.

  The President called them to order and to the newcomers utter incredulity, explained the circumstances and their brief.

  Professor Richard Standen burst out laughing, as his eyes shone with vindication. He had been trying for years to get someone to listen to his theories of alien colonisation, and that this was a global issue. He had written several papers on the measures that he considered necessary to bring alongside other nations in order to engineer the peaceful co-existence of both peoples.

  The President told them that they were responsible for making it happen without bringing any danger or threat to the USA or those colonies already established.

  “Mark my words. There are military members of this committee, whose presence is necessary to establish that there is no military threat to this country at any time, and that we can use our military might to preserve peace,” the President concluded.

  General Fitzpatrick was appointed chairman, but was left in no uncertain terms that the tall and very attractive Major was their main avenue for communication with the ‘others’ as they became known.

  “My role in this affair is somewhat restricted until such time as global agreement is achieved. I anticipate this is, at least, several months away, so will be available at any time for advice and to assist in any way I can. I must stress that there will be no dialogue with the ‘others’ until we achieve the universal agreement I have mentioned,” she said.

  Sergeant Red Skye was bored. He had heard nothing for nearly three hours, while Presidential Aids and the secret service were pestering him over access to the President.





  True to her word, the committee room opened two minutes later and the President emerged with Michelle and Kyle. The doors closed behind them and the President approached his chief of staff, who, not surprisingly was very agitated.

  “Okay. A situation exists, and this is Major Michelle Carter, and Major Kyle Bennett, they are to be taken onto my staff immediately. They are to be given the highest security clearance, and all facilities are to be made available to them without question. The members of the Committee are to be granted similar privileges, except the security clearances to be only made available to those military members,” George W. Bush told her.

  “But Mr President, the vetting and security…”

  “Just do it,” he said.

  “Yes sir.”

  They returned to the Oval office, bringing the Marine Sergeant with them.

  The President stared at Red for a moment.

  “Sir, he’s my backup,” Michelle said.

  “So, what now?”

  Michelle explained that six areas in the USA would be declared National security areas, and no residential or commercial building permits would be issued, and military activity would be reduced. The ‘others’ could prevent small-scale incursions, but any large-scale incursions would be dealt with by the military in conjunction with the ‘others’.

  “I can’t believe that this is happening,” George said.

  “Sir, it is, and you are doing the right thing,” she said, as for the first time he almost smiled.

  “Major, I hope to God you’re right.”

  Issued with new ID cards, and a special Presidential Warrant, Michelle and Red left the White House. Kyle returned to the committee room, as Jim’s aide, and the business of working out how to break the news to the world governments began.

  “What the hell happens now?”
Red asked as they breathed the fresh air.

  “I don’t know. I really don’t. There is so much that could go wrong, it’s all so uncertain.”

  “Will they try to keep things for themselves?”

  “Probably, but it won’t wash. I know that the President would like to keep it all to himself, as would the military, but they realise that there are more ‘others’ outside the US than inside.”

  “Why us?”


  “Why did they come to us? Why not the Russians or Australians?”

  Michelle smiled.

  “That’s my fault.”


  “Yup. I chose here, because I knew it.”

  Red frowned.

  “Just where the hell are you from?”

  Michelle smiled.

  “One day, I might just tell you, but for the moment, just be satisfied when I tell you I’m as American as you.”

  Red looked at the city and felt a shiver of uncertainty run down his spine.

  “I don’t like it here. It’s too civilised for me,” he said, and Michelle laughed.

  He liked that sound, so he turned towards her.

  She was standing looking out across the city, and her profile was remarkable. She was so beautiful; she took his breath away, as she was almost flawless.

  <> she thought and he dropped his gaze.



  He smiled.


  <> she thought, looking him right in the eye.


  She smiled.

  “Sergeant, can I buy you a drink?” she said.

  “Sure, but isn’t that fraternising disapproved of?”

  “Heck, I’m not a real major in any case,” she said, and waved for their driver. “I’m overdue a holiday, so why don’t you ditch the hardware, put on some jeans and meet me out front in ten minutes?” she said to Red.

  “You sure?” he asked.

  She smiled and nodded.

  “Oh, and Red?”


  “Invest in some rubber.”


  She shook her head, and Red saw her blush.

  “Buy some condoms, you stupid native,” she said, and then she saw his teeth flash in an enormous grin.

  Red went to the Marine office inside the White House and stowed his weapons. His status was not questioned as he was now attached to the tall Major as a personal Aide. He put on his jeans and a tee shirt, putting his combat gear into his kitbag.

  “Sergeant, have you no standard uniform?” asked the sergeant major.

  “No sir. Just these duds.”


  Red smiled and left whistling.

  He got to the car, but there was no sign of Michelle.

  “Any idea where the Major got to?” he asked the driver.

  “No sir, she just told me to wait here and she’d be back in a while.”

  “Looking for me?” he heard her say, so he turned round.

  She had lost the uniform and was wearing a pair of jeans and an open necked, check shirt, with the sleeves rolled up. She had a pair of cowboy boots on her feet, so all she needed was a hat and she’d be at home at the rodeo.

  She looked stunning. Her hair was down and shimmered in the sunlight, with her makeup emphasising those wonderful eyes.

  “I don’t have to peek to know what’s on your mind,” she said to Red, who blushed under his tan.

  “You look good. Even if you ain’t a real Major.”

  “I’m real, Red, believe me, I’m as real as you can get.”

  “Where to Ma’am?” the driver asked.

  “Do you know a really nice hotel?”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “Then take us there,” she said, and slung her holdall in the trunk of the car next to Red’s kitbag.

  The Metropole was an old established Hotel that oozed old world charm and new world wealth.

  The clerk watched the couple walk across the lobby towards his desk. His eyes didn’t stray from the girl much, only to register that she was accompanied by a tall and very hefty looking man.

  He had seen many beautiful women in his job, and most had been dressed in the most expensive clothes, with jewellery that could have bought his house outright three times over.

  But this woman was something else.

  She moved with an animal grace that exuded female power and strength. Her eyes seemed to draw one in, and her smile melted hearts with a flash.

  Wearing the simplest clothing, she outshone the painted trollops who strutted on very high heels and competed for male attention like pigeons.

  “Hi,” she said, with a smile.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Sure. We’d like a nice room with a big hot tub for a few days.”

  “Certainly. Will that be twin or double?” he asked, then smiled and muttered ‘double’.

  She said nothing, handing her credit card over.

  “Thanks, Miss Carter,” he said, swiping the card. It cleared, so he returned it, handing her a registration card.

  He rang the bell, and a bellhop appeared and looked in near disgust at the two tatty bags the couple carried. Nevertheless, he took them up to their room, and was rewarded by a $50 note from the attractive blonde. The man was silent, but the bellhop would not like to have upset him. He seemed to offer violence just by being there.

  Michelle laughed.

  “Do you do it on purpose?” she asked.


  “Give off those vibes?”

  “What vibes?”

  “The ‘I’m mean and moody, and get out of my face.’ vibes.”

  He smiled and it changed his whole appearance. However, it altered to a frown as Michelle started undressing in front of him.

  She laughed.

  “I’m dying for a bath. If you get brave enough, come join me. Otherwise you can open me a cold beer,” she said, walking past him stark naked to the bathroom.

  He stood there, amazed at her lack of self-consciousness. He went to the mini-bar, opened two beers and then grinned, stripping off.

  He carried the beers to the bathroom, to find her lying in luxurious splendour in a mass of bubbles.

  She watched him, casting a critical eye over his muscular physique. Gordon had been trim, but Red was a veritable powerhouse. He had some scars and looked as if he knew how to handle himself.

  He handed her a beer, so she slid over as he got in the opposing end of the large oval tub. She grinned and switched on the spa switch, so jets of bubbles released from the jets set in the base of the tub.

  He laughed as a jet tickled his dick, so he moved slightly, stretching out his legs.

  It felt so good. He was still fatigued from their desert march, so this was wonderful. She took a swig of her beer.

  “Still feel that you don’t want to fraternise?” she asked.

  He shook his head, frightened that she would disappear or something.

  She smiled, disappearing under the water.

  She came up and sat washing her long hair. He watched her breasts, as they gently jiggled as she rubbed her scalp with her hands. His loins ached with desire for her. Never had he wanted anyone as much as he wanted her. His erection threatened to explode, as it was so strong.

  He sat, partially mesmerised by her, and partially out of embarrassment at being so obviously aroused.

  She rinsed off her hair, and lay out fully stretched, enjoying the hot jets on her tired body.



  “Just where the hell are we going with this?”

  She looked at him.

  “What you got planned?”



  “A little.”


“For the first time in my life, I’m not the one in control.”

  She smiled, and moved to be along side him.

  “Do you trust me?” she asked.

  He looked into her eyes.

  “With my life,” he said, meaning it.

  Her smile broadened, feeling his erection. She was very gentle, as he shook with desire.

  “Then come on board. You’re in for the ride of your life,” she said, pulling him purposefully towards her.

  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END OF BOOK ONE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  Also by Tanya Allan on Amazon Kindle:



























  1 A Gronk (time unit) = 20 earth minutes.

  2 The term ’said’ is used, even though the communication is conducted telepathically.

  3 ‘It’ is used instead of ‘he’ or ‘she’. These beings are of neither gender, unless they want to be.

  4 1 Hal = 8oz




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