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A Chalice of Wind b-1

Page 12

by Cate Tiernan

  Racey grimaced, and I nodded glumly, "I told her I needed to go out and have a good time, not worry about anything," I said. "This whole thing has totally freaked me out. I cant think about it right now. But I have to be really careful, stay with you guys, yada yada yada.'

  Racey sighed sympathetically. ”Did you get ahold of Andref?”

  "I left; a message-hope he gets it" I said. “I’m dying to see him" To put it mildly. It felt like a year since we had lain together under the oak tree in the park. That had been the last time I'd felt normal or at ease, and I was desperate to feel that way again, desperate to see the one person who made me forget about everything else that was happening.

  "So Delia's hot for Collier Collier," Eugenie called back over her shoulder, and Delia whapped her on the shoulder.

  My eyebrows rose. 'The sophomore?

  Delia looked embarrassed as Racey and I caught up with them. "He's a really hot sophomore," she defended herself. As if to change the subject, she gestured at a shortcut, a small alley that would let us skip two tourist-clogged blocks. We turned down it.

  I thought about Collier Collier, "Yeah, in a young, contributing-to-the-delinquency-of-a-minor kind of way;" I said. "He's what, fifteen? And you're going to be eighteen, when? Next week?" This alley was narrow and unlit, but I could already see the light and noise of Royal Street ahead of us.

  "He's almost sixteen, and I wont be eighteen till next April" Delia said. "There's not that huge a difference. And I mean, God. He's gorgeous."

  Actually, he was gorgeous, which was the only reason I knew the name of a sophomore.

  "I noticed him last year," Delia admitted. "Remember? He was almost pretty. But over the summer, he grew, like, five inches-"

  "Let's hope in the right place" Eugenie murmured, and I laughed out loud.

  Delia whapped her again on the arm. And he's just really, really hot''

  "Plus, he's a lowly sophomore, and you're a hot senior babe, and he's going to follow you around like a puppy," Racey said dryly,

  "He has been very agreeable," Delia said innocently.

  "And pathetically grateful?" I asked,

  "Don't know yet," Delia said with a wicked smile, "But I assume so."

  I was laughing again, but it suddenly choked off. Alarm flashed through me, but from what? I looked at Racey quickly, and she frowned. Then her eyes widened and she looked around-

  "Gimme your wallets!" He stepped out of the shadows so fast that Eugenie squeaked and tottered on her heels. The guy had a knife and looked rough, unshaven, with torn clothes and a wild expression in his eyes. I cast my senses out-he wasn't a witch, which was why I hadn't picked up on him till it was too late,

  I held up my hands. "Okay, okay," I said tensely. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I felt jittery with fear.

  "Shut up! Gimme your wallet, bitch!" he snarled again, looking at me, and my throat closed even as my brain kicked into high gear.

  We all fumbled for our purses. Eugenie was visibly shaking and accidentally tipped hers out so everything spilled to the ground,

  "Damn it!" she hissed, sounding near tears.

  "Its okay," I said again, trying to sound calm, "Just pick your stuff up, Eu. Look, I'm taking out my wallet,…,"

  Everything happened so fast after that. For no reason, the guy suddenly freaked out and tried to backhand me across the face, I managed to jump back in time, and I saw Racey make a quick motion. The guy blinked, confused for a second, and I snapped my hand out and shot a bolt of fourjet at him.

  He reeled as if he'd been punched on the shoulder, but then his crazed, bloodshot eyes fastened on me again, and he lunged at me with his knife. The blade whipped close enough for me to feel its swish, but I leaped to one side and sent another bolt offourjet at his knees, which promptly buckled.

  Looking surprised, he dropped to his knees, and then Delia snarled in rage and swung her purse at his head as hard as she could. Delia carries everything in her purse-I'd picked it up once and said, "What do you have in here? Bricks?"

  It cracked against the mugger s head just as I whispered a sortilege d'attacher-a binding spell-feeling grateful that Nan had made me practice them until I wept with fatigue. The mugger went over sideways, looking stunned. I flicked my wrist and knocked his knife away, then shot it over and down a drain I saw out of the corner of my eye. Racey stood over him, silently adding her spells to mine to hold him in place.

  He started howling, swearing, calling us names as he struggled futilely against the invisible bonds. Racey made a tiny gesture and then even his voice went mute. His eyes bugged out of his head in fear, and the four of us started backing away.

  "What did you do, Delia?" Eugenie cried.

  "Maybe he's epileptic," Delia said, sounding scared.

  At that moment I saw a tall, dark figure enter the alley and start running toward us.

  "Guys, run!" I cried, grabbing Eugenie's arm. "He had a partner!" We turned and raced for the other end of the alley, which would take us out into the crowded light of Royal Street. We were almost out when I heard my name being called.

  "Clio! Clio, wait!"

  I screeched to a halt. "Its Andre!" I whirled and peered down the dark alley.

  Andre ran right past the mugger, barely glancing down at him. We waited at the end of the alley, in clear view of everyone passing on the street. Andre caught up to us and grabbed my arms. "Are you okay? I was half a block behind you. Didn't you hear me calling you?"

  "No," I said, looking past him. The mugger was still lying on the ground. I could feel his helpless rage from here. "That guy tried to mug us!"

  Andre swore under his breath, looking angry. Delia and Eugenie hadn't met him yet, and despite the shaky aftermath of almost being mugged, they were looking at him, impressed.

  "I tried to catch up to you," Andre said. "That alley was not a good idea,"

  I saw a beat policeman strolling down the street, and I ran to catch up to him. "Um, a guy fell down in that alley back there.' I said, pointing. "Maybe he's having an epileptic fit." The cop started walking quickly toward the alley, reaching for his walkie-talkie. I debated telling him that the guy had tried to mug us, but the cop was going to have a hard time dealing with the binding spells as it was. I didn't want to give an official statement or have to explain anything.

  "That cop is going to go check on him," I told everyone.

  "Should we report what he did?" Delia asked. "If I do and my parents find out-"

  "Me too," said Eugenie. "Goodbye, Quarter."

  "Let's get out of here," I said. "The cop will take care of it. I just want to sit down."

  We had walked quickly down half a block before I remembered to introduce Delia and Eugenie to Andre. He smiled at them, and I could see his magic working on them. Not real magick, of course-just his own personal attraction.

  We turned into Amadeos, where it was blessedly dark after the overlit street. The bouncer let Andre in but wanted to card us. I sent him a "we're of age, don't worry about it" thought, and he waved us through, looking bored.

  "Friend of yours?" Andre said, nodding at the bouncer. He knew I was still in high school.

  I shrugged. "Something like that. Hey, what about you? You're what, nineteen?"

  Andre grinned, looking dark and mysterious. "Fake ID.”

  We got drinks and went to the back room. A live band was going to start soon since it was Friday, but we found a small empty couch and pulled some chairs over to it. Again I felt that Racey was watching Andre, as if trying to figure him out. Then she seemed to shake off the feeling and put a smile on her face. I saw her make eye contact with a guy sitting at another table, and soon they had a flirtation going. Within minutes Delia and Eugenie had drifted off to check out guys, leaving Andre and me alone.

  "Are you all right?" he asked, getting closer and putting his arm around my shoulders. "I practically felt my heart stop when I saw you duck down that alley. I've only been here two months, but even I know that you never go do
wn a dark alley in New Orleans."

  A delayed reaction to the mugging suddenly came over me, and I shivered and scooted closer to him. "I know," I said. "We weren't thinking-we were teasing Delia about something and she just pointed to the alley and we went down it without paying attention.

  And I've taken that shortcut a million times-just not at night."

  Andre pressed a kiss into my hair, "How did you get away from him? I saw him drop, and then you started running."

  What would I say? Racey and I were witches and we sapped him with spells? I didn't think so. "Delia hit him with her purse," I said, smiling at the memory. "He went down like an ox. She carries, like, lead weights in there."

  Andre laughed. "He's sorry he messed with you, no doubt."

  I nodded, starting to feel smug about how we had dealt with that scumbag. "He 11 think twice before he picks on lone girls again."

  I looked into Andre's eyes, and my smile faded. I could get lost in his eyes so quickly, so totally. I reached out and touched his lips softly, Tm glad you got my message to meet us here" I said. "I missed you yesterday."

  "What happened? I was hoping to see you."

  I hesitated. Oh, my whole world changed, that's all. Suddenly explaining everything to Andre-Thais, my past-it was all too much, I needed to figure out a way to tell him without mentioning all the witch stuff. Someday he could know everything. Someday soon. But not tonight, "School, and then Nan needed me at home."

  "Everything okay?" he asked, smoothing my hair away from my face. His finger traced down my cheek, then my neck, past my collarbone. It dipped slightly under my lacy black camisole, and I shivered again, but not with fear.

  I shrugged. Just family stuff." Huge, bizarre family stuff, I spread my hands on his hard, warm shoulders and smiled flirtatiously at him. "When can we be alone?"

  Sharp interest lit his eyes, and he gave me a predatory look that made butterfly wings feather lightly inside my chest. I was usually the predator with guys. Sometimes I let them pretend to be the one who pounced, but really, it was always me. Which was how I liked it.

  Now, with Andre, I realized how exciting it was for him to come after me. He leaned in to kiss me, and I smiled. I held his dark head in my hands, pulling him tome.

  He pressed me back against the couch, and I wished that I was powerful enough to cross my arms and blink twice and send us somewhere else. I wanted to take his shirt off to see the hard chest pressed against me. I wanted to watch his face when he saw me naked. Our kisses were so hard and deep, and my body was melting, wanting to join with him, wanting to be as close as possible. The club faded away around me as I held him to me as tightly as I could. Dimly I heard the first opening notes of a band warming up, but mostly all I was aware of was Andres heart, thudding fast against mine. Blood rushed through my veins, and every cell in my body felt more alive, more sensitive, more attuned to his body than I'd ever felt with anyone before.

  I pulled my head back, feeling drugged, to see his half-closed eyes glittering over me. "What?" he muttered.

  "Lets go to your apartment," I said, my voice husky. I swallowed and tried to catch my breath as my words sank into his brain. He nodded and started to sit up, pulling me with him. Clio!

  I blinked, still dazed, and looked over to see Racey kneeling next to the couch. She had a drink in her hand and the stem of a maraschino cherry sticking out of her mouth.

  "Its quarter to eleven," she said urgently, tapping her watch.

  It took a moment for her meaning to penetrate my lust-crazed consciousness, "What? Not already," I said, as if denying the knowledge would make the situation go away.

  She gave me a patient look, not even glancing at Andre. She'd never been like this before with any guy I'd dated. Well, okay, she'd hated Jason Fisher, but he'd been an ass.

  "It's quarter to eleven," she said slowly and distinctly, trying not to say the words you have a curfew in front of this hot guy. A loyal friend.

  What would Nan do to me if I was late? Like, if I blew off getting home anywhere close to eleven? I considered it, sitting all the way up and sipping my mojito. Ordinarily, I didn't have much of a curfew; But whenever I'd ignored her occasional request to have me home at a certain hour, she hadn't been happy. Glum memories of tons of housework made me frown.

  And now, when she was already strung tight about the curse- of-the-twins thing? It would not be good.

  "I have to go," I said abruptly, and swigged the rest of my drink.

  "No," Andre said coaxingly. His warm hand stroked my bare arm, leaving excited little ripples in its wake. "Stay. I'll drive you home later."

  "I'm going to get Delia and Eugenie" Racey said, standing up. "I'll be back in a moment" To get you was left unsaid.

  I traced the vee of warm tan skin at the collar of his shirt. "I really have to go. My grandmother needs me home early tonight. I promised her."

  "Call her" Andre said, his fingers moving on me persuasively, sending shivers down my spine. "Explain. Tell her I'll see you home safely soon. Just not now?

  I sighed, and Racey returned to stand by me, all but tapping her foot.

  "Are they ready?" I asked, stalling.

  "They're catching a ride with Susan Saltbier," Racey said. That she was willing to leave early with me because she had driven was not lost on me.

  I thought it all through as Andres hand curled around my waist between the bottom of my camisole and the top of my short camouflage cargo skirt.

  "Maybe Andre could drive me home," I said slowly as Bad Clio on my shoulder nodded eagerly.

  "Maybe your grandmother could put your head on a stake in the front yard," Racey said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  I bit my lip. She was right, of course. I would be lucky to get the stake treatment. Do it now, before you weaken, I told myself firmly while Good Clio sighed with relief. Using every bit of my willpower, I left Andres heat and the promise of intense pleasure and stood up.

  "Really?' Andre said, and my knees threatened to buckle.

  I nodded mutely. Leaving now went against every desire I had. Racey pulled her car keys out of her purse and let them jingle.

  Andre stood, and I loved how tall he was, at least six inches taller than me. "I'll walk you to your car," he said, running his hand through his hair and looking bummed but gallant.

  "Oh, that's okay-" Racey began, but Andre cut her off.

  "No. You were almost mugged earlier, I'll walk you to your car." He and Racey locked eyes for a moment, then Racey nodded and turned on her heeL

  I smiled at Andre and put my arm around him as we moved through the noise of the bar.

  "My hero," I said, and went on tiptoe to kiss him. He smiled and kissed me back, and I savored every second we had before we reached Racey s moms car.

  "Call me," he said as I got into the car. I nodded and kissed the hand that was leaning against the car door.

  He smiled and made a tiny kissing motion with his lips, then turned and headed down, the street, alone into the night.

  I sighed. "You were right, Racey. You're my salvation. I thank you and I grovel before your superior sense of duty"

  "Damn right," Racey said, and started her car.

  A Messy Business

  “Did you really think you could get away with it?" Daedaluss voice was cutting.

  "Oh, Daedalus," Petra said. "Get over yourself" She ignored his look of outrage and went to the small bar. She found a bottle of spring water, then went to look out the tall French window at the people passing on the street below.

  The air was heavy today, heavy and wet. She'd left Clio at home, working on her "principles of metal in magick" lesson. Clio had been only ten minutes late last night, but she was keeping a secret, Petra was sure of it. But Racey had dropped her off-so they had probably stayed together during the evening. Petra tried to control her tension. She had spoiled Clio, and now she was reaping the results, Petra was sick of secrets. Almost her entire life had been a series of secrets. After all this time,
she had no idea how to live without them.


  Petra looked up to see Ouida coming toward her, hands outstretched. The younger woman looked a bit drawn, Petra thought. A bit tense. Well, this was a messy business.

  They hugged, and Petra wondered how long it had been since they'd seen each other. Not that long, surely, Petra pulled back to look at her, smoothing her hand over the soft coffee-colored cheek. "Last time I saw you, you had cornrows and beads," Petra said, smiling,

  Ouida patted her short-cropped afro, "This is easier. Wait till you see Richard."

  Petra 's glance was sharp. "How is he?" Ouida nodded thoughtfully. "He's good" she said, but Petra felt her uncertainty.

  The doorbell below rang, and Jules buzzed someone in. Moments later, Sophie and Manon came through the door, Sophie as lovely as always, with her fair skin and large brown eyes. And Manon still had her girlish prettiness, her pale blond curls, her dark eyes, the slender body poised on the edge of puberty.

  "My dears," Petra hugged them each in turn, "Still in school?" she teased Sophie. Sophie blushed and nodded, "Art history this time," said Manon, "But we're going to the Riviera for Soliver-she's promised."

  "You look beautiful, my dear" Petra told Manon tenderly, Manon and Richard would always have the hardest time, and Petra understood how intensely they wished it were different,

  Manon smiled and shrugged. She moved to the small sofa and sat down, propping delicate feet on the Directoire table in front of her, Petra saw Daedalus wince.

  "Well, isn't this quite the little reunion?" Richards dry voice cut through the air. Petra turned to see him, Ouida said cheerfully, "He's goth now,"

  Petra embraced Richard, holding his tight body, feeling his tension. He held himself stiffly for a moment, then seemed to relax against his will, putting his arms around her in a brief, hard hug. When she looked into his brown eyes, she saw pain, as usual,

  "You kept it from us," he said under his breath so only she could hear.

  She nodded sadly, "I had to, love, I-"

  "Yeah," Richard released himself and went to pour himself several fingers of whiskey over ice. So he was drinking again. Petra wondered how long that had been going on,


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