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Claimed in Canada

Page 4

by Christine Edwards

  I throw my arms around him and whisper, “I know, Gabe, thank you. Don’t worry, I have coffee now and again with one of my foster moms and Kelsey and I are close—that is when she’s not all wrapped up with Ben. Ha!”

  “Yeah, those two are so all over each other that they should have a do not disturb sign engraved on the door of their room.”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “So, are you up for a connection check on camera two along with the other work we need to finish first thing in the morning?”

  “You know it. It’s a good idea to have everything locked down and functioning before that big storm rolls in. Meet you in the lobby at seven-thirty?”

  I watch him unfold his tall frame and move to the door.

  “I’ll see you there. Oh, and have fun dreaming about those sexy mountain men, you lucky woman!”

  “Night, Gabe.”

  “You too, Violet.”

  He’s such a positive force in my life. I’m so thankful that we’re partners.

  Snuggling down into the covers I’m so exhausted that I fall asleep immediately.

  Chapter Three


  “What do you mean she’s still up on that mountain, Janelle?”

  God damn it! What was she thinking, heading up there today, anyhow? I warned her, and with the way these fronts can pop up before a blizzard they would have little time to get out of there. Fucking unacceptable!

  With a dismayed look, Janelle replies, “Look Luke, she’s a grown woman who’s working here so we are in no position to stop her, much less any of the other researchers in her group. We’ve warned the team time and again about the dangers up there. I understand your concern, but Ross made certain that they checked the weather and they knew that it was clear for the better part of the day. The snow has just begun and I’m certain that they will be back any moment. Wait, I didn’t realize that you two knew each other?”

  “We met up on the mountain near her site. She dropped her cell in my truck when I gave her a lift back last night and I wanted to give it back to her. When did they leave?”

  “Wait, I’m a bit lost, Luke. Damon was giving her a ride last night. What changed?”

  “Look Janelle, I don’t have time to waste explaining her transportation choices. You know how Damon and I feel about each other. Now let’s just leave it at that. Again, please tell me when she left.”

  “Well, it had to be about eight this morning. That’s when they usually head out.” Janelle checked the wide-banded men’s watch on her wrist. “Come to think of it, they’re usually back by now.”

  I bet they are. I’m going to redden her sassy ass when I get a hold of her.

  “Luke, wait where are you going?” Janelle calls out in a worried tone.

  “To save her tail.”

  I turn to head out the door when I hear, “Hold on a sec, Luke! Do you think they’re in trouble up there? Do you think Ross should come with you, just in case? It’s going to be dusk soon, so please be careful!”

  “I’ll be careful. Don’t trouble Ross about it.” I wave goodbye.

  Ever since she stumbled into my logging site I haven’t been able to get that woman out of my head. She is sexy as hell with that strong mouth of hers. Not many women would stand up to a bunch of loggers in the woods like that. Now she’s most likely stranded out there in the midst of the approaching storm. She’s so fucking going to get it when I get her out of trouble! That wide eyed submissive look drives me wild and I can’t wait to bring her headstrong personality to heel for me … in my bed.

  I park my truck in the high drive of my A-frame cabin and run inside only long enough to grab my rifle and the keys to my snowmobile. She can’t be far. My cabin rests on the edge of the forest near the trail that winds up the mountain into the park. I’m only about two miles from her site.

  Something must be wrong for her and her partner to not be back yet. Let me reach her in time.

  Going off instinct, I decide to head up the trail, higher into the mountains rather than down it. This way I can head to the campsite and backtrack down to the lodge, checking the trails on the way. The snow is coming down so hard now that it’s falling at an angle. Dangerous fronts can swoop in, leaving both novices and advanced outdoorsmen with only crucial minutes to find shelter, and God help those who don’t. Gritting my teeth, I push the throttle harder and speed up the mountain.

  The rifle strapped across my back is a comforting weight as I scan left and right for those damned red pants of hers. I’ll need the weapon if there’s any trouble. These woods are full of wild creatures and bear attacks aren’t unheard of.

  The visibility sucks up here, thank fuck for my goggles. The snow is coming down even harder now, and my sled sinks in the new powder, leaving long tracks behind me.

  Shit, she wouldn’t make it out here past dusk. Where the hell could she be?

  Suddenly, even over the noise of my motor, I hear a distinct growl. Oh, fuck no! The wolves are close and they’re either onto something or about to be. I leave the Cat running and hop off while flipping my rifle around in front of me.

  There is no sign of either of them, but it is likely that the heavy snow covered up any tracks. I clamber around and scan the sides of the trails, hoping to catch some small sign that they’d passed this way, like broken branches or tracks that hadn’t yet filled in.

  Fuck, where are you, Violet?

  That’s when I see it, a big gray wolf about twenty feet from me. He is looking down the embankment at something. I aim, breathe deeply, and take the shot. Just for extra measure I get a few steps closer and hit the bastard again.

  “Goddamnit, where are you, Violet? Fuck!” I yell in frustration.

  Over the sputtering sounds of the engine, I hear her voice call out to me but I can’t make out the words. It’s coming from over the embankment and I scramble to peer over the side.

  Suddenly I see her but she’s too terrified to notice me as she climbs back toward the path. Her focus is solely on the black Taser that’s shaking violently in her hands.

  Like that would ever do anything to a wolf. At least not before it jacked you up beyond all recourse.

  I call out to her and hear her frightened reply. Thank fuck she’s alive. We need to get the hell out of here before they have the advantage in the near darkness.

  Angling to get closer, I scan the area and see a quick flash of movement coming from the path. One of them has knocked her face first onto the ground and is gripping her by the arm of her jacket.

  In a split second I decide that I have no choice but to take the shot from here. I yell at her not to move. If I don’t do it now it could rip into her neck; she’d be as good as dead.

  Doing my best to slow my heart rate, I aim and pull the trigger. The shot knocks the wolf clean off her back and onto its side. It kicks its legs in the snow, growling furiously. As I reach her I can tell that she’s out cold, maybe fainted, but I’m relieved that the blood spattered across her doesn’t appear to be hers.

  I glance at the wolf and realize I hit it in the chest. Its movements quickly slow and then cease altogether. We need to get the fuck out of here—like yesterday—so I hold the rifle tight with one hand and sling her up and across my back with the other. I only have two rounds left, so we won’t last long against a pack of wolves, not to mention the raging snow. Fuck, how could she be so hard-headed as to come out here today after I had warned her not to?

  I slowly move backward toward my Cat with the rifle pointed outward. I hope they took the hint. Fucking wolves. I can’t see or hear them anymore. They are notoriously smart, so they must have run off.

  Putting her onto the double seat in front of me, I gently lean her back against my chest. God she’s so small, almost weightless against me, and she’s knocked out cold. I turn the Cat cautiously around and head back toward my cabin.

  Once we return home and I have her safely inside, I call Ross and Janelle to let them know I found her. Apparently her partner Gabe had
just arrived and was having a near panic attack about Violet’s situation. I’d forgotten all about him, so I’m relieved to hear he made it back on his own. I can hear Ross tell him that she’s safe with me and the poor guy’s thankful sobs are audible.

  I tell Ross that she’s staying put at my place for now. There’s no telling if my truck could even make it the six miles back to the lodge in this freak storm. He readily agrees.

  She had better have a flawless explanation as to why the hell she went against my orders and stayed up there this late in the day. And she’ll damn well take her punishment for it, whether she’s into it or not.

  My bet? She is.

  Chapter Four

  A Lesson

  Warm, mmm, it’s so warm and cozy. This soft comforter feels soooo good … Wait, was that merely a nightmare in the woods? Where the hell am I?

  My eyes fly open as I struggle to sit up. My head is pounding as I gently raise my hand to my right temple.

  “Steady there, angel.” His deep voice fills the room.

  Oh God, oh no!

  “W-what happened?” I stammer. “Where am I?”

  I frantically take in my surroundings. The walls are composed of huge, smooth log beams, and the high-arched ceiling is lined with more of the same wood. The décor is masculine with an alpine flair and a no-nonsense feel. The design of the structure and the decorative details are minimalist and stunning. Noting the giant, wood-framed bed I’ve been tucked into, I shriek, “Jesus, am I in your bed?”

  Luke is taking up the entire doorframe with his big body and holding his hands out, palms down, in an attempt to calm me.

  “Everything’s good, all right? Just calm down for a second. First, how’s your head, baby? You hit it when you fell, do you remember that?”

  Everything comes back to me in a blurred rush and I nearly whimper, “The wolves, they were all around …” I’m petrified even recalling the horror of it. The sound of their howls surrounding me echoes in my head, making it throb even harder.

  “What happened?” I whisper. “You were out there as well, did you get hurt? Oh my God, what about Gabe?”

  He gives me a thoughtful look. “No, angel, I’m good. And I called the Holdens at the lodge as soon as we were out of trouble. They know you’re safe. Your partner arrived in quite a state while I was talking to them. He’s relieved that you’re okay. Don’t worry, you’re safe here at my place now. Why don’t we discuss it over something hot to drink? The bathroom is through there if you need it.”

  He points to the door in the corner behind the bed. “Come on downstairs when you’re ready, all right?”

  I simply nod in agreement, too shook up to argue. As he heads out of the room, I hear him say, “Call out if you feel faint. I’m serious. You might have a concussion.”

  I flop back onto the soft pillows with a loud sigh. What is it about me that is a magnet for trouble? I want to get up and thank him for saving me but then I’m outta here.

  I have to get back to the lodge tonight because this storm is coming in ahead of schedule and there’s no telling the trouble I can get into with Luke Benoit during a cozy overnight stay.

  As I wander into the bathroom I see that it’s oversized for what I assume is a cabin. Everything is dark stone and wood with shiny steel fixtures. Very masculine, but also very refined. I decide to hop into the gray slate shower. The water will relax my fraying nerves. While washing my hair, I feel around my scalp for bumps. There is a small knot on the right side of my temple but I know that it could have been far worse. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m lucky Luke was there.

  I really should be afraid to be alone with Luke as he’s virtually a stranger to me, but there’s just a sense of security I have whenever I’m around him, even before the little incident in the woods. No one has ever given me that feeling before. In the past, I’ve always relied on myself.

  I towel off and put my leggings, baby pink v-neck tee and wool socks back on. He must have taken my outdoor gear off for me.

  Hmm, a caring mountain man.

  As I step out of Luke’s large bedroom, I see that I’m on an open catwalk above a massive living room. He calls out from below, “Careful on those steps.” This barely registers as I take in his house, so open and graceful with all of the natural wood construction. I look up and determine that the ceiling has to be at least thirty feet high. An impressive home to own on a logger’s salary.

  The light from the giant stone fireplace casts mysterious shadows over the space. It’s too dark to see out the large windows but I would bet money that that the view is glorious as well.

  Finally, I notice him standing at the bottom of the stairs. He’s watching me intently.

  “Bit safer indoors tonight, don’t you think?” Just his deep voice makes me nervous and I can’t help but remember all the naughty scenarios that I had been fantasizing about. I hold the rail tightly and descend the amber-colored steps. “Yes, and your cabin is just stunning.”

  “Happy for you to be here. You were out cold for a solid hour, baby. How do you feel now?”

  “I’m better after that shower, and very grateful to you.” I flush as I look down at the glossy hardwood floor.

  “Hey, come have a seat and relax with me. Are you up for a hot tea?”

  “Thanks for offering, I would stay but I really need to get going. They’ll be worried about me back at the lodge.”

  He levels me with a displeased look. “That front is still raging out there right now. Walk over and check it out through the windows. Callin’ for fifteen inches tonight alone and temps in the teens, which means black ice on the roads, so you’re staying put right here with me. I told you that I already spoke with the Holdens. They’re fully aware of the weather situation and know that I’ll have you back safely tomorrow by noon if at all possible.”

  I simply stare at him, silently weighing my limited options. Honestly, I want nothing more than to crawl into that big, lush bed with him and spend a cozy evening between the sheets, but a small part of me is still apprehensive.

  “Come here to me and sit down, Violet.”

  Intrigued by Luke and his sexier than sin accent, I cross the living room toward him. He gently takes my hand and pulls me down onto his huge sofa. I nearly fall into his lap.

  “That’s better.” His voice rumbles deeply against my hair. “You relax here by the fire and let me get you that drink.”

  What’s the harm in one drink? The man did just save my life, after all. I’m uncomfortable with my level of attraction to him, however, and hope that he can’t see it as clear as day. Being this close to him is sending my senses into overdrive, not to mention the ache that is starting between my legs, so needy for his touch.

  “All right,” I say. “Can I help you?”

  Standing, he flashes a flawless smile. “Nah, you enjoy the warmth, baby, and I’ll be back in a few.”

  As I sink down farther into the smooth chocolate leather of his sofa I stare into the huge fire, and the gravity of the situation on the mountain finally hits me. I’m shocked to the core by the attack today and begin to shake. These particular wolves don’t lack for a source of food. Maybe the attack was territorial or perhaps they just saw me as easy prey? Whatever the case, I’ll be certain not to make that mistake again. Next time, there may not be another Luke to save me.

  I’m snapped out of my thoughts as he enters the room. I press my hands between my knees so he can’t see their trembling.

  “Ever shoot a gun?”

  That’s an unexpected question.

  “Um, no, I’ve never been close to one before today.”

  Watching me closely, he says in a serious voice, “Need to teach you how to shoot my rifle. You’re gonna carry one from now on every time you trek up into those woods. A Taser won’t do shit against a wolf, let alone multiple wolves.”

  I don’t think so.

  I stare at him and blurt out, “You can’t tell me what to do, or whether or not to carry a gun of al
l things! I was attacked today only because I was caught up there near dusk.”

  Who the heck does he think he is, anyway? I’m outraged. I’ve spent so many years of my life fighting for the protection of these creatures, and here he is telling me I have to be ready to shoot them.

  That dangerous look takes over his features and in one motion he swiftly sets the drinks down and cages me in on the sofa with both of his thick, muscular arms. His hands are in fists pressed against the leather on either side of my head, and I begin to pant in fear of the aggression that is rolling off him.

  He leans in mere inches from my face and levels me with his dark eyes.

  “You nearly got fucking torn apart on that mountain today, little girl,” he growls. “You wouldn’t have been found either. They would have dragged pieces of you off into the damn woods. Have you seen your jacket yet?”

  I stare at him, blink once and slowly shake my head.

  “No?” he asks, his voice disgusted.

  I watch in shock as he pushes away from me and stalks over to grab my jacket off the door hook. He tosses it to me. The entire back and left arm is shredded. I try but fail to hide a full body shudder.

  I flinch as he roars, “Ten more seconds and that wolf would have ripped your throat out!” The power he exudes is both terrifying and supremely hot.

  “Those animals are ruthless killers and nothing else. The sooner you get that fact straight, the better.” He points right at me. “If you were my woman you wouldn’t go near that mountain without me close, period. Until then you’re carrying a fucking rifle. Got it, angel?”

  Was he unhinged? What did he mean “Until then”? The bravado of this guy is off the charts. But I’m his guest and decide that it’s best to comply for now and change the subject rather than get into another argument with him about what occurred. Right now, I just want to forget it ever happened.


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