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Their Fairy Princess (Office Intrigue Book 7)

Page 17

by Nicole Edwards


  Friday, May 31, 2019

  I was awake early, but I stayed in bed, held on to Everly as she slept soundly beside me. Dawn broke as I lay there, and still I didn’t move until six forty-five for the sole reason that I wanted to ensure Dante had the time he needed to complete that limit list.

  I wasn’t sure when it happened, or even how, but I’d come to need what he was willing to give, seemingly as much as he needed what we could give him.

  My brother would be the first to say I was driven by pure emotion. I doubted I’d be able to provide a reasonable enough counter to convince a grand jury. However, I would say my decisions were slightly more calculated, partially fueled by emotion. More so, I’d admit to having wanted something for so long that, the moment it was in my hands, I wasn’t willing to let it go.

  After all, God created the heavens and the Earth in six days, rested on the seventh. Who was to say I couldn’t fall in love in that amount of time?

  No one.

  No one who mattered, anyway.

  Without waking Everly, I tucked the blankets around her, then slipped out of the room, my running shoes in hand. When I got to the kitchen, Dante was the first thing I saw, stretching on the back porch. I did enjoy waking up to seeing him like that.

  I walked over to the island, saw the stack of papers laid neatly. I picked them up, scanned through the pages covered in neat, block letters. He’d filled out everything, including lengthy explanations that he’d continued on the backs of the pages. Not a single line had been missed.

  Ian appeared, his keen gaze zeroing in on the stack of papers.

  I nodded. “Some light reading for later.”

  Ian looked as relieved as I felt.

  “Five miles,” I told them as I stepped outside. “Got to save some of my energy for later.”

  My brother coughed to cover his laugh, then broke out into a jog toward the street.

  I forced my mind to blank for the run. Everything faded into the background, Everly, Dante, the asshole who’d hurt those I had come to care about. I let it drift away like mist, taking this time as my own.

  It wasn’t until a few minutes into the run that I’d realized Heaven hadn’t been included in my list of people I cared about. I thought back to her mentioning she was going to stay with her sister. For some reason, I felt that was a good idea. Then again, I wasn’t sure how Ian felt about that. Again, I had yet to ask him, to pursue the details of whatever was going on between them. However, I was in tune with my twin, and had there been something there, I would’ve recognized it. I didn’t. As far as I could tell, Ian was indulging and that was all.

  By the time I got back to the house, I was ready for a shower and food, but not necessarily in that order.

  The kitchen was still empty when we returned, the girls likely still asleep. The three of us grabbed water bottles, then sat on the barstools and counters as we cooled down.

  “The maid service comes by today,” I reminded Ian. “Figured we could get out of here for a bit. Run them by Dante’s.” I glanced over at him. “In case you need anything from there.”

  Dante didn’t respond immediately, but I saw the question in his eyes, waited for it.

  “How long’s this going to last?”

  I knew he wasn’t talking about the relationships that were building.

  “As long as it has to,” Ian said, not looking at him. “I’m not letting any of you go back there until this guy is no longer a threat.”

  “What about Heaven?” he prompted. “She wants to go to her sister’s.”

  Ian shrugged. “Probably a good idea that she does.”

  Well, that told me more than I probably would’ve gotten out of my brother. He was willing to let her leave, which meant there was no attachment.

  Dante broke eye contact with Ian, pinned his gaze on the counter. “I got fired yesterday.”

  “Fuck, man,” Ian breathed out. “I’m sorry.”


  I had to bite my tongue, remembering the argument I’d had with Ian. Asking Dante and Everly to move in here permanently would likely come across as abrupt, not thought out. It wasn’t true, but I could see where he was coming from. The issue was, I was certain about them. More so than I’d been about anything in my life. I couldn’t say the same for Heaven because … well, because she wasn’t what I was looking for.

  “I can get another pretty easily,” Dante said. “Just need time to go look.”

  “No,” I said. The single word snapped out had drawn Ian’s gaze. He was glaring at me, but I shrugged it off.

  I hopped off the counter. “I want you here. With us. And if that’s the way it’s going to work, you won’t work. Not if I have a say in the matter.”

  Not wanting to hear Ian’s rebuttal, I turned and left the room, making my way to my bedroom. I opened the door, noticed Everly still tucked in sound asleep. It would be so easy to wake her, to slide into the bed, sink deep inside her, and lose myself for a few minutes, but I wanted her to rest up. I’d taken a lot from her these past couple of days, and since I didn’t see that slowing anytime in the near future, sleep was what she needed most.

  I hurried through the shower, dressed, then headed back to the kitchen. It was empty, so I made a pot of coffee, grabbed a cup and Dante’s limit list, then headed down to the basement.

  Bypassing my desk, I sat on the sofa, got lost in reading. I skimmed it first, focusing on Dante’s hard limits. All the ones that matched my own hard limits had been marked: asphyxiation, breath control, bestiality, and so on. The ones I’d expected based on the trauma he’d experienced: cages, cells, closets. I wasn’t into that, anyway, but I was glad to know he’d been honest. There were a few I hadn’t expected but would respect because he had elaborated with reasons. That generally wasn’t how it worked, but I appreciated his candor all the same.

  On the other hand, I noticed he had marked anything to do with bondage as a nonissue. I had to trust him. That was the only way this would work.

  He’d gone so far as to rank them from zero to five for those he didn’t consider a hard limit, five being the most desirable. I went back through the list three times, rereading his notes, and it all told the same story in elaborate detail. Dante wanted to serve and please. How some Dom hadn’t come along and realized the gift he was, I would never know. Then again, he’d been targeted by some fucker using BDSM as his excuse to harm.

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs, drawing my attention. I expected to see Ian, but my brother wasn’t joining me. It was Dante, his steps somewhat lighter than they’d been in recent days. He moved with purpose, coming to stand before me. He knelt without direction.

  “May I speak candidly, Sir?”


  He kept his eyes down. “I would never want to come between you and your brother. If I have, I wish to leave. I understand the fear for my safety, and I can promise, I’ll do everything in my power not to get into a situation I can’t get myself out of.”

  “You haven’t come between us,” I told him firmly. “No one will ever come between me and Ian. If there was a chance, that person would not be welcomed in our lives. We have a difference of opinion on certain matters. I respect his view, he respects mine. And as is human nature, we butt heads from time to time.

  “Look at me, Dante.” I waited for him to obey. “I meant what I said earlier. I won’t take it back because Ian disagrees.”

  “I don’t disagree, damn it.”

  My brother strolled down the stairs, heading right for us, hands on his hips, exasperation on his brow.

  “Give us a few minutes. Please prepare something for breakfast.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Master,” I corrected at the same time Ian said it.

  I sighed. “Anything but Sir. I don’t care for Master, either, but if that’s how you see us, we’ll accept it from you. But only you.”

  “It would be my honor, Masters.”

  The strange sensat
ion that filled me remained even as Dante headed upstairs to start breakfast.

  Ian paced the floor. “Look. I get it. I do. I’m a fucking goner, too, damn it. The thought of him or Everly leaving … it makes me want to punch something.”

  “What about Heaven?”

  Ian’s gaze slammed into me. “What about her?”

  “You’re not broken up that she wants to leave.”

  He shrugged. “Heaven’s not…”

  “What we’re looking for?” I filled in.

  “She’s not,” he agreed. “She’s fun and I honestly like her, but I don’t see it going anywhere. Plus, I think she’s intimidated by it all.”

  That made sense. Those who didn’t understand or, more importantly, didn’t feel the need for submission, would be.

  “But Everly and Dante,” Ian continued, “we can’t hold them here. Don’t want to. I would lay down my life for them. That’s not something I’ve ever felt for anyone but you. If they want to be here, I’ll worship the fucking ground they walk on for the rest of my days. But that feeling, the need, doesn’t make it so.”

  He resumed pacing, his footsteps heavy.

  His voice was sturdy when he spoke again. “Six days, six weeks, six months. It doesn’t make any difference to me. It is what it is. Relaying that information to them could be tricky. Some things require a bit more finesse.”

  “And some things require truth,” I told him.

  “Yes. I agree. But they suspect this is only about their protection. If I’m being honest, it’s never been only about that. Far more. But that doesn’t change the fact they’re not safe at home. Yeah, they can leave. Go stay with family, friends, a hotel. They’re still in a vulnerable position. Can we just slow it down a bit? Let it play out for a few more days?” He faced me. “Can you do that for me?”

  I hated when he played that damn card. “Of course I will.”

  “Thank you.” He brushed his hand over his hair. “Now can we go upstairs, have some breakfast, and enjoy the rest of our time off? I have nothing on my agenda for today.” He glanced up at the ceiling. “Nothing except showing Dante and Everly exactly what we want from them. Heaven’s more than welcome to participate. Or not. I don’t care either way.”

  Well, when he put it that way…



  There was tension in the air and a lot of it.

  I felt it the moment I walked into the kitchen to find Ian and Isaac sitting at the island, Dante leaning against the counter. They quieted as soon as I approached, all eyes slipping in my direction.

  “Good morning,” I greeted.

  “Good morning, fairy princess,” Isaac replied, his beautiful green gaze sliding toward me.

  Before I could pass him on my way to the refrigerator, Isaac reached for me, pulling me to him. His lips pressed softly to mine, making me smile. It had been a disappointment to wake and find the bed empty. Then again, when I’d realized how late it was, I hadn’t been able to hold a grudge.

  “I made biscuits,” Dante said when I opened the refrigerator.

  He knew I loved his biscuits. “A man after my own heart,” I teased.

  “That heart belongs to me,” Isaac stated, his tone almost teasing but not quite.

  It warmed me. “My heart is most definitely yours, my Liege.”

  Ian’s hard gaze was pinned on me, and for a second, I thought I saw something there. Longing. Need. I wasn’t sure, but a response filled me. While I’d respected the distance he’d been keeping, I didn’t want that. I also didn’t know how to tell him as much.

  Because that was a conversation better left for later, I focused my attention on buttering two biscuits and being extra generous with strawberry jam. When I turned around, I noticed all three men were still watching me.


  “You really do look like a fairy princess,” Ian said with a smirk.

  “Whatever.” I grinned, letting his words warm me. “So, what’s on the agenda today?”

  “This morning belongs to you,” Isaac said. “This afternoon and evening, you belong to us.” His eyes shifted from me to Dante. “And you do, too.”

  “It would be my pleasure, Master,” Dante offered, his voice lower, more sensual than usual.

  My head snapped as though it was held on by rubber bands. Master? When had that happened?

  That was when I noticed Dante. It was as though his entire being had transformed, from the inside out, he seemed to glow. Master. Huh. He’d finally found what he was looking for. That warmed me more than I expected, my heart seeming to swell in my chest.

  I bit into my biscuit. And to think, it only took one stupid asshole to set the whole thing in motion.

  “So, I have a request.” Heaven’s voice preceded her into the room.

  “Good morning,” Ian said firmly. “How about you start with that?”

  “Good morning.” She grinned, at the same time rolling her eyes, a move that would’ve gotten a submissive punishment.

  I glanced at Ian then Isaac. Neither man called her on it. In fact, neither seemed to care.

  “What’s your request?” Ian asked as she sauntered over to the biscuits.

  She turned, propped against the counter. “Would it be possible for me to get a mani/pedi today? I know that sounds like a diva, but…” She studied her fingernails.

  “I’m in,” I blurted, figuring solidarity couldn’t hurt. And I was so on board that train.

  “Of course. Find a place nearby,” Ian answered, though his response seemed directed more at me. “I’ll take you.”

  “Good.” Isaac pushed to his feet, picked up a stack of papers. “Some enlightening reading material while you wait.”

  “What are you going to do while we’re gone?” I asked, simply to give him a hard time.

  His gaze swung over to Dante. “I’ve got a submissive to deal with.”

  The promise in those words was enough to get me hot and he wasn’t even talking about me.

  Two hours later, I was relaxing in a big leather recliner, my feet in bubbling water while a woman with skilled hands kneaded my arches, another rubbing oil into my hand and some wicked machine working up and down my back.

  “What’s going on with Dante?”

  I looked over to see Heaven staring at me, her head resting on the back of the chair. She looked as blissed out as I felt.

  “I think they’ve claimed him,” I said, keeping my voice low, not wanting Ian to hear me.

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “He seems extremely pleased.”

  “He does, huh?” Heaven sighed. “I’ve never seen a situation like that. You know. With them and Dante. And you, for that matter.”

  She didn’t have to explain for me to know she was referring to the dynamic at Ian and Isaac’s.

  “Me, neither,” I admitted.

  “No, but you’re part of that world.”

  That world meaning BDSM, I knew.

  “You’re familiar with the ins and outs. I’m lost.”

  “You seem to be handling yourself well.”

  Her eyes met mine again. Her face sobered. “It’s fun. Especially after all I went through with Danny, but Everly … the more I think about it, the weirder I feel. I’m much more suited to being with one man. But not Danny. I need a man who’ll put me first always.”

  For whatever reason, that warmed me. For as long as I’d known Heaven, she’d been a slave to Danny and not in the fun, fetish way. He had treated her like shit time and time again, and she was always going back for more. The thought of her moving past him made me feel better. And though she wasn’t interested in the dynamic that Dante and I were, perhaps it had given her more perspective.

  “I really do have to leave. I don’t care to stay with my sister, but I think it’s important. For all of us.”

  I glanced over at Ian. “I get it.” I met her gaze again. “I just want you to be safe.”

  “Oh, trust me. That’s high on
my list of things to do. What that guy did to Danny…” Her eyes dropped to her feet. “I talked to him, by the way. Checked on him. He’s fucked up. And not just physically.”

  I could only imagine.

  “I’m not looking to go back to him, but I care about his well-being. Call me an idiot or whatever.”

  “You’re not an idiot,” I assured her. “You’re a good friend.”

  I looked down at my foot, realizing the woman had stopped, her full attention on our conversation. When she caught me eyeing her, she looked away.

  “And just think, being free of him will allow Prince Charming to make his move. Have you talked to him lately?”

  Her eyes widened. “No. He hasn’t come into the store in a while.”

  “Well, the next time he does, perhaps you should ask him out.”

  “Me? Really?”

  “Why not? Women are allowed to ask men out, you know.”

  “I know, but…”

  “But nothing,” I picked up. “You’re single. And provided he is, what’s stopping you? You could play the pretty princess to his Prince Charming. Have some fun.” I lowered my voice. “Perhaps you’ve picked up a thing or two during your time with all of us.”

  Heaven laughed, a sound so loud it had Ian looking up from the papers he’d been reading.

  I smiled, waved. “We’re being good, I promise.”

  He shook his head, had that exasperated look on his face, then went back to reading.

  Heaven motioned toward me, waving her hand in a circle as though encompassing my face. “This whole thing … the sweet, innocent look you’ve got going … it’s a façade.”

  I winked at her. I could be naughty when I wanted.

  “So what do you think Isaac and Dante are doing?”

  I noticed the woman working on Heaven’s feet look up, waiting for a response.

  “Hopefully really dirty things.”

  Heaven laughed again. “Yeah. You keep that up. I can see punishment in your very near future.”

  I sighed, relaxed. “A girl can only hope.”


  While the girls were finishing up inside, I stepped outside to return a call to my boss.


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