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Their Fairy Princess (Office Intrigue Book 7)

Page 26

by Nicole Edwards

  I moved back to his thigh, and when he settled, I dragged the current along the underside of his cock.

  “Fuck … oh, fuck…”

  “Do not come,” I commanded, teasing him relentlessly and pulling back right before he would’ve hit the point of no return.

  He was panting when I turned off the electricity, set the wand to the side.


  “Green, Master,” he said between breaths.

  Then we were a go for the next part.

  A part I was particularly looking forward to.


  The pleasure was intense.


  I never wanted it to end.

  Even as I lay in the leather sling, unable to move and plunged into complete darkness, I felt more alive than I’d ever felt before. Absolutely no fear, only anticipation, excitement. Tremendous desire.

  Trust wasn’t something that came easily for me, but I trusted Isaac. Not only would he not hurt me or push me to a dark place, he would care for me.

  I’d never had that before, and I found I craved it like a drug.

  I heard him move but had no idea what he was doing. Whatever he’d used on me had been stimulating, tickling over my skin, making the hairs on my body stand on end. The noise had been familiar, like an electric current or something, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

  Now I could feel him close, standing near my head. I waited, trying to ignore the vibrator currently making it difficult to focus on anything except for the pleasure in my ass.

  Warm breath fanned my mouth and my head dipped back slightly. When Isaac’s lips moved over mine, his tongue plunging inside, I wanted to grab hold of him and never let go. Instead, I turned my head, giving him better access. He kissed me, long and hard, urgent thrusts of his tongue against mine. I wasn’t ready for him to stop when he pulled back. I could hear him breathing as hard as I was.

  I relaxed my head back on the pillow, followed the sound of him moving around the stand. The vibrator in my ass slowed, ratcheting up my nerves as I waited for what was to come.

  Something warm dripped onto my stomach, just above my navel. Another drop landed, then another. It took a moment for my nerve endings to realize the heat. By then I was moaning as more liquid dripped down on me. A line of warmth went up my stomach, my chest. Heat splashed on my nipple and I moaned low in my throat. My cock throbbed.


  “Green, Master.”

  Isaac chuckled and I realized how urgent that sounded.

  I suspected he was using wax of some sort because it cooled quickly, making my skin feel tight. When he dripped it on my other nipple, there was more of it. The exquisite pleasure/pain had me trying to arch my back, groaning as electric sparks ignited in the base of my spine. My cock was so fucking hard.

  I breathed through it, thinking about colors in order to weaken the urge to come.

  Something cool and wet covered my chest before it was wiped over me. The sensation was intense, my skin still warm from the liquid.

  I lay there, breathing roughly as I waited, listening for any signal of what was coming.

  Either he was trying to be silent or the blood pounding in my ears drowned any noise out, because I didn’t know Isaac had moved until the warm liquid trickled over my cock.

  “Fuck!” I jumped, hissed.


  “Green! Oh, God!”

  More liquid landed, tickling my balls with warmth. The vibrator increased and I cried out.

  “Master! Oh, fuck.” It took everything in me to hold back. My chest was heaving, lungs burning. My senses were overwhelmed and yet I still wanted more.

  As though he knew, Isaac didn’t stop. He poured the liquid over the insides of my thighs, then the sensitive head of my dick.

  I fought the tears that threatened, the sensations brutal but amazing at the same time.

  “Do not come,” Isaac barked.

  “I won’t, Master.” I jerked at the restraints, trying to distract myself. I was close, too close. “Oh, fuck.”

  And then it all stopped.

  The heat, the vibrations. It disappeared completely, giving me a brief reprieve.

  The room was eerily silent without the hum from the vibrator.

  I hissed when the cool rag was dragged over my cock. The cock ring was removed, blood flowing in a painful rush. The vibrator was removed next. It gave me a moment to pull myself together, but I prayed our hour wasn’t up. I wasn’t ready for it to be over. I needed more.

  Isaac returned beside my head. He leaned over and once again his lips met mine. I sighed into his mouth. He kept it slow this time, gentle. It made my insides quiver, my need for him intensifying.

  When he pulled back, he reached for my left wrist. I thought he was going to release me, but he didn’t. His hand curled around my wrist. It was slick with oil or something as he began massaging me. He worked his way down my arm, taking his time, enhancing my pleasure as he worked. I couldn’t see him, but that didn’t matter.


  “Green … Master,” I said softly, emotion building in my chest.

  He massaged my neck, my collar bones. Pecs, stomach, thigh. Then down my shin, even my foot. He disappeared, returning near my head again, working his way from my right wrist down to my right foot. I was boneless by the time he finished.

  I heard his footsteps move to the back of the room, then return by my head. Once more he kissed me. Slow, reverent. My chest was rising and falling rapidly from the emotion that was threatening to explode. I’d never had any man treat me with such care the way Isaac and Ian had. Both had ensured my pleasure when I was with them, even beyond their own.

  I’d never considered that was an objective when it came to Domination and submission, but I was learning more and more every day. What I thought I knew becoming obsolete.

  As Isaac kissed me, I felt the blindfold loosen, then slip off. I didn’t open my eyes until he pulled his mouth from mine. I had to blink a few times to adjust to the overhead lights.

  He walked around to stand between my legs, and I thought he was finished.

  His eyes were intense when they met mine. He retrieved something from a small table I couldn’t see beneath me. It was a bottle of lubricant. He squirted it into his palms, then fisted my cock.

  My eyes threatened to roll back in my head. It was warm as he stroked me. He took extra care, not rushing as he brought me closer and closer to orgasm with the glide of his hands over my cock. He added more lubricant twice, making me groan as the pleasure intensified.

  I was starting to think he was going to get me off with his hand, then his fingers slid between my ass cheeks, pushed inside me. I locked my eyes with his, a silent plea. I wanted—no, needed—to feel him inside me. I wanted to be one with him. It would be the perfect end to the most intensely amazing scene I’d ever done.


  “Green, Master.”

  “Is there something you want?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  His eyes remained locked with mine, emerald green merging with navy blue. “Tell me.”

  “I need to feel you inside me, Master.”

  “Need? Not want?” He smiled, but his eyes were hotter.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Isaac added another finger, pushing in deep, teasing my prostate as he worked me open. I dropped my head back, tried to focus on anything other than coming. It was too much, but not enough at the same time. His hands disappeared and I watched as he walked to the other side of the room.

  Water came on, stayed on for a few seconds. When it went off, he returned. Isaac did something that tilted the sling, raising my head slightly. He returned to his spot between my legs, his eyes locking with mine as he freed his cock. There was no fumbling, no preamble. I felt the pressure as he pushed in deep. His eyes turned dark, his face strained, as though the pleasure was as great for him as it was for me.

  I couldn’t look away. He put
his hands on the sling, pulled it toward him, using the momentum to thrust and retreat. He fucked me thoroughly, maintaining the same steady pace that had my breath halting in my lungs.

  “Color?” There was a gruffness to his voice this time.

  “Green, Master,” I said on a raspy breath. “So fucking green.”

  He smirked and I saw the change as it happened, but he reined it in, slowed before he could speed up, braced himself before he could drive into me.

  “Please, don’t,” I whimpered. “Please don’t hold back, Master. I need you.”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for, Dante.”

  “I’m asking for you, Isaac. All of you.”

  He inhaled sharply, jerked the sling toward him, impaling me. I cried out his name, followed by a plethora of pleas. I fought to keep my eyes open, not wanting to miss a second, although the pleasure was overwhelming me, tingling at the base of my spine, electric sparks igniting.

  I held out and I was doing a damn fine job until he fisted my cock, then stroked in time with his thrusts, driving into me, pulling back. Again and again, faster, harder, deeper. So fucking deep.

  I groaned.

  And I knew right then that he needed me to come without permission. How I knew, I wasn’t sure, but it was imperative that I did. He needed the control that came along with it, because I could see in his eyes that he thought he was losing it.

  I threw my head back and roared, coming in a rush of blinding light that had every muscle flexing.

  Seconds later, Isaac drove into me, impossibly deep, and erupted.

  Once again, complete silence descended, our harsh breathing the only sound. I turned my head when he walked to the back of the room. I could hear him cleaning himself up. He returned with a warm, wet towel. Cleaned my cock, my ass, gently, thoroughly.

  Air was scarce, my body weak as he released the restraint on my ankle. He rested that leg on his shoulder as he freed the other, then lowered them to the floor before unhooking my wrists. He massaged them briefly, then came to stand in front of me.

  This time when he kissed me, he cupped my face, a move that made my heart ache in my chest. This man … I was falling for him. Hard and fast. Something that I’d never thought would happen. Not in my lifetime.

  When he pulled back, he slid his thumbs over my cheeks, stared in my eyes. “When we get home, you’ve earned punishment. I want you to go to your room, take a shower. When you’re finished, I want you to kneel in the center of your bedroom until I come for you. Don’t bother getting dressed.”

  “Yes, Master, it would be my pleasure.”

  He smirked. This time it was wicked and sexy. “We’ll see about that.”

  And I knew we most definitely would.



  The second we pulled down Ian and Isaac’s driveway, I knew something was wrong.

  Not because I could see it or sense it. Because Ian and Isaac could.

  The garage door opened slowly, but Isaac didn’t pull the Escalade inside. He left it out, turned off the engine.

  “I’ll go in the front. You take the back,” Ian commanded. He glanced over his shoulder at us. “Dante, you get in the driver’s seat. If at any time you feel either of you are in danger, I want you to leave. The police station isn’t far from here. Go directly there, understand?”

  “Yes, Master,” he said firmly before opening his door.

  Isaac didn’t look back at us, his entire focus on the house. Dante climbed into the driver’s seat, locked the doors when they closed. He turned the engine over, flipped the radio off.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, keeping my voice barely above a whisper.

  “I don’t know.”

  I glanced out all the windows, trying to see what had set them off. It took a minute, but I finally saw it. There was a red light flashing at the top eave over the garage. It was small, but they’d obviously known what to look for.

  Minutes felt like hours, my heart pounding like a bass drum. Finally, Ian appeared, walking over to the driver’s side.

  “Pull it in the garage,” he told Dante when he rolled the window down.

  Ian waited while Dante parked, shut off the engine. The garage door was down before he allowed us out.

  “Please tell me what’s going on,” I begged.

  “Just stay quiet. Not a word,” he snapped, motioning for us to go inside.

  When I walked in, all the lights were blazing, every corner lit up like the face of the sun. Nothing looked out of place, just how we’d left it.

  Dante started toward his room, but Isaac stopped him with a hand on his chest. “No.”

  I watched the staring contest that ensued.

  I wasn’t surprised when Dante didn’t back down, his voice low when he asked, “What did he do?”

  Isaac merely shook his head.

  Dante tried to move forward. Isaac held him back.

  “You don’t need to see it. Neither of you do.” He pointed across the house. “You’ll sleep in one of those rooms tonight.”

  “Isaac.” Dante’s voice was clipped, angry.

  Isaac got right in his face. “Don’t.”

  “I have to.”

  I could feel the pain and anger coming off them both, knew whatever had happened was bad. Isaac was rattled, not to mention extremely pissed, and Dante seemed to know something I didn’t.

  “While you two hash it out,” Ian growled, “I’m going to sweep the rooms.”

  Sweep the rooms?

  I raised my eyebrows, glanced over at Ian. Then it dawned on me because, you know, I’d seen enough crime TV over the years. He was checking for bugs.

  Holy crap.

  Finally, Isaac backed down, stepping aside so Dante could go past.

  I followed, pushed forward when Isaac tried to hold me back.

  I could smell paint fumes when I stepped inside. I stared at the destruction. Every single thing in the room was destroyed. The bedding and mattress were shredded, doors ripped off the hinges. The furniture looked as though someone had taken an axe to it. Holes dotted all the walls except one.

  That one, still intact, had a message painted in red:


  Below the letters were five pictures, all taken here, in the backyard. Me, Heaven, Dante, Isaac, and Ian. In that order. Large steak knives had been driven into four of them, right between the eyes.

  Dante was breathing hard, his chest rising and falling. I’d never seen him so angry. It pained me that anyone would do this to him.

  I stared at the wall and that’s when I saw the smaller message. There was an arrow pointed toward the picture of me. Beside it: SHE’LL BE THE FIRST TO DIE.

  “Oh, my God,” I gasped, stumbled back.

  Isaac grabbed me, pulled me into his arms, and held me, his hands curling protectively over my head as I fisted his shirt and sobbed.

  I walked with him when he led me out of the room. He guided me over to a barstool, held me as I composed myself. I couldn’t seem to let go of him, not sure why.

  “We need to call the police,” I suggested.

  “There’s nothing they can do,” Isaac said softly. “But it’ll be taken care of.”

  Nothing they could do? Someone had broken in. Those were … death threats. Surely they could do something. Find the asshole. Put him behind bars. Anything.

  I heard footsteps, then Ian’s voice. “Fifteen in the bedrooms alone.”

  I pulled back from Isaac. “Fifteen what?”

  “Cameras. There were two in Dante’s room. We took them down before we let you in the house.”

  “Are they all gone?”


  “I thought you set the alarm?”

  Ian, obviously hearing my distress, walked over, hugged me against him, kissed the top of my head.

  “We did,” Isaac responded. “He bypassed it so

  “But there’s another alarm,” I stated. “The light on the house.”

  “Yeah. It’s on a separate circuit. Detects any motion. It doesn’t send a signal, though.”

  “I called Ransom,” Ian said. “Asked him to come by. I don’t trust my equipment alone. Need him to sweep again, make sure I didn’t miss anything.”

  Isaac nodded. “When he gets here, I want you to go to our room.”

  I shook my head. “No. Please. I … I want to be with you.”

  He must’ve heard the terror I had tried to disguise. I didn’t want to fall apart, but this was terrifying. Especially for Dante.

  Isaac pulled me into him again. This time I wasn’t sure I could ever let go. I was trembling, petrified. Not only for myself but for all of us. This guy … he was batshit crazy. He’d attacked me once, got into Isaac’s. What would stop him from coming back, killing us all in our sleep?

  I sobbed.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” Isaac whispered in my ear, then gripped my shoulders and shifted me back. “I need to check the weapons. Don’t move from this spot.”

  When he turned, I noticed the black pistol tucked into the back of his pants. He was a bodyguard, so that came with the territory, right? I hadn’t seen any weapons since we got here, so I could only assume they had them locked up.

  “Don’t move,” Ian said, following his twin.

  When Isaac and Ian headed down to the basement, I remained where I was, my gaze scanning the kitchen, wondering if the asshole was out there watching us. Dante hadn’t come out of the room, and I was tempted to check on him but scared to at the same time. I knew he needed to process, but he needed us, too. It was always a difficult decision when it came to overstepping with Dante. I didn’t know who this guy was, what he wanted from Dante, but it wasn’t a lover’s jealousy that had driven him to destroy that room. No, it was insanity.

  Ian and Isaac returned a few minutes later. They both headed straight for Dante’s room, then brought him back out. It looked as though they’d had to force him, but they were gentle at least.

  “Take Everly to the living room,” Isaac instructed. “Turn on the TV. Settle. And don’t move. Under any circumstance, understand?”


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