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A Vampire's Christmas [Milson Valley 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by Jo Penn

  “I guess that makes sense,” Tyler mused. “Djinn use nature in their gift. So what does that mean? Our mate bond is broken?” The arm Tyler had wrapped around Con’s waist tightened.

  “It means that until the bond is solid you will need to be close to one another. Any attempt to leave one another will result in tearing and could literally cause Constantin emotional and physical damage. It’s why djinn don’t always form a bond with a mate on the off chance something happens and they have a falling out. The djinn could suffer greatly from this, to the extent of physically withering away, death or losing their gift and will to live,” Xavier explained.

  Con stared up at the dark haired vampire, appalled. “Are you saying I can’t go anywhere without Tyler? That we have to be touching at all times? B-but…I have work! I have university—”

  “Sweets, look at me.”

  Something in Tyler’s voice broke through the panic that was beginning to cloud Con’s mind, making him want to run far away and hide. He glanced over his shoulder at Tyler and felt himself relax, the panic receding and knew Tyler had used his mind gift on him. He’d be angry about that later, right now Con had other problems of a higher priority to deal with.

  Like, what the frigging hell!

  “What it means, Constantin, is that until you and Tyler have bonded fully, you will have to remain in close physical proximity to one another,” Xavier said calmly, icy blue eyes actually gentle. “As you are now living at the coven and you both attend university that should not be a difficulty. You are good at logistics, I am positive you can find a solution that does not cause you to feel suffocated. But first, what is most important is understanding that you know, deep inside, Tyler is your mate and that your djinn part has accepted this.”

  Con got it, he really did. He couldn’t help his head lowering and his heart aching, though. It had taken him years to break away from his sadistic family and set himself up, to know where he was going and that he could achieve what he set out to do. Now it felt like his life was being torn from him.

  “I can feel your sadness, mate.” Tyler murmured, his mouth brushing against Con’s ear. “It doesn’t have to be a bad thing, you’ll see.”

  The vampire was always so happy and positive. It baffled Con a little, he wasn’t sure of the happy and positive attitude for how could anyone be all the time? But maybe that was just his more pessimistic outlook on life and everyone around him.

  And that thought made him feel not so good about himself.


  “Yep! We’ll get you settled in, I’ll do lots of touching and once you get over your irritation at me and thinking to leave, crazy thought that is, you won’t have to put up with me hanging off you all the time. I’ll even give you time without being pushy.”

  His gift, the inbuilt radar for lies and deception, went off like an alarm. Maybe that is what made him a touch cynical, Con considered, always knowing when others lied and deceived. And right now he didn’t like Tyler hiding something from him, lying. The vampire hadn’t done that before and it irked Con something fierce.

  Pushing Tyler’s arm from around his waist, surprising the vampire so he loosened his hold. Con turned on the bench and glared at the hot creature.

  “Don’t lie to me, ever.”

  Tyler jerked back, blinking. “What do you mean? I didn’t…holy crap! You know when creatures lie?”

  “Yeah, so if you don’t want me, just keep being deceitful. Ugh! Why the fuck are you putting me in this position, Tyler? I told you it’d never work, I did everything to make you lose interest—”


  The firm but soft tone had Con stopping his tirade and turning to look at Xavier. He knew an authority figure when he saw one and the guy was just full of authority and control. Con frowned, not sure what to do. He was sort of stuck here and now he’d gone and got attached to Tyler, if the doctor was telling the truth, and Con would know if she lied. He was going to have to come out of his shell and begin opening up. It was a daunting prospect.

  Tyler rubbed a hand gently up and down Con’s back. Between the drug and the touch, Con relaxed and sighed, rubbing his now aching head.

  “A mate is the most precious person in the world to a paranormal. I will not say a mateship is always perfect and full of happiness, for just like any relationship there are squabbles, adjustments that have to be made and different personalities. But it takes time and both must try. I understand you will find this difficult initially and as family, we will be there for both you and Tyler.” Xavier reached out and gently grasped Con’s shoulder, his icy blue eyes intense. “You are one of the few djinn whose gift is not triggered by age or mating. We can help you block it so it does not always have to be on and picking up lies and deceit, for we all know sometimes a lie is not meant to be harmful.”

  That was true, but still, lying wasn’t good, no matter what.

  “Okay, sweets?”

  “I guess. But it’s a part of me…it’ll be like I’m naked without it.”

  Tyler grinned and tugged Con back against his chest. “We can be naked together without it. I don’t always have my gift working. Creatures are taught to block it so we don’t get inundated with what everyone else is doing, thinking and feeling. We don’t want our gifts to interfere in everyday life. Everyone has a right to privacy and if we go around listening to minds and knowing when they lie and deceive, that’s an invasion and can be a bit wrong.”

  Con got that, he saw Tyler could be right and sighed. “Okay.”

  It was so strange with Tyler. He didn’t mind being in the man’s arms, he didn’t mind his constant touch and the mere thought of being separated felt like Con’s heart would literally stop. This must be what mates felt like. Still, it was very new to Con. He’d just have to take it one day at a time. Right now he gave in and leaned his head against Tyler’s neck and watched.

  “Looks like you win this argument.”

  Tyler’s eldest brother strode into the room as Tyler laughed.

  “I think we both win, sweets. Hey, Misha. You know, this is probably all your fault, big brother. You told me to bond and mate quickly, which freaked Con out.”

  Con bit his lip to stop the startled laugh escaping. Misha hissed and ranted a few moments before taking a few deep breaths, glared at Tyler, then turned to Doctor Aston.

  “Constantin will be fine as long as he accepts the bond that has formed between himself and Tyler. For the next few hours to re-establish the bond they will need to be physically touching. After that, they will have to remain physically close until bonding and mating.”

  “Very well—”

  “I just heard! What happened? Ooh, I see a lot going on in both your auras. Interesting, real interesting.” Tyler’s friend, Archie, rushed into the room and grinned at both of them.

  “What’s interesting?” Tyler narrowed his eyes on his friend. “Don’t start with that. Ryson is always saying interesting and then not actually delivering on the interesting information. Fill me in.”

  Archie continued to grin, rocking back and forth on his feet. “You two are so cute together.”

  “Argh.” Tyler wiggled off the bench with Con in his arms. “Archie!”

  “You’ve got no patience, buddy.” Archie laughed. “You’re going to be learning some though if you want to get anywhere with your mate.” Archie then turned that smile on Con. “And you’ll be learning to like exuberant and cheerful—” Archie sniffed the air, eyes going wide. “Is that Linc I smell?”

  “Yes.” Doctor Aston smiled at both Con and Tyler as she walked past them carrying her bag. “Linc was just at the Estate dropping off some of Chane’s natural medicines and tripped—my, he is a fast vampire. But that won’t help him, Linc left the Estate half an hour ago.”

  Tyler chuckled. “My best bud has a mammoth crush on a feline shifter. Okay, let’s go cuddle for a while.”

  Chapter Five

  The vampire liked to cuddle, apparently. A lot.
br />   Constantin managed to have Tyler let him walk back to the suite, but as they had to be physically touching at this stage, as per the doctor’s advice, they held hands which was a new experience for Con as public displays of affection had always made him squeamish. None of the other coven members stared, though, or appeared bothered by it, a lot smiling in greeting, others nodding and addressing Tyler as “Your Highness.”

  Once inside the suite, Tyler tugged Con through to the main bedroom that had a king-size bed, big, modern furniture, and a large widescreen television. It was a bit awkward trying to maneuver onto the bed and take off shoes and sweaters, and when they wanted snacks, they both had to go to the kitchen. Con could have grumped about it and been irritated but Tyler found it funny and used the opportunity to caress and feel Con up.

  While he pushed Tyler’s hands away and admonished, he actually found himself smiling a little. As well as being cheerful and positive, Tyler was persistent. Every time Con removed the vamp’s hands from one part of his body, a hand went to another part, which led to bodies being pressed together, some kissing, and a lot more touching. It was hard to resist the creature. Everywhere Tyler touched had Con withering in pleasure, his body enjoying every caress and coming alive.

  Con had once enjoyed kissing. Djinn tended to be tactile with those they liked and family, so with every touch of lips he felt closer to Tyler. And the way the vampire kissed blew away any possible lingering protests Con may have had. He became the aggressor a few times, hands sliding into Tyler’s silky hair and taking the vampire’s lips, pressing their bodies close, touching and holding tight, feeling the soft smooth skin.

  Tyler though was definitely the real aggressor, locking Con beneath him and devouring his mouth, taking and sucking. It took a lot of willpower, and his conscience reminding Con he would only be upset with himself and Tyler if he allowed their make-out session to continue, or go further than this. And it took five times to show the vampire he meant it when he said stop. Not that Tyler was being brutal or pushing too much, he just kept touching and kissing and encouraging Con to reconsider. In the end, Con managed to push the man over and straddled Tyler’s waist, the vampire’s pale green eyes sweeping over Con’s body and he panted, sharp fangs long in his mouth.

  “I can’t, Tyler. I need time.”

  Con should have been concerned, anxious how this creature would react, that Tyler might become aggressive and disregard what Con wanted and needed, maybe hurt him to get what he wanted. But he wasn’t really worried. Cautious, sure, he wasn’t going to drop that overnight. But this was Tyler and though he was being a bit pushy, he wasn’t demanding, just into what they were doing and wanting more. Tyler wouldn’t hurt Con, he felt sure of it…mostly.

  That was a little confusing to feel like he trusted Tyler already. The mate pull sure did work fast.

  Tyler let go of Con’s hips and flopped back, arms flung wide. His eyes glistening in the dim lights, he panted, and smiled.

  “Give me a minute, mate.”

  Thinking it’d help to cool the man down if he climbed off, he went to move but Tyler hissed and with a flick and speed had Con flat on his back and was sniffing his neck. Paranormals were so damn strong and fast.


  “Sorry, sweets.” Tyler chuckled, still sniffing Con but also patting his chest.

  “Why did you react like that? Why’d you grab me?”

  “Know much about vampires, Constantin?”

  “Err, a little…not much, I guess.”

  Tyler moved off and made himself comfortable lying on his side with a pillow tucked beneath his head. He got one for Con too and placed it under his head.

  “Well, there are a few types. What did you think of Xavier?”

  “Ah, your cousin—or was he your brother?” Con felt a bit muddled, he’d met a few creatures today, and it could be hard keeping everyone straight.

  “Both. Technically cousin but we’re a close family, Ma made sure of that and Xavier is ours, so he’s a brother. Anyway, what are your thoughts on him and be honest.”

  Not sure where this was going, Con sighed and rubbed his eyes. Thankfully the change in conversation had deflated his erection and calmed him down. He thought of Xavier.

  “Hot. Stunning. Smart and authoritative.”

  “Ha! All true. Anything else? Come on, sweets, you’re perceptive, you study others, are always prepared.”

  Con studied Tyler curiously. “How do you know that?”

  “I’ve been studying you. So, Xavier?”

  Sighing, Con shrugged. “Okay, he seems reserved. He was affectionate and caring toward you, but most of the time he was watchful.”

  “Yep. And Misha?”

  Con smiled a little, remembering Misha ranting at Tyler when the younger vampire blamed his older brother for causing Con to get upset.

  “He has passion. He’s awesome hot. Authoritative, really confident and arrogant.”

  Laughing, Tyler nodded. “Yep again. Of course there’s more to both but they’re a good example of different types of vampires. Other creatures see vamps as cool and reserved, call us stuck-up snobs and elitist. Sometimes that’s true. But like any other creature type, including humans, we come in all different shapes, sizes, mental dysfunctions, and personality types.”

  Con smiled. He couldn’t help it. He enjoyed Tyler and his cheerful exuberance. The creature was even cheerful when serious!

  “Yeah? So what defines a vampire then? Fangs? Drinking blood?”

  “Sure. I’m still young so I feed, which is drink blood, a few times a week.” Tyler trailed a finger along Con’s throat. “I’m going to love feeding from you, sweets. From here.” He caressed the spot he was touching on Con’s neck. “While I’m deep inside you. I’ll send you mindless with lust. And here.” Tyler pressed a hand to Con’s inner thigh, briefly, withdrawing it with a fanged smile. “Then I’ll give you head and bite you there too—”

  “Tyler!” Con’s voice cracked. He cleared his throat. “You w-were saying about different vampires?”

  Giving a pout and a sigh, Tyler continued. “Fine, keep your gorgeous bod to yourself. So, vampires. We have cold ones. Cool ones. And passionate and fun like me. Cool ones are just more contained, are watchful but don’t have any problems. They can laugh and have fun, they just have to be in the mood.” Tyler rolled his eyes at that. “I guess they are about half the vamp population, that’s why we’ve got such a reputation for being reserved and aloof. Then there are vamps like me who don’t have any coolness. Xavier’s a cool vamp but he can fire up and is passionate with his mates and family. Misha and I are cheerful, passionate vamps.” Tyler lost his smile. “Then there are a rare few of my kind who suffer what we term the cold vampires. Their emotions shut down in a way and they can get nasty. They’re medicated and helped to return to cool or passionate. My brother Valiant suffers the cold condition.”

  “I’m sorry, can he be helped?”

  “Yeah…maybe. Been too many times now. We know one time soon he won’t return from cold and…” Tyler sighed. “Love Val Baby. And then there is Ryson. He’s around here half the time, other half lives with the gargoyles or at the Durand New York coven. He has a quirk that doesn’t place him in any vampire category, or creature one. He has shallow emotions, doesn’t get the deeper ones.”

  “That’d suck,” Con murmured, aching for Tyler.

  Tyler chuckled. “Yeah, wouldn’t it? Ry has some awesome deep emotions, but he’s got this filter that mostly stops them coming through. Sometimes, though…” Tyler’s smile lit the room. “He’s complete and wow, when he is, and Valiant’s okay, it’s like the world is suddenly alive and feeling, a pulse going through the entire family.”

  “You really love your family.”

  “Yep. I do. I’m sorry yours are fuckheads. So vamps. I’m telling you all this to explain why I reacted by grabbing you and got off track a little. You see, I grabbed you because you went to move away when I was feeling the vampire ne
ed to claim and mate. As I’m not a cool or cold vamp.” Tyler flashed a grin. “I get a bit heated and reacted, not wanting you running away from me again.”

  “I wasn’t running. You stopped, I thought to climb off so you could cool down.”

  “Thanks, sweets, don’t do it again.”

  Con sat up and flicked hair off his forehead. “What?”

  “You triggered my vamp need to keep my mate close. You hungry? I’m starving. Choose a film.”

  Completely thrown by that but seeing a different side to Tyler, Con did what he usually did when confronted with a situation or person he was unsure of. He would have to take a bit of time to understand Tyler because he’d only seen a gentle, caring side as well as the cheerful, smart vampire, the prince with some arrogance. Yes, he could plot and plan and was persistent, after all, he’d kept at Con for months now. What he hadn’t seen was this more dominant side.

  It wasn’t that it didn’t gel with Tyler’s personality now that Con thought about it, this was just a bit of a shock. Tyler hadn’t shown this until today and Con really wasn’t sure how he felt about it, and what would come next.

  There was much more to the youngest vampire prince and that worried him.

  * * * *

  Tyler had worried his mate. He seemed to do that whenever they were together. He guessed it was bound to happen when having a mate who was so cautious and standoffish. And Constantin was only seeing one side of Tyler for some reason. There was much more than just the fun-loving university student who pursued his mate. He didn’t think Constantin wanted to see more, though—the man hadn’t wanted to know exactly who Tyler was. Not when he believed Tyler was merely interested in getting in his pants, not even now when discovering they were mates. Nope, the human was having a burying his head in the sand moment.

  While Tyler may be cheerful and fun, he was also an aggressive creature in a lot of ways and Constantin was his mate, so of course he’d get aggressive and possessive. Tyler was also aggressive in his studies, his work and when it came to the coven and creatures in it. He could also be dominant and a touch bossy, but he worked on the bossiness as he knew not many people liked being bossed around.


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