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A Prisoner for Her Curves

Page 3

by J J Loraine

  I have to confess; I dream of you almost every night. I wake up, sweaty and devastated that you’re not actually in my arms. I have no bed; I sleep on a hard, dusty floor, but the thought of your soft, curvy body keeps me sane. I WILL put my hands around you someday, whether in a hug or something more...

  Sometimes, when I wake up from dreaming of you, I’m just as hard as the ground I sleep on...

  I want you almost more than I want my own freedom. My only remaining energy comes from my pure desire to finally meet you; to finally give you what you deserve... a piece of me... ALL of me.

  I apologize if all this seems too upfront. You have to understand, I’m in the middle of quite the internal crisis right now. There’s nothing I can do about my captors other than refuse to bow. They don’t like that... when I don’t show them respect, but there’s no way they’re getting it out of me. The pleasure of meeting you someday outweighs any pain they can inflict on me.

  I WILL have the last laugh, and it will be with you by my side.

  ... I was too ashamed to admit it before, but now I don’t have the luxury to be patient or coy.

  I’ve kept that photo of your reflection by my side since you sent it. I still have it, tucked away, right beside your letters. I fold it up too, so that I only see you...

  Poor Lester, always getting the short end of the stick...

  Please keep me updated on his letters, and on your life. I want to hear everything. I NEED to hear everything.

  I look forward to more from you... I only hope I can hear the words come from your lips someday...

  Until then,

  Your friend...




  Dear Jax,

  I swear to God, if those bastards put a hand on your beautiful body...

  I feel so helpless. All I want to do is help, but maybe Gordon was right, I can barely even help myself.

  I’ve been doing so much better since your last letter, but still, it doesn’t feel like I’m any closer to getting my dream job. I could really use the money too, there are just so many things I need to get done, so many bills to settle, so much debt to pay off...

  Let’s not think about the bad, though. Let’s only talk about the good.

  I did finally meet one of Gordon’s bosses (Steve) the other day. We got along fine. Now, if I can just get in his head enough for him to overrule any dissention by Gordon...

  I also found a locksmith to break open the bottom of Lester’s trove!

  I have to tell you, what I found was NOT what I was expecting.

  Sure, there were plenty of letters – in fact, there are way more at the bottom of the trove than there were at the top -- but when I went through them, trying to sort them by date, so that I could get a proper timeline before reading, I saw that none of them were addressed to Marie. In fact, none of them had addresses at all.

  If Lester and Marie continued their correspondence after Lester returned home, the letters are not in the trove... or anywhere else in his house.

  I find that sad... they seemed so in love. I hope they found some closure, but knowing Lester, and his general grumpy demeanor, I don’t have much hope that there was a happy ending there... he had to have had a reason for being so sour...

  What about all the new letters that I found then; you might be asking?

  Well, you’ll never believe who they’re all addressed to.

  Not Marie.

  No, instead, they’re all to Allen!

  That’s right. Countless letters to his best friend, his army buddy, dated from after he returned home. Does this mean Allen somehow survived? I haven’t read the letters yet, just sorted them out. The locksmith only opened up the trove the other day. I’ve been dying to go through them. I wonder what they say...

  Also, no real news yet on Lester’s last will and testament, although I WAS finally contacted by a lawyer who said his firm represents Lester’s estate. I still have to schedule a meeting with him. I’ve just been so busy with work, and so consumed by your letters, that I need to find time.

  It feels like I’m living two different lives. One as a normal civilian, going about her everyday life, and one right by your side, in some dusty prison camp on the other side of the sea.

  I’m doing my best, though... and don’t think I’ve forgotten your naughty request... I’m more than happy to oblige. In fact, I’ve been waiting for you to ask... I can send you a picture, as well, if you’d like? Just say the word.

  I’ll include my X-rated message on another page. I think it deserves its own secret little enclave... I had to take a couple of showers afterwards... I kept thinking of you during them... your hard, glistening, muscular body beside me... I just couldn’t get through a cleaning session without working up a sweat...

  I’ll staple my fantasies to the back of this page... they’re for your eyes only!

  See you soon, sexy.





  Dear Jax,

  As promised.

  I hear a knock at my door. It’s late. I’m in my thin, pink-laced nightgown. It hugs my voluptuous curves, barely containing my big tits and thick ass. It’s nearly see-through. I strut to the door and pull it open to find you standing there.

  You tower over me. You’re wearing a tight shirt that clings to your bulging muscles. I can almost see your heartbeat through the veins in your massive arms. The heat of your body washes over me as you step forward. You have to crouch down to get inside my apartment. The doorway’s too small for you.

  When you’re inside, you stand back up at full height. I gaze up at you with big eyes full of desire. My nipples nearly cut out of my nightgown, they’re so stiff.

  I see you’re already getting hard too. Your camo fatigues hold a giant gift inside. I bit my lip and move towards you.

  We don’t have to say a word to each other. Our letters have already spoken enough. It’s time for some real human touch.

  You lean down and our lips meet. You’ve shaved, but you’re coarse stubble rubs against my soft cheeks oh-so-pleasantly. Our lips wash over each other, slowly and full of passion. It doesn’t take long before our tongues slip out. We taste each other with all the intensity of two long-lost lovers. Your big, hulking arms wrap around me. I fall into them, like a damsel, rescued by the giant beast.

  My legs quiver as you pick me up. Your thick fingers dig into my thick ass. I feel as light as a feather as you hold me and began to kiss down my neck. My whimpers of joy only invigorate you.

  I feel your teeth dig into my skin, just a little – enough to leave a mark. I’m yours and you don’t care who knows it.

  You’re so strong that you really only need one hand to hold me up. You quickly realize this, and you use your other hand for more... pertinent matters.

  First, you fondle my big breasts. I hear you groan as you take me fully in your big hand. Your growing hardness below threatens to rip out of your pants and into me. We push into each other desperately.

  “Through that door...” I whisper in your ear.

  I point the way, and you carry me through the dim apartment into my bedroom.

  You give me one last, passion-filled kiss, before you launch me onto my mattress. I bounce on the covers, and before I can stop bouncing, I’ve slipped my gown completely off.

  I blink and you’ve already ripped your clothes to shreds.

  Your manhood points at me, huge and hard. I nearly bite my lip off. I sit up and lean forward and open wide. You enter my little mouth, stretching my lips as far as they’ll go. I flatten my tongue and take in as much as you as I can bear. I don’t care about choking; I’m not embarrassed about gagging – I only want to please you.

  I feel you hit the back of my throat and I go to work. I lift my tongue and start to swirl. You moan and run your hands through the back of my hair, leading me up and down as I bob in a pleasurable rhythm.

  “My turn,” you growl, just before
I can feel your manhood reach its final form.

  You pull out of me and push me onto my back. I fall and stare up to the ceiling with wide, expectant eyes, as your mouth travels up my quivering thighs and towards my soaking loins.

  Your coarse stubble rubs against my smooth, marble skin, I heave, heavier and heavier, until your tongue finds its place at home between my thighs. I cry out. No one hears but you, and my cries only make you hotter. You lap up my juices and venture inside of me with your rough, yet careful, fingers. I arch my back and grab my covers and make a mess of my bed, but you hold me tight around the waist.

  I shake, full of orgasmic ecstasy. When my quivering eases, you pull away.

  You’re not done with me yet, though, and I know it.

  I spread my legs out wide. I’m tight and you’re big, but I’m so wet that nothing has ever felt better. You crawl over me until your huge, heaving chest is at my face. I feel you enter and I sigh. I can taste you on my breathe as it bounces off your lowering chest and back into me.

  You push, further and further until I feel your perfect, v-shaped pelvis falls onto my soft, rolling belly. Our sweaty skin sticks together. I contract around you and you wrap your big, chiseled arms around me.

  I’m completely eclipsed by your heat. I wrap my little arms around you and trail my fingernails across your back as you thrust into me.

  You start slow, but it feels so good that you only want more. You push, harder and harder. I scream, louder and louder, I wrap my thick thighs around your tight, rippling back and you moan as loud and deep as thunder.

  You explode inside of me and I take it all. Every last bit.

  You collapse on top of me and I hold YOU, this time.

  You’re heavy, but you make me feel like I can carry the world.

  I kiss your shoulder and you roll over and we fall asleep in each other’s arms. All of our troubles become nothing more than nightmares that we only have when we’re apart... and we’ll never be apart again.

  I care for you deeply, Jax.

  I think I might be falling for you...

  With all my love,




  Dear Layla,

  Thank you.

  Now, it’s my turn.

  I hear gunshots in the distance. They echo across the mountains like thunder. There’s yelling and confusion around the camp, as the guards are thrown into disarray.

  The gunshots grow nearer, until they’re right outside my prison.

  There’s fighting and yelling, but it’s quick, and soon enough, everything goes quiet.

  I listen, intently, as I hear lone footsteps walk up to the door of my cell. I see the shadow of someone standing outside; then, the door opens and I see the curvy silhouette of a warrior goddess.

  You step forward and became clearer that I could ever have imagined. My mouth waters at the sight of your plump, voluptuous body. I’ve been weak, but I feel stronger than ever now. I stand up and start to remove my prison rags.

  We don’t say a word to each other, we already know more than enough.

  You gently unbutton your fatigues. It’s sweltering in here, but we’re about to make it even hotter.

  We keep eye contact as we slowly approach and remove the final items of our clothing. When we’re naked I lean down and we kiss. Despite the heat, I feel a cool breeze inside of me. Your lips are so soft and dewy. I try to be gentle, but it’s no use. I’ve wanted you so badly for so long that I might as well be an animal.

  I wrap my arms around you and squeeze your ass until you lift your legs up and wrap them around my eager waist. You weigh no more than a heavenly cloud. I could hold you up forever. That’s not the plan, though.

  As much as I enjoy the feeling of your soft, naked breasts pushed against my hard, heaving chest, there’s something more I want – there’s something more we BOTH want.

  I let you fall. Your bare feet hit the sandy ground and a small plume of dust rises around our ankles. I give you a quick kiss before I grab you around your luscious hips and toss you around. You gasp in surprise at my strength. We shuffle forward until you can reach out and touch the wall of my cell. You splay your hands across the cement and arch your pack, presenting your big, thick, perfect ass to me.

  I fall to my knees in gratitude. You’re soaking and I’m dying of thirst.

  I drink up your juices as your thick ass ripples in thanks. I clasp your cheeks with my hands and push my face deeper into you. You stand on your tiptoes as the pleasure overcomes you. You cry out, but I only dig deeper.

  When I can’t take it anymore, I rise from my knees and rub myself against the outside of your delicious butt. The contact of our bare privates sends chills of pure pleasure coursing through my veins. I feel like I’ve been struck by lightning. I smack you ass and you arch your back and lift your hands higher up the wall.

  I search for your opening, and when I find it, I enter.

  You’re tight, but I slip inside with perfect precision. We both sigh and moan in tandem, perfectly in rhythm with each other.

  I begin to pump into you. You big, thick cheeks ripple as my hard pelvis smacks against them. I thrust harder and harder until you’re weeping with joy. I sink into you plump skin and you hug my manhood with all of your might and soon enough I’m delirious from the pleasure you provide.

  I explode inside if you and you take it all. Every last drop.

  We drip with sweat and pant with satisfaction. It doesn’t take long before we both feel like we can go again... but it’s about time we leave this place.

  We kiss and get dressed and then we ride off into the sunset, hand in hand, ready to go home and start a real life together.

  I think I love you, Layla.

  Please wait for me,





  Dear Jax,

  My lord, what a ride!

  I’ve never been so turned on by simple words before in my life. It almost felt like I was actually there with you. I wish I WAS there with you. I don’t care if I have to be in a prison cell to keep you company, I’ll do it.

  I wish I’d been more careful – I’ll keep your letters forever – but that last one might be a little stained... and not from tears this time!

  I didn’t even know how much I needed that until I was finished reading it. I feel like a new woman, freed from my own, self-imposed confines. So much has happened since I last wrote. I’m feeling stronger than ever.

  First, I’ve made headway with Gordon’s superior Steve. He’s much easier to get along with than Gordon, and I think he’s actually interested in all my ideas. He even introduced me to all the other member of the board. They’re all so nice. They seem like the kind of people who actually got into this business for the right reasons, unlike Gordon.

  Things are really looking up for me for the first time in a long time.

  I’ve also been reading Lester’s letters to Allen. I have some good news and bad news on that front. It turns out Allen didn’t survive that battle. He did, in fact, die, but when Lester lost his ability to correspond with Marie, he began writing letters to his dead friend, detailing his life to ‘him’.

  I guess Lester was just lonely. He had no one else, no family; all his friends had died in the war. I actually found out that his leg had been mangled pretty bad. He explains it in his letters to Allen.

  He wanted to go back to Europe, to France, to try and find Marie, but he just wasn’t physically able to. It’s a miracle he ended up walking as well as he eventually could. He was a tough one, that Lester of ours...

  There’s a lot of personal thoughts in there too, you can read them all when you get back.

  Some summary, though, to tide you over.

  The Lyle’s (Allen’s parents) treated Lester very well, almost like a nephew.

  He worked hard for them and rose up the ranks at their business empire. I’m not sure quite how high up he got, it gets a little vag
ue, but he definitely became somewhat of a powerful man himself.

  I always wondered how he could have afforded a house like his in such an expensive city. Sure, it was rundown, but that may have just been because he never had a wife to help him upkeep it, and we both know he was far too stubborn to hire a maid. Someday, I’ll have to tell you about the long period of time it took for me to finally gain his trust...

  There’s also a lot in the letters about you. Like, when he first met you; how he saw a lot of himself in your troubled upbringing; how he was determined to put you on the right path... how proud he was of you as you grew into a fine young man.

  I’m getting tears just thinking about it.

  There’s also a little bit about me, towards the end. It starts off harsh, but he warms up to me quickly enough, even quicker than I had thought at the time.

  By the end, he says how much he appreciated me... oh, wow, here come the tears again.

  There’s actually another locked box in the trove. It’s smaller, but when I shake it, I can hear more letters inside. It’s small enough to carry, so I think I’m going to bring it over to the locksmith and have him open it up for me. I really want to see what’s inside.

  I also finally have a meeting with the lawyer who said his firm represented Lester’s estate.

  Our appointment is in a couple of days.

  I’ll get the lockbox opened tomorrow, and then the day after I’ll meet with the lawyer. Hopefully, this stressful time is coming to an end. I can only hope that fate is working to get you out in time to appreciate it all with me. It really feels like everything is finally coming together, but nothing will ever feel finished until I have you home.

  ... and I know what you mean when you say you think you’re falling in love with me, because I’m sure I’m falling in love with you.

  I know it’s weird. We’ve never met, but I don’t care. I’ll say it.

  I love you, Jax Roe.

  We might as well enjoy our time apart now, because when you get home, we’re never going to be apart again.


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