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Rebel Page 2

by Sara Hazel

“You gonna get that?” I ask her as I sit down on the couch. I’d join her on the bed, but she did tell me to keep my distance, and I am trying hard to be good...but I have to grit my teeth as I look at her. She’s so damn gorgeous, and my body feels like I’m on fire with lust. I’m shaking on the inside, but on the outside, I’m remaining as calm as can be...It seems that Olivia and I have that in common. We’re very in control of ourselves.

  But at some point, tonight, one of us is going to lose control...

  Olivia’s phone continues putting on a pop concert, and I just shake my head.

  “That’s a terrible song,” I say. “I think maybe you should answer your phone.”

  “It’s my dad,” she says softly as she takes her phone out and clicks it off. “He’s gonna want my full report. But I don’t want to give it to him. For one night, Rebel, I just want to be free of my life.”

  “I’m here tonight to help you see that your life can be different,” I reply.

  “Ok, I know I said we had to keep our distance, but you don’t mind if I come join you on the couch, do you?”

  “Of course not, beautiful. I would love for you to join me.”

  Olivia gets up slowly and crosses over to the couch. She sits on the opposite end of it from me.

  “No television. I have no idea what we’re going to do. What did you do on the mountain for eight years?”

  “I hunted, fished, slept under the stars whenever I felt like it, and read every one of the major religions holy books at least five times. The Bible though, I must have read about twenty. Those are some of the longest and most entertaining books I could think of. I learned a lot from all of them.”

  “Wow, you’re not only handsome, and made of pure muscle, but you’re also a scholar of religion.”

  I shake my head. “I’m no scholar of anything, sweetheart, but I am well read in at least that one area of human knowledge. If I had never joined the military though, I might have become a Baptist minister. I was raised Southern Baptist, and I’d still say that’s what I am. Growing up in Idaho though, I was surrounded by Mormons. And I attended my share of their services as well.”

  “So, you believe in God then?”

  “I don’t know how I could have read all those religious books and not believe in God. It’s impossible. There’s too much beauty in the world, Olivia, and I’ve seen my share of it. I’ve seen the worst of humanity too, but the beauty seems to me to be the most unstoppable of the two opposing forces.”

  “Interesting. You could still become a minister, ya know.”

  I laugh. “Oh no, that opportunity has passed me by. I’m not going to school. I’m pretty sure God has a different plan in mind for me, anyway.”

  “You are the strangest man I have ever met,” she says as she scoots in closer to me.

  “You don’t believe in God then?”

  “I’m a good Catholic girl, Rebel. Of course, I believe in God. I just think he hates me sometimes, or he’d start answering my prayers, and bring my father’s reign of terror over my life to an end. I spend all my free time begging God to set me free.”

  I put my arm around her, and she rests her head on my shoulder.

  “I think things are gonna be getting better for you very soon.”

  “I’m a broken girl, Rebel. Are you sure you wanna hang out with me?”

  “There’s no one I would rather hang out with.”

  She laughs and moves even closer to me. “That’s because I’m your only friend, aren’t I?”

  “You got me there, sweetie. You are my only friend, but you’re also my favorite friend already. Didn’t take you very long to reach that point.”

  “Be careful, sir. Being friends with me could get you killed.”

  “I’ll take my chances, sweetheart.”



  I lie against his shoulder for a long time. It’s super late, but I don’t care. I don’t think I can sleep tonight.

  “So, I’m guessing you don’t have any board games, huh?” I ask to break the silence.

  “You’d be right about that.”

  “So, truth or dare it is then?”

  “If that’s what you want to do, sweetheart.”

  “Ok. Truth or dare?”

  “Truth,” he says.

  “Well, why don’t you tell me why you ran away to live on a mountain? No lying.”

  “Seemed like the only thing to do after I left the war behind. I had to get my head clear. Living up there cleared it.”

  “Yeah, you do seem put together. Is there anything wrong with you at all?”

  “Hey! I thought you only got one question and then it was my turn?”

  “Oh yeah, you and your rules and regulations.”

  “Discipline is good for the soul, Olivia. Now why don’t you tell me why you’re still single? A girl as beautiful as you — it just seems impossible for me to wrap my head around.”

  “Maybe I’m planning to become a nun. Or maybe I just like being single. Did you ever think of that?”

  I pull back just a bit and look up at him. He grins, and I shove him. But he’s immovable.

  “Hmmph. You’re like a tree or something.”

  “You’re not becoming a nun. And I suppose I hadn’t thought that you might just enjoy the single life. I enjoyed it all those years on my mountain. I just knew that when I finally came down, I’d be in the perfect mental and spiritual space to find my wife.”

  “Well, I don’t enjoy it, ok? Happy now? And I’m not dating the mafia guys I’m surrounded with. I don’t have many opportunities. And on top of all that, I am saving my virginity for the man of my dreams. I guess I’ll know when I meet him, right?”

  I am not sure why I feel the need to tell him everything about my life. I’m just opening to him, and I think it’s going to be very dangerous for me. But on the other hand, maybe I’m wrong and he could be the best thing to happen to me ever.

  “You will know when you meet him. I knew the moment I saw her.”

  I shove him again, and he remains unmoved. I can’t help but have the strange feeling that he’s talking about me when he says that he “knew the moment I saw her.”

  I shove him a third time, just for dramatic effect. “I thought I was stronger than this,” I say.

  “You are very strong. But you’ll still never move me away from you. You wanna take a walk with me for a moment? I want to show you something on the roof.”

  AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGEMENT, I follow Rebel up to the roof. I just know my fear of heights is gonna be triggered.

  But we get up there and I breathe a sigh of relief as I see that the roof has a nice big fence on all sides. Rebel shines his flashlight on some rusty chairs.

  “Wanna sit down?” He asks.

  “Not in those,” I reply.

  “Coming up here reminds me of my former mountain home.”

  “Um, what?”

  “Well, I know, the view of the trees and mountains I had back home have been replaced by buildings here, but it’s still a beautiful view.”

  Having grown up in Chicago, I have long since abandoned my belief that the view is a beautiful one. I can’t recall ever having such a belief, to be honest. But here is this gentle and very uncomplicated mountain man trying to show me the wonder all around me. And when he does it, I feel like it just might work. Rebel’s whole view of the world seems based on appreciation. The fact that the world seems to suck a lot just has skipped right over him, at least to some degree.

  Rebel stands by the fence and looks out at the view. The city lights twinkle, and I can’t help but feel that this is all a bit magical as I take my place beside him. Normally, I wouldn’t get right up to the edge even if there is a fence. I’d stand in the center of the roof and pray that I didn’t get blown away. But Rebel makes me feel safe, especially now when he takes my small hand in his big warm one...

  “Look up at the sky too, sweetheart,” he says. “There are a few stars up there. Not quite like I used
to have on my mountain top, but they’ll do.”

  “You’re making stuff up. You can’t see stars in Chicago.”

  He points up, and my eye follows as he directs me to the stars. Sure enough, one star. Ok, two. Alright, there is a third one if I crane my neck back far enough.

  Rebel lets go of my hand, but then soon places his on the small of my back.

  “There are more stars where those came from. They’re just hiding, but they are there.”

  I should remove his hand from me or something. I should take a step to the side. I should, but I don’t want to.

  Still, as my phone goes off again, it hits me that I have to separate myself from Rebel.

  I step away from him for a moment and take the phone out again. This time, I shut the whole thing off. I don’t care if my father sent someone to go out looking for me or not. I’m sure he thinks I’ve been kidnapped by his enemies. Well, maybe he shouldn’t have sent me out to do his dirty work in the first place!


  “Yeah, it was him,” I sigh. “But I’m done. I swear I’m not gonna let him interrupt my lesson in the beauty of the world around me one more time.”

  “Good. You need that lesson,” he says.

  Indeed, Rebel. I do. But are you the one who can really give it to me? It’s really not safe for me to be here. Someone might have followed me. It’s not safe for you, either. I often think my father has people watching me all the time. I’m family, but you can’t even trust family when you’re in my father’s business.

  “Hey, I liked when you were touching my lower back earlier,” I say out loud. Oh, what a bad idea, Olivia! Don’t let him know you like him. Oops...I think you just did.

  Rebel turns towards me, and I face him now too. For a few seconds the only sound is both of us breathing heavily, not because we’re out of breath, but because the sexual tension is now filling the space, even though we’re out in the open. It feels like I could be far away from him and still feel the sexual tension with him.

  “Olivia, I’m going to kiss you,” he announces just like that.

  “That’s not a good idea. I’ve told you who I am, Reb—”

  But it’s too late. He doesn’t care that I’m the daughter of a Mafia boss. He places both hands around my waist as he bends down to kiss me. His lips are hot and feel heavy against mine. There is a palpable charge as our lips connect. Rebel didn’t care that I was protesting this kiss, because he knew I wanted it. And my mouth opens for him so easy, and his tongue is gentle at first. But the gentle doesn’t last long, and soon I find myself pushed up against the fence and I don’t even care. I don’t care, because I feel so safe and maybe even feel like I could fly all the way up to those beautiful lonely Chicago stars...



  I don’t care that we’re on top of the roof right now. It’s a nice warm night out, and though it’s late, it wouldn’t surprise me if one of the other residents decided to come out and enjoy the roof. This is not like my mountain. If we were there, no one could interrupt us. Here, it is something that could be a very real threat. But I don’t mind at all who walks out and sees me kissing this beauty.

  I push her into the fence probably a little too hard, but rather than protest, Olivia moans as my hands slide under her t-shirt. I rest my fingers right below her bra. My manhood throbs as I push myself against her.

  I must have her now. And if I can’t have her in the way that I truly want to yet, then I have to touch her or taste her. My whole body shivers with desire. There’s no hiding it anymore.

  I slide my hands off her sides and unzip her jeans. She grabs hold of my arms, and I take this to mean she wants me to stop. I pull away from our kiss and reclaim my arms.

  “Yeah, you’re right. We need to stop. But I’ll tell you right now, sweetheart, that this is going to happen between me and you.”

  “I didn’t mean—I didn’t mean you had to stop. I’m sorry. I’m just—I’m losing control of myself.”

  “Then with your permission, I’m going to keep kissing you.”

  “Yes, please,” she whispers.

  Mouths slam against each other again, and my fingers go back to work on her zipper. I get it undone and slide my hand down her panties.

  I don’t want to hold off now. I push a single finger inside of her and use my thumb to circle her clit. She moans and pushes forward into me. As I speed up, Olivia grinds on my hand. She can’t stop herself. She’s all mine, and she knows it. Like I told her — this is happening tonight. We are, and that’s all there is to it.

  She doesn’t know it yet, but the day she’s been waiting for has arrived.

  “Ok, ok, I surrender,” she says as she pulls away to take a breath. But it’s just a quick breath, and we’re right back at it. The pleasure of the kiss travels from her lips into mine and then down throughout every part of my body.

  I withdraw my hand and get down on my knees before her. As I make my way down, I lift her shirt up and kiss her bare stomach which causes her to shudder.

  “I’m sensitive everywhere, but right there is a whole—oh—”

  She can’t even finish her sentence as I kiss her flesh tenderly and head further down in a straight trail to her belly button.

  I roll her jeans down, and the scent of her draws me towards her sex. I leave her jeans at her ankles as I push her against the fence and bury my face between her legs.

  The fence rattles as my future wife shakes against it. I can’t see any wisdom behind the idea of taking my time right now, so I don’t. I lick and suck her like a ravenous beast. I haven’t done this kind of thing in a long time — over fifteen years. And now Olivia will be the only one I want. Just like that. I came down from my mountain to find her, and now here she is.

  Her juices cover my face as I bury myself in deeper. She cries out and grips my shoulders tight.

  “I’ve never felt like this in my life,” she cries out as her thighs begin to quake. She locks her knees on the side of my head and holds me in place, but I can’t think of a better position to be in right now — other than one where my cock was buried deep inside her, of course.

  Olivia thrusts forward onto my face. I let my tongue go wild on her clit and she screams as she comes undone all over me.

  I slow down — way down. I let my tongue roll slowly across her soaking slit and she shivers with each lick.

  “I’m so sensitive now,” she whispers. I focus on her clit again — back and forth, up and down, until she’s humping my face rapidly again like she just can’t control herself.

  Buried between these thick thighs with her sweet juices all over me makes my cock twitch. It’s an incredible amount of restraint that I must practice now. Can I do it? I don’t even know if it’s going to be possible for much longer...

  “Ok, ok!” She cries out. “I’m cumming again!”

  I pull back and watch as the waves of pleasure wash over her. She jerks forward and I find my face planted on her sex once more. So I grab her ass and grind her all over my tongue till she’s shuddering again. Nonstop pleasure for my girl. That’s what I want to give her. She is my goal in life now and making her happy is the only thing that matters to me. I want to take all her pain and replace it with pure bliss.



  I reach behind me and grab hold of the fence. I can’t help myself. I whip my body back and forth as Rebel takes no mercy on me. This sweet man is a beast when it comes to this, and I’m his late-night snack tonight. It’s not how I planned my evening, but he doesn’t give me much of a choice and neither do my own body, mind, and spirit.

  I am just an unwanted girl — disposable in my father’s eyes, and in the eyes of most men who try to use me to get what they want. But not Rebel. He doesn’t want anything other than me. There’s nothing I could give him aside from that, and he doesn’t seem to care. And now Rebel is boosting my confidence.

  He’s taking me to new heights I never thought I could go. I feel sexy for
the first time in my life. Being backed up against a fence and having your pussy devoured is the kind of thing that only happens in movies, right?

  Wrong, apparently.

  As I cry out in ecstasy, it seems all my frustration with life leaves me at once. All I feel is pleasure, and for a moment I forget all about the life I lead. Is that what Rebel has the power to do? Make me forget? Bring it on. Even if he can solve none of my other problems then I’ll take this.

  “Oh, okayyyy,” I say. “You’re gonna have to stop now or I’m gonna cum so hard I might pull this fence down.”

  Rebel looks up and even in the dim light I can see the wide grin on his handsome face.

  “You’re all over me now,” he says. “Just the way I want you.”

  “You probably need to wipe your face off,” I tease.

  “Someday I hope to wash my face in you every morning,” he says.

  “Oh, wow. You’re pretty dirty even for a former mountain man.”

  “I normally keep myself very well controlled. I’ve been celibate for a long time, sweetheart. I vowed that the next time anything like this happened to me, it would be with the right girl — the one.”

  “I’m not the one. I can’t possibly be.”

  “And I will keep promising you that you’re wrong about that. Let’s go back inside and get you to bed. You’re probably tired now.”

  I let out a deep and loud yawn.

  “Yeah, I guess I am,” I reply.

  AFTER I PULL MY PANTS back up, we go back downstairs to Rebel’s humble home. Though the place is so empty, it has a warm and inviting feel to it now. I suppose that’s a result of my new, um, “connection” with Rebel.

  “Hey, you know that we’re not going to do anything else tonight,” I say. Though I loved what he did to me, I’m still that good Catholic girl on the inside — the one who is waiting for her wedding night before losing her virginity.

  “That’s fine by me,” Rebel says. “But I think we can be a lot closer now. No need to keep our distance anymore. Deal?”


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