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Rebel Page 3

by Sara Hazel

  I laugh. “Sure, deal. But I still get the bed, and you stay on that couch.”

  I crawl on top of the soft quilt and sink right into the mattress. I’m leaving my clothes on though, because who knows what I might allow myself to do if I strip down to my underwear?

  Rebel comes over and stands at the side of the bed.

  “It’s warm tonight. I’m used to it, but if you need the air conditioner let me know. Or maybe I could take that quilt off the bed for you, so you can lie on the sheets. It’s up to you.”

  “I’m fine,” I reply. Even getting up for one second makes me worry that I might slip and let him have me.

  “Suit yourself,” he says.

  And then he crosses to the air conditioner and turns it on.

  “I’m gonna be cold now,” I say.

  “Oh, is that so?”

  “Yep, pretty sure I will be. Maybe you should come and...I don’t know...hold me or something.”

  I surrendered to his lust when we were outside, and now I’m surrendering again. My body craves his closeness.

  Rebel pulls his shirt off first, and I can’t look away. His enormous muscles are covered in tattoos. He’s got scars too. Maybe these scars tell a tale of war, or a different story of solitude and reinvention on a mountaintop. The sight of this man with no shirt sets me off.

  He undoes his belt next, and I cannot help my greedy eyes from dropping to his crotch level and waiting for him to bounce right out...

  As his pants drop to the floor, I let out a little gasp at the sight of his thick bulge. It does not look contained very well by his tight black underwear. He comes closer to the bed.

  “Roll over to the other side, sweetie, and I’ll get in with you.”

  “You’re going to-do-what?” I stutter.

  “A minute ago, you asked me to hold you. I’m coming to do it. I keep my word, sweetie.”

  Indeed, you do, Rebel. Indeed, you do. But the shake is starting to hit me. I feel a surge of unease crawling up my face and neck. I know he won’t hurt me on purpose, but his touch alone could trigger an explosion — one that I would never emotionally recover from if Rebel were to decide suddenly that he didn’t want me after all.

  I roll over and onto my side. Like a good girl.

  I hold my breath as Rebel slides in behind me. It feels so effortless and natural — this feeling of lying next to each other like this. Even though I have to hold my breath, out of fear I’m going to fall too far.

  I exhale as he pushes up against me and wraps his massive arm around me. I sigh instantly as his warmth spreads into me. Soon the sound of his breathing behind me starts to build peace inside of me. Just pure peace. And all he’s doing is holding me.

  It’s not possible for someone to hurt me right now. It catches me by such surprise that I start to wonder if I could ever be hurt again. Not with these arms around me. This is the safest I have ever been. I back up into him and feel his thing against my back. He’s so hard, and I think it would be very easy right now for me to just take my clothes off and lie naked with him pushing into me. It would be so easy to give in to something like that right now. But I’m still being as careful as possible to keep myself from giving in to him.

  I close my eyes and just settle in with him. He kisses the back of my head like the perfect manly, sweet gentleman. “Goodnight, beautiful,” he whispers.

  “Goodnight, handsome,” I whisper back.

  I wake up still wrapped in his arms. It’s so perfect I just want to dissolve into him. It doesn’t feel like we’re close enough right now. There’s this strange feeling I’m having where I just don’t think we’re close enough or that we simply can ever be. I need to have him inside of me so I can at least try.

  I break free of him and grab my phone. I have several hundred angry text messages from my father, my father’s men, and my poor long-suffering mother. I also have more than that in voicemails.

  Rebel’s deep and soothing voice startles me as I sit glued to my phone on the edge of the bed.

  “Sweetie, you ok?”

  I sigh heavily and slide off the bed. “It was nice meeting you last night, and thank you for holding me, but I really have to go. Thank you, Rebel.”

  My voice begins to shake, and by the time I reach the end I am full on sobbing. But Rebel is right there and ready to wrap his arms around me from behind.

  “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? You don’t have to leave.”

  “I do. Everyone is looking for me and freaking out. I’m sure my father questioned everyone I saw last night by now and had them killed. I can’t do this to you. You’re gonna be in trouble all because of me.”

  “We’ll deal with this together, sweetheart.”

  “We can’t...”

  His lips are pressed to the top of my head once more. He takes a deep sniff of my hair as he kisses me.

  “I know that I want you, and nothing is going to stop me from that. I’m going to help you with your dad.”

  “That’s crazy! I have to go now. Please let me go.”

  Another kiss on the top of my head, followed by another one. They rain down upon me now and show no signs of slowing down. I don’t know what this man sees in a broken girl that he just met last night, but he sees something in me alright. I can’t hide from the obviousness of that.

  “Ok, you can come with me,” I say in surrender.

  And just like that, we get ready and head outside. I call a car for us, and squeeze Rebel’s hand. He’s insistent on going to see my father with me, and there was no way to stop him. I’ve never had anyone insist on doing something for me before.

  But still, I squeeze his hand hard, because I’m nervous and praying that I’m not bringing him to his death just for me.

  “Please let me explain everything to my dad. Just stand close to me and he’ll never order his guard to shoot you. There are at least some things he won’t do to me or make me witness.”

  “We’ll get through it together,” he replies.

  Together. Wrapped up, entwined, and never left behind. His optimism builds my own confidence. Rebel just never seems to think he’s not going to make it.

  “Just please don’t say anything,” I whisper.



  We are dropped off at a very large three-story house. I’m not yet familiar with all of Chicago’s neighborhoods, though I have been reading up on them. Still, I don’t know where Olivia has taken us and what awaits inside her father’s house. I take her hand, and she leads me up to the front of the house and rings the doorbell. A maid ushers us inside, and we are immediately brought down to the basement.

  Olivia knocks on the door and a raspy voice says, “Come inside.”

  We enter a large room filled with books and fancy antique furniture. Four heavily armed guards stand at attention as we walk in.

  Olivia’s father — a short and stocky man with slicked back black hair — stands up from behind his desk.

  “Who is this person, Olivia? Why are you bringing this man into my house? And I need you to give me the full details of where you were last night. We were very worried about you.”

  “I’m fine, daddy.”

  “Don’t daddy me now, girl. Tell me who this man is, or I’ll have my guys shoot him. And this time I don’t care if they do it in front of you.”

  “My name is Rebel, sir,” I reply slowly.

  Olivia squeezes my hand and mutters “Don’t say anything.”

  “Rebel. Is this a joke?”

  “No, sir. It was my nickname in the marine corps. I had it legally changed when I got back.”

  “Well, you got giant stone balls walking in here today, Rebel. Tell me why I shouldn’t have you shot now?”


  “I already told you, Olivia!”

  “Sorry, sir,” she says as I look over and watch her head drop. I’m sure this is not even the worst that he treats her. But I’m not afraid of her father, and I’ll be strong enough for both of us. I’m wi
lling to stand in front of whatever gun he has aimed at me and take the bullet if that’s what is required to earn Olivia’s freedom.

  “Sir, there is no reason why you shouldn’t have me shot, except for the best reason of all.”

  Her father sits down and bursts into laughter. “Don’t keep us in suspense, Rebel. What is this great and powerful reason you have for being here today?”

  “I’m in love with your daughter, sir.”

  Olivia gasps. “What? Rebel, no, please...he’ll hurt you!”

  I hear a gun being readied behind me. But I will not back down in fear. I love her, and I’ll make sure he knows it even if he has me killed.



  “Put the gun down, Francesco,” my father says. My heart stopped once I heard the click of the gun. Now it’s started again, but it’s pounding hard as if I drank ten cups of coffee in a row.

  “I finished the job last night, sir. I went to the drop off point and then got attacked by two men. But Rebel saved my life. I was with him all night. I couldn’t face you after what had happened. I knew you’d be upset with me, saying it was my fault that I got attacked by those men.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Olivia.”

  “I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you where I was, father. But I knew you probably wouldn’t like the answer very much.”

  “You’re right. I don’t. But I’m willing to make a deal with your friend here. Let’s find out just how much you’re worth to him.” My father’s gaze moves from me to Rebel and then back again. “Tell me, Rebel. What are you willing to do for Olivia?”

  I am shaking and sobbing as Rebel squeezes my hand to remind me that he hasn’t left my side once.

  “What would you like, sir?”

  “He’s so polite, Olivia. I might end up liking him too much if I don’t kill him. Though he must be pretty damn stupid to risk his life for my disgrace of a daughter.”

  “She’s worth more to me than anything — even my own life. I just want her to be free of you. She’s suffered enough.”

  I let go of Rebel’s hand. “No, Daddy. This stops right now. I know what you’re going to do. You’re going to try and get something out of him. But I won’t let you. You forget how much I know about your business, and I won’t be afraid to explain the whole thing to the cops. I know you’d never have me physically hurt in any way, so I won’t hesitate.”

  “Ok. My daughter is suddenly tough. I like it. I raised you right after all. But I’m not letting your friend here off the hook. Give me something, Rebel. Make your best offer.”

  “I’ll give you a million dollars to leave us alone for the rest of our lives.”

  I gasp. My father’s mouth curves into a twisted smile. My Rebel has a million dollars? I would never have guessed...

  “Ok, mister lovebird. You have yourself a deal. I don’t know where an idiot like you is gonna get a million dollars, but sure. You have until sundown tomorrow. Now get out of here.”

  My mountain man surprises me yet again. “Just tell me where to have the money transferred to.”

  “Cash,” my father replies. “Always cash. I like to count it.”

  “Cash it is then,” Rebel replies. “But you’re going to apologize to your daughter first.”

  “What? Get out of here,” my father replies. “She’s my daughter. I’ll do whatever I want to her.”

  Rebel lets go of my hand and before anyone can stop him, he grabs my father by the shirt and pulls him across the desk. He holds him there as my father whimpers.

  “Do you want us to shoot him, boss?” One of my father’s thugs replies.

  “No, no. Don’t shoot him,” my father pleads. “I’ll apologize to Olivia!”

  Rebel releases my father who spends the next five minutes spewing out a terrible non-apology, but it’s fine by me. I wouldn’t expect him to be capable of a better one. Rebel and I walk out of my father’s house hand in hand. I don’t even know what to say to the man who just changed my life forever.

  We come back with a million in cash that Rebel had in a safe in his home...and there’s plenty more where that came from, apparently.

  “Where did you get all this money?” I ask him.

  “My aunt and uncle died and left it all to me. They had no kids of their own, and I was their last living family member. I’ve just been saving it for years. Never had a use for money on the mountain. But I think getting you away from your father forever is a damn good use for it.”

  “So, um, you told my dad that you loved me. After one night together where we didn’t even do that much! Are you sure?”

  “When I get sure about something, baby, I’m sure of it. I don’t waste time wondering what I should do. I just take decisive action and go after what I want. It’s always been a pretty successful way to live my life. Now, how about you and me just go out and get married tomorrow?”

  “I think that can be arranged,” I say as I stand on the tops of my toes and meet him for a kiss.

  Looks like my prayers have been answered at last...

  Epilogue — Olivia


  I did it. I married a former mountain man. Now what?

  Now what is that he takes me back home after getting our marriage license, and instead of letting me walk to his apartment (though now it’s our apartment, right?) he picks me up and carries me to it.

  He doesn’t even set me down to open the door. When we get inside, he shoves his back into the door hard to slam it shut, and I giggle as I bounce in his arms. This is only the second day I’ve known him, and I’m already married to him. I used to think stuff like that was reserved for too many drinks and a trip to Las Vegas. But both of us are one hundred percent sober.

  He tosses me on the bed and waits for nothing. I watch him with admiration as he strips off the tight dark t-shirt he wore for our courthouse wedding (Hey, when you want to get married as bad as we did, there is no time to dwell on what you’re gonna wear. Sometimes you have to say no to the dress and just get married!)

  I am hyper aware of my heartbeat and breath as I wait for him to make the next move.

  Once he’s down to his underwear, the bulge is impossible to miss. But the underwear doesn’t stay on long either. Right there in front of me is Rebel. Stripped bare and ready to pounce. Which he does. He is on top of me, kissing my neck. His bed is sturdy, thank God. I twist about beneath him as he tugs gently at the skin of my neck. He moves up to my lips and kisses me deeply while letting his hand wander down to the button of my wedding jeans. He undoes it like an expert would. It seems to me there’s almost nothing my husband can’t do with ease.

  Rebel’s hand slides into my panties, and I thrust upwards to connect with him. Just the feel of his hand as he cups it over my pussy is enough to make me cry out in ecstasy.

  He pulls away from our kiss, and locks eyes with me. “I have been a very patient man since meeting you, Olivia. But my patience has run out. It’s a good thing you’re my wife now.”

  “Yes—yes—I’m your wife now,” I gasp out as he pushes his fingers into my soaking wet sex.

  He works them in and out slowly, before pulling his hand out of my panties and licking my juices from his fingers. A shudder goes through me as I watch him.

  “You taste so good, baby,” he says. “Do you feel how hard tasting you makes me? There’s nothing in this world that can turn me into a desperate man, except you. And right now that’s the point I’ve reached.”

  It’s strange having this effect on someone, but if he says it then it must be true. I don’t think Rebel would lie to me. It just doesn’t seem to be who he is.

  He moves down and pulls my jeans and panties off. Then he sits me up and removes my t-shirt and bra. I sit there naked before him and shiver. It’s not cold in the room, but my body can’t stop quivering in anticipation. A thousand things are going through my mind at the moment. But I manage to gently nudge all the more self-conscious ones away. He wants me, and I want him, and that’s all t
hat matters. There’s no room left for doubt.

  He whistles appreciatively as he looks my body over. He steadies me with a hand behind my back and lets it wander down my back.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he says. “So damn beautiful.”

  He guides me to lie down and climbs on top of me once more. But this time he positions himself against my pussy and brings my legs up and around his waist. I hold on to him tightly and clench my teeth as I prepare. I’m not sure I can prepare, but I try anyway. My world is about to change yet again today, and I know it.

  He slides an arm underneath me, and my body rises to meet his for a moment. He holds me like this as he pushes gently inside of me. But though he’s gentle, I can’t hold back my scream as pain and pleasure tear through me at once. He is so big and sinking deeper every second. He groans and twists inside of me. I scream as he bottoms out inside of me. He holds me there to give me the time I need to get used to it. His soft slow strokes as he looks down at me lovingly fill me with a sense of warmth I’ve never known.

  “It’s okay, baby. I got you,” he whispers. And then he adds: “Damn, you feel good.”

  My eyes roll back, and I arch my back off the bed as he continues. He gets a little faster with each thrust. My pussy has a tight grip on him, and the intense look of concentration and pleasure on his face makes me think he’s trying very hard to hold it in.

  I scream again as he hits his stride, and our bodies begin to slap firmly against each other. I clench my pussy around him, and he slows down just a bit. But then he’s soon right back into that driving rhythm that I’m pretty sure is going to set me off.

  He holds me to his body, and I sob tears of joy into his hard muscles. This is the best I have ever felt, so I just can’t help it. Faster and faster still he goes, until he’s on top of me and pressing so deep inside of me. It feels like we become one as we both cling to each other and our movements sync up in perfect harmony.

  “Come for me, baby girl,” he groans. He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I’m right there on the edge, and one more —-


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