Anubis Bride_Alien Mates
Page 10
“Because I still don’t know why you brought me here,” she confessed. “I still don’t know what I am doing here.”
“To be with me. Isn’t that enough for you?” he asked, in a stern tone.
She rubbed her eyes, trying to keep her tears at bay. What was she doing? Did she want to jeopardize what she had with him for a slight possibility he might send her to the humans’ colony and forget about her? She had promised herself to live in the present and enjoy what she had.
“Yes, you’re right, it’s more than enough. I’m sorry, it was a stressful night, and I guess I let some rude words get to me,” she said, raising her head to look at him, with her heart drumming in her chest.
He let out a deep sigh. “Being a member of my family isn’t as easy as many people think. Yes, we have powers, yes, we can shift into a various number of animals, and we can do a lot of things most people can’t. But it also means we can love only once, and that special person will make us feel like any regular Nibiru citizen, vulnerable and with no powers whatsoever. They are the comfort we seek, the paradise we need,” he explained, in a stern tone.
“And you’re always able to find that person?” she asked, intrigued.
“Yes, we do. Some lose their patience and get attached to a woman they can’t love like what happened to my father. Neftis is his true love, but he’s committed to Isis, and though they have lived their love to some extent, it’s not the same.”
“How do you know who’s the right one?” she asked, more and more intrigued by his story.
“We just do. Instinct tells you she’s the one and then you’re sure when you can’t access her mind. You can perceive her feelings, but not her thoughts,” he explained, this time taking a step towards her and not backing up.
She looked at him, wringing her hands nervously, not sure she wanted the answer to the question struggling to come out her lips. “Have you found yours?”
“Yes, my trip to Earth was to find the one meant for me. The fates had prophesied I would find her there. I had never really believed in that, but after years of searching, I finally decided to go there and search. At that point, I had nothing left to lose,” he told her, with a strange shine in his eyes. “I found her wandering through the desert, the first night I arrived,” he added, with a self-deprecating grin.
She gasped, astounded. It couldn’t be.
“In that very moment, I knew I had found her, and I also knew why I had never wished to go to Earth to look for her before,” he continued. “She would have been too young. You would have been just a child, and I would have felt too impatient to wait for you to grow up.”
“What are you saying?” she asked, barely able to utter the words, afraid to be hearing what her heart wanted to hear and not what he was actually saying.
“You are the one for me, Aneksi. The other half of my heart, my comfort and the only one able to take me to paradise, each time I’m in your arms,” he finally confessed, using all the words.
This time, she was the one moving forward, but she didn’t take a step, she threw herself into his arms, too happy to hold back.
“Oh, gods. I’m so happy, so happy…” she cried out, hiding her face on his chest.
“Are you praying to me?” he teased her, holding her tight against him.
She chuckled and punched him in the chest. “I have no idea who I’m praying to anymore, maybe to those Fates you were talking about,” she replied, with a broad smile.
He pulled her chin up and claimed a passionate kiss from her lips. “I have to say I’m also thankful to them, for bringing you to my life. I love you.”
“I love you, too. You have no idea how desperate I felt when I was trapped in that tomb, believing I would never see you again, that I wouldn’t be able to love for a little while longer,” she confessed, shuddering at the memories of those dreadful moments.
“Those were the worst moments of my entire life. I had never felt so desperate before, not even when we lost my father. I felt my heart was being ripped out of my chest and the pain was so excruciating I wasn’t able to think straight. When I discovered Nubia was behind the whole thing, I would have gladly skinned her alive.”
“That would mean going down to her level,” she pointed out, shaking her head. “I believe she got the perfect punishment.”
“Only because I found you in time, otherwise, my wrath would have been terrible.”
And she knew he was bragging.
She remembered something he had said. “You can shift into animals?”
“Remember, I used to tell you, you still didn’t know my true self?” he asked, with a scowl.
“Yes, I do. You never told me what you meant by that.”
“Well, I can shift into several animals. But I identify myself with one your people call jackal,” he explained.
She looked at him for a few seconds in silence, assimilating what he was telling her. “It’s not a mask, that’s really you,” she finally realized the truth.
He took a step back and slowly shifted into the jackal. Aneksi wouldn’t call him an animal, but his features changed a lot, assuming those of the animal, including the dark skin.
“All in my family are able to shift like this, and like me, they identify with a particular animal. This feature is the one that tells us which god we become.”
She stretched her hand and caressed his soft snout. “It’s amazing. How often do you change?” she was apparently curious, and he didn’t mind answering all of her questions.
“As often as our instinct asks us to. Usually, two to three times a week, but only for a few hours and if we need, we can control it and hold it back as much as we want.”
“I see,” she murmured.
He changed even more, and this time he became the animal itself, furry and on its four legs.
“We also assume this form when we need to run wild or use the animal’s abilities. I tried looking for you when you disappeared, by sniffing your scent, but since they used the Nile to transport you, I quickly lost your track,” he explained, changing back to his human form, his clothes, pants, and tunic, abandoned on the floor.
“It’s truly amazing.” She was fascinated.
“I was told you would never fear any of my forms but wasn’t sure. That’s why I hadn't told you the truth before.”
“I love you, no matter what, please, be sure of that.” She cradled his face and pulled him closer to kiss him.
“No more doubts?” he whispered in her ear.
“No more doubts,” she assured him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Smiling, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. “I promise I will make as happy as any woman can be. All I ask is for you to trust me, for you to believe I would never do anything to harm you or put you in danger,” he said, as he lay in bed with her, interspersing every word with a kiss.
Soon, they were once more entangled in their passion, kissing and caressing each other, totally immersed in their own private universe of pleasure and bliss.
Anubis helped her out of her clothes never stopping kissing her. Once he had her naked in his arms, he covered her whole body with kisses and nibbles, reserving her aching pussy for last. Determined to take her to the highest level of arousal before giving her all the pleasure he had intended for her.
When he finally reached her pussy, her whole body was arching itself to meet him, eager for more, desperate for release. Her wild moans fueled him to give her more, to take her further, even when his own body was crying out for relief.
His hands caressed her for a few moments, teasing her entrance and playing with her clit before he finally leaned over and claimed it with his mouth. He licked her essence and penetrated her depths with his tongue. Then he slid up and captured her engorged clit with his teeth and lips, licking, sucking and nibbling the sensitive bud, until she came wildly in his arms.
Finally reaching his limit, he nestled between her legs and pulling them up, he plunged himself inside
her, loving the way her walls clenched around him, in sheer need.
Thrusting in and out of her, he dragged her with him once more through the path to paradise, and soon they were swaying in the waves of pleasure and bliss of a powerful orgasm.
A few minutes later, they were resting in each other’s arms, while the full moon lit the room, with its silvery light.
“My father is expecting us to announce our marriage soon,” he said, kissing the top of her head.
“You get married here?”
“Yes, we make a commitment in public, to unite our lives and dedicate them to make our partners as happy as possible, till death do us part,” he explained.
“That’s why your father is still with Isis and not with your mother?”
“Exactly, he got tired of waiting and united his life to Isis. When he finally met my mother, it was too late.”
“It’s sad.”
“Yes, but this is something he brought on himself. Isis knew the risks and decided it was worth taking them as well. I can’t say they have been miserable since they are very good friends and really care for each other, but they’re not as happy as they could have been if they had waited to find their loved ones,” he said, nuzzling her neck. Despite all the passion they had shared only moments ago, he already needed her.
“It’s still sad.”
“That’s why I promised never to stop looking, and I’m glad I didn’t. I wouldn’t have resisted missing this, missing us.”
She cuddled up against him as she nodded. “Yes, I feel exactly the same way.”
Aneksi still had trouble believing she had found love in the arms of a god. Although she had no idea what the future would bring, she was more than happy to live the present to its full extent, knowing he was there for her and she would always count on his love.
What more could a woman possibly wish for?
The End
Alien Bride
Taron Invasion Series Prequel
A.J. Daniels
Orlando, Florida
Copyright © 2017 by A.J. Daniels
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.
PO Box 540375
Orlando, FL 32854
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
Alien Bride/A.J. Daniels -- 1st ed.
Mission Interrupted
Earning His Trident
A Rocky Start
Stark Reality
A Warrior For Me
Pushy Women
Excerpt from Taron Invasion
Excerpt from Alien Convict
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Chapter 1
Mission Interrupted
~ Nick ~
Music Mix
Intent on earning his Trident, Nicholas Blake jerked slightly in the water, realizing that he was starting to feel lightheaded. Flicking the small gauge attached to his scuba suit, he watched the needle slowly bottom out. It was an unfortunate fact of life that sometimes gauges got stuck, even the ones on high tech military issued equipment. Tamping down his annoyance, he ignored his quickly depleting oxygen supply and doubled down on the mission.
Grasping onto his underwater dive propeller, Nick toggled the speed higher and kicked his webbed feet, putting on a burst of speed. The slight jerk of the nylon reinforced composite handles pulled him forward sharply as the unit vibrated in his hands.
His target was a gigantic dark form, drifting ever closer. The wealthy arms dealer luxuriating on the forty foot yacht overhead had no idea what lay in store for him tonight. The man might think he was a big deal, but to the US military, he was one of many small fish destined to share their innermost secrets regarding local arms trafficking in the region.
The moonlight danced eerily across the water’s surface casting odd shadows, fit to make a lesser man pause. However, Nick was a Navy Seal, and they never broke formation or strayed off course. He cut the engine on his sea scooter, before quietly breaking the surface. Switching on his body cam, he hauled ass up a ladder through some unnaturally thick fog. The shit seemed to have a mind of its own. Rather than dissipating when he moved through it, the mist circled lazily around his limbs infusing his clothing. Since fog didn’t behave that way, he pushed forward. It must be his mind playing tricks on him, brought on by his brush with oxygen deprivation while submerged. Landing noiselessly on the deck near the rear of the luxury craft, he was pleased to find no one around.
Quietly ditching his gear, he crept forward. The gun in his hand didn’t feel right. Then again tranquilizer guns never did feel quite right in a soldier’s hand. However, that’s how it had to be because command wanted him alive and zero collateral damage on this one. Military intelligence had already verified that Jax Santiago was on board with five support staff following a meeting with a Russian wholesaler interested in purchasing grenade launchers.
Nick moved silently through the small yacht until he’d neutralized the entire crew, most while they slept. Moving towards the master suite, his ears began to ring. Shaking it off, he eased the door open. Raising his gun, he pulled off a clean shot and watched the man drop to the ground with a satisfying thud.
Blinking once and then again, Nick tried to make sense scene before his eyes. A nearly naked person was tied with their arms to the ceiling. Though her form would strongly suggest she was female, her light blue skin, pointed ears, and black hair were singing a different tune altogether. Her eyes shone like obsidian orbs and were about four times larger than human eyes. Those beautiful dark eyes held a note of panic at the moment.
Since what he was seeing was not remotely possible, he pulled out his radio and called in his mission.
“Eagle Eye, this is Seal One. Do you copy?”
His radio blew up with a bunch of static interference. Looking down at the fog swirling around his legs, he gave his head one hard shake as if to clear his thoughts before trying to raise his command again. “Eagle Eye, this is Seal One. The package is secure. Calling for pick-up. Over.”
“Jesus, it’s really you?”
“What the fuck. Use appropriate…”
“It is you. God, I never thought I’d be the one.”
“This is a secure line. I don’t know who you are, but you’re interfering in…”
“A military mission to arrest Jax Santiago. And you’re Nicholas Blake…The Nicholas Blake. Everybody knows about the two of. Jesus, you’re both fucking legends. I can’t believe I’m talking to you.”
Looking at the criminal on the floor, Nick stammered. “This is all FUBAR. The fog, the woman, you…nothing is what it should be.”
Suddenly, the young man’s voice got serious. “It's because you aren’t in 2017 anymore, sir. It’s the year 3039. Your present is my history. You always talked about how hard this moment in time was for you, and I’ve honestly tried to imagine it a million times. The frightened woman in front of you is Miss. Acacia and she is going to become very important to you. In fact, you named her that yourself, ‘cause you never could pronounce her name in her tongue.”
Nick watched the slender female jerking in her bonds. “My oxygen malfunctioned. I’m hallucinating.”
“Dude, you’re not hallucinating. Pay attention. We don’t have much time, and I have a message for you.”
“You have a message from my navy commander?”
“Look dude there’s no Gods damn command. The US Navy was integr
ated with the Earth Gov military almost a thousand years ago. The message is from the future you.”
“How did you get a message from me if you never met me?”
Sighing, the man spoke calmly as if he were explaining something to a child. “You’re the reason Earth survived when no other world did. Every kid memorizes your letter in first grade along with the Earth Gov Unification Pledge. Jesus dude, they make story books about you and Jax. Just let me tell you the message, and then we can talk until they arrive. I’m going to read it directly from the data stream, so I don’t miss anything.”
“Go ahead.”
“Nick, you stupid son-of-a-bitch, get with the program.”
“Wait. They taught you to curse in first grade?”
“Dude those aren’t even curses anymore.”
“Fine, get on with the message.”
“In a few minutes some really ugly aliens are going step through that door to shoot you with a stun gun, and you’re going let them. The only thing standing between the Taron battle fleet and Earth’s total annihilation is you and the clueless dude lying on the floor. Jax will turn out to be the one person you can count on to have your back, so take good care of the stupid fucker until you figure that shit out. It’s critically important that you get taken to the mother ship because they keep a large number of slaves that decide to join forces with Earth when the battle starts. Without their assistance, every man, woman, and child on Earth will be killed or forced into slavery. I remember thinking that I must be hallucinating, but this is real, and you have got to kick start your brain right damn now soldier. I struggled with how to end this message so you would believe me, and one thing came to mind. I remember going to the cemetery every year when I was really little to put flowers on dad’s grave. I thought it was disrespectful that the spiders keep on growing right on top his grave like it didn’t matter that he’d died. That’s all I got. Do the right thing. Save our people.”