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Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)

Page 6

by J B Younger

  Dillon sat there trying to tap down the rage he was feeling; he didn’t want to upset Camille. He could see how hard it was to tell him what happened. But then there was the question hanging in the air between them. Why hadn’t she called him or Danny; they would have been there in a heartbeat. He reached over and stroked her face with the back of his hand. When she looked up he saw the unshed tears in her eyes and he wanted to kill Luc Bordereau for hurting her. “Cam, why didn’t you call me or Danny and let us know what was going on. We would have been there for you.” Camille was biting her lower lip now. Dillon pulled back; he waited patiently for her to answer him. When she looked up; the tears were streaming down her cheeks now. “Come here baby.” He pulled her into an embrace, wrapping his muscular arms around her. “I wanted to handle it myself; I had to prove that I’m not that little girl who came crying to you every time someone did something to hurt my feelings.” She felt Dillon take a deep breath. “This isn’t about hurt feelings Cam. This is about some asshole putting his hands on you, trying to take something from you that you weren’t willing to give him. What man does something like that?”

  “It’s over now and I’m home safe and sound that’s all that matters to me. As for Luc yes I think he’s capable of stalking me; he’s already done it once.” Dillon stood up and picked up the tray of food he’d brought up for her. “Here, you need to eat, it’s getting late.” Camille did what she was told; as she watch the wall come back up between them. He wasn’t going to talk about what had happened earlier between them. Now that he’d touched her she wanted more of what he made her feel. “Listen, Cam you eat and I’m going downstairs to my office. I need to check on a few things.” When he turned to look at her he could see the disappointment in her eyes. She had given him a lot to think about. He turned and headed out the door never looking back.

  Dillon paced back and forth in his office trying to wrap his brain around the fact that he’d almost taken Camille’s virginity. Knowing that no other man had ever touched her the way he had made his cock so hard it hurt. He wasn’t the hearts and flowers type of man. Nor was he interested in a long term relationship. Though when he was around Camille she made him feel and want things that he never considered before. He didn’t do virgins for a very good reason. It was complicated dealing with virgins. With his proclivities he didn’t want or need to be responsible for scaring any young woman for life with his sexual excesses. But now he was faced with a real dilemma. Now that he’d a small taste of heaven he wanted and needed more, he was going to go straight to hell for the thoughts he was still having about Camille. She was different he couldn’t just have sex with her and then leave. He knew it even back then when he was too stupid to know better. He knew that if he ever started something with her he wouldn’t be able to leave. Dillon shook his head trying to clear his thoughts because all he could think of was Camille spread naked on his bed and all the nasty things he wanted to do to her. Fuck he was a fool for ever touching her and now he was going to have to figure out how to put distance between them again after tonight. It wouldn’t be that easy, for either of them.

  Chapter Six


  Xavier was pacing the floor of his hotel room; he ran his hands through his hair. He had been so close to the bitch, he hadn’t anticipated that someone would be guarding her, and yes, he expected her brother to protect her, once he realized she was in danger; he was counting on it. However, what he found was her brother’s military team was guarding her; he knew from his information they were a close-knit group but what he had not counted on was they still were. It seems they had grown up together. He wondered just how close they were and what their loyalties were, if there was a weak link.

  He also didn’t expect that imbecile to take it upon himself to try to take her out, in board daylight no less. He was going to kill him. Nevertheless, he would have to wait because he needed him to keep his plans in motion. His little friend had more of the right connections that he was going to need to put his plans in motion.

  He was trying to think did he clean the car well. He believed they would find no evidence of him or his little friend in the car. After his botched attempted at murder he came running straight to him. As usual he needed to take control of the situation, and make sure they both didn’t end of in jail and even worst dead. They always came running to him to clean up the mess they made. Yes he was good at covering his tracks, he had to be.

  It had been divine intervention that he ran across his little friend in a bar. All the signs where there that his little friend was just like him and his brother. Depraved beyond belief. Xavier watched him for hours before he finally decided to approach him. His instincts paid off; though his little partner was just a little too overzealous for his own good.

  Xavier knew he would have to go back to her condominium, there hadn’t been any sign of her in days and she was not going to work or her art studio. She was hiding from him. He would find her eventually because he had all the time in the world; she would make a mistake. People always did when they wanted to get back to their lives and she was no exception.

  He would see her dead and watch the look of horror on her brother’s face before he took his life to. He would put the next phase of his plan together. The thought of killing the girl in front of her brother gave him an erection, each morning when he came back to the hotel he would masturbate thinking of her lifeless eyes staring back at him. He would fuck her before he killed her and then he would fuck her after she was dead. His body had been dormant for so long but now it had come to life, he would have his revenge; his brother’s death would not have been a waste.

  Nicholas had been young and foolish. He had killed his ex lover.

  Xavier had tried for years to control Nicholas but he was uncontrollable, if he were honest with himself, he would have to say that Nicholas would never have lived a long life. He and his brother were just alike but he had learned to control his perversions, his brother had not.

  He knew the reason Nicholas’s lover had left was because just like him Nicholas could not perform sexually without pain and violence. The more pain inflicted the more aroused they became. Xavier had learned at an early age that it was best to use prostitutes or homeless women; no one cared what happened to them. He tried in vain to show Nicholas how to live but instead Nicholas had fallen in love and for a while, he was able to live a rather peaceful life but their past always caught up with them. Nicholas had become enraged when he found out that his ex lover had been seeing another man. He had been drinking for days when Xavier found him, he tried to talk some sense into him but Nicholas had slipped out in the middle of the night and when Xavier finally found him days later he was dead, the villagers told him what they knew. Now after all this time he would be able to lay Nicholas to rest along with the quilt of not being able to take care of his baby brother the way he should have. That bitch and her brother had to die there was no other way.

  Xavier began to rub his cock and when it was hard he unzipped his pants and pulled his it out and he pleasured himself, pulling his cock hard enough to hurt the pain along with the visions of the dead bitch brought him to climax. He lay there trying to steady his breathing, each climax was more intense than the last, soon it would not be enough the only thing that would assuage his restlessness would be sinking into her dead lifeless body. Their father had taught them about Necrophilia, he had been a mortician who had lost his license when he was arrested for having sex with corpses. It had come to light that he and his brother Nicholas had been having sex with the corpses as well. It started when they hit puberty and continued until their father had been caught. The scandal had ruined their mother. She committed suicide after their father was arrested and all the dirty details came out about him and his son’s. He and Nicholas left the small town and never looked back.

  Camille woke up alone. She felt hurt when Dillon didn’t come back. She’d hoped he would have come back and they could have picked up where they left off. There was
a fat chance of that happening once he found out she was a virgin. She knew the code her brother and his friends had about women and about virgins in general. Virgins where taboo, hands off, untouchable.

  Her dream came back to her in an instant; images of Dillon wrapped around her and inside her made her whole body warm. She just had to figure out how to get him to see her, really see her. Camille hurried downstairs to the kitchen she found Butch, Zane and Dillon making breakfast. Camille smiled to herself if she stayed with Dillon for much longer she would be as big as a house, the fellows loved to eat and their big bodies used the food for fuel. She stepped into the kitchen and all eyes were on her. Dillon watched her; the smile he gave her was sexy as hell. He walked over and handed her a cup of coffee. Good morning, he said as he leaned in and whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry about last night; I looked in on you this morning I didn’t want to wake you; you were sleeping so peacefully.” She smiled up at him. “I wish you had, we probably would still be in bed now.” She watched as his green eyes dilated and his nostrils flare. So she did have an effect on him.

  Dillon leaned his forehead on hers his expression unreadable “When I get rid of these guys you and I need to talk.” Camille tried to smile up at him, but she was afraid that he was going to keep hiding from her. There was more between them than he wanted to admit. She nodded her agreement.

  Butch cleared his throat. “Listen, you two need to eat something okay, because Z and I are hungry. Dillon stepped away from Camille. They all sat and enjoyed breakfast. Camille noticed that they were keeping the conversation light. Never mentioning anything about what was going one with her and stalker. She eat and tried to follow what they were saying. She just couldn’t stop the fear that seemed to be building with each passing moment.

  Something was wrong and Camille was afraid to ask what. When breakfast was done, Butch and Zane excused themselves while Dillon and Camille sat quietly. “Okay no one is talking what’s wrong.” She asked trying to keep the fear out of her voice. Dillon gave her a serious look that only filled her with trepidation. “A contact of ours at the police department found the car from yesterday. They were able to pull a single print from the car. He owed us a favor so he let us get a copy of the print. Zane is double checking it through Interpol now; he should have an answer within the hour. Danny and Tina are on their way.” Camille stood trying to put some distance between her and Dillon, when what she really wanted was to crawl into his arms. She looked out of the kitchen window trying to see if she could spot any sign of Trace; she knew he was out there somewhere. She tensed when she felt Dillon’s arms as he pulled her back to his chest. He said nothing as he wrapped his arms around her. In that one gesture, Camille felt as if nothing could or would happen to her as long as she was in Dillon’s arms. Zane is double-checking the print the police found why? She asked dreading the answer.

  Dillon turned her around to face him. “We have an ID and if it’s who we think it is then things are going to get really bad really fast. We need to be sure. Once we have a positive ID then I will explain everything.”

  She looked up at him searching his face. Looking into his green eyes that she loved so much. They were emotionless he was keeping something from her. He lifted her chin so he could kiss her. When his lips touched hers she forgot everything but the kiss, she put her arms around his neck and gave into the kiss. The doorbell rang. Dillon groaned and stepped back. “That’s Danny and Tina; we will have to finish this later.” She gave him a questioning glance before she caught his arm and pulled him back for another quick kiss. “I am going to hold you to it later.” Dillon smiled as he stroked his thumb across her kiss swollen bottom lip. “Listen Cam we need to clear something up. But if your brother catches us like this he is liable to castrate me and neither of us wants that.” Camille reluctantly let go of him. She tried to smile as he went to answer the door.

  Dillon opened the door giving Tina a big smile, he knew she was wondering what was going on. “Hey Tina come on in.” Daniel looked as if he was going to the gallows. Dillon hadn’t given him much information over the phone. Dillon closed the door and led them to the living room where Camille greeted her brother and his wife with a smile. “Hey you guys.” Camille gave Tina a big hug.” She led Tina over to the couch. As they sat, Tina gave Camille a questioning look. Daniel signaled Dillon and the two men went into the kitchen. “So what’s going on? You said I needed to bring Tina why?” Dillon squared his shoulders his friend was not going to like what he was about to tell him. “The ID on the finger print we got off that car from yesterday belongs to Xavier.”

  Dillon watched as Daniel shagged against the wall. “Are you sure about that?” Dillon went to one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass. He handed Daniel the glass, his best friend couldn’t make eye contact he just lifted the glass for Dillon to pour him a drink. He drank the brown liquid down in one gulp, and then he lifted it again for another shot. When he finished the second shot, he saw Zane and Butch enter the kitchen neither man made eye contact with Daniel. He knew without them telling him that the ID came back positive it was Xavier and things were going from sugar to shit. The question was why was he after Camille?

  Dillon asked the question. “Have you got a positive ID? Zane nodded; yeah the ID is positive, somehow he slipped through customs and came into the states. He’s been off the radar every since.” he stopped as he looked at Dillon and Daniel. Before Daniel could find the strength to say anything Tina and Camille entered the kitchen. Camille went to Dillon he put his arm around her. Daniel didn’t miss the gesture. He just didn’t have time to worry about it at the time. “Have you confirmed the ID you were checking on?” Camille asked. Dillon was the one to answer that question. “Yeah we have confirmation.” Tina stood next to Daniel. “So would someone like to fill me in on what’s going on? You have an ID so now you can let the police handle it right?” Tina looked at the faces of the men her husband call friends, no they were more than friends they were Brothers, and they would give their lives for each other. She knew that look, she’d seen it before and it always meant trouble.

  Daniel took Tina’s hands in his and kissed them. He pulled out the chair in front of him and motioned for her to sit, then he looked to his sister, Camille took the seat next to Tina. Butch, Zane and Dillon turned to leave. “Dillon I want you to stay.” Dillon stopped; he turned and looked at the man who had been his best friend for longer than either of them could remember. “Are you sure about that? Daniel nodded and Dillon came to stand near the counter; this was going to be ruff.

  Danny you’re scaring me Tina said looking at her husband. “We have a positive ID on the man who is trying to hurt Camille. His name is Xavier. That’s why I need to talk to the two of you. I know this man from when we all were deployed, it was our first tour of duty and we were all fresh out of boot camp. I told you they recruited us for special opts and once in we had to pick our team, so naturally we picked Zane and Butch. Once we were finished with training, they sent us out on special missions, we did what we needed to do, it was not always clean and neat but we got the job done. We were happy to be safe from the action we had a much needed break. They sent us to Kuwait to guard a small section of the city; it was as if this part of the city had not been touched. People lived, worked and survived. The only shop that sold food, water and other supplies, the owner was a nice man, who helped us out with insurgents. In exchange we helped him and his family. He had a grown daughter her name was Melina.

  I had watched her for weeks; one day there were some men, who were trying to push their way into the shop at closing. Melina was with her father. We went in and took control of the situation before it got out of hand. From then on, I went out of my way to see her every chance I got. We became friends then lovers. We fell in love. I was going to bring her state side when my tour was up. What she neglected to tell me was she had been seeing someone before me another soldier, he had been abusive he hurt her in ways that I could not ev
en imagine. Somehow she’d managed to keep her relationship with a secret. Had her father known he would have killed her for bring shame on the family. When she broke it off, she thought she would never see him again, but she was wrong. Two weeks before we were due to ship out, he showed up at her place. I had been on night runs for four days, when I got back I went to get her, but I was too late she was dead.

  The bastard had killed her whole family; he raped and tortured her to death. He left her body to rot. There were a few days after that where my memory is foggy, the only thing I knew was that I had to find that bastard and kill him. Dillon, Butch and Zane helped me track him. When we found him Dillon and I went in alone, he had been hiding out in a cave on the outskirts of town. He still had her blood all over him, he starting screaming that I made him kill her, that she still had my scent all over her. I pulled my weapon out and aimed it at his head, but…but I couldn’t take the shot. Lying in a heap covered in Melina’s blood was this animal and I…I couldn’t take the damn shot.

  I heard a shot then, I watched as his body went limp and blood was running down his face. I stared at him as the life drained from his eyes. That’s when I realized that Dillon did what I couldn’t do. I think the reason I froze was because I believed that bastard was right, it was my fault she was dead, I failed her somehow and because of me her and her entire family was dead.” The silence was deafening, Daniel realized that he had not looked at Tina or Camille during his recount of what happened; he had been looking at his hands. He’d given them the truth he couldn’t tell them how much he had loved Melina. Tina didn’t need to hear that shit. When he looked at their faces, what he saw was what he expected to see. Shock, pain and confusion all the things he never wanted to see. He’d buried those memories and now here they were back with a vengeance.


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