Can't Fight the Feeling

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Can't Fight the Feeling Page 13

by Sandy James

  “Put your legs around me,” he said, placing his hands against her hips.

  “Shouldn’t we—”

  “Come on, Josie. Go.” As he lifted, she did as he asked, wrapping her legs firmly around his hips.

  Turning, he headed toward the bedroom.

  * * *

  None of her lovers had ever made Joslynn feel the way Russ did—as though her pleasure was more important than his own. The way he touched her, kissed her, conquered her made her feel cherished.

  Almost loved.

  He set her on her feet next to the bed, and then his hands seemed to be everywhere. Touching her hips. Caressing her shoulders. Covering her breasts. After he popped the clasp, he helped her shrug out of her bra. “You really are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”

  The heat of a blush took her by surprise. After all her years working in medicine, she wasn’t easily embarrassed. She’d seen and heard just about everything.

  Then Russ had told her she was beautiful and she’d found herself humbled by his praise.

  He gave her compliment after compliment, and she felt her blush grow hotter. So she tossed him a compliment of his own. “You’re built like a brick house.”

  A smile bloomed on his face.

  “I mean it. You could probably still play football.”

  “Fuck football.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her roughly against him. “I have better things to do.” His mouth covered hers in a kiss that was almost brutal.

  They were both way past playing. Joslynn returned the ferocity of his kiss as their hands fumbled to get what little that remained of their clothing out of the way. As she pushed his briefs past his hips, his erection sprang forward. She let the briefs fall and wrapped her fingers around his thick cock.

  He closed his eyes as if savoring her touch, so she stroked the silky skin, loving the feel of the hardened flesh. She considered dropping to her knees to take him in her mouth, but he brushed her hand aside and drew her back into his embrace. Then his lips were on hers again before he swept her into his arms and laid her on her bed. He came down on top of her as she parted her thighs.

  No man had ever picked her up like that before. She was too tall, too muscular. Yet Russ made her feel almost…delicate. As he kissed her, she reached over and fumbled in the nightstand drawer to retrieve a condom.

  As though sensing her desperation, he moved to his side and allowed Joslynn to roll on the condom.

  “Now, Russ,” she said.

  * * *

  Those two words hit Russ as hard as an NFL tackle. Her want and need were plain, want and need that matched his own. Josie spread her legs wider, grabbed his cock, and guided him home.

  She was so hot, so wet. Unable to temper his pace, he withdrew and then plunged in again. As she wrapped her legs around his hips, he lost all control.

  And she was there with him, her hips rising each time he pushed into her, and she scored his shoulders with her nails, the sting only adding to his pleasure. Holding on to just enough discipline to wait for her, he caught the first tremors of her release, her flesh rippling around his cock until he lost the battle to hold back. Thrusting into her one last time, he let out a near shout at the strength of his orgasm.

  In that moment of utter bliss, he realized one very important thing.

  Joslynn Wright belonged with him.

  And he was never going to let her go.

  * * *

  As light streamed through her bedroom skylight, Joslynn woke up in Russ’s arms, which came as a huge surprise. Not once in her life had she slept the whole night with another person in her bed. Yet here he was, letting out slow, even breaths that were not quite snores as he lay there gloriously naked. Since they’d kicked the quilt and sheet down to the foot of the bed, she was able to lean up on an elbow and get a good eyeful of the man she’d finally made love to.

  There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him, and his muscular chest would’ve inspired a sculptor. Although he was relaxed in sleep, his stomach still bore the outline of six-pack muscles. His arms were thick and well defined. He looked like what he’d been once upon a time—a quarterback.

  Memories of the night brought a smile to her lips. Russ was a fantastic lover. The men she’d previously slept with had a bad habit of being a bit selfish in bed, often thinking only of their own pleasure. Not Russ. He’d made it quite clear that her pleasure was as important as his. And he’d definitely pleased her. More than once.

  As she stared at his cock, her eyes widened as it slowly began to grow. Her gaze shifted to capture his. Those blue eyes were now open and fixed on her.

  “Good morning,” she said, not at all ashamed of having been blatantly staring at his body.

  Instead of returning her greeting, he cupped her neck and pulled her into a lingering kiss.

  Although Joslynn might have been content to make love to him again, she was desperately in need of caffeine. Her important schedule had been derailed by being awake when she should’ve been sleeping, and she felt punchy. Sluggish. If they were going to burn up the sheets again, she wanted to be at her best. That required coffee.

  “Breakfast first.” She stroked his now firm cock. “Then dessert.”

  His heavy sigh brought a smile to her lips. “If you insist.”

  Rolling away from him, she got to her feet. “I do.” Opening her closet, she grabbed two things—her favorite Japanese-print silk robe and an oversized terry-cloth robe that she used on especially cold nights. She handed the bigger garment to Russ. Then she donned the silk and tied the belt. “I’ll make some coffee, and then I’ll make us some food.”

  * * *

  Russ picked up his empty plate and carried it to the sink, and Joslynn couldn’t help but be surprised yet again. The man had a way of constantly challenging her preconceived notions about men. He’d helped prepare their egg-white omelets without being asked, something she found endearing. Normally she liked to be self-sufficient. Opening her own doors was better than appearing to be a weakling who needed to wait for some man to help her out. Since they were sharing the meal, she was quite pleased to allow him to share the preparation and cleanup as well.

  While he loaded the dishwasher, she took care of putting away the leftovers. As she bent over to return the egg carton to the bottom refrigerator shelf, she let out a gasp when he grabbed her hips and rubbed up against her from behind.

  Smiling, she pushed back, loving the feel of his erection against her bottom. “I take it you’re ready for dessert,” she said as she straightened up.

  Russ turned her to face him, wrapped his arms around her, and lifted her off her feet. As he walked backward, he shut the refrigerator door with a kick. The seductive smile on his face fired her blood. “Absolutely.”

  He set her down on the table, and she let her legs dangle over the side, suddenly noticing he’d cleared everything from it, including the small vase of flowers she always kept there. Then he produced a condom from the pocket of his robe.

  “You’re a Boy Scout,” she teased.

  He winked. “Always prepared.” Flicking open the tie on his robe, he stepped between her thighs and leaned down to kiss her.

  Joslynn couldn’t remember the last time she’d become so hot so quickly. Seeing him naked and aroused—and knowing that she was the reason he was in that state—turned her on. She plucked the condom from his fingers.

  As his hands worked on removing her robe, she opened the package and rolled the condom on his cock. Her arms around his neck, she kissed him, pushing her tongue past his lips and hoping she could excite him as completely as he’d excited her. She grasped his bottom lip between her teeth and tugged.

  Russ growled, the sound racing straight to her core. This time wasn’t going to be slow and teasing. No, this would be fast and rough and exactly what she needed.

  Using his hips to ease her legs farther apart, he stared deeply into her eyes as he entered her. The intensity Joslynn saw there stole her breath away. Then he captured her mouth i
n a searing kiss and pressed home.

  She moaned into his mouth before gripping his shoulders tightly to ground herself as he thrust into her again and again. Everything inside her tightened until the heat uncoiled through her limbs in a burst. He came only a moment behind her.

  Although her breathing was still choppy, she smiled. “I think it gets better each time.”

  He returned her smile. “That’s because we care about each other, Josie. I told you. It makes all the difference.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Russ matched Josie stride for stride the first five miles. He didn’t have to call “uncle” until mile six. As she’d done every time they’d run together, Josie slowed to a walk so he could catch his breath.

  The last two weeks had been close to perfect, as though the two of them were always meant to be a couple. When they weren’t working, they were together. Mornings were spent running or relaxing. Afternoons she caught up on her sleep—or they made love. Russ worked most evenings at Words & Music, and three nights a week Josie worked at the ER.

  It was a nice rhythm.

  “We going to Shamballa?” he asked when he wasn’t gasping for breath.

  “Don’t we always?” she responded with a grin. “You’re really showing progress. Getting stronger every day. Before long, I’ll get us in a half marathon.”

  “In your dreams,” Russ said, following her back to his SUV. “You work tonight, right?”

  She nodded.

  “I’m heading into Words and Music. Since Brad went with Savannah to her Boston concert, I’m taking a few management shifts for him.”

  After digging the key out of his pocket, he unlocked the doors. Once inside, he looked at Josie as she buckled her seat belt. “I just wanted to tell you how much these workouts are helping me.”

  The smile she gave him was so relaxed, he wondered if their time together had been every bit as relaxing for her. “I’m glad. You know, there are other things we can do to help with your stress.”

  He started the engine. “I haven’t felt stressed lately.” Probably because his mind and body were both content, Words & Music was running smoothly, and things had quieted down at the Green home.

  Russ had never enjoyed the type of peace he’d known in the time he’d spent with Joslynn.

  “I’m glad, but…it’s not quite that easy.” She rubbed his thigh. “You have to admit, the last couple of weeks have been pretty low drama.”

  Blessedly so, but he wasn’t going to admit it aloud and jinx himself.

  “I really need to get you to one of my yoga classes. I’m sure you’d love it, and it’s so relaxing.”

  “C’mon, Josie. I’d look ridiculous trying to bend myself into some of those positions.”

  “They’re called poses,” Josie corrected. “And you’d do great.”

  As he pulled into a parking spot at Shamballa, he said, “I’ll think about it.”

  “I’ll get you there. One day,” she said.

  * * *

  Late that afternoon, Russ was driving to Words & Music when his phone rang. A glance to the SUV’s view screen showed his mother was calling. A quick touch of the screen, and he said, “Hey, Mom. What’s up?”

  Her voice echoed through the SUV. “Um…do you think you can come over?”

  The fearful tone of her voice sent adrenaline running through him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. Really. I just could use a little help.”

  He’d learned over the years that the more Yvonne Green downplayed something, the worse it was in reality. Fighting his growing anxiety, he glanced in the review mirror and then eased to the right lane so he could turn at the next intersection and head toward his parents’ house. “I’m on my way now. Tell me what happened.”

  “It was silly. Daddy didn’t mean any harm.”

  “Mom…” Russ tried not to get angry that she was being evasive, but the less she told him, the more his imagination ran wild. All that stress, all those feelings of anxiety that he’d kept at bay came flooding back. “What did he do this time?”

  “He locked me in the basement.”

  “He what?” Russ shouted.

  “Calm down, Russell. I don’t think he meant any harm. I went down to fold a load of laundry. When I was just about done, I heard the door shut. Then I heard that old lock we had on the top of the door. Remember? We had it there—”

  He’d heard the story a million times. “To keep me from falling down the stairs when I was little. I know.” He was finding it difficult to rein in his anger. This was a reminder that the man Russ had looked up to his whole life was ill.

  And he wasn’t ever going to get better.

  “I’m almost there, Mom. Hang tight.”

  * * *

  No one answered the front door when he pounded on it, so Russ used his key to let himself in. “Dad? Dad, where are you?”

  Worried that his father wasn’t responding, Russ hurried to the kitchen and opened the bolt at the top of the basement door. Pulling the door open, he found his mother waiting a few steps down. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Yvonne pushed past him into the kitchen. “Where’s your father?”

  “I don’t know.”

  She cupped her hands around her mouth and bellowed, “Baron! Baron!”

  “I’m checking upstairs,” Russ said. Jogging to the foyer, he stopped panicking when he saw his father on the top step.

  Rubbing his eyes, Baron stared down at him and frowned. “I was napping. What’s all the shouting about?”

  Yvonne grabbed Russ’s arm to move him out of her way. Then she hurried up the stairs. She alternated between scolding and hugging her husband while Russ let out a heavy sigh.

  Funny, he didn’t feel much relief. He never did after that damned disease made his father do something stupid. His heart was still slamming in his chest, and he couldn’t seem to relax the fists he’d clenched his hands into.

  “Why did you lock me in the basement?” Yvonne demanded as Baron followed her down the stairs.

  Baron glared at her back. “I did no such thing.” Then he glanced to Russ as though he’d just noticed he was there. “What are you doin’ here?”

  Moving aside so they could pass him and head to the kitchen, Russ replied, “I came to let Mom out of the basement, Dad.”

  Yvonne poured three cups of coffee and handed a mug to Baron and then one to Russ, who leaned back against the counter.

  “I’m sure it was an accident,” she said.

  Temper still climbing, Russ dumped the coffee in the sink and all but tossed the mug in. “Why did you lock her in, Dad? And why didn’t you let her out when you heard her yelling?”

  “I didn’t lock her in,” Baron replied.

  Russ closed his eyes and tried to hold tight to what little patience remained. “You did.”

  “I went to do the laundry, honey,” Yvonne said in what seemed like a far-too-calm tone. “I heard you click the lock at the top of the door. I’m sure you didn’t do it on purpose.”

  Baron thought it over for a minute. “I guess I did.” He looked at the open door. “I thought…” His brows gathered. “The door was open, and I thought Russ might fall down the stairs.”

  “Makes sense,” Yvonne said with a nod. “We put that lock on there to keep you from getting hurt when you were a kid, Russell.”

  Makes sense, my ass. “I’m not a kid now. There was no reason to lock the damn door. Hell, Dad, I don’t even live here anymore.” Russ took a few deep breaths so he’d stop shouting. Baron couldn’t help what was happening to him. Yelling wasn’t going to change anything.

  “Innocent mistake,” Yvonne insisted.

  “I went upstairs to do a crossword puzzle and I must’ve fallen asleep,” Baron added. “I didn’t hear her knocking.”

  With a hesitant smile, Yvonne shifted her gaze to Russ. “No harm, no foul. Thanks for helping us out, Russell. Were you heading into work?”

  Tossing his mother a
curt nod, he frowned. “I need to go. Are you two okay now?”

  “We’re fine,” his father insisted.

  * * *

  Russ was still upset when he left his parents’ house, and he picked up a hefty speeding ticket on his way to Words & Music.

  * * *

  The crowd was rowdy all evening, as though they sensed Russ was in a tempestuous mood and were committed to making him miserable. By the time the partiers fully took over the bar, all he had remaining of his self-control was one thin thread.

  A group of six men, all wearing ridiculous baseball caps that labeled them as a bachelor party, were especially obnoxious. The best man, or so his hat claimed, was the worst of the lot. Russ had already warned him several times to stop making sexual remarks to the waitresses. Not only were the party members harassing the staff, but they were so loud that the other patrons began to complain.

  When the best man pinched one of the waitress’s asses, that last thread snapped.

  Russ went to the groom and leaned down, frowning. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you gentlemen to leave.” Although the words were made with a clenched jaw, he was rather proud of himself because he thought he’d masked the hostility flowing through him very well. “The last round is on the house, but it’s time to call it a night.”

  The best man, clearly listening in, started laughing. “Hey, don’t I know you?”

  Russ shook his head, not wanting to engage the worst of the troublemakers. “I’ll give you a few minutes to settle your tabs and then—”

  “You used to play for the Colts, didn’t you?” The best man let out another loud guffaw. “Anyone ever tell you that you sucked as a quarterback?”

  Hands clenched into fists, Russ turned to walk away. Adding this situation to what had happened with his father and all of the calm Josie had helped him find became a distant memory.

  He wanted to hit something. Hard.

  A rough grip of his upper arm made him whirl back around. The best man had narrowed his eyes and was glaring at him. “I guess you knew you sucked, ’cause here you are, bein’ a bouncer in some fuckin’ bar for minimum wage.”


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