by Guy Arnold
4 Rhodesia Herald, 7/12/1971
5 D. R. Thorpe, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1996, p.425
6 Thorpe, op. cit., pp.425–6
7 Thorpe, op. cit., p.428
8 Hugo Young, Sunday Times, 14/01/1973
9 Ken Flower, Serving Secretly, John Murray, 1987, pp.121–2
10 The Times, 4/06/1974
11 R. W. Johnson, How Long Will South Africa Survive?, Macmillan, 1977, p.122
12 Johnson, op. cit., p.123
13 Flower, op. cit., p.127
14 Johnson, op. cit., pp.127–8
15 Flower, op. cit., p.164
16 Daily Telegraph, 6/07/1977
17 Flower, op. cit., p.191
18 Flower, op. cit., p.213
19 Flower, op. cit., p.210
20 Financial Times, 24/05/1977
21 Guardian, 8/07/1977
22 Martin Bailey, Oilgate, Coronet Books, 1979, p.83
23 Bailey, op. cit., Interview, 18 April 1979, p.87
24 Bailey, op. cit., p.92
25 Report of Observers on behalf of the British Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Free and Fair? The 1979 Rhodesia Election, quoted in ‘Zimbabwe’, Destructive Engagement, editors Phyllis Johnson and David Martin, p.44
26 Flower, op. cit., p229
27 Flower, op. cit., pp.247–8
28 Phyllis Johnson and David Martin, ‘Zimbabwe’, Destructive Engagement, p.43
29 Flower, op. cit., pp.267–8
30 Flower, op. cit., p.269
31 See Destructive Engagement, Note 5 to Chapter 2, p. 352
Chapter Twenty-One The End of Portuguese Africa
1 See Africa Digest, vol. XVII, No. 4, August 1970
2 The Times, 23/12/1970
3 Colin Legum, Observer, 14/01/1973
4 Financial Times, 27/05/1970
5 South African Star, 13/06/1970
6 Daily Telegraph, 14/03/1972
7 The Times, 10/07/1973
8 Le Monde, 26/07/1973
9 See Africa Digest, vol. XXI, No. 1, February 1974
10 Rand Daily Mail, 30/01/1974
11 South African Star, 23/02/1974
12 See Elizabeth Morris, ‘Portugal’s Year in Africa’, Africa Contemporary Record 1971–72, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1972
13 John Miller, Daily Telegraph, 03/09/1970
14 Basil Davidson, West Africa, 16/08/1970
15 Africa Contemporary Record 1972–73, Angola, B482, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1973
16 Africa Contemporary Record 1973–74, Angola, B527, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1974
17 Michael Knipe, The Times, 21/08/1974
18 Sunday Times, 20/10/1974
19 See Elizabeth Morris, ‘Portugal’s Year in Africa’, Africa Contemporary Record 1972–73, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1973
20 Africa Digest, vol. XX, No. 2, April 1973
21 See Elizabeth Morris, ‘Portugal’s Year in Africa’, A83–9, Africa Contemporary Record 1973–74, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1974
22 Daily Telegraph, 29/07/1974
23 See Elizabeth Morris, ‘Portugal’s Year in Africa’, A71, Africa Contemporary Record 1974–75, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1975
24 Africa Contemporary Record 1974–75, Guinea-Bissau, B670, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1975
25 Elizabeth Morris, op. cit. Africa Contemporary Record 1974–75
26 See Jane Bergerol, ‘Portugal’s Year in Africa’, A112, Africa Contemporary Record 1975–76, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1976
27 Bergerol, op. cit.
Chapter Twenty-Two Namibia
1 Statement in the Supreme Court of South Africa, Transvaal Provincial Division, Pretoria, 1 February 1968
2 Stanley Uys, Observer, 12/03/1972
3 Rand Daily Mail, 18/01/1972
4 Laurie Flynn, Studded with Diamonds and Paved with Gold, Bloomsbury, 1992
5 Flynn, op. cit., p.41
6 Flynn, op. cit., p.42
7 Flynn, op. cit., pp.44–5
8 Flynn, op. cit., p.48
9 Roger Murray, Jo Morris, John Dugard, Neville Robin, The Role of Foreign Firms in Namibia, Africa Publications Trust, 1974, p.42
10 Murray et al, op. cit., p.44
11 Rand Daily Mail, 2/11/1973
12 Testimony by Hon. David Newsom on 27 March 1973, before the House Subcommittee on Africa, in US Congress, House of Representatives committee on Foreign Affairs, US Business Involvement in Southern Africa, Part III (Washington D. C: Government Printing Office) p.12
13 Murray et al, op. cit., p.202
14 Murray et al, op. cit., pp.46–7
15 South African Star, 16/02/1974
16 Phyllis Johnson and David Martin (editors), Frontline Southern Africa, Ryan Publishing, 1989, p.150
17 Barbara Konig, Namibia The Ravages of War, International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa, 1983, p.30
18 Konig, op. cit., p.50
19 Konig, op. cit., p.55
Chapter Twenty-Three South Africa: The Critical Decade
1 Guardian, 18/12/1970
2 Financial Mail, 1/11/1974
3 Rand Daily Mail, 7/02/1972
4 Denis Herbstein, Gemini News Service, 24/02/1972
5 Daily Telegraph, 22/02/1973
6 See Africa Digest, vol. XVIII, No. 6, December 1971
7 Sunday Times, 5/12/1971
8 Rand Daily Mail, 5/07/1972
9 See Africa Digest, vol. XVIII, No. 4, August 1971
10 Rand Daily Mail, 20/01/1973
11 See Michael Tanzer, The Race for Resources, Monthly Review Press, (NY and London), 1980, pp.178–87
12 Tanzer, op. cit., p.182
13 Tanzer, op. cit., p.185
14 The Economist, 23/01/1971
15 Adam Raphael, Guardian, 12/03/1973
16 Guardian, 2/05/1973
17 Rand Daily Mail, 31/03/1973
18 Guardian, 6/06/1973
19 Guardian, 13/09/1973
20 Benjamin Pogrund, Sunday Times, 16/09/1973
21 David Loshak, Daily Telegraph, 31/10/1973
22 South African Star, 22/12/1973
23 South African Star, 5/01/1974
24 South African Star, 2/04/1978
25 South African Star, 19/12/1970
26 Derek Ingram, Gemini News Service, 26/04/1971
27 Guardian, 20/08/1971
28 See Colin Legum, ‘Southern Africa: The Secret Diplomacy of Détente’, pp.A3–A15, Africa Contemporary Record 1974–75, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1975
29 Legum, op. cit., p.A7
30 Jim Lobe (Washington), ‘1975: Angola, Cuba and the CIA’, West Africa, 15–21 April 2002, p.22
31 Conakry Radio, 22/02/1975
32 See Colin Legum, ‘Southern Africa: How the Search for Peaceful Change Failed’, pp.A39–40, Africa Contemporary Record 1975–76, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1975
33 See R. W. Johnson, How Long Will South Africa Survive?, Macmillan, 1977
34 Johnson, op. cit., p.177
35 Johnson, op. cit., p.191
36 Johannesburg Sunday Times, 12/12/1976
37 Rand Daily Mail, 5/01/1977
38 See Colin Legum, ‘The Southern Africa Crisis’, pp.A3–A32, Africa Contemporary Record 1977–78, Colin Legum (editor), Rex Collings, 1978
39 Dan van der Vat, The Times, 19/11/1977
40 Phyllis Johnson and David Martin (editors), Frontline Southern Africa, p.284, Ryan Publishing, 1989
41 The Economist, 9/04/1977
Part III The 1980s: Basket Case?
Chapter Twenty-Four Introduction to the Decade: The OAU Tries to Cope
1 For a comprehensive examination of the refugee problem in Africa during the 1980s, see Nicholas van Hear, ‘Refugees and Displaced People in Africa’, pp.A47–A58, Africa Contemporary Record, vol. 22 1989–1990, Africana Publishing Company, 1995
2 Basil Davidson, ‘Africa in Historical Perspective’, Africa South of the Sahara 198
9, p.15, Europa Publications Ltd, 1988
3 Colin Legum, ‘The Organisation of African Unity, 1989 to Mid-1990: The End of a Disappointing Decade’, p.A23, Africa Contemporary Record 1989–90, Marion E. Doro (editor), African Publishing Company, 1995
Chapter Twenty-Five The Arab North
1 Boutros Boutros-Ghali, International Herald Tribune, 24/07/1989
2 See Malise Ruthven, ‘Islamic Politics in the Middle East’ pp.136–47, The Middle East and North Africa 1986, Europa Publications Limited, 1985
3 Michael Field, Inside the Arab World, p.126, John Murray, 1994
4 Field, op. cit., p.130
5 ‘The Libyan Problem’, US Department of State Bulletin, October 1983, pp.71–8 (US Government Publications)
6 ‘Libya: US Economic Measures’, US Department of State Bulletin, June 1982, Department of State, 10 November 1982
7 See Guy Arnold, Wars in the Third World since 1945 (2nd edition), pp.192–202, Cassell, 1995
8 FBIS 2 September 1983
9 Special Report No. 138, Libya under Qadhafi: A Pattern of Aggression, January 1986, US Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs, Washington DC
10 David Blundy and Andrew Lycett, Qadhafi and the Libyan Revolution, p.186, Corgi Books, 1988
11 Keesing’s Record of World Events, June 1991
12 ‘The Libyan Problem’, US Department of State Bulletin, October 1983, p.72, US Government Publications
Chapter Twenty-Six The Horn: Continuous Warfare
1 Musaddag Ahmed El haj Ali, ‘The Redivision of the Southern Sudan’, p.237, in Decentralisation in Sudan, editor Al-Agab al-Teraifi, Graduate College Publications No. 20, University of Khartoum, 1987
2 ‘The Redivision of the Southern Region: Why it must be Rejected?’ (Nile Printing Press), pp.12–13, Solidarity Committee of the 4th National Congress
3 Hilary Ng’weno, ‘Human Tragedy in Sudan’, Newsweek, 02/07/1984
4 New York Times, 07/04/1985
5 Africa Confidential, vol. 26, No. 8, 10/04/1985
6 Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, p.256, Touchstone Books, 1997
7 Huntington, op. cit., p.275
8 Douglas H. Johnson, The Root Causes of Sudan’s Civil Wars, p.xvii, James Currey, 2003
9 Johnson, op. cit., pp.29–30
10 Agriculture and Rural Development Unit, Centre of Development Studies, University of Leeds, Eritrea Food and Agricultural Production Assessment Study Final Report, p.40, University of Leeds, 1988
11 D. Willis, The Christian Science Monitor, 13/09/1984
12 See Tesfatsion Medhanie, Eritrea: Dynamics of a National Question, pp.224–5, for the story of the Falashas, B. R. Grunner, Amsterdam, 1986
13 Medhanie, op. cit., p.237
14 David Pool, From Guerrillas to Government, p.147, James Currey, 2001
15 See Chester Crocker, ‘The Quest for an Africa Policy’, The Washington Review of Strategic and International Studies, Washington Quarterly, vol. 1, No. 2, April 1978, p.73
16 See Donald Zagoria, ‘Into the Breach: New Soviet alliances in the 3rd World’, Foreign Affairs, Spring 1979, p.750
17 Medhanie, op. cit., p.134
18 Chester Crocker, ‘Africa Policy in the 1980’s’, Washington Quarterly, vol. 3, No. 3 (Summer 1980), p.74
19 Medhanie, op. cit., p.129
20 New York Times, 25/10/1985
21 Pool, op. cit., p.157
22 ‘A Test in Africa for Reagan’s Clout’, Business Week (New York), p.99, 02/02/1981
23 Scott Peterson, Me Against My Brother, p.13, Routledge, 2000
24 Peterson, op. cit., p.16
Chapter Twenty-Seven West Africa: Nigeria and Ghana
1 Alan Rake, Who’s Who in Africa, pp.257–8, Scarecrow Press, 1992
2 Rake, op. cit., p.239
3 See Olusegun Obasanjo and Akin Mabogunje (editors), Elements of Development, Africa Leadership Forum, 1991
4 Obasanjo, op. cit., p.95
5 Obasanjo, op. cit., p.139
6 Rotimi Suberu, ‘Integration and Disintegration in the Nigeria Federation’, p.92, in Regionalism in Africa Integration and Disintegration, Daniel C. Bach (editor), James Currey, 1999
7 Obasanjo, op. cit., pp.9–16
8 Rake, op. cit., pp.129–31
9 Kevin Shillington, Ghana and the Rawlings Factor, p.80, Macmillan, 1992
10 Shillington, op. cit., p.107
11 Shillington, op. cit., p.110
12 Shillington, op. cit., p.114
13 Shillington, op. cit., p.148
14 Fiona Mackenzie, ‘Introduction’, in Development from Within. Survival in Rural Africa, D. R. Fraser Taylor and Fiona Mackenzie (editors), p.11, Routledge, 1992
15 People’s Daily Graphic, March 1987
16 Jerry Rawlings, ‘Accountability Not Negotiable’, Accra: Information Services Department, 1989
17 Africa Confidential, ‘Ghana: Time is Running Out for Rawlings’, pp.4–5, 20 October 1989
18 See Africa Contemporary Record, vol. XXII, 1989–90, ‘Ghana’, p.B50, Marion E. Doro, editor, and Colin Legum, consulting editor, Africana Publishing Company, 1995
19 Shillington, op. cit., p.125
Chapter Twenty-Eight East and Equatorial Africa
1 Alan Rake, Who’s Who in Africa, p.366, Scarecrow Press, 1992
2 Rake, op. cit., p.385
3 Mahmood Mamdani, When Victims Become Killers, pp.144–5, James Currey, 2001
4 Mamdani, op. cit., p.147
5 Mamdani op. cit., p.155
6 Rake, op. cit., p.56
7 Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja, The Congo, p.185, Zed Books, 2002
8 Janet MacGaffey and Remy Bazenguissa-Ganga, Congo-Paris Transnational Traders on the Margins of the Law, p.4, James Currey, 2000
Chapter Twenty-Nine Endgame in Southern Africa
1 See Joseph Hanlon, Beggar Your Neighbours, p.19, James Currey, 1986
2 Hanlon, op. cit., p.8
3 Hanlon, op. cit., p.1
4 Eschel Rhoodie, The Real Information Scandal, Orbis SA (Pty) Ltd, 1983
5 Phyllis Johnson and David Martin (editors), Destructive Engagement, p.67, Zimbabwe Publishing House, 1986
6 Johnson and Martin, op. cit., p.91
7 The Times, 6/01/1984
8 Financial Times, 31/01/1986
9 Tony Hodges, Angola from Afro-Stalinism to Petro-Diamond Capitalism, p.11, James Currey, 2001
10 Hodges, op. cit., p.50
11 Patrick Chabal et al, A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa, p.162, Hurst, 2002
12 Financial Times, 3/09/1981
13 Anthony Parsons, From Cold War to Hot Peace, p.120, Michael Joseph, 1995
14 See Malyn Newitt, ‘Mozambique’, p.195, in Chabal, op. cit., Hurst 2002
15 Hanlon, op. cit., p.145
16 Americo Magain, President Mozambican Chamber of Commerce, quoted in Noticias, Maputo, 10/07/1984
17 Chabal, op. cit., p.119
18 New York Times, 13/04/1982
19 Susanna Smith, Front Line Africa: the Right to a Future, pp.259–60, OXFAM, 1990
20 For a detailed analysis of the South African mining industry see Laurie Flynn, Studded with Diamonds and Paved with Gold, Bloomsbury, 1992
21 Leonard Thompson, A History of South Africa, p.240, Yale University Press, 1990
22 Guardian, 24/08/1985
23 Robin Cohen, Endgame in South Africa, p.66, Africa World Press Inc., 1988
24 Citizen, 7/06/1984
25 Mats Lundahl and Lena Moritz, ‘The Quest for Equity in South Africa – Redistribution and Growth’ in Bertil Oden, The South African Tripod, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, 1994
26 Frank Welsh, A History of South Africa, p.479, Harper Collins, 1998
27 Welsh, op. cit., p.224
28 Smith, op. cit., p.270 et seq.
29 Plenary Session, British Council of Churches, London, 28/02/1989
30 Interview with Beeld, 29/11/1989
nbsp; 31 Hanlon, op. cit., p.24
32 Kevin Danaher, ‘The Political Economy of US Policy toward South Africa’ [Ph.D. disc., University of California, Santa Cruz, 1982], 5.
33 Allister Sparks, The Mind of South Africa, p.332, Heinemann, 1990
34 Sparks, op. cit., p.337
35 Sparks, op. cit., p.348
36 Sparks, op. cit., p.352
37 Thompson, op. cit., p.234
38 S. van der Merwe, ‘And what about the black people?’ 1985 Pretoria, Information Service of the National Party
39 Bertil Oden, op. cit., pp.60/61
40 Alex Davidson and Pen Strand, ‘The Path to Democracy – A Background to the Constitutional Negotiations in South Africa’, in Oden, op. cit., p.72
41 Allan A. Boesak, If This is Treason I am Guilty, pp.13, 26, 131, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1986
42 Sparks, op. cit., p.271
43 South African whites who qualified for foreign nationality:
Britain 800,000
Portugal 500,000
Israel 119,000
Germany 100,000
Italy 50,000
Netherlands 40,000
Belgium 25,000
US 17,000
Other 37,000
44 Welsh, op. cit., p.489
45 Sparks, op. cit., p.378
Chapter Thirty Development Standstill
1 The World Bank, Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Agenda for Action, p.9, World Bank
2 Mahmood Mamdani, When Victims become Killers, pp.152–3, James Currey, 2001
3 See Noam Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, p.126, Vintage, 1991
4 Patrick Chabal et al, A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa, p.90, Hurst, 2002
5 Chabal, op. cit., p.89
6 Chabal, op. cit., p.90
7 The World Bank Annual Report 1983
8 The World Bank Annual Report 1984, p.79
9 The World Bank Annual Report 1984, p.82
10 The World Bank Annual Report 1985, p.88
11 Jacob Songsore, ‘The Cooperative Credit Union Movement in North-Western Ghana’, quoted in Development from Within: Survival in Rural Africa, p.83., D. R. Taylor-Fraser and Fiona Mackenzie (editors), Routledge, 1992
12 The World Bank Annual Report 1986, p.83
13 World Development Report 1986, pp.77–78
14 World Food Report 1986, FAO
15 Financing Adjustment with Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa 1986–90, p.5, The World Bank, 1986
16 The World Bank, op. cit., p.11
17 The World Bank Annual Report 1989, p.106
18 The World Bank Annual Report 1990, p.112
19 Olusegun Obasanjo and Akin Mabogunje (editors), Elements of Development, ‘Background note on the Africa Leadership Forum’, p.230, Africa Leadership Forum, 1991