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Down & Dirty_Axel

Page 16

by Jeanne St. James

  Get Magnum 2 grab stuff out of house b4 Whitehall PD gets warrant.

  She hit Send. Turning the key in the ignition, she took a last look in her rearview mirror at Axel sitting in his Dodge truck waiting for her to pull away and she smiled.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Axel sat in the driver’s seat of his truck with both hands on the wheel, tapping his finger.

  His eyes flicked down to the passenger seat where his handcuffs sat there mocking him.

  Mocking him.

  Because he wanted to do this. He did.

  But he shouldn’t.

  He’d told her they couldn’t be together, that it would never work. Because of his job. Because of her affiliation with the club and their skirting of the law.

  He wasn’t willing to bend. Neither was she.

  He should’ve just left her alone all those times she told him to. She had begged him to “let her go.” He didn’t. He couldn’t.

  And then the kiss happened. The sex in his truck. The sex in the storage unit. Then the sex...


  He wasn’t lying when he told her that she was like an addiction. She was.

  She was all he could think about. Whether at work, watching football, hanging out with his fellow officers, driving by the bakery...

  And he always worried about her.

  Not that it helped to pull her car over and to see the Sergeant at Arms from the Dark Knights, one of the infamous outlaw MC’s from the greater Pittsburgh area, driving her car.

  Driving her fucking car.

  The man had been on his way to hand her over to Diesel because she had done something crazy. Enough so that Magnum reluctantly cooperated with him on the way back to station, giving him the information he needed to find her.

  The Knight’s enforcer knew she’d head back to Whitehall and explained why. Even told Axel he’d texted D to give him a heads up. And stupid fuck that Axel was, he told this Magnum, this huge bad-ass biker, to text D back and tell him that Axel would handle it.

  Yeah, he’d handle it. Like he wanted to get in the middle of whatever bullshit Bella was getting herself entangled in.

  He didn’t know why she couldn’t let the stolen toys go, let the PD handle it the right way.

  Nope. She couldn’t do that.

  So now there he sat, in his truck, in front of his apartment building while his handcuffs mocked him for being weak and agreeing to come back to his place for sex. It wasn’t just the cuffs mocking him, his cock was, too.

  The whole drive back from Whitehall to Shadow Valley Apartments, he couldn’t get rid of the picture of Bella cuffed to his bed as he did wicked things to her. So his cock was steel hard, jammed cockeyed in his jeans and dripping like a leaky faucet.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  He sucked in a breath when the passenger door was flung open. “Having second thoughts?”

  He blew all the air back out as he studied her. Her long dark brown hair hung loose in waves around her shoulders and down her back. Her cheeks were flushed from either the chilly weather or the anticipation of having sex, and her eyes... Fuck, her dark brown eyes held a lot of promise of what could happen in the next hour. “Want the truth?”

  “Always,” she answered with a nod.

  “I am.”

  If he went upstairs with her, he was going to get sucked right back in. And he would have a tough time pulling himself back out again. It was difficult enough last time when he finally admitted that he couldn’t be with her. Especially after wanting her so much for so long.

  “I’ll go home, then,” she whispered. Her expression might have been unreadable, but her voice couldn’t hide her disappointment.

  He closed his eyes and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

  Was he going to let her go? Let her just walk away?

  When she slammed the door shut, his eyes popped open. Tagging the cuffs and shoving them into his jacket pocket, he scrambled out of his truck, and hurried to snag her arm before she rounded her car to leave.

  “Hold up.”

  She stared down at his fingers wrapped around her forearm. Then slowly she raised her gaze until she met his. “Changing your mind again?”

  “I don’t know what I want... No, fuck! I know what I want. Goddamnit, Bella, I want you. I’ve always wanted you.”

  “But not enough to look past my involvement with the club,” she said softly, a hint of sadness tinging her words.

  “It’s not that simple.”

  She bit her bottom lip for a moment, then admitted, “I know it’s not, Axel. I know.”

  Her gaze bounced to her car then back to him. Now her eyes held something... He could only guess it was regret. Maybe even the harsh reality of the situation.

  She continued, “I’ll make the decision easy for you. I’ll just go.”

  As she began to move away, he tightened his grip on her arm. “Fuck... Don’t go.”

  “I don’t want you compromising your integrity by being with me. I’ve said this a million times, Axel, I’m DAMC and always will be. Even when I climb into your bed, that fact doesn’t change. It never will.”

  His gaze dropped to where he held onto her. He could release her and let her go. Or hold on and pull her back into his apartment, into his bed, into his life.

  Her warm, husky voice drifted over him. “You need to choose carefully. I don’t want you to ever regret your decision.”

  “I don’t want to risk my career, but I don’t want to risk losing you, either.”

  “I told you before, there are other women out there that would fit better into your life.”

  “Do you think it’d be that easy for me? To just find someone else? Would it be that easy for you?”

  “We’re not talking about me. I’m not looking for a man, ol’ man or otherwise. And, anyway, I’m damaged goods.”

  He shook his head vehemently. “You are not damaged goods. Fuck, Bella, that’s bullshit. It kills me that you think that way, that you sometimes try to cover yourself when you think I’m looking. I love the way you look. Everything that’s happened in your past has made you who you are... scars and all. I love everything about you.”

  “Except my being a part of the club.”

  Axel sighed and ran a hand over his chin. “I can’t ignore that part.”

  “Right. And that’s why I should go.”

  “Then why did you come here in the first place? Why did you say I could do what I wanted with you? Were you just trying to distract me enough that I wouldn’t call Whitehall PD? So you could give Diesel or Magnum or whoever time to break into that house and clean it out? Is that what you were doing? You didn’t want to be with me, you were just playing me?”

  “No. There’s nothing I want more than to go upstairs with you, Axel. Nothing.”

  “I think you’re lying.”

  With wide eyes, she said, “Do I need to prove it to you?”

  His nostrils flared as the blood rushed through him, landing back into his cock. “Yes, prove it. Prove to me how much you want me. That I mean something to you. That this wasn’t just a play to get me away from that house.”

  “You could’ve called Whitehall PD on the way here. Nothing stopped you from doing that.”

  She was right. He could’ve, but he didn’t. The truth was, he wanted those toys back as much as she did. He didn’t want the Warriors to get away with ruining Christmas for a lot of needy kids. It stuck in his craw that the outlaw MC kept fucking with the DAMC and the PD’s donations got caught up in the beef between the clubs.

  And he had to admit, bringing her back here was just as much as a distraction for her, to get her away from that house and her mind off those kids’ toys. Did she call or text someone from DAMC or the Knights to go in and get them? Most likely. But he didn’t hear the call or see the text, so he couldn’t be sure. His hands were clean if something happened and the toys were miraculously recovered.

  It was an abandoned house that no one lived in. No one would
be hurt. Nothing would get damaged. He would wait an hour or so and make the call to Whitehall to give them a heads up. If the toys were still there, then great. If not, then so be it. Either way, some kids were going to have a nice Christmas, for fuck’s sake.

  But right now, he was holding on to a beautiful woman he loved and had a pair of handcuffs in his pocket he was itching to use. He wasn’t going to worry about how the stolen toys got returned as long as they got returned.

  He released her arm. “If you want me, and this wasn’t just a ploy, then I’ll let you lead the way.”

  “Where are the cuffs?”

  “In my jacket pocket.”

  She smiled, then reached into his pocket and pulled them out to study them. “They’re a little cold.”

  “We can warm them up.”

  She swung them on her fingers, her eyes heated. “I was never into wearing clunky silver jewelry.”

  His dick kicked in his jeans. “First time for everything.”

  “I’m sure you’re an expert with them. They won’t hurt?”

  “I’d never hurt you, baby,” he whispered.

  She nodded, then glanced toward his apartment building. “Why are we still standing here?”

  With a smile, Axel swept an arm out. “Lead the way.”

  He stood still only for a second as she walked toward his place, her hips rocking and rolling as she approached the entrance. She didn’t even bother to look back to see if he would follow.

  She knew he would.

  Fuck him, but he could not let this woman go.


  “To the bed or behind your back?” he asked her, his breathing ragged, his cock raging as he held the handcuffs in his hands. Bella slowly stripped off her clothes and as much as he’d like to do it for her, he’d rather sit and watch instead.

  “Do you have to watch me?” she asked, her lips turning down at the corners.



  “Watching you takes my breath away, baby.”

  The frown quickly disappeared and her eyelids got heavy as she shimmied out of her jeans. She had already shed her jacket, boots and socks, which laid in a pile on the floor.

  “Hopefully in a good way.”

  He grabbed his erection and squeezed. As soon as they’d hit his bedroom, he had quickly stripped down to nothing in his excited anticipation of what was to come. “This leave you any doubt?”

  Her burning gaze dropped to his cock, which made a drop of precum bead at the opening. She didn’t bother to answer. Instead, she tossed her jeans onto the pile and yanked her sweatshirt over her head.

  “Fucking beautiful,” he murmured, when she tossed that aside and then stood in only her black cotton panties and matching plain bra. Even in her generic underwear, she did it for him a thousand times more than any Victoria’s Secret model in a skimpy, overpriced lingerie set.

  She traced her fingers over the scar on her chest subconsciously, then brushed her hand over her lower belly.

  “C’mere,” he encouraged, holding out his hand to her. He separated his thighs to make room for her to step between his legs.

  She slowly did so, and when her warm skin brushed against his, he had to resist throwing her onto the bed to take her hard and fast. Fuck the cuffs.

  He forced himself to take a breath, to slow his rapid heartbeat, to stay in control. Dropping the handcuffs onto the mattress, he grabbed her hips and pulled her even closer. Close enough so he could brush his lips over the pale scars that decorated her abdomen. The long horizontal one, and the smaller, thicker ones. While he did that, he slid his hands around her to cup her ass under her panties. He groaned against her warm skin as he squeezed.

  Sliding her panties over the globes of her ass, they fell to her ankles, and he pressed his face into her belly and inhaled her scent.

  She smelled ready for him. Warm, musky but sweet. He ran his fingers between the cleft of her ass, then up her back to unhook her bra. When it fell forward, she let it drop off her arms to the floor. He nuzzled his face between her full breasts, kissing the curve of one then the other.

  Her nipples were hard, peaked, begging for his mouth. When she brushed her fingers over his hair, he tipped his eyes up to see her staring down at him with a look on her face that made his heart squeeze and his chest tight.

  No matter what outside forces might want to keep them apart, it was clear they were meant to be together.

  No matter how many times she insisted there was a better woman out there for him, there wasn’t. The only woman for him was Bella.

  Without her, he’d be missing a piece of himself. He only hoped she felt the same.

  He flicked one peaked nipple then the other with the tip of his tongue then released her.

  “On the bed.” His voice sounded gruff even to his own ears.

  Without a word, she moved from between his legs and rounded the king-sized bed, climbing on and settling in the center. He got to his feet and snagged the cuffs. “Now, I’ll ask again. To the bed or behind your back?”

  She cupped her own breasts and strummed her thumbs across the tips of her nipples as she contemplated her options. “Have you done this before?”

  That was a loaded question. Would she really care if he had? “Not with you.”

  She grinned. “Good answer.”

  He snorted a laugh as he moved to the side of the bed. “Well?”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the headboard. “Will it hold?”

  “Are you planning on becoming a wild cat?”


  His brows shot up his forehead. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  With another chuckle, he raised a finger. “Hang on, I have an idea.” Without waiting for her response, he rushed from the room into the kitchen and dug through his junk drawer. He found a heavy-duty zip-tie and a knife, along with his spare cuff key and hurried back into the bedroom.

  He stopped short. Bella now sat against the headboard, knees cocked and spread, her fingers busy between her sweet, supple thighs.

  With heavy eyelids she stared at him, her lips parted and a slight flush running from her chest, up her neck and into her cheeks.

  “How wet are you?”

  “Very,” she whispered, her voice catching.

  Axel swallowed the lump in his throat and moved forward. “As much as I hate to stop you from what you’re doing, I need your hands out front.”

  She studied the items in his hands and, with a start, he quickly put the knife aside on the nightstand. He wouldn’t need that until later and it only hit him then that she might get uncomfortable around a man with a knife.

  He groaned silently at being a dumb fuck. “Sorry.”

  She shook her head, her dark hair sweeping across her shoulders. “If I fell apart every time I saw someone holding a knife, I’d never get through life. A lot of the guys carry a knife on their belt.”

  He didn’t want to remind her that she completely splintered apart by simply feeling Sophie’s baby move. But then he didn’t know what it was like to be in her head. He never had to deal with the tragedy she had, so he had no room to judge her reactions. But even so...

  “Are you going to be okay with me restraining you?” he asked carefully.

  Bella pulled her hand from between her thighs and raised it to him. “See that?”

  Her fingers were slick and shiny with her arousal and he groaned. Leaning over he captured them in his mouth and sucked them clean, savoring her taste on his tongue.

  “There’s more where that came from,” she whispered, her eyes heated, her legs spread apart and inviting.

  “Hands out front,” he ordered, donning his official cop voice.

  She did it, holding them up and pinning her wrists together. He carefully cuffed her, making sure they weren’t too snug against her skin.

  He grabbed the zip-tie and told her to put her hands behind her along the headboard.
When she did, he slipped the zip-tie through the slats and hooked it to the chain on the handcuffs. By using the plastic tie, he’d be able to turn her over without twisting her arms uncomfortably. If they even got that far.

  Seeing her restrained to his bed, naked, pussy wet, nipples pebbled hard, he might not last as long as he’d like.

  He needed to go slow, take his time, and savor her.

  Bella’s heart pounded in her chest. Even her pulse throbbed in her neck, as well as in her pussy. She was soaked. Seeing Axel’s lean, muscular body leaning over her as he fastened her cuffed hands to the headboard made her want to come right then and there. She tilted her head just enough to nip at his nipple and he jerked back, rubbing it where she made contact.

  She thought he’d make her slide down onto her back, but he didn’t. Instead, he moved until he was laying between her spread legs. He kissed from her knee up to the top of her inner thigh on one leg, then moved over and did it again on the other side.

  He only touched her with his lips. Nothing else. It drove her crazy. She wanted not only his mouth on her, but his cock inside her and his fingers creating chaos everywhere else.

  But he wasn’t rushing. Oh no, he wasn’t.

  She closed her eyes as the tip of his tongue traced the same path where he’d laid the soft, gentle kisses previously. She sighed as his hot breath swept over her throbbing pussy.

  His mouth, hot and wet, took her, his tongue sweeping through her swollen folds up to her clit, to tease her, to torture her. Lifting her hips slightly off the bed, she moaned, wishing she could grab his head with her hands and hold him tightly against her. But she couldn’t. She was under his control.

  She had told him earlier that he could do whatever he wanted to her. And that was true. She trusted him completely. Axel would never hurt her.

  At least on purpose.

  He might do so without meaning to.

  She pushed that thought out of her mind and concentrated on what he was doing right now, which was bringing her extraordinary pleasure. He licked along her plump lips, sucking each one, then flicked her clit before dipping his tongue inside her.


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