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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

Page 15

by Stephen Jay Gould

  4. Punctuated equilibrium emerges as the expected scaling of ordinary allopatric speciation into geological time, and does not suggest or imply radi­cally different evolutionary mechanisms at the level of the origin of species. (Other proposed mechanisms of speciation, including most sympatric modes, envision rates of speciation even faster than conventional allopatry, and are therefore even more consistent with punctuated equilibrium.) The theoreti­cally radical features of punctuated equilibrium flow from its proposals for macroevolution, with species treated as higher-level Darwinian individuals analogous to organisms in microevolution.

  5. The difficulty of defining species in the fossil record does not threaten the validity of punctuated equilibrium for several reasons. First, in the few studies with adequate data for genetic and experimental resolution, paleo­species (even for such difficult and morphologically labile species as colonial cheilostome bryozoans) have been documented as excellent surrogates, com­parable as units to conventional biospecies. Second, the potential underesti­mation of biospecies by paleospecies only imposes a bias that makes punctu­ated equilibrium harder to recognize. The fossil record's strongly positive signal for punctuated equilibrium, in the light of this bias, only increases the probability of the pattern's importance and high relative frequency. Third, the potential overestimation of biospecies by paleospecies is probably false in any case, and also of little practical concern because no paleontologist would as­sert punctuated equilibrium from the evidence of oversplit taxa in faunal lists, but only from direct biometric study of stasis and punctuation in actual data.

  6. We originally, and probably wrongly, tried to validate punctuated equilibrium by asserting that, in principle, most evolutionary change should be [Page 77] concentrated at events of speciation themselves. Subsequent work in evolu­tionary biology has not confirmed any a priori preference for concentration in such episodes. Futuyama's incisive macroevolutionary argument — that re­alized change will not become geologically stabilized and conserved unless such change can be “tied up” in the unalienable individuality of a new spe­cies — offers a far richer, far more interesting, and theoretically justified ra­tionale for correlating episodes of evolutionary change with speciation.

  7. Section III presents a wide-ranging discussion of why proposed empirical refutations of punctuated equilibrium either do not hold in fact, or do not bear the logical weight claimed in their presentation. Refutations for single cases are often valid, but do not challenge the general hypothesis because we anticipate a low relative frequency for gradualism, and these cases may reside in this minor category. Claims for predominant gradualism in the entire clade of planktonic forams may hold as exceptional (although, even here, the ma­jority of lineages remain unstudied, in large part because they seem, at least subjectively, to remain in stasis, and have therefore not attracted the attention of traditional researchers, who wish to study evolution, but then equate evo­lution with gradualism). However, in these asexual forms with vast popula­tions, gradualism at this level may just represent the expected higher-level expression of punctuational clone selection, as Lenski has affirmed in the most thorough study of evolution in a modern bacterial species — and just as gradual cladal trends in multicellular lineages emerge as the expected conse­quences of sequential punctuated equilibrium at the species level (trends as stairsteps rather than inclined planes, so to speak). Claims for genetic gradu­alism do not challenge punctuated equilibrium, and may well be anticipated as the proper expression at the genic level (especially given the high relative frequency of random nucleotide substitutions) of morphological stasis in the phenotypic history of species. Punctuated equilibrium has done well in tests of conformity with general models, particularly in the conclusion that exten­sive polytomy in cladistic models may arise not only (as usually interpreted) from insufficient data to resolve a sequence of close dichotomies, but also as the expectation of punctuated equilibrium for successive branching of daugh­ter species from an unchanged parental form in stasis. In fact, the frequency of polytomy vs. dichotomy may be used as a test for the relative frequency of punctuated equilibrium in well resolved cladograms — a test well passed in data presented by Wagner and Erwin.

  8. Section IV then summarizes the data on empirical affirmations of punctuated equilibrium, first on documented patterns of stasis in unbranched lineages; second on punctuational cladogenesis affirmed by the criterion of ancestral survival; third on predominant relative frequencies for punctuated equilibrium in entire biotas (with particularly impressive affirmations by Hallam, Kelley, and Stanley and Yang for mollusks; and by Prothero and Heaton for Oligocene Big Badlands mammals, where a study of all taxa yielded 177 species that followed the expectations of punctuated equilibrium and three cases of potential gradualism, only one significant); fourth on predominant relative frequencies for punctuated equilibrium in entire clades, with emphasis [Page 78] on Vrba's antelopes and, especially, Cheetham's rigorously quantitative and multivariate data of evolution in the bryozoan genus Metrarabdotos, perhaps the best documented and most impressive case of exclusive punctu­ated equilibrium ever developed. Finally, we can learn much from variation in relative frequencies among taxa, times, and environments — and interesting inferences have been drawn from recorded differences, particularly in Shel­don's counterintuitive linkage of stasis to rapidly changing, and gradualism to stable, environments.

  9. Among many reasons proposed to explain the predominance of stasis, a phenomenon not even acknowledged as a “real” and positive aspect of evo­lution before punctuated equilibrium gave it some appropriate theoretical space, habitat tracking (favored by Eldredge), constraints imposed by the nature of subdivided populations (favored by Lieberman), and normalizing clade selection (proposed by Williams) represent the most novel and interest­ing proposals.

  10. Among the implications of a predominantly punctuational origin of stable species-individuals for macroevolutionary theory, we must rethink trends (the primary phenomenon of macroevolution, at least in terms of dedi­cated discussion in existing literature) as products of the differential success of certain kinds of species, rather than as the adaptive anagenesis of lin­eages — a radical reformulation with consequences extending to a new set of explanations no longer rooted (as in all traditional resolutions) in the adap­tive advantages conferred upon organisms, but potentially vested in such structural principles as sequelae (by hitchhiking or as spandrels) of fortuitous phenotypic linkage to higher speciation rates of certain taxa. In further exten­sions, macroevolution itself must be reconfigured in speciational terms, with attendant implications for a wide range of phenomena, including Cope's rule (structurally ordained biases of speciation away from a lower size limit occu­pied by founding members of the clade, rather than adaptive anagenesis to­wards organismal benefits of large size), living fossils (members of clades with persistently minimal rates of speciation, and therefore no capacity for ever generating much change in a speciational scheme, rather than forms that are either depauperate of variation, or have occupied morphological optima for untold ages), and reinterpretation of cladal trends long misinterpreted as tri­umphs of progressive evolution (and now reevaluated in terms of variational range in species numbers, rather than vectors of mean morphology across all species at any time — leading, for example, to a recognition that modern horses represent the single surviving twig of a once luxurious, and now de­pleted, clade, and not the apex of a continually progressing trend). By the same argument, generalized to all of life, we understand the stability and con­tinued domination of bacteria as the outstanding feature of life's history, with the much vaunted progress of complexity towards mammalian elegance rein­terpreted as a limited drift of a minor component of diversity into the only open space of complexity's theoretical distribution. But, to encompass this re­formulation, we need to focus upon the diversity and variation among life's species, not upon the supposed vectors of its central tendencies, or even its [Page 79] peripheral superiorities. Homini
d evolution must also be rethought as reduction of diversity to a single species of admittedly spectacular (but perhaps quite transient) current success. In addition, the last 50,000 years or more of hu­man phenotypic stability becomes a theoretical expectation under punctuated equilibrium, and not the anomaly so often envisaged (and attributed to the suppression of natural selection by cultural evolution) both by the lay public and by many professionals as well.

  11. Further extensions of punctuated equilibrium include the controversial phenomenon of “coordinated stasis,” or the proposition that entire faunas, and not merely their component species, tend to remain surprisingly stable in composition over durations far longer than any model based on independent behavior of species (even under punctuated equilibrium) would allow, al­though other researchers attribute the same results to extended consequences of sudden external pulses and resulting faunal turnovers, while still others deny the empirics of coordination and continue to view species as more inde­pendent, one from the other, even in the classical faunas (like the Devonian Hamilton Group) that serve as “types” for coordinated stasis.

  12. Punctuated equilibrium has inspired several attempts, of varying suc­cess in my limited judgment, to construct mathematical models (or to simu­late its central phenomena in simple computer systems of evolving “artificial life”) that may help us to identify the degree of generality in modes of change that this particular biological system, at this particular level of speciation, exemplifies and records. Punctuated equilibrium has also proved its utility in extension by meaningful analogy (based on common underlying principles of change) to the generation of punctuational hypotheses at other levels, and for other kinds of phenomena, where similar gradualistic biases had prevailed and had stymied new approaches to research. These extensions range from phyletic and ecological examples below the species level to interesting ana­logs of both stasis and punctuation above the species level. Non-trending, the analog of stasis in large clades, for example, had been previously disre­garded — following the same fate as stasis in species — as a boring manifesta­tion of non-evolution, but has now been recognized and documented as a real and fascinating phenomenon in itself. Punctuational analogs have proven their utility for understanding the differential pace of morphological innova­tion within large clades, and for resolving a variety of punctuational phenom­ena in ecological systems, including such issues of the immediate moment as rates of change in benthic faunas (previously the province of hypotheses about glacially slow and steady change in constantly depauperate environ­ments), and such questions of broadest geological scale as the newly recognized stepped and punctuational “morphology” (correcting the hypothetical growth through substantial time of all previous gradualistic accounts) of mutual biomechanical improvement in competing clades involved in “arms шее,” and generating a pattern known as “escalation.”

  13. Punctuational models have also been useful, even innovative in break­ing conceptual logjams, in nonbiological fields ranging from closely cognate studies of the history of human tools (including extended stasis in the Homo [Page 80] erectus toolkit), and nontrending, despite classical (and false) claims to the contrary by both experts, the Abbe Breuil and Andre Leroi-Gourhan, for the 25,000 year history of elegance in parietal cave art of France and Spain — and extending into more distant fields like learning theory (plateaus and innova­tive punctuations), studies of the dynamics of human organizations, patterns of human history, and the evolution of technologies, including a fascinating account of the history of books, through punctuations of the clay tablet, the scroll, the codex, and our current electronic reformation (wherever it may lead), and long periods of morphological stasis (graced with such vital inno­vations as printing, imposed upon the unaltered phenotype of the codex, or standard “book”).

  14. In a long and final section, I indulge myself, and perhaps provide some useful primary source material for future historians of scientific conflicts, by recording the plethora of non-scientific citations, ranging from the absurd to the insightful, for punctuated equilibrium (including creationist misuses and their politically effective exposure by scientists in courtroom trials that de­feated creationist legislative initiatives; and the treatment of punctuated equi­librium, often very good but sometimes very bad, by journalists and by au­thors of textbooks — the primary arenas of vernacular passage). I also trace and repudiate the “dark side” of non-scientific reactions by professional col­leagues who emoted at challenges to their comfort, rather than reacting criti­cally and sharply (as most others did, and as discussed extensively in the main body of the chapter) to the interesting novelty, accompanied by some promi­nent errors of inevitable and initial groping on our part, spawned by the basic hypothesis and cascading implications of punctuated equilibrium.

  Chapter 10: The integration of constraint and adaptation: historical constraint and the evolution of development

  1. Although the directing of evolutionary change by forces other than natu­ral selection has loosely been described as “constraint,” the term, even while acknowledged as a domain for exceptions to standard Darwinian mecha­nisms, has almost always been conceived as a “negative” force or phenome­non, a mode of preventing (through lack of variation, for example) a popula­tion's attainment of greater adaptation. But constraint, both in our science (and in vernacular English as well), also has strongly positive meanings in two quite different senses: first, or empirically, as channeled directionality for reasons of past history (conserved as homology) or physical principles; and second, or conceptually, as an nonstandard force (therefore interesting ipso facto) acting differently from what orthodoxy would predict.

  2. The classical and most familiar category of internal channeling (the first, or empirical, citation of constraint as a positive theme) resides in preferred di­rections for evolutionary change supplied by inherited allometries and their phylogenetic potentiation by heterochrony. As “place holders” for an exten­sive literature, I present two examples from my own work: first, the illustra­tion of synergy with natural selection (to exemplify the positive, rather than oppositional, meaning), where an inherited internal channel builds two [Page 81] important adaptations by means of one heterochronic alteration, as neoteny in descendant Gryphaea species of the English Jurassic produces shells of both markedly increased size (by retention of juvenile growth rates over an un­changed lifetime) and stabilized shape to prevent foundering in muddy envi­ronments (achieved by “bringing forward” the proportions of attached juve­niles into the unattached stage of adult ontogeny); second, an illustration of pervasiveness and equal (or greater) power than selective forces (to exemplify the strength and high relative frequency of such positive influences), as geo­graphic variation of the type species, Cerion uva, on Aruba, Bonaire, and Curasao, a subject of intense quantitative study and disagreement in the past, becomes resolved in multivariate terms, with clear distinction between local adaptive differences and the pervasive general pattern of an extensive suite of automatic sequelae, generated by nonadaptive variation in the geometry of coiling a continuous tube, under definite allometric regularities for the genus, around an axis.

  3. For the second, or conceptually positive, meaning of constraint as a term for nonstandard causes of evolutionary change, I present a model that com­pares the conventional outcomes of direct natural selection, leading to local adaptation, with two sources that can also yield adaptive results, but for rea­sons of channeling by internal constraints rather than by direct construc­tion under external forces of natural selection. In this triangular model for aptive structures, the functional vertex represents features conventionally built by natural selection for current utilities. At the historical vertex, cur­rently aptive features probably originated for conventionally adaptive rea­sons in distant ancestors; but these features are now developmentally chan­neled as homologies that constrain and positively direct both patterns of immediate change and the inhomogeneous occupation of morphospace (espe­cia
lly as indicated by “deep homologies” of retained developmental patterns among phyla that diverged from common ancestry more than 500 million years ago). At the structural vertex, two very different reasons underlie the origin of potentially aptive features for initially nonadaptive reasons: physical principles that build “good” form by the direct action of physical laws upon plastic material (as in D'Arcy Thompson's theory of form), and architectural sequelae (spandrels) that arise as nonadaptive consequences of other features, and then become available for later cooptation (as exaptations) to aptive ends in descendant taxa. These two structural reasons differ strongly in the ahis-toricist implications of direct physical production independent of phyletic context vs. the explicit historical analysis needed to identify the particular foundation for the origin of spandrels in any individual lineage.

  4. As a conceptual basis for understanding the importance of recent ad­vances in evo-devo (the study of the evolution of development), the largely unknown history of debate about categories of homology, particularly the distinction between convergence and parallelism, provides our best ordering device — for we then learn to recognize the key contrast between parallelism as a positive deep constraint of homology in underlying generators (and therefore as a structuralist theme in evolution) and convergence as the opposite [Page 82] sign of domination for external natural selection upon a yielding internal substrate that imposes no constraint (and therefore as a functionalist theme in evolution). As a beginning paradox, we must grasp why E. Ray Lankester coined the term homoplasy as a category of homology, whereas today's termi­nology ranks the concepts as polar opposites. Lankester wanted to contrast homology of overt structure (homogeny in his terms, or homology sensu stricto) with homology of underlying generators (later called parallelism) building the same structure in two separate lineages (homoplasy, or homol­ogy sensu lato, in Lankester's terms). Because parallelism could not be cashed out in operational terms (as science had no way, until our current revolution in evo-devo, to characterize, or even to recognize, these underlying genera­tors), proper conceptual distinctions between parallelism and convergence have generally not been made, and the two terms have even (and often) been united as subtypes of homoplasy (now defined in the current, and utterly non-Lankesterian sense, as opposite to homology). I trace the complex and con­fused history of this discussion, and show that structuralist thinkers, with doubts about panadaptationism, have always been most sensitive to this is­sue, and most insistent upon separating and distinguishing parallelism as the chief category of positive developmental constraint — a category that has now, for the first time, become scientifically operational.


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