The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory Page 232

by Stephen Jay Gould

vs. adaptation, 662, 671

  Arnold’s illustration of, 1234-1238

  definition of species selection and, 662

  functional shift and, 1229-1234

  key criteria of, 1234-1238

  structural constraint and, 1246-1249

  subcategories of, 1248-1249

  subsequent changes and, 1236-1237

  taxonomy of fitness chart and, 1233

  as term, 43, 86, 1232-1233

  usage in evolutionary literature, 1239-1246

  use in nonevolutionary fields and, 1238-1239

  exaptive pool, 49, 1270-1295

  alternative taxonomies and, 1285-1286

  concept of, 87, 1270-1277

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  paradox of evolvability and, 1270-1277

  proposed taxonomy of, 1277-1285 (see also franklins; miltons) size of, and constraint, 741


  Darwin and, 54, 133-136, 147, 596-597, 1058, 1059

  orthogenetic theory and, 393

  principle of nesting and, 683

  vernacular criteria for individuality and, 603-604, 607

  expansion-contraction cycles, 287-291

  explanatory modes in science

  mixing of, 1337-1338

  paradox of contingency and, 1338-1342

  plurality of, 1332-1337

  “extended phenotype,” 638-641

  extinction. See also catastrophic mass extinction; K-T (Cretaceous-Tertiary) transition

  astronomical hypotheses and, 1308 (see also impact model)

  Cuvier and, 486

  Darwin and, 88, 246-248, 1296-1303

  “hard version” of orthogenesis and, 353

  Lamarck and, 176-177

  species selection and, 246-248, 739-740

  as “spread out,” 1300-1303

  wedging metaphor and, 473-475, 1299

  Weismann and, 220-221

  extrapolationist claims. See scope, as Darwinian principle

  eye development homologies, 82, 83, 1123-1134

  facet-flipping. See saltationism

  Falconer, Hugh

  fossil elephants and, 51-52, 745-749

  theory as framework vs. foundation and, 1-3, 19

  falsifiability criterion, and the “argument from imperfection,” 758-761

  Fantastic Voyage (science fiction film), 675

  Farrar, T. H., 422-423

  Farrow, M., 1174-1175

  faunas. See ecosystems; evolutionary

  faunas; Hamilton faunas; White River Chronofauna Fausto-Sterling, A., 764

  “field of bullets” model, 736, 949, 1323-1326

  final cause, 65, 288-289, 1187-1189. See also Aristotle; Thompson, D’Arcy W.

  finches, Darwin’s, 192-193, 992, 1287

  fingerprints, 349-350

  fish. See also cave fishes, blindness in; stickleback fish; zebrafish

  breathing in, 107-108, 560, 1224

  Hox gene expression in, 1171-1172

  opercular bones of, 301-303

  Fisher, R. A., 926

  eugenics and, 70, 512-514

  “fundamental theorem” of, 511-512

  The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, 70, 509-514, 644-646. 1323

  levels of selection and, 544, 613

  Modern Synthesis and, 70, 506, 508-514

  nature of variation and, 144

  species selection and, 72, 644-647, 651-652, 740, 1290

  Fitch, D. H., 1147


  Darwin’s definition of, 369n

  emergent fitnesses and, 73, 657, 659-666, 671-673

  taxonomy of, and exaptation, 1233

  floral morphology. See ABC Model

  fluctuating variation, 430-431, 437, 441-442

  Flynn, L. J., 832-833, 842

  focal level, 674

  dominant relative frequency and, 807-810

  weightings of causal mechanisms in trends and, 887

  Foraminifera, 733, 752, 763, 795, 842, 873

  as case against punctuated equilibrium, 803-810

  cladistic topologies for, 820-822

  gradualist claims and, 77, 830-832, 836-839

  Ford, E. B., 541

  Ford, V. S., 1146

  formalism vs. functionalism. See structuralist-functionalist dichotomy

  formalist tradition. See also Agassiz, Louis; Bateson, William; Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Etienne; Goethe, J. W. von; Goldschmidt, Richard; internal constraint; orthogenesis; Owen, Richard; saltationism; structural constraint; Thompson, D’Arcy W.

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  formalist tradition (continued)

  basic themes of, 445-446

  continental, 65, 118, 261n, 271-278

  D’Arcy Thompson’s critique of Darwinism and, 1200-1204

  demotion of, by Modern Synthesis, 507-508

  natural theology and, 260, 271-278

  pre-Darwinian concepts of evolution and, 64, 160-161

  salience of parallelism in, 1084-1086

  Fortey, R. A., 754, 769, 851, 856

  fossil elephants debate, 51-52, 748-749

  fossil record. See also intermediary forms; paleospecies, definability of

  abrupt appearance of species in, 749-755, 758-759

  argument from imperfection and, 75, 755-765, 794, 1296-1303

  catastrophists and, 485-486

  Cuvier and, 486, 490-491

  Darwin and, 102-103, 474-475, 485, 757-758

  as data, 564-566, 759-765

  Lyell and, 485-486, 490-191

  non-deposition hypothesis and, 1302-1303

  punctuated equilibrium theory and, 760-761

  Signor-Lipps effect and, 1309-1310

  stasis as data and, 75, 759-765, 971

  unanswerable questions and, 790-791

  foundation vs. framework, theory as, 2-6, 19

  “founder drift,” 737, 743

  “founder effect,” 535-736, 737, 797-798

  Fowles, J., 974

  fractal geometry, 830, 888, 922, 950

  Raup’s “field of bullets” model and, 1323-1326

  framework vs. foundation, theory as, 2-6, 19


  cross-level spandrels and, 1286-1288

  inherent potentials vs. available things and, 1277-1279

  Frazzetta, T. H., 452, 1230-1231

  Freeman, P. W., 813-814

  Freud, S., 1262, 1263

  Fristrup, K., 611n, 656, 663, 672

  “fruitful error,” 614, 616, 632. See also gene selectionism

  functionalist tradition. See also Cuvier, Georges; Darwinism; Lamarckism; Modern Synthesis; Paley, William; structuralist-functionalist dichotomy

  agreement on adaptation in, 1179

  Darwin and, 64, 251-260, 331-332

  Lamarckism and, 62, 179

  natural theology and, 262-271

  structuralist critique of Darwin and, 158-159

  valid vs. invalid alternatives and, 507n

  functionality, as criterion for individuality, 603, 650-651

  functional shift. See quirky functional shift

  fushi tarazu gene, 1163

  futhark, 1238-1239

  Futuyma, D., 77, 798-802, 830, 1008

  Gabler, M. and N., 989

  Gaia hypothesis, 612

  gain-of-function mutations, 1100-1101

  Galapagos Islands, 114-115, 192-193, 992

  Galileo, 798, 1065, 1189, 1303n, 1323

  Siderius nuncius, 1063

  Galton, Francis, 343, 344-351. See also Galton’s polyhedron

  Hereditary Genius, 344

  Natural Inheritance, 344-346

  Galton’s polyhedron, 344-351, 402n, 439, 464, 1200

  historical constraint and, 1147, 1173-1174

  illustration of, 345

  Mivart and, 1220-1221

  Gans, C., 977

  Gasterosteus doryssus, 828-830

  gastropods, 820-822. See also mollusks

  cladistic topologies for, 820-822

  Paleozoic, 730n, 733-735

; punctuational origin of, 843-844

  spiraling in, 1045-1046

  Gaudin, A. J., 578-579

  Geary, D. H., 843-844, 852, 867, 868, 876

  Gehring, W. J., 1124-1125, 1127

  Geiger, G., 28

  gene-individual, 73, 683-695

  geneological ontogeny, 368-373

  gene pools, 643

  general homology, 1071-1072, 1079

  generation time, test of, 815

  Generelle Morphologie der Organismen (Haeckel), 208-210

  gene selectionism

  bookkeeping vs. causality and, 73, 632-637, 643-644, 655-656

  codical hierarchy and, 641-644

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  distinction between replicators and interactors and, 72, 615-616

  “extended phenotype” and, 638-641

  as fallacy, 613-644

  gene-individual in hierarchy theory and, 689-695

  group effect on lower-level fitness and, 654-656

  interaction as criterion for agency and, 622-625

  internal textual incoherence and, 625-632

  replication as criterion for agency and, 616-622, 635, 643

  revisions and, 637-644

  genetic drift. See also Wright, Sewall

  levels of selection and, 685, 735-738, 1283

  Modern Synthesis and, 70-71, 516, 522-524, 539

  genetic mechanisms, 15. See also Mendelism; mutational variation

  “gene” as term and, 424

  “genetics” as term and, 409

  Goldschmidt and, 456, 459, 460, 462-463

  genetics, study of, 804-805. See also Mendelism; population genetics

  genome studies

  elements in genomes and, 690-691

  evolvability and, 1273

  exaptation as term and, 1239-1246

  human genome and, 553n, 627, 1273

  Pharaonic brick homology and, 1138

  genotypes, 643, 810-812

  Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Etienne, 65, 157

  debate between Cuvier and, 282-283, 290-293, 303, 304-312

  Discours préliminaire, 303

  dorso-ventral inversions and, 83, 1117-1122

  formalist vision of, 298-304, 1132

  Goethe and, 282-283, 309-311

  Naturphilosophie, 298

  Philosophie anatomique, 301 -303

  Principes de philosophie zoologique, 309

  topology of formalism and, 305-306

  vertebral archetype and, 82-83, 299-306, 320, 321, 1091, 1092, 1101, 1106-1117

  geographic data, and evolutionary mode, 831, 842, 873

  geographic variation in Cerion, 81, 82, 599, 1047-1051

  as nonadaptative, 534-535, 538-539, 586

  power of positive constraint and, 81

  geological change, pace of, 492. See also geological time; tiers of time

  geological data. See also fossil record Darwin and, 102-103

  Lyell and, 485-486

  Modern Synthesis and, 564-566

  quality of, for continental vs. oceanic record, 805-810, 870

  “geological moment,” 768, 851

  geological time. See also punctuated equilibrium theory; scaling; scope, as Darwinian principle; tiers of time

  anagenesis and, 723n-724n

  catastrophists and, 484n

  Darwin’s view of, 496-497

  Kelvin and, 492-502

  punctuated equilibrium and, 76, 674-675, 778-781

  speciation in mutation theory and, 443-446

  species as individuals and, 606

  sympatric speciation and, 780

  tiers of time and, 1328

  time scales in nature and, 674-675

  geology. See also geological time

  catastrophism and, 44-45, 61, 162

  Cuvier and, 295

  gradualism and, 60-61, 152-155

  Lamarck and, 180

  license for progress and, 467-470

  theory of punctuated equilibrium and, 45, 61, 152

  uniformity and, 479-502

  utility of punctuated equilibrium in, 961-962

  viviparous lines and, 945

  wedge metaphor and, 474-475, 1299

  geometry, and spandrels, 1259-1263

  Gerhart, J., 1271

  German evolutionary thought, 208-214. See also Eimer, G. H. T.; germinal selection; Weismann, August

  germinal selection, 63, 197-208, 596

  Allmacht of selection and, 63, 197-201, 215, 219, 223-224, 596

  as complement to personal selection, 214-224

  as full hierarchy theory, 219-224

  Lamarckian inheritance and, 63, 201-203

  nonadaptive features and, 220-221

  positive adaptation and, 217-219

  problem of degeneration and, 203-208, 221-222

  roots in German evolutionary thought and, 208-214

  Gersick, C., 958-959, 960, 978

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  Ghiselin, M. T., 1, 98, 120, 599-600, 601

  Gilinsky, N. L., 890, 892

  Gillispie, C. C., 173

  Gilluly, J., 1304

  Gingerich, P. D., 149n-150n, 733, 832, 833, 835, 864, 901, 980, 1015, 1019

  giraffe example in Lamarck, 188

  Gish, D. T., 986-987, 988, 990

  Gleick, J., 993-994

  Glen, W., 1304, 1307n, 1311-1312

  Glennon, L., 974-975

  Globorotalia (Globoconella) species, 831, 842, 873

  Godfrey, L., 834

  Goethe, J. W. von, 64-65, 281-291

  criticism of, 285n

  Cuvier and, 312

  Faust, 1091

  formalist tradition and, 283-284

  Geoffroy and, 282-283, 309-311, 312

  leaf archetype and, 82, 284-286, 1064, 1091, 1092

  primacy of form and, 289-290

  supplementary principles of, 286-289

  Versuch de Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklären, 283, 284

  “Goldilocks solution” as approach, 7-11

  coral model and, 16-19

  Darwinian efficacy and, 60, 149

  Darwinian scope and, 69, 161-162

  geological change and, 479-484

  Goldschmidt, Richard, 38n, 65, 68, 451-466

  anathemized status of, 453-454

  formalist tradition and, 464-466

  “hopeful monster” and, 68, 151, 452, 455, 457-464, 988, 992, 1006, 1007

  key issues for current theory and, 456-466

  Material Basis of Evolution, 452, 453, 454-456, 457-461, 462-464

  saltation and, 144, 456-457, 464-466, 939

  Theoretical Genetics, 456

  Gombos, A. M., Jr., 1319

  Goodfriend, G. A., 771-772, 851, 853

  Goodman, E., 976-977

  Goodman, N., 28

  Goodwin, B., 85, 279, 1182, 1213

  Gorman, J., 982

  Gosse, P. H., 264

  Gottlieb, L. D., 1146

  Gould, C. G., 996

  Gould, J. L., 193, 992, 995, 996

  Gould, S. J.

  history and, 35-37, 46-47, 57

  personal odyssey of, 33-48, 54-55, 670-673

  qualifications claimed by, 36-37

  theory and, 37-48

  writings, 33-34, 44, 46

  article for Nature magazine (Gould and Eldredge, 1993), 971-972

  “Evolutionary paleontology and the science of form,” 41

  “Is a new and general theory of evolution emerging?” (1980)

  paper), 1002-1003, 1005-1006

  The Mismeasure of Man, 37

  Ontogeny and Phylogeny, 25, 34, 35, 331n, 1005, 1061-1062

  original paper on punctuated equilibrium (Eldredge and Gould, 1972), 761, 879-880, 979-980, 1001, 1010

  gradualism. See also bifurcation; efficacy, as Darwinian principle

  argument from imperfection and, 75, 755-765

  in asexual forms, 807-810

  Bateson and, 401-402

  centrality of, in Darwin’s thought, 148-149, 154-155

of inconceivability and, 107-108

  coral model and, 146-147

  De Vries and, 421, 427, 429-430, 440

  as empirical claim, 481-482

  evolution of viviparity and, 942-946

  exemplars of, in paleontology, 752-753, 761-765 (see also Foraminifera)

  forms of, in Darwin, 60-61, 149-155, 755-765

  highest relative frequencies for, 830-834

  historical continuity and, 149-152

  insensible intermediacy claim and, 755-756

  Lamarck and, 179n

  as paradoxical in macroevolution, 606, 834-839, 876

  rate of change and, 152-155

  selective quotation of Darwin and, 147-148

  sequence of intermediary steps and, 150-152

  “slowness and smoothness” claim and, 756

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  speciation by branching and, 777

  species as individuals and, 604-606

  grafting, Darwin’s argument about, 132

  granite, concepts of genesis of, 961

  Grant, P., 991-992

  Grantham, T. A., 657, 661, 662, 668-670, 705

  graptolites, 845, 940

  Gray, A., 227-228, 233, 329

  great hippocampus debate, 46

  Great Inagua (island), 771-772

  Gregg, T. G., 996, 1016

  Grene, M., 644, 1023-1024

  Grenier, J. K., 1148-1149

  Griffins, 1319

  group selection. See also hierarchy theory; interdemic selection; levels of selection

  classic arguments against, 646-652

  criteria for individuality and, 603-604

  deme-individual and, 701-703

  kin selection and, 653

  Occam’s razor and, 552-554

  Williams and, 71, 521, 547, 550-554, 585, 648-649

  Wynne-Edwards and, 136, 547-550

  Gruss, R., 1104

  Gryphaea, 52, 365, 515, 518, 760, 762, 763, 855, 857

  adaptive value of coiling in, 1043-1044

  positive constraint and, 80-81, 1040-1045

  Haake, W., 351

  Haas, O., 1069, 1076, 1079, 1086, 1087

  habitat tracking, ecology of, 78, 880-881

  Haeckel, E., 223, 331n, 567

  biogenetic law, 353

  Generelle Morphologie der Organismen, 208-210

  Haim, A., 1282

  Haldane, J. B. S., 70, 514-516, 558

  Hallam, A., 763, 855, 856-857, 1044

  Halstead, B., 984-985, 1007, 1016-1017

  Hamburger, V., 452

  Hamilton, W. D., 613

  Hamilton faunas, 750, 865-866, 881, 918

  Hansen, T. A., 890, 1318

  Hanson, N. R., 761

  Hardy, G. H., 411

  Harrawav, D., 670

  Harris, J. M., 866-867

  Hatcher, J. B., 1331-1332, 1337

  Heaton, T. H., 847-850, 853, 861-864

  “hecatomb,” 122n

  Hegelian triad, 23-24, 590-591

  Heisler, J. L., 663

  Heliocidaris, 941-942


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