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Northland_A 4,000-Mile Journey Along America's Forgotten Border

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by Porter Fox

  Northern Boundary Commission survey, 147–48

  oil boom, xvi, 149–50, 166–67

  settlers in, 165–66

  wheat farming, 165–66

  Northern Boundary Commission, 138–39, 147–48, 175, 203–4

  Northern Pacific Railroad, 138, 208, 209, 210

  North Hegman Lake (Minnesota), 118–19

  North Lake, 18, 54

  North to the Pole (Steger and Schurke), 113

  Northwest Angle

  Angle Inlet, Minnesota, 136, 137–38, 139–40, 142

  border surveys, 138–39, 204

  description, 133, 137

  Fort Saint Charles, Minnesota, 141

  Jake’s Northwest Angle, 137–38, 139–40, 141–42

  Jim’s Corner, 136

  Treaty of Paris and, 133, 135, 138

  Northwest Boundary Commission, 204, 220

  North West Company, 194

  North-West Mounted Police, 192

  Northwest Passage, 8, 26, 78, 125, 194, 195

  Norway Point (New Brunswick), 43

  Noyes, Minnesota, 136

  Obama, Barack, 170, 183

  Oceti Sakowin protest camp

  arrests of protestors, 178, 182, 183

  clashes with authorities, 178–79

  Dakota Access Pipeline and, 145–46, 173–74

  description and organization, 151–53, 172

  disappearance after pipeline completion, 180–82

  Doug James and, 155–56

  ETP’s private security firm and, 170–71, 178, 179

  lawsuits filed, 171

  Leon Red Dog, 181–82

  meaning of name, 152

  number of protestors, 172, 179

  police reaction to protests, 145, 171, 174, 178–79

  treaty law and, 154, 162, 171

  weapons and alcohol ban, 152, 171, 184

  see also Standing Rock Sioux Reservation

  Ogallala Aquifer, 91

  Ohio River, 80, 91

  Ojibwe (Chippewa) tribe

  Brûlé and, 67

  conflict with Sioux, 157

  Jake Colson and, 139

  migration into the Arrowhead, 118

  Northern Boundary Commission survey and, 148

  pictographs, 117, 118–19

  shamanism, 118, 127–28

  Warrior Hill, 127

  Olds, Ransom E., 101

  Old Town Canoe factory, 18

  Olmsted, Frederick, 96

  Onondaga, 26, 44, 66

  Ontario Railway, 93

  Oregon Country, 190, 195, 197, 217

  Oregon Trail, 160, 216

  Oregon Treaty (1846), 218

  Ottawa River, 44, 64, 65, 125

  overland trails, 159, 160–61, 163, 216

  Pagan, Robert, 16

  Paleo-Indians, 39, 117–18, 122, 130

  Palmer, Bernard, 139

  Panic of 1873, 207, 208

  Papen, Franz von, 94

  Paradise, Michigan, 75

  Parsnip River (British Columbia), 194

  Passamaquoddy Bay

  border in, 3, 121, 135

  Champlain and, 8

  Downeast pipeline, 179

  Passamaquoddy tribe and, 33, 34

  smuggling, 5

  Passamaquoddy Indians

  Champlain and, 24

  Diggity Stream rendezvous, 37–38, 39

  history and culture, 32–34, 38–40

  Indian Township Reservation, 32, 34, 35

  Jay Treaty border commission and, 16

  origin stories, 32

  preserving language, culture, and rights, 32, 33–34

  relations with US and Canadian governments, 34–36, 39

  travel restrictions, 35–36

  see also Soctomah, Donald

  Path of Souls, 119, 127, 158

  Patterson, Patrick, 47–48, 49–50

  Payne, John, 76

  Peace Arch Border Crossing (Washington), 222–23

  Peace River, 194

  Pelee Island (Ontario), 99

  pemmican, 129

  Penobscot Bay (Maine), 11

  Penobscot Indians, 40, 53

  Penobscot River (Maine), 18, 32, 33

  Perry, Rick, 180

  Picket Range (Washington), 218, 220

  pictographs, 33, 117, 118–19

  Pigeon River, 111, 120

  Pilgrim Pipeline, 179

  pipelines, petroleum. see Oceti Sakowin protest camp; specific pipelines

  pipelines, water, 91

  Platte Valley (Nebraska), 209

  Plymouth Colony, 38, 45, 64

  Poets on the Peaks (Suiter), 219

  Polis, Joe, 53

  Polk, James, 217, 218

  Pond, Abby, 19–20, 23, 46, 47

  Pontiac, 100

  Pontiac’s Rebellion, 100–101

  Port Colborne, Ontario, 97–98

  Porter, Augustus and Peter, 96

  Pottawatomi Indians, 85

  Presque Isle (Michigan), 84, 99

  Prins & Zwanenburg, 209

  Pruitt, Scott, 180

  Puget Sound, 217

  Puritans, 45


  Brûlé and, 67

  Champlain (1609–1610), 27, 29, 44, 64

  Champlain’s final years, 45–46

  fortifications around, 45

  founded by Champlain, 25

  surrender to English forces in 1629, 45

  Quetico Provincial Park (Ontario), 114

  Quoddy Narrows (Maine), 4, 15

  railroads, role in settling the Northwest, 208–11

  Rainy Lake, 114, 125

  Rainy River, 121

  Rebecca Falls (Ontario), 130

  Récollet priests, 82, 84

  Red Cloud, 158, 162

  Red Dog, Leon, 181–82

  Red Paint People, 39–40

  Red River Valley, 120, 165, 208

  Reed, Roland, 212

  Renaissance Center (Michigan), 101

  Renaissance on Main (North Dakota), 167

  Reno, Marcus, 147, 175–76, 204


  children removed from families, 34, 224

  fossil fuel reserves on Indian land, 166

  Indian agents, 34, 154, 162–63, 164

  meth and heroin smuggling through, 167

  mortality rates and substance abuse, 155, 184, 199–200, 225

  poverty, 104, 155, 225

  US–Canada border straddled by, 35–36, 70

  see also specific locations; specific tribes

  Revenue Cutter Service, 5, 6

  Richelieu River (Quebec), 27

  Road of the Spirits, 158

  Rocky Mountain Trench, 91

  Rogers City, Michigan, 84

  Roosevelt, Teddy, 49, 110, 113, 127

  Ross Lake (Washington), 20

  Route 1, 16, 17, 36

  Route 2, 189, 190, 192, 206

  Route 12, 136

  Route 17, 201

  Route 47, 174

  Route 1806, 145, 173, 178, 180

  Rover Pipeline, 179, 180

  Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 60, 223

  rubaboo, 125

  Ruby Creek (British Columbia), 220

  Ruby Ridge, Idaho, 213

  Rugby, North Dakota, 148

  Rush, Benjamin, 196

  Sabal Trail Pipeline, 179

  Sable Island (Nova Scotia), 12

  Sacajawea, 196

  Sagard, Gabriel, 64, 67

  Sailors Encampment (Ontario), 93

  Sail Rock (Maine), 15

  Saint Anthony, North Dakota, 151

  Saint Clair River, 84, 101

  Saint Cloud, Minnesota, 135

  Saint Croix Island (Maine)

  canoeing on, 19

  Champlain and de Mons expedition in 1604, 11–12, 39

  description, 17

  ruins of Champlain’s buildings found, 16–17

  structures burned by Samuel Argall, 45

  Saint Croix River

r in watershed, 3, 16

  Canada Border Services Agency cooperation with CBP, 20, 23

  endangered species, 32

  inland commerce, 18

  Monument Brook headwaters, 18, 54

  Treaty of Paris and, 16–17, 135

  see also specific locations

  Saint John, New Brunswick, 32, 52

  Saint John River, 32, 38, 52, 54

  Saint John Valley (New Brunswick), 52

  Saint Lambert Lock, 57, 58

  Saint Lawrence River

  border in, 57, 70

  Equinox and, 69–71, 74–77

  exploration by Cartier, 64, 70

  exploration by Champlain, 10–12, 25, 26, 64, 70

  geological history, 63

  Lachine Rapids, 57, 63, 78, 79, 80

  shipping and commerce on, 57–58

  Saint Lawrence River Divide, 116–17

  Saint Louis, Missouri, 161, 183, 197, 200

  Saint Louis River, 111

  Saint Mary’s Lake (Montana), 200, 201

  Saint Mary’s River, 67

  Saint Paul, Minneapolis, and Manitoba Railway Company, 207–8

  Saint-Sauveur, Maine, 45

  Saint Stephen, New Brunswick, 19, 20

  Sand Creek massacre, 161

  Sand Point Lake, 117, 120, 122

  Sand Point Lodge (Ontario), 121–23

  Sandy Bay (New Brunswick), 42–43

  Santa Fe Trail, 159

  Sartain’s Union Magazine, 53

  Saskatchewan, 148, 191, 192

  Saskatchewan River, 202

  Sault Ste. Marie, 67, 85

  Savignon, 63–64

  Schurke, Paul

  on Boundary Waters trip, 115–16, 117–18, 120, 122–23, 126–27, 129–32

  in Ely, Minnesota, 114–15

  polar and Brazilian expeditions, 113, 127

  Schurke, Sue

  on Boundary Waters trip, 116, 126–27, 129–30

  in Ely, Minnesota, 113–14, 115

  North Pole expedition outfitting, 113

  Wintergreen outdoor clothing line, 113

  scurvy, 12, 25

  Seattle, Washington, 206, 208, 220, 221, 226

  Second Amendment, 213

  Seneca, 26, 79, 80, 81, 83

  September 11, 2001, effects of, xvi, 19, 72–73, 98

  Seven Years’ War, 92, 192

  Seward, William H., 76

  Shackleton, Ernest, 113

  Shamrock (steamer), 140

  Sheridan, Philip, 191

  Sheridan, Wyoming, 174

  Shoshone, 153, 162, 163, 196

  Shuh, Richard, 97–98, 105

  Singer Castle, 75–76

  Sioux Nation

  bands, 155, 159

  broken treaties, 151, 154, 164, 171

  Cheyenne River Reservation, 170, 179, 182–83

  conflict with Ojibwe, 157

  defeat of US Army, 150

  early history and migrations, 157–58

  former territory size, 158, 164

  Northern Boundary Commission survey and, 147–48

  “Oceti Sakowin” meaning, 152

  peace negotiations with United States, 150–51

  “Sioux” name origin, 157

  and white settlers in mid-1800s, 159, 160–61

  Wounded Knee protests in 1973, 155

  see also Oceti Sakowin protest camp; Standing Rock Sioux Reservation

  Sitting Bull, 163, 166, 168, 184, 191, 192

  Skagit Range (Washington), 218

  Slave Trade Act, 6

  Slope County, North Dakota, 149

  Snake River, 196

  Snyder, Gary, 219

  Soctomah, Donald, 32–35, 37–38, 39–40, 43, 154

  see also Passamaquoddy Indians

  Soo Locks (Michigan), 93, 101

  South Shore Canal, 61–62

  Spain, exploration and colonization, 9

  Spednic Lake, 18, 31, 36, 37–38, 40–44, 47

  Spednic Lake Provincial Park (New Brunswick), 37

  Spokane Valley (Washington), 216

  Sprague, Manitoba, 136, 137

  square-stern canoes, 18–19, 50

  Standing Rock Sioux Reservation

  drinking water from Missouri River, 147

  numbers of protestors, 151

  oil and gas leases, 166

  poverty and unemployment rate, 155

  see also Dakota Access Pipeline; Oceti Sakowin protest camp

  Stankiewicz, Jeff, 213–16

  St. Croix International Waterway Commission, 19

  Steger, Will, 113, 115, 127

  Stegner, Wallace, 192

  Stephen, 89, 92

  Stó:lo- tribe, 220

  Streisand, Barbra, 183

  Suiter, John, 219

  Sully Springs (North Dakota), 174

  Superior National Forest, 110

  Susquehanna Indians, 66

  Taft, William Howard, 37

  terrorists, xiv, 20, 94

  Terry, Alfred, 175

  Tesla, Nikola, 96

  Tesoro Logistics oil spill, 150

  Thirty Years’ War, 45

  Thompson, David, 138

  Thoreau, Henry David, 49, 53

  Thousand Islands (New York), 75–77

  Three Forks, Montana, 197

  Thunder Bay International Airport, 104–5

  Thunder Bay (Ontario), 58, 98, 103–5

  Ticonderoga, New York, 28

  Tiger Bay (Minnesota), 126, 128

  Tillerson, Rex, 180

  Toledo, Ohio, 83, 88

  Tomyhoi Creek (Washington), 220

  Tonti, Henri de, 82, 83, 85

  Tornado Alley, 193

  Toronto, Ontario, 66, 88, 89, 97, 136

  totem poles, 153, 156

  TransCanada, 170

  transcontinental railroads, 206, 208–9

  Trans-Pecos Pipeline, 153, 179

  Traverse City, Michigan, 84, 88

  Treat Island (Maine), 14

  Treaty of 1818, 217

  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 160

  Treaty of 1908, 121

  Treaty of Paris (1783)

  bad maps and conflicting language, 8, 111, 133, 134–35

  border commission surveys, 50, 111, 120–21, 138–39

  Boundary Waters and, 111, 124, 134, 135

  haggling over border, 16, 50, 135

  “highlands” and Maine’s border, 50, 52

  Lake of the Woods and, 52, 134, 135, 138–39

  Northwest Angle and, 133, 135, 138

  Saint Croix River and, 16, 135

  voyageurs’ route and, 124

  Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1632), 45

  Triple Divide Peak (Montana), 200

  truchements (interpreters), 64, 65, 66, 67, 75

  Tug Hill Plateau (New York), 77

  Tumwater, Washington, 217

  Turner, Frederick Jackson, 53

  Twin Lakes (Washington), 218, 221

  Two Bears, Carol, 152–53

  Union Pacific, 209

  United Tribes International Powwow, 171–72

  Upper Saint John Valley (Maine), 38

  US Army Corps of Engineers, 146–47, 178, 179, 180, 183

  US–Canada border, general

  length, xiv

  Oregon Treaty (1846), 218

  people and history, overview, xv, xvi–xvii

  route and location, general, xiii–xiv

  smuggling, xiv, 5, 167

  terrorists and, xiv, 20, 94

  US Customs and Border Protection, xv, 20, 23, 48

  Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 52, 138–39

  see also Treaty of Paris; specific locations

  USCGC Eagle, 6

  US Coast Guard, 6, 35, 100

  US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), xv, 19–20, 23, 48

  US Joint Planning Committee, 51

  US Life-Saving Service, 6

  US–Mexico border, xiv, 20

  Valley County Pioneer Museum (Glasgow, Montana), 193

; Van Buren, Martin, 51

  Vanceboro border crossing, 18, 37, 38, 43, 47

  Vancouver, Washington, 153

  Veblen, South Dakota, 172, 173

  Vera Lake (Minnesota), 116

  Vermilion Batholith, 116

  Virginia City, Nevada, 159

  Von Papen Plot, 94

  voyageurs, 124–26, 129, 130, 134, 194, 196

  Wabanaki Confederacy, 40

  Wagosh Lake (Minnesota), 131

  Waite, Maine, 36–37

  Walden (Thoreau), 49

  Waldorf Astoria (New York), 76

  War of 1812, xv, 161, 217

  “War Plan Red,” 51

  Warren, George, 121

  Warren Island (Ontario), 121

  Warroad, Minnesota, 135–36, 137, 142


  border in, 20, 148, 216

  early settlers, 216–17

  mountains, 190, 216, 218–19

  Washington County, Maine, 49

  Washington, George, 5, 134

  Waterton Lake, 204

  water wars, 91, 121, 185

  Weaver, Randy, 213

  Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842), 52, 138–39

  Webster, Daniel, 52

  Welland Canal (Ontario), 93–95, 97

  Western Interior Seaway, 149

  Western Shoshone Indian Nation, 153

  Westinghouse, George, 96

  West Quoddy Head (Maine), 15, 221

  West Road River (British Columbia), 194

  Whalen, Phillip, 219

  wheat exports, 103–4

  Wheaton’s Lodge (Maine), 47–48, 49–50

  Wheaton, Woodie, 49

  White Iron Lake (Minnesota), 114

  Wilderness Act (1964), 110, 128

  Williston Basin, 150, 166, 184

  Williston Brewing Company (North Dakota), 167

  Williston, North Dakota, 166–67, 169, 184

  Wilson, Woodrow, 6

  Winchester Mountain (Washington), 219–20, 221

  Winnebago tribe, 67, 118

  Winnipeg, Manitoba, 139, 153

  Wolfe Island (Ontario), 77

  Wolf Willow (Stegner), 192

  Wood River, Illinois, 196

  Wounded Knee, South Dakota, 155

  Wright, Russell, 4–5

  Yakama Nation, 169

  Yangtze River, 91

  Yeaton, Hopley, 5–6, 15

  Yellowstone River, 168, 169

  Zupancich family, 126

  Zups’ lodge (Minnesota), 126


  Deep: The Story of Skiing

  and the Future of Snow

  Copyright © 2018 by Porter Fox

  All rights reserved

  First Edition

  Maps by David Lindroth.

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