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Secret Cinderella (The House of Morgan Book 16)

Page 14

by Victoria Pinder

  Jack kissed her soundly and he tasted better than any of the food she’d just had, even the sweet mimosa. As the kiss ended, he took her hand to walk beside her. “Once we deal with whatever Peter has to say, you and I are going on a date.”

  “I’m in,” she said, though she wasn’t sure why a date was so important to him.

  They went outside and a limo whisked them off to an island with only one bridge to the highway… the island was covered in gorgeous mansions for the super wealthy.

  Mansions seemed too mild a word for these lovely homes that were more like private estates.

  The limo pulled into the circular drive of a white home that sort of resembled the White House.

  Part of her felt hollow, like she was a fraud who didn’t belong on the island, but Jack scooted out and waited for her. They walked to the double black doors and servants let them in.

  Her gaze went right, to a blue glass sculpture, and she hugged Jack closer as they were escorted across a great tiled expanse to a side room. When the butler opened the door, she saw a glass desk, a shining white marble floor, and a view of the water and Miami’s downtown skyline from the long window.

  Wow. She shook Peter’s hand and said, “Your home is amazing.”

  Peter glanced at Jack and explained, “This was our father’s house.”

  They settled into white leather chairs across from the desk where Peter took his seat while Jack said, “My mother had a three-bedroom colonial we all shared. Nothing like this.”

  “Please sit,” Peter said and then blushed as he reached for a file and realized they’d already done that.

  Jack scooted to the edge of his seat. “What’s going on?”

  Peter opened the file and handed it to her. Charlotte’s eyes widened as Peter said, “I have a copy of Charlotte’s father’s will.”

  Huh? She’d been certain this would be about Jack, but no, Peter had been talking about her dad. She opened the file, scanned the papers, and saw her father’s name on the legal document. “How did you get this?”

  He tapped his pen against the desk. “My lawyers dug it up for the property transaction—they needed the deed.”

  “Can I read this?” She pointed to the paper in front of her--she had to see this for herself.

  Peter twirled his pen between his fingers. “Have you read it before?”

  Jack patted her knee, as if to ensure that she knew he was there for her. She said, “No. I thought it was lost.”

  Halfway down the official legal document she saw her name next to the name of the store. She met Peter’s gaze, conflicted at her upbringing with Nancy. Her father had told her the truth all those years ago--she was to have the store. “Wait. The store was mine all along?”

  “Turn the page,” Peter instructed while he continued to play with his pen. “There was a letter attached directed toward you. Read that and then we’ll talk.”

  Jack’s nearness kept her from trembling as she flipped the paper.

  Her father’s handwriting. She’d almost forgotten how he crossed his t’s. She settled into her seat as goosebumps grew on her body and read,


  If you’re reading this then I’ve passed on and re-met your mother in heaven. You were the light of our lives and I hope you find love and happiness in this world when I’m no longer able to guide you. So I left you the store though if you’re not eighteen at the time of my passing, your stepmother will hold it in trust until you’re of age. I know Nancy and you were having issues when I brought her home, but I need you to ensure she and her daughters are taken care of. She’d never had to work before me. I’m hoping in time you, she, and her two daughters, are a family.

  I love you.


  Tears washed down her face as she put the paper down.

  She’d even heard her dad’s words when she’d read his letter. He wanted her to be happy. She turned toward Jack and couldn’t quite see as her tears made him more of a kaleidoscope until she blinked a few times and brought him into focus. “I never read this before.” It would have changed everything.

  “Can I see?” Jack pointed toward the paper.

  She handed it to him. “Of course.”

  He bounced his foot while he read the letter, clearly agitated on her behalf.

  Peter then put his pen down and asked, “So what do you want to do?”

  Wait. She suddenly realized that Nancy couldn’t sign any deal because she wasn’t the legal owner of the store. Charlotte met Jack’s gaze as he stared at her with anger and confusion, then she turned back to Peter. “Is the offer to buy it still on the table?”

  Peter showed her the offer he’d written up for Nancy though her name was crossed out on the top. “Yes. Ten million dollars, plus closing costs.”

  Her father’s words in the letter haunted her though. If she sold, then they needed to be taken care of too. She folded her hands in her lap. “I’d like for the plan to continue and to split the money with Nancy, Linda, and Mickey.”

  Jack squeezed her hand. “You don’t have to. It’s legally yours and you get to decide whatever you want.”

  “Aurelia will ensure that the store and the employees thrive.” She inched closer to Jack as she had everything. Forgivenesss was better though. Resentment grew only if she justified not doing as her father wanted and said, “My father wished for me to take care of Nancy and the others, so I will, but I’d like to see their faces so I can let go of their opinion about my worth and get that weight off my shoulders.”

  Her shoulders lightened as she’d do the right thing and then promptly forget them. Her life was pretty awesome now.

  Peter said, “I can set that up for today.”

  “Tomorrow, unless it has to be immediately,” she countered. “I’ll sign right now, but I’d like for everyone to gather in the store, and to be told in person. But first, I promised Jack we’d go on a date today.”

  Peter handed her the paper. She read it and signed, while he said, “Have fun. Aurelia will meet with you tomorrow morning for the official signing and fly up to Pittsburgh with you.”

  Jack stood. “Sounds perfect, Peter, thanks. Let’s go, Charlotte.”

  His hand on the small of her back made her feel cared for and loved. They left Peter's office, passing a huge patio area just like what she’d seen in decorating magazines.

  In fact, hadn't she read about a wedding with that exact view of the water? She stayed with Jack and they made their way outside. Jack said, “Charlotte, your chariot awaits.”

  She laughed and headed inside the limo. How her life had changed. “Where are we going?”

  He held up one hand. “First, we’re getting you a phone.”

  A laugh escaped her. They’d gone on countless errands to the mall before-was that her date? “Seriously?”

  He nodded as the limo took off. “I want to be able to talk to you, whenever the need arises.”

  That was why most people had phones. A few weeks ago the only person she’d wanted to talk to every day was Jack, so she’d head over to his house on her bicycle, or walk, as she hadn’t wanted the expense of a phone when she feared what Nancy might do one day. She raised an eyebrow and asked, “A family plan?”

  He winked. “Yes. You are my fiancée.”

  Her father could rest easy now. She was happier than she’d ever expected to be. And he’d have liked Jack. She folded her legs over his. “This feels so permanent.”

  He traced her bare calf in her sundress and awareness followed his finger until the limo stopped and the driver opened the door. They hurried to beat the Miami heat and Jack opened the store door. “After we get you set up, we continue on.”

  Her gaze narrowed as they didn’t wait in line. The customer service agent was almost ready for them and darted off to grab the stand models for the presentation. What was Jack's idea of a date? “Where to?”

  Jack placed his hand on hers at the white table where they sat. “Well, we’ve never gone to the beach to
gether so I figured we’d walk the boardwalk at Hollywood and lunch there.”

  This would be the first time she’d ever seen a real beach. Jack had gone once with his family on vacation. The clerk returned with a few phones in his hand and she quickly said, “Sounds awesome. But I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”

  Jack massaged the small of her back. “We’ll buy them there.”

  Charlotte sorted through phones and ultimately decided she wanted the same model as Jack so he could help her figure out how to use it.

  It took a while but they set her up with a new phone and an hour later they were finished.

  They lingered at the mall and stopped to get a pretzel to share.

  Finally they left and the limo brought them to a wooden boardwalk that had stores and restaurants on one side and the turquoise beach on the other.

  Families, friends, and couples walked or played near the water. Single people mingled near the bar areas on the other side, but she and Jack sauntered along the path to take it all in. A woman skated by in her bikini, carrying her tiny dog, and Charlotte elbowed Jack. “How did you even know about the Hollywood boardwalk?”

  He put his arm around her waist, then stepped to the side of the path to hug her. “I mentioned I wanted to take you to the beach and keep it simple so my siblings recommended it. I hope you’re having fun?”

  Her body was warm from both the sun and his touch. She pressed her head into his shoulder. “Yes. We’re together. That’s all I need.”

  “Me too.” He kissed her.

  Perfect. Jack was a prince amongst men and all hers, forever now—she believed it.

  Chapter 20

  The next day, Jack held her hand and Charlotte met his gaze as they stood outside the store she’d spent her entire life hiding inside. Now she had a life and love and didn’t need the shelter of these walls anymore.

  She had more.

  Lost in his blue eyes, she was at peace--she was his and he was hers forever. Today she would share with those in the store about the amazing changes for them too.

  The ring on her hand was like a beacon of hope that love won over everything else as Jack squeezed her palm and asked, “Are you ready?”

  Yes. She straightened her new black business suit and walked into the familiar glass doors on his arm. No customers shopped but the workers in their blue vests were all lined up near the front of the store.

  Her stepmother and stepsisters stood in front like they were still running the show.

  Nancy, with her unblinking gaze, didn’t scare her now as Charlotte took her place before them though she whispered to Jack, “You’re here. Facing Nancy was always easier when you were right beside me.”

  “You’ll be awesome.” He nudged her forward.

  Right. She glanced around at faces she recognized. Most of them were quiet but Nancy stood rigidly. “Charlotte, I was told you owned the store, as the will was found. So why were we summoned here?”

  Since Nancy didn’t ask about the contents of it, Charlotte surmised that she’d known all along. But it didn’t matter. Moving on and forgiving the past mattered more. Charlotte held her head high and said, “My father wanted me to ensure you and my stepsisters were taken care of.”

  Linda crossed her arms and pouted, “So you want to humiliate us? To get back at me for when I blogged about you.”

  And to think Linda had been homecoming queen. The face she made now was childish and ugly, but Charlotte would never say that out loud. “Hopefully you learned your lesson, Linda. I’m honoring my father’s wishes.”

  Mickey pressed her hand on her sister’s arm. “What do you mean, Charlotte?”

  Charlotte studied Nancy while she said, “Each of you gets two point five million once the money from the sale transfers.”

  Nancy’s face didn’t show any emotion, even now. “Why?”

  For years she’d wanted to be accepted by these three. Now they didn’t matter. She held Jack’s hand. “I’m selling the store for ten and we’re splitting it four ways. There will be no more money for you after this but I figured the number ensures everyone can live comfortably.”

  The workers mumbled about a golden parachute.

  In a minute she’d talk to them.

  Mickey said, “This is really generous of you, Charlotte. More than we deserve.”

  Out of the three of them, she’d been tolerable. “Mickey, if you want to take the money and open your own bake shop, no one will stop you. You can live your dream.” Mickey loved baking and throwing parties.

  Mickey nodded at the suggestion. “I’d like that. Thank you.” She led her sister and mother away.

  Jack smiled beside her and she took solace from him. They’d be finished shortly but she held up her head and told the employees, “Everyone else. I’m sure the news of the sale caused some fear but let me assure you that everyone will continue to have a job and work in the new store. There is a week’s training in New York, completely paid for by us, that you need to go on soon but at no point in the next year will any of you be laid off as the store transitions. Your benefits will increase to a better health insurance.”

  “Thanks, Charlotte.” People cheered and then she introduced Aurelia.

  Soon they were done and she headed out toward the waiting limo. She trembled with happiness that now she finally had her life to live as she said, “So that was easy.”

  “Are you ready?” Jack held her door for her.

  She slipped inside and asked, “Where are we going now?”

  Jack sat beside her and the driver took off. “While you were busy taking care of the store, I was texting a realtor. I still have one year left of school so we need somewhere to live.”

  Until now she’d never had a life where she didn’t have to get up before dawn and work until after sunset. She’d figure out how to live like a normal person as she snuggled in his arms. “I’m looking forward to the rest of our lives and planning a small wedding.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Any idea of majoring in business now?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that but I don’t want to make us stay when you want to see the world.”

  He winked which was his sexy new thing and said, “I’m sure there’s an online program where you can study wherever we end up.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’m happy with you.” Anticipation raced through her, causing her to tremble in happiness.

  He pressed his hand on her hip. “Good, because you’re mine, now and forever.”

  And then he kissed her.

  This was all she ever needed. Jack was the love of her life and love mattered more than holding onto anger. Happiness was hers because she was worth it and once in a while dreams do come true, and her dreams were now to live her life, with Jack beside her, forever.

  Also by Victoria Pinder

  Returning for Valentine’s (FREE if you go to my website)

  The House of Morgan

  Secret Crush

  Secret Baby

  Secret Bet

  Secret Wish

  Secret Dad

  Secret Heir

  Secret Tryst

  Secret Date

  Secret Romeo

  Secret Caress

  Secret Match

  Secret Bridesmaid

  Secret Admirer

  Secret Cowboy

  Secret Mistress

  Secret Cinderella

  The House of Morgan Boxed Set 1-3

  The House of Morgan Boxed Set 4-6

  The House of Morgan Boxed Set 7-9

  The House of Morgan Boxed Set 10-12

  The House of Morgan Boxed Set 13-15

  Princes of Avce

  Forbidden Crown

  Forbidden Prince

  Forbidden Royal

  Forbidden Duke

  Forbidden Earl

  Forbidden Monsieur

  Forbidden Marquis

  Forbidden Count

  Forbidden King

  Forbidden Bastard

  Forbidden Noble

/>   Forbidden Lord

  Princes of Avce 1-3

  Princes of Avce 4-6

  Princes of Avce 7-9

  Steel Series

  Legendary Rock Star

  Rocking Player

  Ruthless Financier

  Wicked Cowboy

  Powerful Prince

  Cocky M.D.

  The Hawke Fortune

  Tempting Gabe

  Tempting James

  Tempting Conner

  Tempting Harry

  Tempting Navid

  Hawke Series

  Brothers in Revenge

  Irresistibly Lost

  Irresistibly Found

  Irresistibly Charming

  Irresistibly Tough

  Irresistibly Played

  Irresistibly Rugged

  Irresistibly Strong

  Irresistibly Dashing

  Irresistibly Boxed Set 3-5

  Irresistibly Boxed Set 4-6

  Hidden Alphas

  Hidden Gabriel

  Hidden Raphael

  Hidden Michael

  Hidden Dane

  Hidden Rocco

  Hidden Alphas Boxed Set

  The Marshall Family Saga

  Favorite Crush

  Favorite Mistake

  Favorite Sin

  Favorite Scandal

  The Collins Brothers

  Chaperoning Paris

  Borrowing the Doctor




  Then if you also like

  Science Fiction/Fantasy Romance

  Hidden Dragon Series

  Call of the Dragon

  Dawn of the Dragon

  Escape of the Dragon (Coming Soon)

  The Queen Gene

  Whispers of a Throne

  Storm of the Throne (coming soon)

  Earthseekers Mission

  Makeup May Change Your Life

  The Zoastra Affair

  Ancient Greek Heroes

  Romancing Theseus

  Mything the Throne

  About the Author


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