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Club Crème

Page 23

by Primula Bond

  When it was my turn I had dangled my tits in his face, swinging them back and forth across his nose and mouth, pulling away, showing him how I caressed them myself, tweaking the red nipples until they stood out like acorns, then lowering them down towards his mouth. I had shouted with pleasure as he had tentatively started to suck first one, then the other.

  ‘I’ve never met a girl who liked her tits sucked,’ he had murmured, licking at my nipple as if it was an ice cream. ‘This is heaven.’

  ‘You have to learn to take it slow,’ Miss Sugar had said and pushed Johnny aside, whispering something to him. She had wriggled down in his place on the bed and I had crouched over her, desperate to have his cock in me, but my pussy dripping its sticky honey instead over her flat, white stomach. I had hovered for a moment, looking down at her stretched beneath me like a sacrifice, and then she had pulled me down so that she could take my tits and brush them across her closed eyelids.

  ‘What are you doing, Sugar? What about Johnny? He’s the member –’

  ‘This is for Johnny as well as for me,’ she had replied. ‘This is our special floor show.’

  My nipples had sharpened as she had caressed the rounded flesh of my breasts with the merest butterfly touch, caressing with her fingertips, her eyelashes, even her hair. I had realised I was holding my breath as I waited for her to leave off the feathery tickling, to take the nipples into her mouth and for her woman’s lips to fold round them, and I had concentrated on the novelty of seeing her lying beneath me, wanting me.

  ‘OK. Now show him, Summers. Show him how good we can be.’

  Her lips had parted and her expert tongue had flickered out, just touching one burning tip before flickering in again. I had moaned out loud, trying to contain my frustration.

  From behind me, Johnny had spread open my still raised buttocks. He had parted them with eager fingers, and had paused. Miss Sugar had nodded at him. He had prodded his knob into the warm, dark crevice inside my cheeks. He had let it rest there for a moment. I hadn’t helped to guide him in. I had been intent on hanging between him and Miss Sugar, letting them each take whichever part of my body they wanted the most.

  ‘Can I join in, now?’ he had said again, his knob leaping impatiently.

  ‘This is all for you, Johnny,’ Miss Sugar had said quietly. ‘Take what you want. It’s all part of the service.’

  Johnny had groped his way in, feeling the moist warmth inside my bush, then finding and parting my pussy lips. He had shoved a finger roughly inside me then had followed it instantly with the length of his prick, knocking me forwards and therefore closer to Miss Sugar’s teasing mouth.

  ‘I’m in,’ he had cried, grunting with triumph. ‘God, I never guessed the club was this good. No wonder it’s such a well-kept secret.’

  As he had rammed himself inch by inch inside me, Miss Sugar’s fingers had clawed harder and harder into the two breasts dangling above her face, until darts of indescribable ecstasy sliced down my body to where Johnny was starting to yank me against him. Miss Sugar had latched on to one breast as it kept whipping out of reach, biting on to it hard so that I had yelped out loud. The two of them had gone into overdrive, competing to pleasure me the most.

  As Johnny had plunged deeper inside me, and Miss Sugar’s hands and mouth had caressed me more frantically, I had wanted to complete the circle, do my bit. As the two of them had pummelled me between them, I had lifted one hand and tentatively cupped the mound of Miss Sugar’s bush.

  ‘I want to feel you, Sugar,’ I had gasped. ‘I want to please you.’

  Mimi waited as I replayed last night’s scenario in my head. I looked up at her now, watching me from the window, and I was convinced she could read my mind. She was the first woman who had touched me, after all. I had wanted to finger her, that first morning in her white bedroom, but she had fingered me instead, to a quick, shattering orgasm.

  And Mimi’s first lesson had obviously stayed with me because last night I was ready to do it all again with Miss Sugar. I had imagined her sex to be cool and dry, like her outward appearance, but as soon as my fingertips brushed over it, it was as if it were a second mouth, waiting to suck in my fingers.

  ‘Feel free, Suki, feel me, deep as you can,’ Miss Sugar had said as she raised herself off the bed, still licking my nipples, so that my fingers slipped easily inside. I had been astonished to find that far from being cool and dry she was hot and wet in there, ready, excited to fever pitch by my touching her like that. I had felt powerful, but I had also felt that yet again she, like Mimi, was educating me.

  ‘Feel me, Suki,’ Johnny had echoed. ‘Feel me ramming it into you. That’s what you really want, isn’t it?’

  There had been a delicious tension in me then. I had enjoyed the pretence that I was torn between them, but I wasn’t torn at all. They were both going to satisfy me. I had plunged three fingers inside Miss Sugar, letting my thumb trail behind until it caught the little nub of her clitoris, and then, as if I’d been doing this all my life, I had rubbed and plunged, grinning to myself as I had seen her writhing and bucking on my hand just as I had been writhing and bucking on Johnny’s prick.

  ‘Me first,’ Miss Sugar had moaned.

  ‘No, me first. I’m the member. You’re here to please me!’ Johnny had yelled.

  ‘I’m ready,’ I had gasped, ‘so shut up, the pair of you, and do it.’

  The big wave had been building inside me, my moaning had seemed to trigger the other two to their own climax, so that we had rocked and writhed and pushed and groaned, until one by one we had come, and soon we had all been a sweating, dripping, pumping heap and had fallen on to the tangled sheets as the first pink finger of dawn had edged between the chimney pots outside and had poked nosily at the window.

  I folded my arms around my body, holding the memory of the night’s amazing activities. I could hardly believe we’d done it.

  ‘I need to shower, Mimi, before I put these on,’ I said.

  ‘Be my guest. You look totally shagged out. But could you just come here first? I want to show you something.’

  I wrapped a fake fur throw from the sofa round me and stood up. As I came towards Mimi I looked past her out of the window and saw that Miss Sugar’s room had the same view enjoyed by the penthouse. Looking straight into Sir Simeon’s flat.

  ‘Oh, we know Miss Sugar watches us when we’re in his flat. We always leave the blinds open,’ she remarked casually, taking a tiny camcorder out of the cabinet and squinting down its viewfinder. ‘But as I think you’ve gathered, it’s not straight sex that Miss Sugar is really interested in.’

  ‘I thought she worshipped Sir Simeon?’

  ‘Don’t we all, darling?’ she cooed, tucking my bed-tangled hair behind my ear. I flushed. ‘Sir Simeon’s the man who came closest to converting Miss Sugar to heterosexuality. Her initiation, when she joined the club, nearly did it. But it looks like you’ve set her back on her Sapphic trail again.’

  ‘What did you do to her at her initiation? You said you practically had to tie her down?’

  Mimi sat back on the windowsill and crossed her long legs.

  ‘It wasn’t up to me. I wasn’t keen on the experiment. I liked her the way she was. But as this is a club for men, it made sense to at least show her what sex would feel like with a man. So we showed her what sex would feel like with two men, just to make sure.’

  ‘Oh, Mimi. That’s cruel,’ I said. I felt sorry for Miss Sugar, remembering her lips and fingers probing my female bits with such delight.

  ‘Cruel? Some might say it was extremely generous of us all. After all, it was Sir Simeon and Merlin who initiated her. What could be nicer?’

  I pulled the fake fur closer round my shoulders. At that moment I couldn’t think of anything nicer.

  ‘So we got her on the floor between the two of them –’

  ‘When? At her interview?’

  ‘Yes. As soon as she told us she was gay. There was no point wasting time, was there? We got h
er on the floor between the two of them, and she went down on Merlin while Sir Simeon shafted her from behind.’

  I gulped.

  ‘To be honest it was more of a competition between the two of them,’ Mimi went on, half to herself. ‘They’re always feuding, you see.’

  ‘Yes,’ I replied sharply. ‘Feuding over you, Merlin told me.’

  Mimi waved her hand dismissively. ‘Childish nonsense. They’re about to learn that I don’t belong to anybody. They wanted to send me out of the room, but I refused. I had to be there to coax her in case she bottled out, but in the end there was no need. She was lapping it up. Literally.’

  I giggled and Mimi flashed me a big smile.

  ‘They got her on all fours between them, and Merlin sat in front of her and opened his trousers. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?’ she asked.

  ‘What?’ I said.

  ‘Merlin’s cock. The colour of café crème, wouldn’t you say?’

  I spluttered again, torn between girlish amusement and furious jealousy that the gorgeous Mimi had shared the same cock; felt it slipping up her as she thrashed about with him on an antique bed in Paris, perhaps, or rutted in the back of Merlin’s battered truck.

  ‘And it might as well have been something edible because she took it perfectly happily into her mouth. I think she reckoned she was getting off lightly, not having to go the whole way. Giving Merlin a blow job was the easy option, or so she thought. It didn’t compromise her lesbian preferences, but then she didn’t bargain for Sir Simeon coming up from the rear. He reckons it’s better that way the first time. A woman might be overawed to see that someone as impressive as him is fucking her.’

  ‘That’s true,’ I said. ‘But then he’s not everyone’s boss, is he?’

  ‘That’s how it feels, when he’s around. That he’s the boss. Don’t you find that?’

  Mimi’s smile was still there, but I couldn’t tell if she was testing me or genuinely sharing confidences with me.

  ‘Go on about poor Miss Sugar,’ I said obstinately.

  ‘She had Merlin up to the hilt, as it were, and then Sir Simeon sat behind her and gripped her hips, pulling her in to him with his knees. He may have a bad leg, but he’s strong. He can still tame nervy horses, you know.’

  ‘And nervy women.’

  We both laughed.

  ‘She was busy with her head in Merlin’s lap, and I don’t think she knew what was about to happen. Simeon just lifted that prim little skirt of hers and slipped it in to her. Merlin held her head, guiding her mouth up and down his cock to distract her. He was trying hard to keep his face straight, too, not show his father that he was losing control. She must have been doing a good job. Simeon’s good at keeping his own face straight, as well. It was like looking at some curious tableau. Their arms were working, pulling her back and forth between them, but they sat bolt upright, no expression on their faces, as always in competition not to be the first to lose it. So when they came, they each let out no more than a kind of quick grunt, and let her go.’

  ‘And how did she feel about that?’ I asked, trying to imagine Miss Sugar’s neat clothes all dishevelled, her mouth wet with Merlin’s spunk, her knees red with carpet burn, her vagina aching from the deep thrusting of Simeon’s cock.

  Mimi laughed and opened the double doors of the cabinet to reveal a small television.

  ‘She was her usual self. Got up, brushed herself down, pinned her hair back in to place and said that although they would never change her, she trusted she had got the job.’

  ‘She’s amazing.’

  ‘The feeling’s mutual,’ Mimi replied thoughtfully. ‘She’s already reported to me about last night. She thought you were both simply, and successfully, putting a new member through his paces. But there was more to what she said about you. I’ve never seen her quite so . . . besotted before. Not quite herself. I must say, a girl could get jealous.’

  ‘So what was it you wanted to show me?’ I asked. I was getting stiff, perching awkwardly on the sofa.

  ‘Well, in all the excitement of last night, and getting down to the office on time this morning – she’s always dead on time – she’d forgotten to collect, let alone file, the evidence, so I thought I’d come and see everything for myself.’

  ‘Besotted? Evidence? Can’t this wait? Mimi, I really need to talk to you . . .’

  ‘Hush, Suki. Hush.’

  Mimi came and sat beside me on the sofa and flicked the remote. All at once, picked out in sharp focus and with the jazz backing track we’d put on when we got in from the theatre, were Johnny Symes, Miss Sugar and me, butt naked on the bed. So it wasn’t only my memory or my hazy dreams. There really was a film of what happened. There was Johnny, slamming his buttocks up and down, my legs wrapped round his waist, my back arched as he fondled my breasts and Miss Sugar, wriggling and gasping as she lowered herself athletically over my face. Then there was the second, third, fourth position.

  And then there was me and Miss Sugar on our own. My tongue, flicking up into her pale blonde bush, her sex wide open for all to see.

  Mimi glanced at me, that big smile cracking open her face.

  ‘What have we here?’ she wondered aloud, settling herself back on the bed and crossing her long leather-clad legs. I tried to stand up but she put one hand on my leg and pushed me back down beside her. ‘This looks like action well beyond the call of duty.’

  I waited to feel the blush rise from my toes upwards but it didn’t. I looked at the television screen and, instead of embarrassment, I sizzled with the remembered thrill of excitement. And it was made all the more acute by the fact that Mimi was sitting beside me, watching the scenario as well.

  There was Miss Sugar, totally naked, on all fours on the bed and me, also naked, kneeling behind her. Of Johnny there was no sign, and there was very little sound apart from the muted music in the background. As the camera rolled, Miss Sugar glanced over her shoulder at me, and I slapped her hard on the rump so that her whole body arched up like a cat’s. Then she let her head sink down into the bank of pillows at the other end of the bed, while I let my head sink into the shadowy valley between her thighs. My tongue was out, long and pink, and I was flicking it up her legs and in to the crack of her butt. At the same time, my fingers dug in to the soft flesh, pulling her apart.

  Sugar was like the sort of lithe, white animal that lives in the snow. Now her small, firm breasts jutted out in the soft light of the candles lit all around the bed, her head thrown back as she rammed herself into my face. I pulled back, and you could see my mouth glistening wet with Miss Sugar’s juices. I licked my lips slowly, my eyes burning with wicked adventure, then I wrenched Miss Sugar’s legs further apart, pulling her labia open so that I could nuzzle my way in. She yelped and jerked violently, and I slapped her again before lapping at her hot slit like a cat – fast, furious, nipping and licking.

  Mimi jabbed at the pause button, capturing the moment just before Miss Sugar came, ramming and writhing into my face, her sweet juices trickling out of her and on to my waiting tongue. I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. The tip of my tongue was trapped between my teeth as I remembered how it had felt, licking her in the candlelight, my own fanny still glowing with the violent screwing I’d demanded from Johnny, my mouth savouring the taste and smell of another woman’s body.

  ‘How did you know?’ I asked in a quavering voice, as Mimi finally took the video out of the machine and put it in her handbag.

  ‘Part guesswork, part intimate knowledge of how Miss Sugar operates when she’s in charge. She couldn’t possibly have let the evening end without initiating you fully into her own tastes. She’s a bit of an evangelist when it comes to women. She wants to convert them all. Sir Simeon and Merlin failed dismally to swing her. Women are definitely her thing. And that includes you, it seems,’ Mimi replied. She chuckled, stood up and pulled me to my feet, than handed me the envelope. ‘Overtime. You certainly earned this money, but you could earn even more if you play your car
ds right. Get dressed. I need to talk to you.’

  I laid the clothes out on the bed and couldn’t help a rush of greedy delight at the soft feel of the brown leather in my fingers. As well as the beautifully tailored trousers and the pointed ankle boots I had worn before, Mimi had thrown in another tight-fitting T-shirt, this time the same cream colour as her sweater, and a long leather coat.

  ‘I look like you,’ I remarked when I was dressed.

  Mimi looked up.

  ‘That’s the idea,’ she replied, patting the seat beside her. ‘The transformation is complete.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Apart from the fact that those clothes do wonders for you, my ugly duckling, we have standards to keep up. Let’s just –’ she took my hair in her hands, pulled it off my face for a moment, then let it fall in ringlets ‘– no, let’s just leave it loose today.’

  I sat beside her and breathed in her musky perfume.

  ‘I meant it, Mimi. I don’t think I want to work for you any more.’

  ‘I heard you the first time, and that’s fine. You won’t be working for me,’ she said, sitting back comfortably and pulling the red velvet coat on to her knees. ‘Let me show you why I was so anxious when I found you’d taken my red velvet coat last night.’

  She pulled something out of the pocket of the coat and waved it in front of me.

  ‘An airline ticket,’ I muttered stupidly. ‘One way to New York.’

  ‘That’s right. I’m starting a new Club Crème – a quintessential English venture with a French name to attract our American friends.’

  ‘I can think of some takers straightaway,’ I said, thinking of last night’s opera companions. ‘Johnny Symes has some very willing American associates.’


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