Love's Baggage

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Love's Baggage Page 7

by T. A. Chase

  "From what I understand, you're coming back to challenge the alpha of your pack. You were coming back anyway, even after I specifically told you never to do so." Max studied Allen and Roman.

  "We wanted to come back and check on our mother and other siblings. They were really young when we were sold." Roman spoke for both brothers.

  "When did the crazy idea to challenge for the alpha position pop into your heads?" Max glanced between the brothers with an inquiring gaze. "Remember what I said would happen if you did so."

  Roman started to open his mouth, but Allen beat him to it.

  "I made the decision when Gianni came and told us about all the things that happened since we left." Allen held up his hand to keep Max from saying anything else. "It was my decision, Max. No one's forcing me to do it... I'm choosing to take my rightful place in the pack."

  "Right. Well, to be honest, I don't really care one way or the other about what happens to your pack. Gianni is right that something does need to be done about the alpha. He's going bat shit crazy. I was going to send a couple of my guys over to deal with Kinsey and Stephan, your father, but there's no one to fill the vacuum when they're dead. We can't have a leaderless pack."

  Bandit narrowed his eyes and studied Max. What was the older lycan playing at? Just a few minutes ago, he'd been acting pissed off because Allen was considering challenging the alpha. Now he acted like it didn't matter because he'd been thinking about sending someone after him.

  "Who are you to send out kill squads?" Bandit looked around at the others sitting at the table with them. "Because that's what you're talking about."

  Max waved his hand. "It doesn't matter who I am, Bandit."


  Bandit shot to his feet and slammed his hand on the table. He leaned over and met Max's eyes. He saw them widened slightly. Staring Max directly in the eyes wasn't the smartest thing to do, but he didn't care. The only group who got to blow him off was his pack. No one else got to treat him like he didn't matter.

  "It does matter to me who you are, Max, because I'm responsible for this mission. I'm not going to let anything happen to Allen or Roman, and that means if you don't tell me what's going on right now, we're leaving, and their pack can rot in hell for all I care." Bandit didn't blink. He wouldn't back down from any of them.

  He meant what he said. If Max didn't tell him everything, Bandit was taking Allen and Roman back to Canis pack territory, even if it meant he had to tie them both up and toss them in the backseat of his truck. His entire purpose in living right now was to keep his mate alive and unharmed. Allen being stronger than him had no effect at all on Bandit's emotions.

  "Really? I'd think Allen and Roman would have something to say about that." The patronization in Max's voice grated on Bandit's nerves.

  "We do have something say about it, and we stand with Bandit." Allen rested his hand on Bandit's shoulder. "If you don't explain what the fuck is going on here, Max, we'll leave, and you can deal with whatever it is on your own."

  "Yes. As much as I'd like my pack saved from the bastard destroying it, I won't have Allen used in some sort of secret agenda." Gianni stood up as well, throwing his lot in with Bandit and Allen.

  Max leaned back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest. "Well, it does appear all the pups have grown up."

  Bandit growled low in his throat and he knew his eyes were changing by the way Max straightened in his seat. Malik and Rhonda tensed, but Raze and Ba'el stayed relaxed where they sat. He still wasn't completely sure which side those two would land on and he didn't want to fight either of them, but he would if it meant keeping Allen safe.

  The stare-off would have lasted as long as Max wanted, if Raze hadn't spoken up.

  "All right, Max. Stop the 'big cock on the walk' act. Just tell them what's going on. It's not like they're going to blab about it to anyone." The angel rolled his eyes. "God, I hate pissing matches."

  Ba'el chuckled. "If it comes to being stubborn, I'm putting my money on Bandit. Not that I know him well, but I know the look of a determined man."

  If looks could kill, Ba'el would be dead from the glare Max sent him. Not that much could kill the demon. Bandit appreciated the slight support and nodded at Ba'el to let him know. Ba'el shrugged, but the corners of his mouth lifted in a small smile.

  "Fine. Sit down and I'll explain. Of course, you won't repeat anything I tell you," Max conceded.

  "Dude, you didn't have to add that last part. I'm pretty sure they have no interest in running to the news and letting them know what's going on in the shadows." Raze tipped his chair up on its back legs and put his hands behind his head.

  Bandit sat, along with Allen and Gianni. Roman had stayed quiet, but Bandit figured he would have done whatever his brother wanted, then argued about it later. He looked at Max and gestured for the lycan to start.

  "Okay. You've done work for me before, Bandit, so you have a small idea of what I do. Yet it's not all of it. I'm part of an underground organization of preternaturals. We're fighting Grime and his bunch of crazies, but we're working on another problem as well."

  "Which is?"

  Max hesitated and, for the first time, he seemed unsure. Bandit didn't say anything more to encourage him. He'd helped Max move some preternaturals who were in danger, just like Allen and Roman. He'd escorted them to different cities, and it was during those trips he'd seen some nasty shit. The crap humans did to each other amazed him, yet preternaturals weren't exempt from such terrible behavior. If they were, Max wouldn't be needed.

  "The High Council has been moving farther and farther away from the people they're supposed to be protecting."

  "Of course they have. They're some of the oldest of the preternaturals and don't live amongst us anymore. They have no real idea of what the world is like now." Bandit shrugged. "That's not surprising to us."

  Max shook his head. "It's more than that, Bandit. I'm afraid they might even be thinking of helping Grime get rid of us."

  Shock rippled through the others in the room. Bandit stared at Max for a moment before shaking himself.

  "You're kidding, right? Why would they help Grime? They'd end up dying with the rest of us."

  "Dying? What do you mean?" Rhonda sat up and glared at Bandit.

  Bandit looked at Max who waved his hand for Bandit answer her.

  "Grime tried to find a book with spells in it. One spell in particular, which could destroy all preternaturals if Grime figures out how to use it. Some friends of ours went and found the book. It seems the High Council knew about it and did all they could to hide it from the non-preters."

  "Understandable," Malik muttered.

  "Right. Our friends got their hands on it and brought it back. It was going to be destroyed, so we wouldn't have to worry about it getting into Grime's hands, but unfortunately, it was stolen before it could be turned to ashes." Bandit shoved his hand through his hair. "Since the High Council knew the spell existed in the first place, why would they be helping Grime find it or not stop him from killing us?"

  "I think they don't really understand how grave the situation is. Also, it could simply be because of their age; they think they are invincible." Max stared at the table in front of him.

  "I'm still not clear on why they'd help Grime. The elders don't like non-preters. It doesn't make any sense." Allen spoke up, a frown marring his forehead.

  "We'll have to wait and see what happens when Nick and Gryphon get to the council headquarters. Maybe we're all wrong about their involvement or lack of involvement." Max glanced up and pursed his lips. "We help preters who have nowhere else to turn. Whether it's to free them from humans who use their abilities for their own gain or abusive relationships. I'm the head of an underground preternatural coalition. We're doing our best to help our fellow preters the council seems to ignore."

  "At least someone's looking out for them," Raze commented. His violet eyes blazed with anger for a moment. "There's not much help out there for your kind, especial
ly when they have to hide who/what they are to keep the non-preters from killing or capturing them."

  Bandit nodded. "I figured you ran an underground railroad, but I wanted to hear it directly from you. Raze is right. We won't say a word to anyone else. If you need our help for anything, you know how to get a hold of us."

  "Thank you all." Max met each individual's gaze. Then he looked back at Bandit. "What is your plan to deal with the Dow pack and their alpha?"

  Chapter 6

  Allen met Bandit's gaze, and when his lover nodded, Allen stood up. Bandit sat, letting Allen take over. Allen hid his smile at Bandit's attitude. He understood why Bandit needed to stand between Allen and any danger. But he appreciated the fact Bandit didn't have a problem letting Allen take the lead on their mission.

  "I'm going back to the Dow pack to challenge Kinsey, the alpha, for leadership. After my father and he sold Roman and me, I understand things have gone downhill very quickly. Gianni found us at the Canis pack and told us what's been going on."

  Max and the others grimaced.

  "So you know about the Dow pack?" Roman asked.

  "We've been hearing rumors coming from that area for a while now, but we've never been able to get anyone in to see whether they were true or not. And no one's talking either. It's like they fear Kinsey more than anything we might do to them. Also, they don't trust us to keep them safe." Max tapped the table. "Rhonda, can you go retrieve the file we have on the Dow pack?"

  "Yes, sir." The vampire stood and left the room.

  "I wish we could've done something to help them, but I don't have anyone in my group strong enough to challenge an alpha. At least, not a lycan strong enough."

  "That's why I went off looking for Allen. We all knew the reason Kinsey got rid of him was because Allen was stronger and probably would have challenged him eventually." Gianni's disgust for his alpha was evident in his words.

  Allen held up his hand. "Actually, I might not have challenged him at all. If things never got as bad as they are now, I wouldn't have. I have no real interest in leading a pack."

  "Even though you're one of the more powerful lycans I've seen in a long time?" Max questioned.

  "Yes. I might be powerful, but I don't really have any urge to lead. I like being in the background." Allen shrugged. "What can I say? I'm not really alpha material."

  "Doesn't matter. There aren't a lot of Dow pack members left. Kinsey's either sold them or gotten them killed in that stupid fighting ring he started up. The man's completely insane." Max got a thoughtful expression on his face. "After you win the challenge, you might want to consider joining another pack. There are several small ones who might be interested in gaining more members."

  Allen saw the look Max shot Bandit, and Allen could see where Max was going. It was a possibility. He'd have to discuss it with Bandit first, then approach Savannah, but if she didn't have a problem, he'd join his with the Canis pack without hesitation. They were a small, but very powerful pack that had allies in different preter species, plus two avatars. Savannah wouldn't have a problem leading them all, and his pack would be safe from an insane alpha and beta.

  Bandit's eyebrows lowered, but Allen could almost see the wheels turning in his lover's head. He'd let Bandit think on it, and they could discuss the best way to approach Savannah with the proposition.

  "What we plan on doing is sending Bandit into the area around the pack's territory. He'll do some recon for us, and after we know for sure what's going on, we'll make the plans to go in and challenge Kinsey."

  Rhonda returned with a folder, which she set in front of Allen. He smiled at her, and she nodded.

  "That's all the information we have on your pack, Allen. It might help, but I doubt it." Max scrubbed his hand over his head. "I think you have a good idea about sending Bandit in. He's not a known agent of mine, plus he's stronger than most of my lycans. He'll be able to pull off being a lone wolf, looking for a place to crash for a while. I have a motorcycle you can use. Someone might recognize your truck."

  Bandit agreed to the change in transportation.

  "You should head out tonight. No point in waiting and taking a chance of someone seeing you around with our men."

  "I agree." Bandit pushed to his feet.

  "Allen, while Bandit is out looking around, I think it would be a good idea if I showed you a few fighting moves." Raze wrinkled his nose. "You've never fought before, and I know Kinsey isn't going to fight fair. Ba'el and I can teach you a few things. It won't be a lot because we don't have the time, but still, who knows? Something we show you might save your life."

  Allen checked with Bandit, and his lover grinned.

  "Sounds like a good plan." Bandit leaned closer to Allen and whispered, "Hell, getting to watch those two together, even if it's just fighting, could be close to a religious experience, if you get my drift."

  Allen blushed, and Bandit winked at the demon and angel, who, Allen was sure, overheard what Bandit had said to him.

  "Okay. Let's leave the rest of the planning until Bandit gets back." Max stood and the meeting ended.

  Max gestured for Bandit to follow him downstairs to the large open first floor where there were several vehicles parked. Allen started to go with them, but Raze touched his arm before he hit the stairs.

  "We'll teach you what we can in the short time we have." Raze glanced over at Ba'el. "Like I said, it won't be much, but sometimes a little knowledge can help you out."

  "I'm willing to learn. I've never fought before, not even while we were captive. It was easier just to do as I was told, instead of enduring the pain." Allen rubbed his palms on his jeans. "I'll be honest and admit I'm not sure how good I'm going to be at this whole challenge thing."

  Raze patted his shoulder. "You'll be fine. From watching a few lycan fights, it looks like most of it is instinct. Your wolf knows what to do and he'll figure out a way to win, if you let him have control. Don't fight him, and you should be just fine."

  Allen wasn't sure about any of it, but he accepted Raze's reassurance any way.

  "Let's go and say good-bye to your guy." Ba'el touched his shoulder and pointed down toward the first floor.

  They got there in time to see Max hand Bandit a helmet. Bandit hung it from the handlebars, then reached out to grab Allen. He dragged him closer and brushed a kiss over his lips.

  "I care about you, you know that, right?"

  Allen nodded, biting his lip to keep it from trembling. For some reason, he didn't want Bandit to leave. His doubt didn't come from being scared for himself, but he feared something would happen to Bandit, and Allen wouldn't be there to keep his lover safe. Silly really, since Bandit was more than capable of taking care of himself.

  "I care about you, too," he muttered.

  I love you, he wanted to shout, but it wasn't the right time. He didn't want to expose his heart in front of everyone. There would be time when all of this shit was over and then he could confess how much he loved Bandit.

  Bandit kissed Allen before climbing on the motorcycle Max provided. He put his helmet on and glanced at them.

  "I'll be careful, and call you day after tomorrow with what I've learned. We'll meet up and make our next plan then."

  "Okay. Good luck, man." Raze clapped Bandit on the shoulder.

  The angel herded the others away, leaving Bandit and Allen alone. Allen stared at Bandit, unhappy with him going solo on this part of the mission.

  "I'll be careful and make sure no one discovers who I am. You have to promise to listen to Raze and Ba'el. They'll help teach you to fight and get ready for the challenge."

  Allen nodded. "All right. I'll be waiting for your phone call."

  Bandit flipped the visor down and started the bike. He waved once and took off down the street.

  * * * *

  Allen paced, fighting the urge to wring his hands or punch something. Christ! Why hasn't Bandit called? It was going on eleven the night he was supposed to check in. No one had heard from him. Every inst
inct in Allen had screamed something had happened to his lover, yet no one had believed him, until Raze spoke up and forced Max to listen to Allen. Max had sent Malik and Rhonda out to see if anyone had heard anything. They weren't back yet.

  A commotion downstairs caught Allen's attention and he dashed to the railing in time to see Malik wheel Bandit's bike in. Fear shot through Allen's body. Where the hell was Bandit?

  He practically flew down the stairs and raced over to Malik. The others joined him.

  "Where is he?" Allen clenched his hands to keep from grabbing the lion shifter and shaking him.

  Malik looked unhappy. "We don't know. We found his bike about a mile from your pack's territory. Rhonda talked to a few of a folks who live around the area. They remember seeing Bandit arrive, but none of them saw him leave."

  "They were nervous and scared, like talking to me could get them in trouble." Rhonda appeared in the doorway. "I'm not sure they'd have told us if they did know where Bandit was. We tracked him for a little ways through the forest, but his trail disappears right before the pack boundary."

  Allen threw back his head and howled in rage. How could this have happened? How could his lover disappear without any sign?

  "I don't want to be the one to tell Savannah her son is missing," Roman muttered.

  "We'll worry about telling her later." Max stalked in. "First, we have to figure out where Bandit is. If we find him and get him back, we won't have to bother the Canis alpha."

  "You're just scared of her," Roman joked.

  "Damn right." Max shuddered. "She and Spike scare the shit out of me."

  "Let's get back to the important issue. How do we find Bandit? No one knows where he went. If Grime has him, no one knows where the bastard keeps his prisoners," Malik pointed.

  "You're wrong."

  Everyone swung around to face Allen. His canines were extended, as were his claws. Allen knew his eyes had changed as well. Being angry had caused his wolf to fight for freedom. It wanted to go and kill someone for letting his mate be captured.


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