Love's Baggage

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Love's Baggage Page 8

by T. A. Chase

"Allen, are you okay?" Roman approached him carefully.

  "No, I'm not okay. I'm angry at people who think they can kidnap someone without getting in trouble for it. There are people who know where Bandit is. I guarantee Kinsey and my father have an idea, and I'm going to force them to tell us where he is."

  "I'm not sure you're ready to challenge Kinsey," Max hedged.

  "Fuck you, Max. Do you know where they might have taken Bandit?" Allen glared at the older lycan.

  "No. We haven't been able to find a clue about where Grime's keeping his captives." Max seemed annoyed about their inability to find Grime's lair.

  "I'll get the information as soon as I defeat Kinsey. My patience is at an end."

  "I think Bandit's been rubbing off on you, Allen," Raze joked. The angel looked at Max. "Allen's as ready as he'll ever be. I can't do anymore unless I fight his battle for him."

  Allen shook his head. "My wolf knows what he has to do. I'm leaving right now. Who's coming with me?"

  Roman and Gianni stepped up. Ba'el shook his head.

  "I'd really stand out, and we don't want that."

  Raze shrugged. "I'll come. I have a feeling Kinsey won't fight fair, which means someone needs to watch your back."

  "Thanks." Allen turned to leave.

  "We'll be waiting for the call. The minute you get the information, let us know and we'll go get him," Max said.


  Outside, Allen gave Gianni the keys to Bandit's truck.

  "You drive us. They'll let us in if they see you behind the wheel. I don't care if they see me or not. Most of them won't recognize me or Roman."

  "Yes, sir."

  They climbed into the truck, and Gianni pulled away from the curb. Raze and Roman were in the back.

  "Thanks for coming with us, Raze." Allen glanced back at the angel.

  Raze smiled. "When they see you brought an angel, they might be less likely to mess with you."

  "No one but Kinsey and Stephan will try to mess with you," Gianni predicted.

  "I don't think anyone will be happy to see us, even if they hate their leaders." Allen shook his head. "I'm sure they'll think we're interlopers coming to take over."

  "You are." Raze raised his eyebrows when they shot him matching glares. "It's the truth. It doesn't matter if your intentions are good or not. You're still strangers barging in to fix what's wrong."

  Gianni looked like he wanted to argue, but Allen spoke first.

  "Raze is right, and I'm not going in there thinking they'll welcome me with open arms."

  The angel squeezed Allen's shoulder. "Just remember why you're doing this. It's not to straighten out the pack. You're going to defeat the bastard and get your lover back. That's why you're there, and it's the most important thing."

  Allen nodded and looked out of the truck window as they left the city, heading for pack land. He spared one final thought for Bandit, planning on what he would say when they saw each other again.

  When they passed into pack territory, he let his mind calm and settle into what he would do when he challenged Kinsey. He went through all the moves Raze had taught him. Allen knew he wasn't experienced enough to survive without getting injured, but he didn't care, as long as he found out where Bandit was being held.

  Gianni pulled in front of a dilapidated building, and they climbed out. They gathered together with Gianni in the lead and Raze standing in back, though the angel couldn't blend into the background if he tried.

  Someone peered out through the curtains of one of the windows, and Gianni raised his hand.

  "They'll let Kinsey know we're here, and trust me, he'll be out here, ready for a fight."

  Allen breathed deeply and the odd scent he associated with Raze filled his nose. No matter what happened, Raze would find Bandit. Allen trusted the angel to do whatever he had to do to accomplish that goal.

  "What the fuck are you doing back here, Gianni? I told you when you left, I didn't want to see your face around here again." Kinsey stalked from the building.

  Allen managed to keep his shock from showing on his face. Where had the robust, healthy alpha gone? All of Allen's memories featured an alpha who scared the shit out of him. Seeing Kinsey in person after ten years surprised Allen. There was nothing left of what had given the lycan authority over Allen. Maybe Allen had grown into his own powers, and they cast Kinsey's abilities into a poor light.

  "I don't care what you said, Kinsey. You're no longer my alpha. I've sworn allegiance to someone far more powerful than you." Gianni smirked at Kinsey.

  "Who the fuck would be stupid enough to take you into his pack?" Kinsey sneered.

  "That would be me."

  Allen stepped forward, and Gianni yielded to him. Kinsey looked him over, and Allen saw the second the lycan realized who Allen was.

  "How the hell are you still alive?" Kinsey blurted out.

  "By the grace of the gods and help from friends." Allen took another step forward.

  He could tell Kinsey fought the urge to submit, and, in that second, Allen knew he could win the challenge. He moved closer and grinned. Raze's soft chuckle reached his ears, and Allen understood he did the right thing.

  "Alpha Kinsey, I formally challenge you for the leadership of the Dow pack." Allen's voice was strong and confident.

  Kinsey blinked and his mouth dropped open. Allen could tell he'd surprised the alpha.

  "You're no longer a member of this pack, Allen, so you have no right to challenge Alpha Kinsey."

  Allen's father shot from the building to stand beside Kinsey. Again, Allen was struck by how pathetic the older lycans looked. All their power and the fear they used to inspire in their pack must have gone to their heads. They must have believed no one would ever have the courage to stand up to them. They went soft.

  "I'm a pack member, even though you sold me and Roman because you were scared of me." Allen gestured over at his brother. "Trust me... we never planned on coming back here, but you left us no choice."

  "And besides, he's perfectly within his rights to challenge you. Lycan law states anyone who wishes can challenge for an alpha position in any pack." Raze spoke up from where he stood.

  "Who the hell are you?" Stephan glared at Raze.

  "He's the impartial observer, Father. Raze is here to make sure no one interferes during the challenge."

  Kinsey snorted. "Do you really think he's going to be able to stop anyone?"

  Allen gestured for Raze to move closer. The angel grinned and strolled right up to Kinsey.

  "Take a deep breath, Kinsey. I think you can figure out why Raze can keep this fight fair," Allen ordered the other lycan.

  Kinsey's nostrils flared and fear flashed in his eyes. "A fucking angel," he whispered.

  "Yes, and I have no qualms about using brute force, if need be." Raze bared his teeth, a clear sign of aggression to any lycan.

  Kinsey chose to ignore it, another sign of his cowardice in Allen's eyes. While it was true Raze could destroy all of them without breaking a sweat, Allen would never have backed down if he were alpha, when he knew the whole pack was watching. And that behavior of Kinsey's was what would help Allen win the challenge.

  "It's nice of you to bring friends, boy. They can cart your body away after I kill you."

  Allen ignored the bragging. He folded his arms over his chest and studied Kinsey and his father.

  "Before we go to the ring, I have something to ask. You can answer me now and save yourselves pain, or you can blow me off." He met their glares with a steady gaze. "But I'll get my answer one way or another."

  The steel in his voice warned them he told the truth.

  "Ask. We'll decide whether we'll tell you anything."

  Allen wanted to slap the smirk off Stephan's face, but he restrained himself. He had a feeling he would end up having to fight his father as well because the lycan would never submit to him.

  "Where's Grime's lair?"

  They covered their surprise well, but Allen caught the widen
ing of their eyes and quickly inhaled breath. They knew something, and Allen would get the knowledge from them. He wouldn't stop until he did because it wasn't just the pack's future in danger; it was Bandit's life at stake, too. He wouldn't allow his lover to suffer, if he didn't have to.

  "Have no idea what you're talking about. Who's Grime? Why would you be looking for the non-preter?" Kinsey shrugged.

  Allen rolled his eyes while Raze snorted. Really? How stupid were these two?

  "I hate to point this out, but if you don't know who Grime is, how do you know he's a non-preter?" Allen shook his head. "I swear it's amazing you two have lived as long as you have. Thank the gods Roman and I got our intelligence from our mother."

  "Bitch wasn't good for anything except whelping pups," Stephan grumbled.

  Before he even fully formed the thought, Allen leapt across the space between him and the man whose sperm created him. With a snarl curling his lip, Allen grabbed his father by the throat and jerked him forward. Fear darkened Stephan's eyes, and Allen felt a thrill of power surge through him. Making one of those who'd haunted his nightmares scared showed Allen wasn't the same weak pup he'd been when they sold him all those years ago.

  He let the tips of his claws score the flesh underneath his hand. He snapped his teeth together inches away from his father's face while shaking him.

  "You'll never speak about our mother again. If you do, I'll rip your tongue out."

  "Allen." Raze's voice broke through his anger.

  Allen glanced over at the angel, who raised his eyebrows in warning. A low grunt of disgust escaped Allen's throat as he tossed Stephan from him. The older lycan fell at Kinsey's feet with a gasp.

  "You aren't worth wasting my energy on. I'll deal with you when I'm done with Kinsey." Allen met Kinsey's glare. "Are you ready? Let's get this over with. I have other more important things to do, and you're becoming a waste of space."

  He turned his back on the alpha and headed back to the truck. If the challenge ring was in the same place, they would have to drive there.

  "Allen, watch it." Roman's cry warned him.

  Whirling around, he caught sight of a wolf-shaped blur rushing toward him. He dodged out of the way as Kinsey flashed past him. He growled low.

  "You want to fight with dishonor, Kinsey. That's fine with me. We'll fight here, and everyone will know what a vile creature you are."

  Raze stepped forward as Kinsey skidded to a stop and turned around, readying to strike again. He held up his hand and somehow froze the alpha where he stood. The angel's violet eyes flashed in anger.

  "This is a challenge, and not only will the winner be the new alpha of the Dow pack, the loser will lose his life. There will be no mercy." Raze looked at Allen. "Do you agree to this, Allen Dow?"

  Allen nodded. "Yes. No mercy."

  "Alpha Kinsey?"

  Kinsey snarled his agreement. Allen stared at his former alpha and let the shift overtake him. He knew for some, like Roman, the change was painful and difficult, but the only time Allen had ever felt pain was the first time he shifted. Now his wolf took over without his human nature fighting it.

  His vision went black for a few seconds and he was glad Raze held Kinsey because it was at this point in the transformation when Allen was the most vulnerable, and Kinsey could cause a great deal of damage in those moments. When he could see again, he shook his head and stretched a little, getting used to having four paws and a tail.

  He glanced around and spied Gianni and Roman standing next to Allen's father, keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn't try to join in the battle. There were others emerging from the building, but Allen couldn't spare a thought for them. He needed to focus all his energy on the fight about to be joined. Somehow, he understood getting the information about Grime from Kinsey and Stephan was the only way he'd find Bandit.

  With a nod, he signaled his readiness to Raze. The angel pinned Kinsey with a scathing glance.

  "You will fight honorably from here on out. If you don't, and I declare it, I will step in and kill you where you stand. Your blood will water this ground and your disgrace will be made known to all the packs."

  Kinsey sniffed, but nodded. Raze's proclamation meant nothing to Kinsey. It was obvious the alpha didn't believe he'd ever lose to Allen, yet there was a hint of nervousness in his movements. Allen didn't allow any of his doubts out. If he began to think he couldn't win, he had to shove those thoughts deep inside. Lost of confidence would only result in injury.

  Raze released Kinsey and stepped back, clearing the way for the two wolves. They circled one another, looking for a weak spot or loss of concentration. Allen stayed patient. One of the things Raze told him was to let his opponent make the first move. Never be impatient. That's when you'll make mistakes.

  While Allen wanted to know where Grime kept his prisoners and get to Bandit as soon as possible, he also knew he could easily be killed if he let his attention slide away from the fight. Kinsey crouched closer to the ground, and Allen braced himself. The attack would be coming any minute.

  With a vicious howl, Kinsey leapt across the dirt, and instead of going to meet him, Allen swerved to the side. Kinsey slid past him, and Allen turned to follow. He swiped his paw along Kinsey's left side, leaving claw marks and a shower of blood. The first wound went to Allen, and in that moment, he accepted the fact he would win, becoming alpha of a pack he didn't even want.

  Kinsey's age and the fact he'd let himself get soft because of his power showed in his slowness to react to any of Allen's attacks. Sure, the alpha got in some shots, and Allen had at least one broken rib and some bite marks along his sides, but nothing compared to the deep wounds Allen left on Kinsey.

  As Kinsey's blood slowly flowed from his body, the older lycan grew clumsy. When he tripped over a small dip in the ground, Allen went in for the kill. He bulled Kinsey over, forcing the injured wolf on its side. He leaned down and sank his teeth into Kinsey's throat.

  A howl was all the warning Allen got before he was bowled over by another wolf. Pain shot through his entire body as he slammed into the hard dirt. His lungs burned as he struggled to fill them with air. He wiggled and shifted, somehow managing to avoid any serious damage.


  Bright lights flashed and the wolf pinning Allen down disappeared. When Allen could see again, he climbed to his feet and shook off the pain. He lifted his head and spied the second wolf splayed out with Raze standing over it, his eyes blazing with fury. Allen whined low in his throat, and the angel glanced at him.

  "Take care of Kinsey. I'll deal with Stephan. Don't worry. I'll get the information we need, even if I have to strip his mind for it."

  Allen shivered inside, finally realizing just how dangerous Raze was. The angel hid his true nature under his glib smiles and gorgeous looks. Raze was an angel not afraid to use force to get what he wanted and completely willing to accept the consequences of his actions.

  Grunting, Allen moved past Raze and his father to where Kinsey struggled to get off the ground. Without thought or worry, Allen took the wolf down and calmly tore out his throat. He spit the gory flesh out and shifted until he stood over the dying man.

  "No mercy. You started it by jumping me, and now I've finished it by killing you. The gods will decide your true punishment when you face them."

  Allen watched as the light died in Kinsey's eyes and the wet, gurgling sound faded away. He turned when a scream ripped through the night. Raze dropped Allen's father's limp body to the ground. The angel's grin caused a shiver to run down Allen's spine.

  "I know where the lair is," Raze said.

  "Good. Go and save Bandit. Roman, Gianni and I will take care of the pack and bodies. It's all a formality anyway." Allen staggered, and Roman encircled his waist, helping him to stand.

  Raze came over and hugged Allen. "We'll find him and bring him back for you. I promise."

  Allen rested his head on Raze's shoulder for a moment, breathing in the frankincense and sulfur scent surro
unding the angel. "I know you will. That's why I'm not going with you."

  "Aside from the fact you're injured and would just slow us down."

  "True." He brushed a kiss over Raze's cheek. "We'll see you back at Max's when you're done."

  Raze stepped back and, in a blink of an eye, he was gone. Allen took another deep breath before he eased away from Roman. He turned to his brother and flashed a tired grin.

  "Let's gather everyone and get the ball rolling on moving the pack to Canis territory."

  Roman and Gianni both nodded. With his first order, Allen felt the mantel of alpha fit comfortably over his shoulders.

  Chapter 7

  Snarling, Bandit fought against the hands holding him. How the hell were these humans able to keep him captive without using silver or wolfsbane? He struggled, but it didn't work. Christ! He was sore and sure he was bleeding in places.

  They'd snatched him when he stopped to double check his directions to the Dow territory. The humans jumped him and somehow subdued him. Bandit didn't know where he was or what they wanted him for, but he knew it wasn't good. Worse, he didn't even know how long they'd had him. It could have been only an hour or two, or it could have been days. Somehow the non-preters had knocked him out, and he woke up only when they pulled up in front of the building.

  "Stop fighting us, wolf. You're not going to get out alive. We have plans for you."

  Bandit chuckled. "So you torture me and shit. Don't matter. I'm not going to be here for long."

  "No one's coming to save you, dude. Just accept it."

  Their little band of captive and kidnappers paused at a large door. One of the humans typed in a code and the door swung open. They dragged him, and he resisted all the way. The men shoved him into the brick walls and did all they could to hurt him. Something told him he was in the hands of Grime and his henchmen.

  His abuse was as effective as a blindfold because since he was so intent on not falling down or hitting his face into the wall, he had no idea how they got so far into the warren of hallways and corridors. He was lost and had no clue how to find his way out if he tried.

  One hard push in the back, and Bandit went to his knees. With his hands tied behind his back, he fell hard and winced as his knees cracked against the floor. One of the men kicked him in the ass, causing him to fall face first into the wall. The others gathered around, driving steel-toed boots into his ribs and back. He bit his lip to keep from crying out. Anger rolled inside him and instead of whining, he started to growl.


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