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Demon Marked: Shadowguard Academy Book 2

Page 5

by Samantha Britt

  “What?” I resist the urge to put more distance between us. I can smell the scent of his cologne. The aroma swirls around him in enticing waves.

  “You aren’t magicless.”

  My jaw drops. I snap it closed. “How could you say that to me? You saw what happened last night.”

  Logan Hendricks, gifted Guardian and son of the most powerful man in our society, had witnessed my failure. The situation, itself, sucks. But Logan’s presence had made it worse.

  “I can say it because it’s true. You aren’t magicless.”

  “Stop messing with me,” I snap. “It’s mean.”

  He sighs and looks to the ceiling, as if asking for divine patience. “Aspen, think for a second. I’ve drawn sigils on you before, and they worked.”

  “What does that matter?”

  He lowers his gaze. “How many humans do you know who can tap into the power of a sigil?”

  I purse my lips. “None.” Not that I ever looked into the subject. What reason would a Guardian have to draw sigils on a human? We want our society and our God-given mission to remain a secret from normal people.

  “That’s because sigils don’t work on the magicless.” He speaks with such certainty; I can’t deny it gives me hope.

  “Sigil magic affects you because power lingers within you. That’s how I know you’re not magicless.”

  Hope wars with lingering self-doubt. “But no one else said—”

  “No one else was on our mission,” he interrupts. “They don’t know I used an enhanced vision sigil on you because that wasn’t part of my father’s debriefing.” His says the last word with a healthy amount of disdain.

  He continues, “As far as anyone else knows, the only sigil drawn on you was the extraction sigil. And we both know that sigil did nothing.”

  He’s right. I hadn’t felt any discomfort when Logan drew the sigil on me. We’d all believed that meant I wasn’t tainted with demon power. Now, I’m not so sure.

  But what Logan’s saying is true. My vision had been improved on the scouting mission.

  That wouldn’t be possible if I didn’t have some magic within me. Otherwise, the sigil would be nothing more than a fancy, glowing pattern. It’d do nothing for me.

  “Why didn’t you say anything last night?” I frown, confused by my mentor’s previous silence. I’d suffered hours of fruitless attempts and disheartening defeats. Why would Logan just stand by and let me think the worst?

  The thought makes my body tense with anger.

  Logan’s reply comes quick. “Because it didn’t dawn on me until a few hours ago.”

  “Ah.” So I was right. Logan had thought I was a failure.

  No wonder he’d barely spoken to me. He was probably too busy trying to figure out how soon he could dump the worthless mentee he’d been saddled with.

  I consider the merits of Logan’s claim. It will absolve me of this dreadful feeling of disaster, yet I resist accepting the words as true. It still doesn’t explain why the magic didn’t manifest in the first place.

  Even if I have magic, it’s obviously not strong enough to show itself. What will that mean for my future career as a Guardian?

  Probably nothing. Since I likely won’t make it that far in training, anyway.

  Logan watches me, reading my emotions and doubts like an open book.

  Finally, he has enough.

  With a long, exasperated sigh, Logan says, “Aspen. If you have any trust in me at all, believe what I say. I don’t know why your powers are dormant, but I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that sigils would not work on you if you were human.

  “And an original higher demon would not waste his time with someone without power,” he continues, shutting down my impending objection. “He senses it within you.”

  Once again, I have to admit Logan has a point. Belial’s mentioned magic to me. He’s even alluded to the fact he might be waiting for mine to erupt.

  There’s always a bit of foreboding around us when Belial brings up the subject. That’s one of the reasons I hid my birthday from him.

  “Trust me,” Logan finishes, repeating the initial part of his speech. “Now, are you going to ask me about the mission?” Anticipation fills his expression. He’s no longer wearing the indifferent mask. That’s all it takes for me to finally give in.

  “Fine.” I let my shoulders sag, allowing my doubt and unease to roll away. I won’t stop worrying about my predicament for forever, but I can put it aside for a couple of hours and focus on the task at hand. “What’s the mission?”

  “We’re going to a party.”

  “A party?” Immediately, I think I’ve been tricked into attending a surprise birthday party for myself, but the eager gleam in Logan’s eye tells me I’m off the mark.

  “Yes,” he confirms. “A party. Hosted by the most prominent vampire in the city.”

  My eyes widen. “A vampire. Like… a real one?”

  Logan smirks. “Yes, a real one.”

  I’m at a loss. “But… why? What’s the objective?”

  “I’ll tell you more on the ride over.” Logan widens his stance and locks me in his gaze. “So… are you in?”

  What am I supposed to say? There’s no way I’m going to miss out on seeing a vampire for the first time. Magic or no, this is going to be epic.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m in.”

  Chapter Five

  Logan has swapped out his black Escalade for a ruby red Lamborghini. The sports car’s cabin only has two seats, and it’s filled with the smell of Logan’s cologne and the perfume I borrowed from Cortney. They’re both heady aromas. If I weren’t worried about ruining the curls my roommate spent thirty minutes styling, I’d roll down the windows for fresh air.

  Sitting in the passenger’s seat, I watch the dimming light of the setting sun, noticing the admiring stares of the pedestrians we pass, thankful the windows are tinted.

  “Whose car is this?” I ask, trying to fill the silence. According to the GPS, we’re approaching our destination, and nerves are beginning to take flight in my stomach. It certainly doesn’t help that I’m in a slinky, tight dress whose bright color matches the fancy car. Nor does it help to know the real reason Logan decided to bring me on this mission.

  “My father’s.”

  I sneak a glance at my mentor.

  His hands rest lightly on the wheel, easily guiding the vehicle through the busy city streets. My jaw had dropped when he pulled up to the front of St. Michael’s in the vehicle, but not because of the expensive car.

  When Logan stepped out to greet me, the rest of the world had blurred into nothing.

  I didn’t pay any attention to the curious glances or whispers of the students walking through the main foyer. In a pristine black tux with gold cufflinks and stylishly messy black hair, Logan looked like he stepped off the pages of a magazine.

  Even now, I have to remind myself to close my parted lips. Tearing my eyes away from the enticing image my mentor creates, I’m back to admiring the city as it comes to life for the night.

  “Is it just a coincidence the vampire set his party to start after sunset?” Despite what human lore says, vampires can walk in the sun. Though, I’d learned the sun weakens a vampire’s natural strength in my Intro to Demonology class. If Guardians are assigned to take out one of the lesser demon species, they aim to time the attack during daylight hours. It makes for an easier kill.

  “I can’t be sure,” Logan replies, turning on a new street. This one is lined with stunning, massive mansions. Each one is worth millions.

  A line of luxury vehicles slow in front of a valet podium positioned outside one of the homes. Young men wearing white jackets make quick work of opening car doors and taking keys, moving the vehicles to whatever lot they’ve rented for the evening’s event.

  We are the fourth from the valet when a thought hits me. “If I’m really not on lock down from the Shadowguard, do you think we can go see Nora and Noah sometime soon?”

’s mouth shifts as he thinks it over. I tell myself there’s nothing sexy about it.

  “I don’t see why not.”

  “Really?” I lean forward eagerly. I hadn’t expected the conversation to go so easily. I’ve been hinting that I want to visit the twins for weeks.

  I’d learned Logan had kept his word when he told me he would look out for the kids I’d lived with on the streets. Nora and Noah had been adopted by a retired Guardian and her unwed daughter. As it turns out, the twins have a trace of Guardian blood in their lineage. Funny how things turn out.

  But every time I broached the subject, Logan effectively evaded giving me an answer. He never said no, but he never said yes either.

  “Sure,” Logan shrugs, as if he didn’t just agree to something out of the ordinary. “Now that you’re eighteen, we have more leeway with where you can go.”

  I settle back in my seat, a wide grin pulling on my lips. My birthday started out pretty crappy, but the evening is much better.

  And it doesn’t escape my notice that Logan is responsible for the favorable turn of events.

  We’re two cars away from the valet.

  Logan clears his throat. “You remember what you’re supposed to do?” His gaze shifts down and trails over my dress, exposed legs, and tall black stilettos.

  I nod, trying to use my side bangs to hide the color rising in my cheeks. “Be charming and distract the target so he’s more likely to spill secrets he’d otherwise keep to himself.”

  His eyes return to mine. “Not just charming. I need you to be enticing.”

  “That’s what the dress and shoes are for, right?” I try to make it sound like more of a joke. It doesn’t land.

  One car away.

  Again, Logan’s gaze flickers over me, and every inch of my skin tingles. “Yes… right. You look appropriately enticing.”

  Satisfaction fills me when I see the pink hue rising to his face. Glad to know I’m not the only one slightly embarrassed by this situation.

  But my insecure emotion will have no place once we step out of this car. I will play the part of a sultry Guardian-in-training, and Logan will be my sexy mentor. We’re attending this party under the guise of improving Guardian-vampire relations with Logan representing his father.

  With time, charm, and impeccable acting, the party’s guests will see us as nothing more than fellow party-goers who enjoy a good time. We will blend in with the crowd as vices begin to preoccupy their attention. That’s when our true mission will begin.

  The door behind me opens. I paste on a sweet smile, then turn around and reach out to accept the extended hand of the valet.

  “Wait. I’ll escort the lady in.”

  The valet’s hand immediately falls away.

  Keeping the smile in place, I watch Logan toss the Lamborghini’s keys to the young man at the podium before making his way around the car.

  God. He’s mouthwatering.

  Keep it together, Aspen!

  I snap myself out of the lustful haze. Not only is it totally inappropriate to check out my mentor, but I’m on a mission. I need to stay focused.

  Long, strong fingers appear in front of me.

  Calling forth every ounce of grace I have in my embarrassingly ungraceful body, I gently place my hand in his. I’m acutely aware of the small crowd gathered outside the mansion. They’re all looking our direction.

  I don’t know if the car grabbed their attention, or if it’d been Logan. Either way, I will use this situation to my advantage.

  Turning, I lift my leg out of the car and plant the high heel firmly on the pavement. My toned, tanned upper thigh is exposed by the slit in the dress. Thanks to the enhanced hearing sigil Logan gave me, I hear the admiring whispers from the men in the crowd. A Cheshire grin tugs on my lips.

  Logan pulls my hand, drawing me the rest of the way out of the car. He doesn’t step back. We stand less than two inches apart. I feel his breath as he lifts my hand and places a heated kiss against my knuckles.

  A shiver tries to force its way through my body but enticing women don’t shudder from a little kiss. I keep the shiver at bay and bat my eyelashes flirtatiously.

  “Thank you.” I tell myself I wanted my voice to sound so breathy.

  “You’re welcome.” Fire to match the heat of his kiss flickers in Logan’s eyes. He draws me forward but doesn’t move so fast that any distance appears between us. “Are you ready to go inside, beautiful?”

  The endearment does strange things to my heart, but I play it off. This is an act. I’d do well to remember that.

  “Yes.” I snake my arm through his, pressing against his side under the guise of seeking warmth. The November air is cool, but I’m too pumped with adrenaline to notice. I lean up and murmur into his ear, “I’m ready.”

  Logan’s body gives a little shudder. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to hide my victorious smile.

  Now this is a game I don’t mind playing.

  Chapter Six

  Sheer white drapes are drawn back from the oversized windows overlooking the back courtyard. The night is clear, but city lights hide the stars from view. Logan and I stand beside one such window, pretending to sip the flutes of champagne in our hands, alternating our gazes between the entrance and each other.

  We’d taken up the strategic position almost as soon as we’d entered the mansion. A butler had greeted and escorted us to the gallery with a fully stocked wet bar. Logan got us drinks while I watched the door.

  Who or what we’re looking for, I don’t know. I just know Logan told me to keep my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.

  That’s going to prove difficult considering everything about this is out of the ordinary. At least to me.

  All of the guests are tall, lean and gorgeous. Like Logan, the men wear tuxedos. Expensive watches adorn their wrists, only rivaled by the elegant jewels wrapped around the women’s necks.

  I do my best not to make my perusal obvious, but I can’t help but scrutinize every individual. Not all of them are vampires, Logan told me as much. But, for the life of me, I can’t tell the difference between the races.

  That is, until a yellow-eyed Lycan, also known as a werewolf shifter, stomps into the room. He’s massive, broad shouldered, and has a thick, muscular waist. It looks like he will rip the seams of his tuxedo if his muscles flex. Two equally imposing males follow him, looking more like bodyguards than friends. Their eyes shift over the room in an assessing manner.

  “I thought werewolves hated vampires.” I murmur behind my glass, careful to keep my voice down.

  “Most do.” Logan follows the trio of males, sizing up their threat level.

  “Then why are they here?”

  “Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you can’t be allies.”

  My eyebrows lift. “Wouldn’t it be hard to trust allies you don’t like?”

  “Yes, but desperate times come for desperate measures.”

  A group of stunning vampires have shifted closer, effectively ending our conversation.

  I consider Logan’s words and connect them to our purpose at this party.

  My mentor told me the Shadowguard has received complaints from vampires in the city. They claim something nefarious is happening to their kind and has been for months.

  Normally, lesser demons keep their distance from us at all costs. I imagine interacting with the race divinely created to eliminate you from existence would be tough to do. But as long as lesser demons adhere to our laws and leave humans alone, they have nothing to fear from Guardians. Sometimes, the Shadowguard even helps protect them from mundane or higher demons.

  But the Shadowguard, or more accurately Head Minister Hendricks, has kept the vampires’ complaints a secret from the rest of us. Lucky for them, the story reached Logan through unofficial channels.

  Logan wouldn’t go into detail, but he did say he’d reached out to the coven leader in the city after hearing of vampires’ troubles. Hence, our invitation to
the fancy party.

  “Has the host caught your eye yet?” I murmur, taking a real sip of my champagne when I notice a young male vampire eyeing me curiously. Drinking on the job isn’t ideal, but neither is drawing too much attention.

  “No.” He sees the extra attention and sips his drink for real, too. “I’m certain you will realize the moment he arrives.”


  “Because Victor Bloodbane isn’t known for doing anything small.” Speaking the coven leader’s name catches the attention of those around us. I have to think Logan knew that it would. Otherwise, it’d been a careless error, and I’d like to think the man mentoring me is above such mistakes.

  Especially since, once again, Logan has brought me on an unsanctioned mission. But despite how poorly the last one went, I can’t say I mind. As long as this one doesn’t end worse than the junkyard, that is.

  “Hello,” a musical voice interrupts.

  Both Logan and I face the young woman who’s appeared behind me. I step back so I’m positioned beside Logan, chastising myself for not noticing her arrival. To his credit, Logan doesn’t look surprised. He either saw her approach, or he’s an excellent actor.

  Unsurprisingly, the stranger is very pretty. Her black hair is cut into a stylish bob which highlights her high cheekbones, and she wears a flattering violet dress with lilac jewels. Sharpened and slightly elongated canines press against her bottom lip as she smiles wide.

  Not a young woman then.

  I take in the stunning vampire with a mix of anticipation and fear. I’m a skilled fighter. I know I can defend myself against the lesser demon, but the thought of fangs piercing my flesh churns my stomach.

  If the vampire detects my accelerated pulse or dilated eyes, she doesn’t show it.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met,” she says, lifting her hand. “I’m Isabella.”

  Logan smoothly takes her hand. “A pleasure, Isabella. I’m Logan, and this is Aspen.” He bends his neck and places a chaste kiss on the back of her hand.


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