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Stepbrother Romance Complete Series

Page 17

by Ava Grace

  I resisted a petulant stomp of my foot, but the words, “Do not!” were out of my mouth before I could do anything to prevent them. Why did I always revert to eight-year-old me when I was around him?

  I felt a hand touch the small of my back and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I took a deep breath to calm down just as he leaned in close and whispered in my ear. “Do.”

  His breath was hot against my neck and even though I was still angry, another, stronger emotion took its place. Lust. I hated that he turned me on. Loved it too. I also loved the fact that he hadn’t taken his hand away and the feel of it through my sleep tee was warm and pleasant. I turned and met his gaze in the mirror. I wanted to say something seductive, but what came out was, “Have you finished in here?”

  Seth leaned in even closer, his nose ghosting along my jaw line and for one, heart-stopping moment, I thought he’d been about to press his lips against my neck, but then he frowned, pushed away from the sink and turned to the door on his side of the room.

  “It’s all yours,” he said to my reflection in the mirror before leaving the bathroom and closing the door quietly behind him.

  For one wild and crazy moment, I thought he’d been referring to something other than the bathroom. My heart felt like it was trying to beat its way out of my chest. My hands shook when I reached out to lock the door after him. I splashed some water on my face then dried off and stared at myself in the mirror. I was a hot mess.

  I hadn’t always reacted this way to Seth, but sometime in the past year, on the few occasions he’d come home from college, I’d begun to see him in a different light. Now, he wasn’t only the annoying older stepbrother who took every opportunity to aggravate me, he was also someone I was attracted to. And that had changed everything. I acted differently around him now—nervous and coy.

  Before, we’d been able to talk about anything and often got into heated debates that drove our parents insane, but lately, I felt shy around him. I’d lost count of the amount of times I’d imagined him naked and now I had a real-life visual to add to my erotic daydreams. Perfect. Seth’s body was similar to how I’d pictured it, only about a hundred times hotter. And that piercing… Damn. I couldn’t help but think about what it could do and the reason Seth had got it in the first place. I hated to think that he’d done it to please some girl he’d been dating—or to please several girls. I wasn’t dumb enough to think that he was a virgin, but the thought of him being intimate with someone caused a tight knot to form in my stomach.

  The last time that Seth had come home from college, my infatuation with him had reached an all-time high. And as he’d left again, pausing only to wink at me before getting in his car and driving off into the night, I’d decided that the next time he came home, I was going to make a play for him. I needed to know if my feelings were one sided or if it was possible that he could feel something for me too. I didn’t dare to hope, but I had to know.

  Well, he was home now and on our very first meeting, I’d acted like a tool—fumbling for words and unable to hold his gaze. I was annoyed at how I’d behaved, especially considering the fact that Seth had given me an ‘in’. When he’d asked if I’d seen something I liked, I should have been suggestive. I should have flirted with him. At the very least I should have mentioned his piercing and told him that I liked it and that it looked good on him. As I stared squarely at myself in the mirror, I vowed that next time Seth presented me with an opportunity, I was going to run with it. One way or another, my stepbrother was going to be mine.

  Chapter Two

  I closed the bathroom door then leaned my head back against it and let my eyes fall shut, pulling in a couple of calming breaths. My stepsister, Mia was trying my last nerve. How I didn’t press her up against the sink and fuck her right there in the bathroom was beyond me. I looked down at my painfully hard dick and let out a groan of frustration. I willed my erection to go away, but each time an image of Mia looking at the Prince Albert piercing flashed through my mind, my dick only got harder.

  There had been no mistaking the interest that had flared in her eyes. And the way she’d glanced at my body with such hunger had turned me on so much. I’d been close to grabbing her roughly and planting a kiss on those full, pouty lips of hers. But it didn’t matter how attracted to her I was, or how much she wanted me because I needed to keep my distance from her. I had to. Mia was my stepsister. It was wrong to want her. Sick. Or at least that was what people would say. And I didn’t want her to hear people talking about her like that—I wouldn’t put her through it.

  Despite my best efforts, my erection wouldn’t subside so I grudgingly crossed to the bed then lay down on top of it, my hand snaking down my stomach until I reached my dick. I trailed my fingers down the shaft then wrapped my hand around the heavy length. I gave it a little tug, hissing at the sensation. It felt good though not nearly as satisfying as it should have felt, probably because what I wanted was something more than my own hand to bring me off. I wanted my stepsister’s hands. Or mouth. Did she realize that she’d licked her lips as she’d stared down at my piercing? I’d nearly lost it right then and there. I’d been so close to asking her to get down on her knees so that I could feed my cock into her eager mouth.

  I sped up the movement of my hand, imagining pushing my dick deeper into her mouth, so deep that it nudged the back of her throat, making her gag. Would she be able to take it all? With my other hand, I reached down and grabbed my balls, squeezing them gently as I worked my cock with more pressure and purpose. I was aching to know if Mia would be tentative in bed or wild and uninhibited. Different to when we were younger, she acted shy around me now and hell if that didn’t turn me on more. The idea that I would in some way be corrupting her was hot as Hades. Yeah, I know, that probably made me a sick fuck, but I couldn’t help it, not when she kept looking at me like she wanted to be corrupted.

  I knew that she liked what she saw when she looked at me—especially my tattoos. She’d told me on more than one occasion what she thought of them and I often caught her sneaking glances at me when she thought I wasn’t looking. Sometimes I felt like she had me on some goddamn pedestal. She made me feel like an Adonis, which was laughable because she was so goddamn pretty she made my chest ache. Long dark hair framed her beautiful, porcelain skin. Her features were small and delicate. Everything about her screamed fragile, but she was one of the strongest people I knew. She was a living, breathing contradiction and I was seriously fucking infatuated.

  The rhythm of my hand stroking my dick got erratic as I imaged Mia naked. Her tight little body would look incredible spread out on my sheets. Would her pussy be shaved or trimmed? I bet she tasted divine. The sweet, floral scent of her never failed to get my motor running. The thought of her coming apart as I ate her pussy was what finally tipped me over the edge. I came hard, busting my nut all over my hand and stomach and as each tremor rocked through my body, my sister’s face was clear in my mind.

  After I’d come, the guilt set in, just like it always did. I shouldn’t be fantasizing about Mia. I kept telling myself I wouldn’t do it again, but I always did. I needed to go out and get laid so that I could get my mind off my stepsister, but I’d done that before and it hadn’t worked. It didn’t matter who I was fucking because right when I came, it was always Mia’s face that got me off. But maybe I just needed to try harder…

  I was meeting a group of my friends that night so I’d try one last time to get Mia out of my head once and for all.

  Chapter Three

  I hadn’t planned on going to the party. I wasn’t in the mood to socialize, but my friend, Amy, had persuaded me to go. She was hot for Aaron, a boy from my brother’s high school graduating class who she knew would be going so Amy had used just about every trick in the book to get me to go with her. I didn’t mind house parties generally, but I’d wanted to stay at home to work on seducing Seth. However, that afternoon when he walked in with news that he was going out with his friends, I finally relented and agreed to
go out with Amy.

  The party was being held at Ben Madden’s beautiful beach house. His back yard was about five times the size of ours with a resort style pool filled with people laughing and having fun. Despite my earlier reluctance, the buzzing atmosphere at the party was infectious and soon I found myself joining in with all the banter and mingling with some of my high school friends. I wasn’t going to lie, the three beers I’d consumed had helped me to loosen up. So when a few of the boys at the party suggested that we head inside to play truth or dare, it sounded like the best idea I’d ever heard.

  I was following everyone into the house when I heard my brother’s low, throaty chuckle and the sound sent tingles dancing down my spine. I hadn’t known that Seth would be at the party even though it didn’t come as a huge surprise. There had only been a year between us in high school and we shared a lot of the same friends. I turned to the sound of his voice just in time to see his hands slide over some bikini-clad girl’s ass and pull her towards him. Then he kissed her. Hard. My stomach jolted so violently that bile rose up in my throat.

  “Come on, Mia, we’re about to start!” Amy called to me.

  Seth broke away from the kiss and his gaze swiveled around the yard before finally coming to rest on me. He frowned. He whispered something to the girl then headed my way, with a strong, purposeful gait.

  I withered under the intensity of his glare.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked as he approached me.

  I don’t know what I’d been expecting, but it wasn’t to be the brunt of his anger. What the heck was his problem? Was he pissed at me for what had happened in the bathroom that morning? Shame and embarrassment heated my face, but I kept my shoulders back and held his gaze.

  “Why wouldn’t I be here?” I countered. “These are my friends. And I was invited. Why are you here?”

  He leaned down so that he was inches away from my face. “I’m starting to wish I wasn’t.”

  That hurt, much more than I let show on my face. Why was he acting like me being at the same party had somehow spoiled his night? We had always hung out with the same group of people and it had never bothered him before. He was being childish. I hadn’t done anything wrong and I wasn’t going to let him speak to me like that.

  “Yeah? Well, I was here first so if my presence offends you so much then why don’t you just leave?”

  I didn’t actually want him to go, of course, but he was behaving like a major pain in the ass and I couldn’t bear to have him stay only to have to watch him suck faces with some hot, bleached-blond surfer chick all night.

  Just looking at her made me feel inadequate.

  She was everything that I wasn’t—my polar opposite. I was short and petite with long dark hair and she was all legs and ass and tits with long wavy hair so shiny it looked like just finished filming a L’Oreal commercial. If that was the sort of women he went for then I’d been deluding myself. I didn’t stand a chance with him and I probably never had. It was a depressing thought.

  Seth looked down at the plastic cup in my hand then narrowed his eyes. “Have you been drinking?”

  My hackles rose. He was really starting to get on my nerves. “What’s it to you if I have?”

  “You’re too young to drink.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Really? Well so are you, but that’s never stopped you, has it? God, what is with you tonight? You know what? I don’t even care.

  “I was having fun before you waltzed on over here and tried to ruin my buzz.” The words came out in a rush which often happened when I was angry.

  Seth’s glare turned glacial and on any other occasion I might have backed down, but I was pissed now and the words kept tumbling out of my mouth.

  “I don’t know what’s crawled up your ass tonight, but whatever it is, don’t take it out on me. I’m going inside to play truth or dare so it would probably be a good idea if you just left me the hell alone!”

  I turned on my heel then made a move towards the house, but Seth reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me back. Defiantly, I met his gaze and held it.

  “Mia,” he said, a warning tone in his voice. “Don’t do anything stupid in there.”

  I glared at him. “It’s just a silly game, Seth. Besides, I’m eighteen. It’s practically expected of me to do something stupid.”

  He let go of my arm. “Fine.” His clipped tone had the same effect as a slap to the face. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  With a last glare, I strode away from my stepbrother, proud of myself for being strong and standing up to him. I hated that I had to do it. Seth was usually the person I could count on to have my back and there we were, bickering like, well, like brother and sister.

  And that was the last thing I wanted us to be.

  I didn’t want to do it, but I couldn’t resist turning around to take a last glance at him. Seth wasn’t looking my way; he was striding back to Malibu Barbie. I ignored the sick feeling in my stomach and went into the house after my friends, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. I think the beer had finally gone to my head because I felt a little dizzy and had to grab hold of the door frame to steady myself—at least I told myself it was the beer. I refused to believe that Seth had got me so off kilter.

  The game was in full swing by the time I entered the living room. The big heavy furniture had been pushed aside and everyone sat in a circle on the floor. Amy waved me over and I started towards her only to hesitate when I saw who’d be sitting on my right—Dean Thorne, a boy from my history class. He’d asked me out a bunch of times earlier in the year, but I’d turned him down and since then, he’d acted like a jerk towards me. I was feeling fragile after my run in with Seth and I didn’t want to get involved in another argument, but everyone was watching me and waiting for me to sit before they continued with the game so I dutifully plonked my ass down between Dean and Amy.

  The game started back up again and I had to admit, it was a riot. When Molly Anderson wouldn’t say how many boys she’d slept with, she had to drink two shots then spend the next five minutes impersonating a chimpanzee. Just after Christian Weller admitted he’d only ever got to third base with his girlfriend of two years, the unthinkable happened. Seth sauntered into the room and asked if he could join in with the game. What the heck was he playing at? If he’d been so annoyed by my presence then why was he now seeking out my company?

  Was he trying to keep an eye on me?

  I threw him a look meant to convey my annoyance as he sat down on the other side of Dean, but my glare only made him chuckle. God, he drove me crazy sometimes.

  The game soon got around to Amy who chose a dare and had to take a selfie next to the toilet and post it on her Instagram account with the caption reading simply, ‘My date for the night’. I could tell how much she hated to have to do that, but she was a trooper and did it anyway. Then, it was my turn. When I asked for a truth, Amy went easy on me, or so she thought and asked if I’d ever been in love.

  I answered instantly and truthfully. “Yes.”

  I regretted my answer the moment it was out of my mouth. I hated the way Amy’s face fell. She stared at me like I’d just kicked her puppy. I hadn’t told her about my feelings for Seth and as far as she knew, there had been no one serious in my life. The fact that I’d said yes to her question evidently made her think that I’d been keeping something from her—which I suppose I had. But my feelings for Seth felt private and I hadn’t wanted anyone else to know about the way I felt about him—even my best friend.

  When I chanced a glance at Seth, he was glaring back at me even more ferociously than he had in the yard. I heaved a sigh and lowered my head, essentially hiding my gaze from them both. Truth or dare had seemed like a fun and harmless idea at first. Not anymore.

  It was Dean’s turn next and he chose a dare. I tried to come up with something that wouldn’t make him anymore pissed at me, but I got the feeling that whatever I told him to do would annoy him, just because it had come from me. Oh well
. In for a penny.

  “Drink three shots then spin in a circle for thirty seconds,” I dared.

  There were a few chuckles from the boys in the group. Dean glared at me before grabbing the bottle of tequila from the center of the circle. He knocked back the three shots then one of the boys counted him down as he carried out the second part of the dare. After time was called, Dean tried to play it cool, but he fell against the sofa before he could make it back to us and this was met with riotous laughter. When he sat back down, he looked a bit green around the gills, but the game had already moved on to the next player. Seth.

  It was the previous player’s responsibility to pick out the question or dare for the person whose turn came after them. That meant that Dean got to choose for Seth. I’d have been worried if Seth had to pick out a question or a dare for me, but as far as I knew, Dean and Seth got on okay so I didn’t have to worry about Dean doing something mean to spite me. But when Seth chose a dare, Dean’s gaze met mine and a cold, calculated expression set on his face. He winked at me before turning back to Seth. My stomach lurched and even before he opened his mouth I knew that what was about to come out of it was far from good. In the seconds that followed, my mind went through tons of possibilities. None of them came close.

  “I dare you,” Dean said with a sly grin. “To drink three shots then, for thirty seconds, French kiss Mia.”

  Gasps of surprise and shock tore through the circle.

  “You can’t ask him to do that,” one of the girls said. “That’s his sister.”

  “It’s not his real sister,” one of the boys chimed in.

  “He won’t do it,” someone else said.

  A few more people spoke, but I didn’t hear what they said because all of my focus was on Seth.

  I felt sick.

  I mean, this was what I’d wanted, of course it was, but I hadn’t wanted him to kiss me in front of a room full of our friends. And I certainly hadn’t wanted him to do it because of a stupid game of truth or dare. I wanted him to kiss me because he wanted to—because he was attracted to me every bit as much as I was attracted to him.


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