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Looking After Lindy

Page 3

by Pepper North

  Her face flushed at his brazen act of tasting her. This was totally foreign behavior to her. She’d had exactly three boyfriends: one in kindergarten, one at thirteen, and the last had just dumped her. She’d only been intimate with her previous boyfriend, whom she’d finally decided was a cold fish. He definitely had never sampled her juices before. She tried to think coherently, but her mind discarded any other thoughts as his lips circled her clitoris to suck it gently into his mouth.

  Quickly the sensations built inside her. She was restless as two of his fingers entered her body to touch her inside. His caresses mapped out the scorching heat inside her. He remembered her sensitive spots and returned to those, regularly keeping her body at its highest level of excitement. She began to protest the withdrawal of his wet fingers but fell silent, holding her breath as he traced a path through her moist trail down to her tightly clenched anus.

  Lindy lifted her hips in surprise as he began to circle the sensitive nerve area while his tongue began to press into her vagina. His tongue’s slightly rough surface began softly abrading her delicate tissues. His hum of enjoyment vibrated against her soaked body. As his finger began to press deliberately into her bottom, a quick circle of his tongue around her clitoris launched her into an intense orgasm.

  The fingers of his other hand scooped under her buttocks and held her body aloft, pressing that bundle of nerves against his flattened tongue. Her body responded with a flare of sensations that rolled through her body. The pleasure was almost too much. Her hands clung to his shoulders for stability as her world shimmered and pulsed. Only as the waves of passion subsided did she think of his pleasure.

  “Josiah, let me touch you,” she whispered quickly as she tugged his hair slightly.

  “Princess, I enjoyed your orgasm as much as you did,” he reassured her as he kissed his way back up her body. His lips and chin left a damp trail of her juices on her skin. Reaching her lips, he kissed her deeply as he gathered her body to his. His erection pressed stiffly against her stomach.

  Lindy pushed him back slightly to run her hand between their bodies. She traced the muscles in his torso to his chiseled abdomen. Cupping his shaft, she explored his body, marveling at the length and thickness of his erection. “Josiah?” she asked in wonder.

  He rolled onto his side to allow her explorations to expand. As she wrapped her callused fingers around his penis, Josiah moaned deeply. His princess was used to work. Her strong fingers tightened on his shaft. Josiah wrapped his hand around hers and began to raise and lower her hand. His Little girl was a quick student and learned the pace and grip that pleased him the most. His eyes rested on her face as her brow wrinkled with concentration as she tried to please him. He could feel her hips still moving restlessly.

  Josiah threw himself out of bed to find his duffle. Digging to the bottom of his bag, he located the box of condoms he’d tossed in with a laugh. He turned and froze at the sight before him. Lindy had rolled to her back once again. Her small curves were displayed in the growing morning light as the fingers of one hand rubbed quickly between her legs.

  Swearing, he tore open the box and pulled a condom from the foil packet. He rolled the condom over his erection quickly. Josiah stalked forward as he tried to memorize the enchanting picture in front of him. Dropping to his hands and knees on the mattress, he caged her underneath him. His lips sealed to hers, tasting and seducing her mouth. When they were both panting heavily, Josiah lifted his head to ensnare her eyes. “Princess, do you want me inside you?”

  “Please!” she begged urgently.

  His hands pinned her hips to the mattress as he fitted his shaft to her wet opening. “You are so little, princess. Tell me if you need me to stop,” he instructed in a voice hardened with desire. Slowly he began to press inside her tight channel. Groaning at the constriction around his erection, Josiah held his body to a slow glide inward. He watched her face for any sign of discomfort. Her hips tried to rise to meet him, but he held her pressed in place.

  “Josiah, please. Please let me move,” she begged as her head thrashed back and forth on the mattress.

  “I’m in charge, princess,” he reminded her hoarsely. He withdrew to the mouth of her opening and pressed inside once again. Repeating his controlled entries, Josiah pushed a little deeper each time. Finally, they both groaned as he slid fully inside her tight body. He released her hips only then, allowing her to arch upward against him. Again and again, their bodies strained together until they were covered with a sheen of sweat.

  Supporting his weight on one forearm, Josiah caressed down her tense stomach to reach that responsive bud nestled at her entrance. Her breath noisily filled her lungs on a gasp of pleasure. Josiah pushed her into two quick orgasms before allowing her to recover slightly as he slowed his movements, keeping iron-like control over his responses. Finally, he knew he could hold off his orgasm no longer. His movements quickened as he pressed deep into her body. Determined to have her join him as he found his climax, Josiah pinched her clitoris lightly and felt her channel tense unbearably around his shaft.

  “Aaaaahhhhhh!” he yelled as his orgasm rushed over him to fill the condom deep inside her. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pressed her body against his. Her head dropped back against the pillows as she was overwhelmed by their mutual gratification.

  “Josiah,” she exhaled hoarsely. Her mind whirled as she tried to understand the connection that bound them so closely in such a short period. Finally, she decided to stop questioning their relationship. Maybe the explanations weren’t necessary.

  Chapter 9

  Lindy’s mind was still whirling. Josiah had held her tenderly until they recovered. Then, he’d carried her into the bathroom, giving her a minute alone. She’d cried seeing her clean underwear dangling from the shower rod. Who was this man who thought of even the smallest things that would make her more comfortable?

  When he reentered the small room, Josiah didn’t ask her any questions. He simply wiped the tears from her cheeks before helping her into the shower. Tenderly washing her body once again, Josiah seduced her mind as well as her body. He was determined to show her that he cared for her. They had not known each other for long, but he already knew she was his.

  Soon, they were ready to get back on the road. Josiah had outfitted her with one of his shirts. On her small frame, the shirt reached to her mid-thigh. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was clean. He already knew that she would hide from any eyes.

  Josiah pulled into the small gas station to refill his tank. He looked up and down the street trying to figure out where he could stop for a breakfast to go. Lindy would not go into the diner over there to eat. She was too afraid someone would recognize her or remember her if the men came to search this far away. He’d check in the small station to see if they had any frozen sandwiches and a microwave. He needed to get some food into her stomach. And some bottles of water to keep rehydrating her, he reminded himself as the gas pump clicked off.

  He turned to replace the nozzle on the pump when his passenger side door flew open, and a dash of long, lean legs and a dark backpack flew from the car. Without thinking, he clanked the nozzle into place and chased her. His long legs ate up the distance between them. Catching up with her, Josiah wrapped his arms around her and lifted her from the ground. When she continued to thrash and jerk to get away, he growled, “If you’re trying to attract attention and make people remember you, you couldn’t have chosen a better way. Look up and down the street,” he ordered.

  Those were the magic words to make her freeze in his arms. He set her feet down on the ground immediately, and she turned her head to hide her face from the onlookers who had gathered outside for a bit of excitement. The two outsiders had just caused a scene that already had tongues wagging. She realized they’d be talking about this event for a long time in this small town..

  “I don’t know what set you off, but if you want out of this town without the local police holding you for questioning, we need to have a good
story ready.” Just then, the sheriff’s official vehicle pulled up with its lights flashing and sirens blaring. “I promise you I’ll take you somewhere safe, and you’ll be free to go–after we have a long talk. Okay?”

  She nodded against his chest, regretting her spontaneous flight. This was not good. She needed his help to get away once again. “I’ll let you do the talking,” she whispered.

  “Good morning, Sheriff! My name is Josiah Davis. I’m sorry we caused such excitement this early in the morning.” Josiah said smoothly. “I’m afraid you caught my girlfriend and me in a little tiff.”

  “Sounded like more than a tiff to me.” The older man looked at him, assessing him carefully. He had unsnapped his holster as soon as he’d stepped from the car. His hand wrapped around his gun’s grip. “It sounded like you were manhandling this young woman, and she was trying to escape.”

  Josiah chuckled as if he was talking to a friend, “Sheriff, it did probably look like that. I’m sorry if people were disturbed. I just retired from the police force back home. I’m taking my girlfriend, Suzanne, on what she thought was a vacation. It was going to be a surprise that I’ve bought some land about a day’s drive away from here, and it’s going to be our new home. Suzanne just found a note from my realtor, and she thought I was dallying around on her. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

  Nodding against his chest, Lindy knew she’d have to look at the sheriff. “I’m not putting up with a man who cheats!” She peeked up from Josiah’s shirt and added, “I was so mad that I just ran without thinking. I’m sorry, Sheriff.”

  “Where were you on the police force?” the sheriff asked.

  “Lincoln,” Josiah replied immediately.

  The sheriff scratched his jaw thoughtfully before saying, “I talk to Police Chief Anderson there now and then. Could he vouch for you?”

  “Chief Anderson retired about fifteen years ago. Chief Paterno is the current head of the police in Lincoln. Have you met him?” Josiah knew he was being tested, and he was ready.

  “That’s right,” the sheriff nodded. He was almost convinced. “Young lady, step away from Mr. Davis. Look at me please.” He waited until she followed his directions. His eyes assessed her carefully. She was clean, but her arms were covered with scratches. “What’s your name?”

  “Suzanne Timmons, sir.”

  “Why are your arms so scratched, Miss Timmons?”

  “I helped a friend pick berries a few days ago, sir. She didn’t warn me to wear long sleeves. I’ll know better next time,” Lindy said carefully.

  “Are you in danger? There’s no reason to lie. If he’s threatened you, I can make sure you’re safe,” the sheriff’s hand had not moved from his holstered gun.

  “Sheriff, I’m not in trouble. Josiah takes excellent care of me. I love him,” she answered. The little voice in the back of her head echoed those last three words. “I was just afraid he doesn’t love me, too.”

  “I don’t have any reason to keep you in town, young lady, if you don’t tell me you need my help.” The sheriff’s eyes stayed locked on hers.

  Lindy stepped over to Josiah’s side and linked her fingers with his. “I love him. I just have a wide jealous streak,” she smiled at the muscular man by her side before looking at the sheriff once again. “Thank you for checking on me. I know we need to talk now. I should have reacted with my head rather than let my heart try to run away.”

  “I’m going to run your plates, son, and check with Chief Paterno. There’s only one way out of town. I’ll catch up with you if the story doesn’t check out.” The sheriff nodded and returned to his car. He waved to the town members watching the exchange. “Nothing to see here. Go eat your breakfast.” He got into his car and turned off the lights and sirens, and the onlookers grumbled as they turned back to their normal activities.

  “Suzanne Timmons, get back in the car, and I’ll go pay for the gas. I’ll be right back,” Josiah said sternly. He knew the sheriff’s type. He took his job very seriously. Now, as the officer sat in his car, he was checking the SUV’s plates just in case. Everything would match their story except for Lindy’s name. He paid for the gas as well as a bottle of chocolate milk and some boxed doughnuts. That plus the water would fill their stomachs for a while.

  Josiah drove slowly out of town. He rubbed Lindy’s slender thigh when she scooted over on the bench seat to sit next to him. He looked at her sideways. “We’ll get out of town, and then, you and I need to talk.”

  Lindy nodded. She knew she was in trouble.

  Chapter 10

  About a half hour out of town, the silence in the SUV became deafening. They had shared the bottle of milk and eaten a stale doughnut. Finally, Lindy couldn’t take it anymore. “You investigated me,” she accused Josiah. “You have a message on your phone.”

  “I know I do, princess. My messages appear on my watch as well,” Josiah said, pulling the vehicle over onto the wide shoulder and turned off the car. He picked up the phone and opened the message to read it aloud. “Picture identified as Melinda Abraham, 23. No police record. Brother Sam Abraham is recently deceased. Long police record dating back to juvie. Do you want me to investigate further?”

  His expression was somber as he looked at Lindy. “I am a former police officer. I find an abandoned car that has been ransacked,” he began when she interrupted.

  “John’s car was ransacked? No! I promised him I would take good care of it. She thrust a frustrated hand through her hair to sweep it out of her eyes. The look on Josiah’s face made her freeze in silence as he continued to tick off the facts.

  “I find a car that has been ransacked, and there are at least five different footprints involved in a search of that car. A faint, small print is pressed into the mud just a small distance away. Down the road, I find a young woman in serious condition. She asks that I don’t call for help and says that ‘They will find her.’ She has a mysterious backpack she is very worried about. I put her in my car and try to take care of her. I take a picture to make sure I am not driving a serial killer around when she falls asleep without answering any of my questions.” Josiah sat quietly looking at her as she thought of everything from his point of view.

  “I guess it makes sense that you’d check me out,” she begrudgingly allowed.

  “Damn straight, it makes sense. Now we need to have a little talk, princess.” He released the lever and slid the bench seat back fully, pushing himself away from the steering wheel. “This morning I made you mine. That means something to me.” He held up his hand to stop her from interrupting. “I am a very dominant man. I need to be in complete control of my perfect match. I have been searching for the right woman for many years. I am sure that I’ve found her.” Josiah stopped and pulled her on to his lap so that she straddled his legs. Her t-shirt dress rode up, exposing her lean thighs and the hint of her pink panties.

  Josiah wrapped his hand around the back of her head and pulled her forward to take her mouth. His firm lips forced a response from her. When he felt her yield and soften as he seduced her, Josiah lifted his mouth. He ran his fingers through her hair. “I’m going to ask you an important question in just a minute. Your answer will either make me turn around and take you back to the care of the sheriff or take you with me to SANCTUM.”

  Lindy looked at him with wide, stunned eyes. With just a few kisses, he had reminded her of their instant connection. Regardless of her fear of the men after her, she was more frightened to lose him. He had become her safe zone instantly. Even if the threat of the other men was eliminated, she wanted him in her life. Lindy didn’t completely understand their instant connection, but she knew she didn’t want to lose it. She wanted him in her life.

  She started to talk, but he put a finger across her lips, saying, “Me first.” Lindy nodded as she pressed her lips together.

  “I am not looking for a partner. I have been searching for a Little girl. Not little like a child, but Little with a capital L. I practice age play. My perfect mate will all
ow me to take care of her completely. If you stay with me, I will treat you like a princess when you are good, and I will spank your naughty bottom if you behave as you did today when you read the text message and ran.”

  “Spank me like a baby?” she gasped, trying to follow his words while her body tingled at the thought. She’d read age play books in the privacy of her duplex. She’d read a lot of them. Once she had read one, she had searched for more and more. Something involved in the stories called to her both emotionally and physically. She found them very arousing. She needed to have him explain what he envisioned as age play. “Are you going to make me wear a diaper and drink from a bottle?” Her mind struggled as her fantasies fought with the rigid, socially accepted view of how adults lived.

  “Yes, Lindy. My Little girl will let me feed her with a bottle–especially at night before I tuck her into her crib to sleep,” he answered, slowly rubbing his hands up and down her sides and back to relax her. He could feel the tension in her legs spread to either side of his thighs.

  “You’d want me to sleep in a crib?” She searched his face, trying to see if he was messing with her. He had no idea she pretended her headboard formed of vertical slats was a crib railing.

  “Princess, there’s no one here but you and me. I’m not trying to prank you. From the look on your face, I can tell you’ve heard of age play before.” He paused to look at her, and she nodded slightly. “But you haven’t been in an age play relationship?”


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