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The Hunt: Paranormal Shifter Romance

Page 2

by Milly Taiden

  “I guess.”

  “Come on, I even got a costume for you.”

  He raised his brows, watching her features carefully. “What type of costume?”

  She glanced away, the way she bit her lip let him know he was probably not going to like whatever she’d done.

  “Well, I was thinking you could be a sexy Tarzan,” she said, the words tripping over each other as she rushed to speak. “I know for a fact nobody else will be one.”

  He frowned. “Tarzan? For the Hunt? Really?”

  She sighed. “I originally wanted to have you play cop. But I don’t think police officer is the right one, though. It’s hard to find a good cop costume for a six-foot-two man with two hundred and twenty pounds of pure muscle. Those arms are going to shred that little shirt. Tarzan works better.”

  She didn’t seem bothered if her grin was anything to go by. “And let me guess, this is a good thing?”

  “Uh, yeah. Big bro, have you seen how the females practically swoon at your feet? You weren’t voted Sexiest Wolf Alive by Shifter magazine for no reason.”

  “I don’t follow gossip.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I do. Anyway, you know you have to go to the Hunt. It’s gonna be a Halloween themed event this year. So just show up and have fun. Besides, the best part is the not knowing.”

  Actually, he hated the Hunt. He hated that everyone had their sense of smell taken away by drinking a creation that caused the scent receptors in their noses to be ineffective. Their version of a hunter’s block. They would have to use their instincts to find a female they might want to mate with. The worst part was that it would be forty-eight hours before anyone got their sense of smell back.

  It was why he usually skipped it. This year, though, his parents had asked him to attend. To make sure all went well and everyone stayed in control. Too many from their pack had a hard time handling being unable to scent other people. It made them reckless and dangerous.

  “Come on, Dax, please? It’s not like Melanie will be there. You know she won’t be. Are you still angry over her mating Roberto?”

  He couldn’t lie. He hated the Hunt because it had taken Melanie from him. She’d been the closest he’d had to a mate. They’d been bedmates and friends. But two years past, she’d mated Roberto during the Hunt, an enforcer in the pack.

  He didn’t hate either of them. He knew they’d found each other at the right time. Melanie had even tried to stay friends with him, but he knew better than to allow that. If Dax had mated Melanie, he wouldn’t have been pleased if she were friendly with an ex-boyfriend.

  The relationship had been open until she’d told him she was going to the Hunt to find a mate. That had been the end. He couldn’t offer her forever since she wasn’t his true mate and she’d known that, too. He also couldn’t stop her from finding her forever.

  “I’ll go. I’ll even wear your sexy Tarzan uniform. Just don’t send a bunch of females to me or I’ll get the fuck out before they get to say hello. Understand?”

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “Fine. I won’t send a bunch of females, okay?”

  Something about the way she said the words didn’t sit right, but he let it go. Ella was always going to do what she wanted. It’s what baby sisters did.

  Chapter Three

  Willow actually smiled. She really liked this costume. Who would’ve thought she could pull off Morticia Addams? Her long black hair had been flat-ironed until it shone and split at the center to show off the tiny widow’s peak.

  She didn’t know where, but Amy had found her a duplicate of the spider lace black dress Angelica Houston wore in the movies. Willow liked it. It showed off her too curvy body, but since it was black, she didn’t care. It was Halloween and she honestly thought the dress looked good on her.

  For once, her pale skin worked for the look she was going for. She couldn’t tan. No matter how hard she tried, it just didn’t happen. Her summers consisted of lots of UV protection and hats to keep from burning.

  She pouted playfully at the mirror and grinned. Thank goodness she’d inherited her mom’s full lips. She’d definitely be able to do the red lipstick justice. Glancing down at her long red nails, she hoped she didn’t break them. She’d allowed Amy to talk her into getting them stiletto filed. The last thing she wanted was to poke out her own eye, though.

  With the invitation in hand, she left her apartment and got into her reliable little car. Most people would hate being in a vehicle so small, but Willow loved it. At 5’6”, she wasn’t exactly tiny, but she wasn’t the tallest person she knew.

  The address on the invitation had her confused. There was just a house number next to a state park listed. Maybe it was one of those outdoor barbecue bonfires people loved to do. One of the perks of living by a state park was the ability to do a lot of camping activities without worrying about bothering others.

  In any case, the GPS would get her there. She typed in the weird address and was surprised to get a location match. On her drive there, she thought about her mom. She’d promised her she’d get her degree and she’d reach that goal in a few months. Her chest hurt knowing her mom wouldn’t be able to be at the graduation.

  She sniffled and let out a slow breath. Thinking sad things wasn’t going to make her night any fun. She could hear her mother telling her to stop it. She’d been the life of the party to the very end. Willow had never loved being around anyone as much as her mom. She was sweet, considerate, caring and all-around beautiful inside and out.

  “I’m going to graduate, Mom. Then, I’ll find a job teaching and you’ll see it all from wherever you are. I’m doing it,” she said softly into the dark car.

  Her cell phone rang and broke through the silence in her car. She pressed the answer button on her steering wheel.

  “Hey, Amy. I’m on my way to this party.”

  “Oh, goody! I put some stuff in your bag,” Amy laughed. “Just in case.”

  She frowned. “In case what?”

  “You get lucky!” Amy’s laughter boomed in the small car’s interior.

  “What did you put in my bag?” She knew better than to look while driving, staying focused on the road instead.

  “Flavored condoms.”

  Her face heated once she heard the words. “Really, Amy? Have you ever known me to be a one-night stand type of person?”

  “No, but it’s Halloween. Maybe you should be. Besides, you only live once. Isn’t that what your mom used to say all the time? I remember Lori always saying that to you. Hell, to both of us.”

  Yeah. Her mom had a habit of always telling her and Amy to live life to the fullest. To live every day as if it were their last, because one day it would be.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Anyway, don’t forget tomorrow night is movie night. My place.”

  She smiled, imagining Amy tossing popcorn into the air and trying to catch the kernels in her mouth. “I won’t forget. Maybe this time we can watch the movie instead of having a popcorn fight.”

  “Hey, that was the highlight of my night. I won.”

  She snorted. “Only because you cheated.”

  Amy giggled on the line and then sighed. “All right. I have to write a report on one of my students. His parents never show up when I ask them to and it’s making me crazy. Monday morning I’m showing up at their front door before he leaves for school and they better be ready to talk to me. That poor kid is having serious adjustment issues.”

  Damn. She remembered the kid. “Little Greg?”

  “Yeah. I feel for that boy. I swear I’m gonna throat punch those parents if they don’t open that door and have a damn good reason for not showing up to any of our meetings.”

  “I hope that works out. From what you’ve said, he’s a good kid.”

  “He is. I’m gonna get him the help he needs, with or without them,” she said with a finality that surprised Willow. “Anyway, go enjoy yourself. Drink a little and loosen up. It’s just what the doctor ordered.”

  Willow rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “What doctor?”

  “Doctor Loooove,” Amy drawled out softly.

  They both laughed and hung up. She made a left onto a road leading into what looked like private property. She frowned. It was the only turn on this road, even though it didn’t match the GPS perfectly. The state park wasn’t private, so she wondered where the hell she was.

  The narrow lane went on for what felt like forever, the trees hugging the dirt track until she swore she’d hit a dead-end. Then it opened up and there was a massive log cabin that had to belong to one of her classmates’ millionaire parents because it was amazing. Massive with huge windows showing off the lake next to the cabin.

  There were several guys in black pants and no shirts doing the valet stand. Well, good. At least she was at the right place. She got out and handed a young hottie her keys. He grinned, his eyes flashed, and she had to do a double take. Those were some cool contact lenses he wore.

  She marched up to the front door where two other guys stood, handing out masks. They were plain black and designed to hide half the wearer’s face. Willow decided not to argue and took one. After that, everyone got a welcome shot to down.

  She glanced at the small drink and frowned at the waiter wearing a mask. “I don’t really drink.”

  “Everyone has to take the shot,” he told her, his voice implacable.

  Damn. No way of getting out of it. She wouldn’t have more drinks through the night, so she went for it. The drink was fruity, but didn’t taste like alcohol. She glanced at her empty shot glass and then at the waiter. “Is there any liquor in these?”

  He shook his head and grinned. His eyes flashed gold, the same as the valet guy’s. Must be it was a staff thing. “Want another?”

  “Sure. They’re actually quite tasty.” She picked up a second shot and gulped it down. Wow. The room spun suddenly. She frowned at the waiter, but then everything stopped moving and she was blinking at the waiter.

  His grin widened. “You okay?”

  She nodded and realized she was holding up the line, so she stepped forward, watching all the costumed bodies dancing. The cabin, or rather, mansion was huge. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed her classmate. No answer. No wonder with the loud music reverberating through the large room. She texted one of the girls who’d invited her and asked where she was.

  In the meantime, she walked toward a table at the back with mini pastries and bottled water. Then she noticed a hallway connecting to another room. She left the loud dancing behind. The other room led to an outdoor garden with lots of tables and chairs. There were waiters walking around with plates of food.

  Closing the distance with an empty table, she noticed menus with various choices. She glanced at her phone. Her classmate still hadn’t replied. She felt uncomfortable sitting to eat alone at an event where she knew no one.

  “Hey, there,” a guy dressed as a vampire in a cape said. “I vanna drink your vlood.”

  “I don’t think so,” she replied and walked away, farther from the food.

  “Hey, wait,” the guy called out. “I was just kidding.”

  She stopped and watched him approach. From his voice, she figured he was young. Barely twenty.


  “Are you all right? You look lost, as if you’re trying to find someone. I’m Jim, in case you were worried I’m a stranger or something.”

  She shook her head and then reconsidered her dismissal for young Jim. Maybe he knew her classmates. “I’m looking for Janie Thomas or Drea Bharet. Do you know them?”

  The kid took his half-mask off and frowned. “No. I’ve never heard those names before, which is really weird because I know pretty much everyone here.”

  She stopped herself from rolling her eyes. Yeah, right. He knew everyone. There had to be a few hundred people there. “Well, no worries. I’ll try texting them again.”

  “No, I have a better idea. Come on, my friend Ella might know them.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the garden where a group of people sat around a bonfire.

  “No, really. I’ll just wait and contact them myself.” She tried to pull her arm out but, damn, he was strong.

  “It’s no big deal. Ella’s a sweetheart,” he said and stopped in front of the bonfire. “Hey, Ella. This is—” he turned to face her, “what’s your name?”

  “Willow,” she said softly, incredibly self-conscious that everyone was watching her.

  “Willow,” Ella said. “What a pretty name. I adore your costume. Morticia Addams wishes she had your curves. Wowzers. Are you here with anyone?”

  Chapter Four

  Ella sighed. She was so uncomfortable in a crowd of people she didn’t know. “I was invited by some friends, but I can’t find either.” She shrugged. “It’s fine. I’ll just—” her phone rang and she flinched. “Excuse me a second.”

  “Sure thing,” Ella smiled.

  “Hello,” she whispered, turning away from the group.

  “Hey, girl. How’s the party?” Amy asked.

  “Well, I can’t find my classmates and I’m ready to go home.”

  “No. Nuh-uh. You are supposed to have fun and get laid. I told you that.”

  She cleared her throat. “Well, I can’t,” she whispered. “I don’t know anybody here and I don’t know how to have a one-night stand, Amy. That’s not my thing.”

  “Listen to me, Willow. You need romance in your life. I’m not asking you to find a guy to marry tonight, but someone you can date a few times or something. You have to break the ice on your non-existent dating life. Girl, I’m worried for you.”

  “Stop worrying,” she mumbled. “I’ll be fine. Talk to you later.” She clicked the phone off and turned back to Ella. “Sorry about that. I’m just gonna go.”

  “No,” Ella said quickly. “Don’t go. Do you like children, Willow?”

  She laughed at the strange question. “I do. I’m about to get my Education degree next month.” She bit her lip. “I’m still unsure where to look for a job, but I love kids.”

  Ella’s eyes widened. “Oh my goodness. We have an opening at our local school. You should meet my brother.” She linked her arm with Willow’s. “He’s always on top of all the schools’ new hires.”

  Ella walked with her toward the mansion again, only to stop at the deck steps. She glanced around the open area near the trees. Willow hadn’t noticed the row of tiny houses around the lake.

  “Those are so cute.”

  Ella laughed. “I thought they were a great idea for guest houses, but my brother thought I was silly. They’re seriously used this time of year. We have so many out of town guests and he hates people in his house.”

  Willow glanced around until the hottest guy on the planet made her gasp. “Wow.”

  Ella giggled. “Who’s got you in such a trance?”

  Willow blinked at the mostly naked Tarzan and sighed. “He’s definitely out of my league.”

  “Why would you say that?” Ella asked. “Tarzan? All those girls around him don’t interest him.”

  She snorted. “Right. He’s just being polite and letting them all show off their goodies out of the kindness of his heart.”

  “Uh, he kinda is. He’s a nice guy.”

  “He’s definitely nicely built,” she said, openly gawking at the sexy specimen. “If I had one of him at home, I’d never leave the house.”

  Ella burst into giggles. “You’re hilarious.”

  Willow blushed. “I’m sorry. My friend Amy’s rubbing off on me. I swear I’m never like this. I guess I really do need to get laid.” She was distracted by a waiter carrying a tray of water bottles and champagne flutes. She chose a bottle of water because this had to be the first Halloween party she went to that they carried water on a tray.

  “Do you like mazes?” Ella asked, leading her down the path toward Tarzan and his harem.

  “I guess. I’ve never been in one.”

  “Oh, this will be
so fun for you. I’ll be on the other side waiting for you. Come on.”

  They went past the group and she turned away to ensure she wasn’t staring. At the entrance to the maze, Ella grinned and gave her a hug.

  “Is everything okay?” Willow asked, a little worried.

  “You’re going to do great. Go.”

  She went through the entrance and made her first turn, heading forward and letting her instincts lead the way.

  Ella grinned and turned to Dax and his group of females. She shoved her way next to him and took his arm, rising on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Are you busy?”

  Dax growled. “For you? Never.”

  She pulled him away from the group of desperate females and led him to the maze opening. “Look, I know that in the next minute or two things are going to get crazy here. I was thinking that if you want, you can go into the maze and I’ll put a few enforcers at the entrances so you’re left alone and none of the females can harass you about mating them.”

  He raised his brows and hugged her to him. “Thank you. I know you were hoping I’d find someone, but I’ve spoken to every female here tonight and none of them have really caught my attention.”

  She patted his arm softly. “I know, big brother. Maybe another day. Go in there and sit at your favorite spot by the fountain. I’ll make sure nobody bothers you.”

  He yanked the face mask off and walked into the maze. She whirled around and motioned for the enforcers.

  “Halo, Clancy, Ghost, and Siege. Two of you take this entrance and two of you take the south exit. Nobody goes in or out of the maze until this event is over and Dax has decided to come out. He’s taking a much-needed break and I don’t want anyone interrupting him.”

  Siege grinned, his golden eyes flashing at her. “What about you, princess? Are you going to take a break?”

  She huffed out a swear word. “That’s not likely. Not when I’m the hostess. See that you do your job, pretty boy.”

  Ella rushed over to her friend Jim. “Where did you find her?”


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