Book Read Free

K is for KILLER

Page 21

by Sue Grafton

  Leila pressed the stop button impatiently. “It goes on like that. Pissed me off they were always talking about me behind my back. Lot of the rest is just mumbling, and most you can’t even hear.”

  “Too bad,” I said.

  “Yeah, well, the equipment was kind of dinky. I didn’t want to get into anything elaborate because it was too much trouble. The amplification was minimal. You get a lot of distortion that way.”

  “When was this done? Any way to pin down the date?”

  “Not really. Lorna sat with Jack a couple different times, but I never wrote it down. It wasn’t any special occasion. Just us popping out for a bite to eat. With a toddler at home, an hour by yourself feels like heaven.”

  “What about the month? It must have been early in the pregnancy because he mentions you’re not showing yet. And wasn’t there mention of a receipt? In that first conversation, it sounds like he’s stopped by to pick up the rent.”

  “Oh. Maybe so. You could be right about that. I mean, Jeremy was born in September, so that must have been… I don’t know… April sometime? She paid the first of the month.”

  “When did you start the taping?”

  “Around then, I guess. Like I said, the first tape was all static. This is the second one I did. I think he actually had the exterminator out for all the spiders and bugs. He probably has a record of it if you want me to look it up.”

  “What else is on here?”

  “Mostly junk, like I said. The batteries went dead about halfway through, and after that all you hear is the stuff still on there from the first time I taped.” She pulled the tape out and tucked it back in the empty cassette box. She got up from the table as if to leave the room.

  I caught her casually by the arm. “Mind if I take that?”

  She hesitated. “What for?”

  “So I can hear it again.”

  She made a face. “Nnn, I don’t know. I don’t think that’s a good idea. This’s the only one I got.”

  “I’ll bring it back as soon as possible.”

  She shook her head. “I’d rather not.”

  “Come on, Leda. What are you so worried about?”

  “How do I know you won’t turn it over to the cops?”

  “Oh, right. So they can listen to people clump around making small talk? This is not incriminating stuff. They’re talking about the fuckin’ bugs,” I said. “Besides, you can always claim you had permission. Who’s going to contradict you?”

  She gave that consideration. “What’s your interest?”

  “I was hired to do this. This is my job,” I said. “Look. From what you’ve said, this tape was made within a month of Lorna’s death. How can you be sure it’s not significant?”

  “You’ll bring it right back?”

  “I promise.”

  Reluctantly she put the cassette on the table and pushed it over to me. “But I want to know where to call in case I need it back,” she said.

  “You’re a doll,” I said. I took out a business card and made a note of my home phone and my home address. “I gave you this before, but here it is again. Oh, and one more thing.”

  Sounding crabby, she said, “What?”

  Every time I manipulate people, it seems to make them so cross. “Has J.D. come into any money in the last few months?”

  “J.D. doesn’t have money. If he does, he never told me. You want me to ask when he gets in?”

  “It’s not important,” I said. “Anyway, if you mention it, you might have to tell him what we were talking about, and I don’t think you want to do that.”

  From the expression on her face, I thought maybe I could trust her discretion.

  I stopped at a minimart on the way back to my place. Somewhere I had a tape recorder, but the batteries were probably dead. While I was at it, I bought myself a king-size cup of coffee and a nasty-looking meat sandwich wrapped in cellophane. From the pink stuff peeking out the side, it was hard to imagine what cow part this was thin slivers of. I ate driving home, feeling too starved to wait. It was not quite eight o’clock, but this was probably lunch.

  Home again, I spent some time getting organized. The tape recorder was right where it was supposed to be, in the bottom drawer of my desk. I changed the batteries and found the headphones, a pencil, and a legal pad. I played the tape through, listening with my eyes closed, the headphones pressed against my ears. I played the tape back again, taking notes this time. I transcribed what I could hear clearly and left a series of dots, dashes, and question marks where the sound was garbled or inaudible. It was slow going, but I finally reached a point where I’d gleaned as much as I could.

  As Leda had indicated, toward the end of the tape, after sixty minutes of boring talk, her machine had gone dead, leaving a fragment from the first taping she’d done. The one voice was Lorna’s. The other voice was male, but not J.D.‘s as far as I could tell. There was a segment of country music playing on the radio. Lorna must have turned it off because the silence was abrupt and punctuated by static. The guy spoke up sharply, saying, “Hey…”

  Lorna sounded annoyed. “I hate that stuff…. xxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxx…”

  “Oh, come on. I’m just kidding. But you have to admit, it’s xxxxxxxxxx. She goes in xxxxxxxxxxxxx day… xxxxxx…”

  “Goddamn it! Would you stop saying that? You’re really sick.

  “People shouldn’t xxxxxxxx… [clatter… clink]…”

  Sound of water… squeaking…

  “… xxxxxxxx…”

  Thump, thump…

  “I’m serious… by –”


  Laughter… chair scrape… rustle… murmur…

  There was something quarrelsome in the tone, an edginess in Lorna’s voice. I played the tape twice more, writing down everything I heard clearly, but the subject of the conversation never made any sense. I took the headphones off. I pinched the bridge of my nose and rubbed my hands across my face. I wondered if the guys in the forensics lab had a way to amplify sound on a tape like this. As a private investigator, I was not exactly into high-tech equipment. A portable typewriter was about as state-of-the-art as I could boast. The problem was, I didn’t see how I could ask for police assistance without an explanation of some kind. Despite my assurances to Leda, she was guilty of withholding, if not evidence, then information that might have been relevant to the police investigation. Cops get very surly when you least expect it, and I didn’t want them to take an interest in something that wasn’t mine to begin with.

  Who else did I know? I tried the Yellow Pages in the telephone book under “Audio.” The businesses listed offered laser home theaters, giant-screen TVs, custom design and installation of audio systems, and presentation graphics, followed by the ads for hearing aids, hearing evaluations, and speech therapists. I tried the section entitled “Sound,” which was devoted in large part to designing wireless drive-through intercoms and residential and commercial sound systems. Oh.

  I checked my watch: quarter after nine. I flipped back to the White Pages under K-SPL and called Hector Moreno at the local FM station. It was probably too early to reach him, but I could at least leave a message. The phone was picked up after three rings. “K-SPELL. This is Hector Moreno.”

  “Hector? I can’t believe it’s you. This is Kinsey Millhone. Aren’t you there awfully early?”

  “Well, hey. How are you? I switch shifts now and then. Keeps me from getting bored. What about you? What are you up to?”

  “I have a tape recording with very poor sound quality. Would you have any way to clean it up?”

  “That depends on what you got. I could try,” he said. “You want to drop it off? I can leave the door unlocked.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  En route, I made a stop at Rosie’s, where I told her about Beauty and begged for doggie bones. Earlier she’d boiled up two pounds of veal knuckle for the stock she makes. I had to pick through the trash to get them, but she wrapped two in paper with the usual
admonishment. “You should get a dog,” she said.

  “I’m never home,” I replied. She is always on me about this. Don’t ask me why. Just a piece of aggravation, in my opinion. I took the packet of bones and began to back away, hoping to curtail discussion.

  “A dog is good company, and protection, too.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I said as the kitchen door swung shut.

  “Get a fella while you’re at it.”

  At the station, I let myself in. Hector had left the door ajar and the foyer lights on. I went down into the twilight of the stairwell with my paper packet of bones. Beauty was waiting for me when I reached the bottom. She was the size of a small bear, her dark eyes bright with intelligence. Her coat was red gold, the undercoat puffy and soft. When she saw me, her fur seemed to undulate and she emitted a low, humming growl. I watched her lift her head at the scent of me. Without warning she pursed her lips and howled, a soaring note of ululation that seemed to go on for minutes. I didn’t move, but I could feel my own fur bristle in response to her keening. I was rooted to the bottom step, my hand on the rail. Something primitive in her singing sent ice down along my spine. I heard Hector call her, then the quick thump of his crutches as he swung along the corridor.

  “Beauty!” he snapped.

  At first she refused to yield. He called her again. Her eyes rolled back at him reluctantly, and I could see her debate. She was willful, intent. As strong as her urge toward obedience, she didn’t want to comply. Her complaints were sorrowful, the half-talk of dogs in which sentiment is conveyed in the insistent language of canines. She howled again, watching me.

  I murmured, “What’s the matter with her?”

  “Beats me.”

  “I brought her some bones.”

  “It’s not that.” He leaned down and touched her. The howling became a low cry, filled with such misery that it broke my heart. He held his hand out. I passed him the packet of veal knuckles.

  Hector looked at me oddly. “You smell like Lorna. Have you been handling something of hers?”

  “I don’t think so. Just some papers,” I said. “There was a scarf of hers in the banker’s box, but that was yesterday.”

  “Sit down very carefully on the steps where you are.”

  I eased myself down into a sitting position. He began to talk to Beauty, his tone full of comfort. She watched me with a mixture of hope and confusion, thinking I was Lorna, knowing I was not. Hector offered her the bones, which failed to interest her. Instead, carefully, she extended her blunt snout and sniffed at my fingers. I could see her nostrils work as she sifted and analyzed the components of my personal scent. He scratched her ears, massaging her meaty shoulders. Finally she seemed to accept that she had erred somehow. She hung her head, watching me with puzzlement, as if at any minute I might turn into the woman she was waiting for.

  Hector straightened up. “She’s okay now. Come on. Here. Why don’t you take these,” he said, passing the bones back to me. “She might decide she likes you yet.”

  I followed him into the same small studio. Beauty had resumed her wary guardianship, and she positioned herself between the two of us. She put her head down on her feet. Occasionally she gave me a look, but she was clearly depressed. Hector had made fresh coffee, which he offered from a jug thermos sitting on the counter beside a cardboard box and a leather photo album. I let him pour me a cup, figuring I couldn’t feel much worse. He perched up on his stool, and I watched while he phased out the jazz number that was playing. He extemporized a commentary, feigning casual knowledge from the liner notes in the CD. His voice was deep and melodious. He slipped in another cassette, adjusted the sound levels, and then turned to me. “Let’s try the bones,” he said. “Beauty needs a lift, poor girl.”

  “I feel bad,” I said. “I was wearing those jeans when I went through Lorna’s files.”

  I opened the paper packet and hunkered next to Beauty. He coached me through the process. She finally relented, allowing me to stroke her densely furred head. She took one of the knuckle bones between her feet and licked it thoroughly before she tested with her teeth. She made no particular objection when I rose again and perched up beside Hector on a second stool. Hector, meanwhile, was sorting through a stack of old black-and-white photographs with white fluted rims. He had a box of gummed corners and was mounting selected snapshots in an album fat with photographs.

  “What are those?”

  “My dad’s got a birthday coming up, and I thought he’d get a kick. Most of these were taken during World War Two.”

  He passed me a snapshot of a man in pleated pants and a white dress shirt, standing in front of a microphone. “He was forty-two. He’d tried to enlist, but Uncle Sam turned him down. Too old, bad feet, punctured eardrum. He was already working as an announcer at radio station WCPO in Cincinnati, and they told him they needed him for the war effort, keep morale up here at home. He used to take me with him. Probably how I got the bug.” He set the album aside. “Let’s see what you have.”

  I took the cassette from my bag and passed it over to him. “Someone was doing a little eavesdropping. I’d rather not say who.”

  He turned it over in his hand. “I probably can’t do much with this. I was hoping you were talking eight – or multitrack. Know how this works?”

  “Not at all,” I said.

  “This is Mylar ribbon, coated on one side with a bonding material containing iron oxide. Signal passes through a coil in a recording head, and that causes a magnetic field to form between the poles of the magnet. Iron particles get magnetized in something called domains. No point in boring you to death,” he said. “The point is, professional recording equipment is going to give you far better fidelity than a little tape like this. What was it, some kind of little dingus running off batteries?”

  “Exactly. There’s a lot of ambient noise, mumbling and static. You can’t hear half of it.”

  “Doesn’t surprise me. What’d you use for playback, same thing?”

  “Probably the equivalent,” I said. “I gather you can’t help.”

  “Well, I can put it on my machine at home and see if that gives you anything. If the sound wasn’t laid down in the first place, there’s never going to be a way to pick it up on playback, but I got good speakers and could maybe filter out some frequencies, play around with bass and treble, and see what that does.”

  I pulled out the notes I’d made. “This is what I picked up so far. Anything I couldn’t hear, I left blank with a question mark.”

  “Can you leave the tape with me? I can take a crack at it when I get home tonight and call you sometime tomorrow.”

  “I’m not sure about that. I swore I’d guard it with my life. I’d hate having to admit I left the tape with you.”

  “So don’t tell. Someone asks for it back, just give me a call and come pick it up.”

  “You’re a very devious person, Hector.”

  “Aren’t we all?”

  He took the page of notes I’d made and went into the other room to make a copy while I waited. I gave him my business card with my home address and phone jotted on the back. By the time I left the studio, Beauty had apparently decided I was part of her pack, though much lower in the pecking order and therefore in need of protection. She very kindly walked me to the stairwell, matching her footsteps to mine, and watched as I went up the steps and out into the foyer. I peeked back and found her still standing there, looking up, her gaze fixed on mine. I said, “Good night, Beauty.”

  Pulling out of the K-SPL parking lot, I caught a glimpse of a lone man on a bike streaking across the intersection. He took the corner wide and disappeared from sight, reflectors on his spokes making circles of light. For a moment I could feel a mounting roar in my ears, darkness gathering at the edges of my vision. I rolled down the window and pulled fresh air into my lungs. A wave of clamminess climbed my frame and passed. I pulled into the empty intersection and slowed, peering right, but there was no sign of him. The street l
umps receded in a series of diminishing uprights that narrowed to a point and vanished.

  I headed down to lower State Street, cruising Danielle’s turf. I needed company or a good night’s sleep, whichever came first. If I found Danielle, maybe the two of us would buy champagne and orange juice, drink a toast to Lorna just for old times’ sake. Then I’d head for home. I pulled into the parking lot at Neptune’s Palace and got out of my car.

  From the far end of the parking lot, the noise level was considerably louder than I’d experienced before. The crowd was boisterous. The side doors were opened onto the parking lot, and a knot of revelers had spilled out. Some guy toppled sideways, taking two women with him. The three of them lay on the asphalt, laughing. This was Thursday night trade, nearly manic in its energy, everyone determined to party, gearing up for the coming weekend. Music pounded against the walls. Cigarette smoke drifted on the frigid night air in wisps and curls. I heard the shattering of glass, followed by maniacal laughter as if a genie had been released. I caught sight of a patrol car in the parking lot. The black-and-whites usually come down here every couple of hours. The beat officer parks and works his way through the place in search of liquor violations and petty criminals.

  I steeled myself and pushed through the door. I traveled the length of the bar like a fish swimming upstream, scanning the assembled patrons for Danielle. She’d said she usually started work at eleven, but there was always the chance she’d stop at the bar first to have a drink. There was no sign of her at all, but I did see Berlyn on her way to the dance floor. She was wearing a short black skirt and a red satin top with spaghetti straps. Her hair was slightly too short for the topknot she affected, so that more seemed to hang down than was secured above. Her earrings were big double rhinestone hoops that glittered and bounced against her neck as she moved. At first I thought she was unaccompanied, but then I saw a fellow pushing through the crowd in front of her. The other bobbing dancers closed around her, and she was gone.


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