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The Cabin Escape: Back On Fever Mountain 1

Page 10

by Melissa Devenport

  “And until we get to that point?”

  “We keep trying to get to that point. Hopefully to the place where we’re sure it’s going to work.”

  “Is anyone ever sure of that?” His brow raised in good natured humor.

  “Yes. I think so. I think if people try, every single day to make it to that point, then they can if they want to.”

  Jason sighed. He surprised her by reaching up and capturing her hand. He moved it, slid it down his face, down his neck, until it ended up right overtop his heart.

  “I can’t promise I would be a good father. In fact, I’m sure I would be the exact opposite, but if this is what you want, then I’ll try. I’ll try because I never expected to feel anything close to what I feel about you. When I realized you were gone, I thought I was going to go crazy. I thought I’d never see you again. That, out of everything in my life, would be the one thing I’d regret the most. And believe me, there is a lot I should regret. I went through all the options; hiring someone to find you, searching for you myself, praying you would contact me eventually, but then I went into your cabin and found your note.”

  “I had to leave it,” Amanda whispered. “I had to. In case you ever changed your mind, I needed you to know where I had gone, at least as a starting point.”

  “When I saw that address, I knew exactly where you’d gone. I never believed you were going back to him though. Not to the man who threw you away. I thought you couldn’t. Not after what we- uh- what we’d shared.”

  “You were right.” She squeezed his hand hard. “I’m glad you didn’t think the worst and decided not to come at all. Honestly, if you hadn’t, I’m not sure where I would have gone. I would have figured it out though. I don’t just give up. That’s not an option any longer.”

  “You’re right. I’m so sorry for what I said, about you trying to trick me into having a baby. I never really thought that. It just came out and I can’t take it back.”

  “We can’t take any of it back,” Amanda assured him. “But there are far more good things than there were bad. Far, far more.” Her body heated to think of all the many good things. Of all the intimate moments that were shared between them, one soul melding with another, moments that had nothing to do with the physical connection they’d also shared.

  “You’re right, now that we created a life, this isn’t about just trying half way. If this is what you want, the cabin and- uh- well me, then I’m honored. I’ll give it everything I have to succeed, like you said. I don’t truly know anything at all other than the fact that I want you in my life and I’m willing to work for that and do whatever it takes.”

  “And the baby?”

  “Poor kid, stuck with me as a dad.” Jason’s gaze faltered. He couldn’t look her in the eye and she was reminded that they really knew so little about each other. She wondered what had happened. What in his past, made him believe he couldn’t or wouldn’t be a good father? “But I guess I can try and make that work too. Hopefully he or she doesn’t wind up hating me.”

  “Don’t all kids eventually wind up hating their parents?”

  Jason actually let a small chuckle escape his throat. “Probably.”

  “Well then. We have nothing to worry about on that count. We’ll just try as hard as we possibly can and hope for the best. I think that’s all anyone can do. Love their kids. Love them like crazy.”

  Jason swallowed hard. “That’s not a word I ever thought I’d use. I don’t even truly know what it means.”

  “It’s a lucky thing then, that maybe we can learn what it means together, because I’m not sure I’ve truly ever loved another person either. Especially not the way a parent loves their child.” Amanda swallowed hard. “It makes me want to call my mom and tell her that. That I love her. But I don’t think either of us are ready for that.”

  Jason stroked her hand gently. “One day. Babies change everything. I’ve heard that somewhere before.”

  Amanda smiled. A real, genuine smile filled with relief and hope and joy. Her heart was flooded with light. She was still afraid, afraid of the future and all that it held, but everyone was. She didn’t know a single person who had it all figured out.

  “Well if you’re willing to stick it out with me and try and make it work, then I only have one other thing you need to do.”

  One dark brow rose a fraction. “I’m almost afraid to ask.”

  “Kiss me. Right here, right now, kiss me like you well and truly mean it.”

  A slow grin spread over Jason’s face. His eyes sparkled with warmth, with life, with laughter. “That should be easy,” he chuckled. “Because I always, always mean it.”

  The End


  a sample of the series


  from the third book

  My Burning Temptation


  Melissa needed to get her mind off the divorce and Adam achieved and surpassed. They had just started dating when he had to leave the country indefinitely to assist his brother with a collapsing business in Australia. She moved on with her life, but the memories lingered and it got her thinking. What if he was the one? One bold decision later and the trip goes to Australia.

  Chapter 1

  The Land Down Under

  The seatbelt sign came back on with a prominent ‘ding,’ as the plane dipped and shuddered in the air. I sighed, locking the metal buckle into place and strapping myself into my seat. The entire journey from Tokyo to Sydney had been bumpy and a little frightening, making the 8-hour journey even more uncomfortable than it had to be. Pile that onto another 8-hour flight from New York to Tokyo, and you had one grumpy traveler.

  Now in the last hour or so of my trip, I started to focus on improving my overall mood and appearance. I definitely didn’t want to see Adam for the first time in months with greasy hair, wrinkled clothes and a bitch-face. He was probably already nervous about bringing me out here; no sense in giving him a reason to rethink his invitation.

  I stretched my muscles as well as I could in my seat, and opened up my nearly-over-the-size-limit carry-on bag to search for toiletries. I pulled out a pile of wet-wipes, concealer and lipstick, holding them in my lap until the seatbelt sign blinked off once more. As soon as I was allowed to get up, I made a break for the tiny bathroom and locked the door behind me. Unwilling to let my things touch anything in there, I held them awkwardly while wiping down my face, chest and underarms and then putting some red on my lips and cheeks.

  Blending the soft lipstick into the apples of my cheeks, I created an understated but healthy glow. I looked and smelled better, but there was nothing I could do for my hair until landing. Satisfied for now, I went back to my seat and awaited touchdown, my heart racing with anxiety. When the drink cart came through the aisle for the final time, I took a double-rum with orange juice and slugged it back.

  Funny, the things some people worry about instead of anticipating what an amazing journey they are on. Australia! I’d never been to this part of the world before, and yet my destination barely registered until I stepped into Sydney Airport. Back at home the autumn was setting in, along with cool, crisp temperatures and browning foliage. But as soon as I walked out of the temporary walkway and into the maze of airport halls, I could feel the warmth of the new city on my skin.

  I closed my eyes for a moment on the automatic walkway, breathing in deeply and allowing my nerves to settle somewhat. After making my way through an immense passport line and collecting my luggage, I took fifteen minutes to myself in the airport bathroom to wash my hair in the sink and dry it under the blower. A little product calmed the frizz and helped me twist my clean hair into a pretty, cool chignon. I changed my outfit hurriedly, donning a stretchy striped pencil skirt and a fresh white blouse before pushing my rolling luggage rack through to the reception area to meet Adam.

  The meeting place was immense and completely crowded with other travelers, but it only took me a couple of minutes to spot him. My breath
caught in my throat before I even realized it was him I was looking at.

  “Okay…” I whispered to myself, taking another deep breath. “Here we go.” I smiled and waved, aiming my trolley in his direction. It was impossible not to stare at him, even with all the nerves I was dealing with. That blonde hair, his blue eyes…muscles, visible even under his shirt sleeves. Oh, my.

  “Melissa, is that really you?” He teased me, eyes glinting, and scooped me up in a powerful hug. I gasped, inhaling his cologne and mild scent of masculine sweat. The familiar combination made me blush, memories of his naked chest at my lips. My smile grew wider.

  “I think so,” I answered meekly. He set me back down and put his hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes.

  “Are you alive after those flights? I was starting to worry you’d stayed in Tokyo to avoid the second one, I gotta tell you…I was worried when you took so long! Long customs line?”

  I sighed, nodding and smoothing my coiffed hair. “It was a bit much. Can we get out of here and get some fresh air?”

  “Sure.” His eyes hovered on mine for a moment longer while he bit his lip. “You know, I’m insanely glad that you’re here. Thank you for coming, Mel. Seriously.” He hugged me again, more softly this time, before taking my trolley in one hand and my hand in the other and leading both of us to the exit.

  “You’re welcome,” I said softly, leaning into his arm as we walked. “Thank you for asking. I’ve missed you like crazy.”

  The sun shone brightly outside, and palm trees studded the grass beyond the parking lot. The air smelled of warmth and tropical flowers that buoyed my frail mood and painted a real smile on my face. I breathed it all in while Adam filled the trunk of a taxi with my posh set of pink Chanel luggage, feeling quite lost in the sea of Oceanic accents and munchkin utility vehicles.

  Slipping into the back seat of the cab, I sank against Adam’s shoulder as he directed the driver to his brother’s house in Parramatta. I’d forgotten something…

  “Oh, wait! I turned to my companion with an excited expression. “No, not to the house!” Turning to the cab driver, I tapped him on the shoulder with a giggle. “Could you please take us to the Darling at the Star? He assented, and the car started away from the airport while Adam shot me a curious face full of raised eyebrows. I shook my head at him and made a ‘no’ sign with my hands.

  “I’ve been on planes for two days now, Adam, and I’m sorry but there’s no way I’m going directly to your brother’s house to get to work. You and I are checking into a nice hotel with a view and spending a couple of days getting to know Sydney. I don’t suppose you have any problems with that?”

  He simply shrugged. “How can I refuse?”

  Chapter 2

  Down to Business

  Though I’d never before set foot in Sydney or indeed any city in Australia, I did know how to pick a 5-star hotel from half the world away. Wasn’t that why Shelley Newton had offered me a job at her travel-planning company? We checked in, left my luggage with the porter and made a beeline for the suite; visions of the crisp, white spa bath blinding me all the way. I practically ran to the room, knowing Adam would be insanely impressed with the view of the Harbour Bridge out our windows.

  The king-size bed was actually the first thing that caught his eye, but I didn’t mind. I threw my purse on the far side of the vast, satin blanket, and before we’d even managed to shut the door we were in each other’s arms, mouths hungrily tasting one another. I remembered his taste so well: musky and tart at the same time. I loved it.

  We were both starved for each other, but I wanted a hot shower before I let him to close. Frustrated, I did the only thing that made sense and sank to my knees on the carpeted floor. Pressing my cheek into the fly of his jeans, I could feel that thick and hot organ desperate to penetrate me. I smiled and rubbed my mouth against the fabric. His cock twitched.

  I unzipped Adam’s jeans quickly, knowing that now was not the time for drawn-out teasing; we’d been apart for months and there was no time for playing around. My mouth was just pressing through the flap in his boxers when there was a sharp rap on the door we’d forgotten to close, and a horrified gasp.

  I swung my head around just in time to see the bellhop fleeing, my luggage left in a heap in the doorway. Adam and I exchanged glances. I giggled and stood up to peek around the still-open door. “Thank you!” I shouted down the hallway at the receding figure of the bellhop. He didn’t turn around, but offered a stiff wave as he kept walking. Laughing, I shut the door properly and shoved my bags forward. “Oops!”

  “Well I can definitely say that’s the first time I’ve ever been caught in the act by hotel staff!”

  “You’ll get over it,” I mumbled, already resuming.

  I gave his dick a few long licks for the sake of lubrication, and proceeded to make a ring with my lips that firmly enveloped first his head, then the entire shaft. When my face was pressed to his stomach, I swiveled my head back and forth and pushed his swollen cock to the back of my throat. He moaned, and the sound sent shivers all over my body. I longed to put a finger between my legs, but I reminded myself that this time, it was all about Adam. I wanted him to see how much I wanted to be here with him, and understand the effort I was willing to put into this relationship.

  Swirling my tongue around the length of his shaft slowly, I grasped his thick, muscular thighs before plunging his dick straight back to my throat. Sensing it was already time to get serious, I began pumping up and down, gripping my lips tightly around the circumference of Adam’s sleek, rock-hard dick. His hands pulled at my hair roughly until he finally forced my head up and down at will; a few seconds later, I felt his hot orgasm sliding down my throat while he held my mouth down at the base of his cock. He shuddered a few more times and let himself go slack before letting me come back up for air. When he did, I gasped it in, hair falling around my face haphazardly.

  Hugging his legs to my face, I shut my eyes and soaked in the moment. Now I knew for certain, this kind of ecstatic emotion wasn’t something I could have found with Frank Lehmen, no matter how much fun the two of us had had together. If I wanted true, earth-shattering love, I had to give this thing with Adam a real chance. Yes, I felt bad for Frank, but I had a feeling he had a few other women dangling on his line.

  After a moment, I crawled up onto the bed with Adam and fell promptly asleep atop the luxurious silk.

  Chapter 3

  Jet-lagged and Touristy

  I slept for hours without so much as getting under the covers. My bones and muscles ached from the long journey and my brain was far from synchronized with having gone forward in time by more than half a day. By the time I was somewhat conscious, I could barely understand what year I was in, let alone part of the day. I stumbled awkwardly into the spa bathroom, locked the door behind me, and soaked in luxurious bubbles for an hour before emerging fresh and wide-eyed. Adam was resting on the bed, hands folded behind his head as he watched an Australian comedic skit on TV.

  He smiled at the sight of me in a towel.

  “Adam, what day is it? And time?” The curtains were closed and I couldn’t possibly guess.

  He laughed. “You’ve been out for about ten hours, babe. I went and picked up some clothes and you didn’t even move. How you feeling? It’s a great time to head out for lunch, just gone past noon.” He patted the spot next to him on the bed.

  “No, I’d better not get back on that thing. I feel tingly and weird. I think I could pass for out another day if you let me. I’m going to get dressed. Is there somewhere close where we can eat?” I selected an outfit from the largest of my luggage pieces while Adam considered his options.

  “Well,” he said, watching me pull on a red mini-dress, “we can always eat at the hotel. But you want to get out and about, don’t you?” I nodded. “In which case, there’s a great burger joint nearby. Here, they like to put beets on their burgers – they call it ‘beetroot.’ What do you think?”

  “I think I sho
uld have known you’d suggest hamburgers. But I’m starving and they sound perfect.” I smoothed down the cotton of my dress and stepped into a pair of nude wedges. “Let’s go, let’s go!”

  A quick walk from our hotel, we found both the Sydney Harbour and the burger place in full view of the water. The sun was out and I couldn’t see more than one or two pure, white puffy clouds in the sky. The sunshine glistened off the surface of the sea, and a little breeze blew the fragrance of salt and crustaceans into our path. Thrilled and upbeat after my impromptu half-day nap, I smiled and grabbed Adam’s hand as we strolled along the red-brick pavement and followed the scent of grilled beef.

  We ordered steak burgers and fries (actually, ‘hot chips!’) and cold drinks, and ate at a small table outside overlooking the crowded sailboats. The marina was full of shiny, beautiful boats with their sails tied in carefully. I wondered excitedly if we might be able to rent one out sometime. The burger and fries went down in record time, giving me time to relax and digest while Adam slowly finished up his final bites.

  Admiring the view, I reached over and squeezed his hands when he’d finished his meal. “Thanks for picking me up at the airport, Adam, and letting me hijack you for a few nights in the city. I know you have plenty of work to do, so I appreciate it.”

  “Hey, Mel. You don’t have to thank me. And this was a good idea; getting to know the city a bit before getting down to work. Right?” I nodded happily. “And believe me, I’m looking forward to the alone time! Just maybe let’s be a bit more careful around my brother and his wife, hey?” He winked at me, grinning.

  Remembering the bellhop, I blushed and hid my face. “Oh my god! Yes, you’re right.” Laughing, I pursed my lips at him. “So why don’t we go for a walk while you tell me about the business? I’d like to take a tour around the harbor a little bit.”


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